blob: c73d53b09a5aa5ac9d7a881061a0831d538d0996 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/tmmb_item.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
class TMMBRSet : public std::vector<rtcp::TmmbItem>
void VerifyAndAllocateSet(uint32_t minimumSize);
void VerifyAndAllocateSetKeepingData(uint32_t minimumSize);
// Number of valid data items in set.
uint32_t lengthOfSet() const { return size(); }
// Presently allocated max size of set.
uint32_t sizeOfSet() const { return capacity(); }
void clearSet() { clear(); }
uint32_t Tmmbr(int i) const {
return (*this)[i].bitrate_bps() / 1000;
uint32_t PacketOH(int i) const {
return (*this)[i].packet_overhead();
uint32_t Ssrc(int i) const {
return (*this)[i].ssrc();
void SetEntry(unsigned int i,
uint32_t tmmbrSet,
uint32_t packetOHSet,
uint32_t ssrcSet);
void AddEntry(uint32_t tmmbrSet,
uint32_t packetOHSet,
uint32_t ssrcSet);
// Remove one entry from table, and move all others down.
void RemoveEntry(uint32_t sourceIdx);
void SwapEntries(uint32_t firstIdx,
uint32_t secondIdx);
// Set entry data to zero, but keep it in table.
void ClearEntry(uint32_t idx);
class TMMBRHelp
virtual ~TMMBRHelp();
TMMBRSet* BoundingSet(); // used for debuging
TMMBRSet* CandidateSet();
TMMBRSet* BoundingSetToSend();
TMMBRSet* VerifyAndAllocateCandidateSet(const uint32_t minimumSize);
int32_t FindTMMBRBoundingSet(TMMBRSet*& boundingSet);
int32_t SetTMMBRBoundingSetToSend(const TMMBRSet* boundingSetToSend);
bool IsOwner(const uint32_t ssrc, const uint32_t length) const;
bool CalcMinBitRate(uint32_t* minBitrateKbit) const;
TMMBRSet* VerifyAndAllocateBoundingSet(uint32_t minimumSize);
int32_t VerifyAndAllocateBoundingSetToSend(uint32_t minimumSize);
int32_t FindTMMBRBoundingSet(int32_t numCandidates, TMMBRSet& candidateSet);
rtc::CriticalSection _criticalSection;
TMMBRSet _candidateSet;
TMMBRSet _boundingSet;
TMMBRSet _boundingSetToSend;
float* _ptrIntersectionBoundingSet;
float* _ptrMaxPRBoundingSet;
} // namespace webrtc