blob: f81535c84d284ac0442d3a652f4414be69a7a8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/decision_logic.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/packet_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_parser.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
constexpr int kPostponeDecodingLevel = 50;
constexpr int kDefaultTargetLevelWindowMs = 100;
constexpr int kDecelerationTargetLevelOffsetMs = 85;
std::unique_ptr<DelayManager> CreateDelayManager(
const NetEqController::Config& neteq_config) {
DelayManager::Config config;
config.max_packets_in_buffer = neteq_config.max_packets_in_buffer;
config.base_minimum_delay_ms = neteq_config.base_min_delay_ms;
return std::make_unique<DelayManager>(config, neteq_config.tick_timer);
bool IsExpand(NetEq::Mode mode) {
return mode == NetEq::Mode::kExpand || mode == NetEq::Mode::kCodecPlc;
} // namespace
DecisionLogic::DecisionLogic(NetEqController::Config config)
: DecisionLogic(config,
std::make_unique<BufferLevelFilter>()) {}
NetEqController::Config config,
std::unique_ptr<DelayManager> delay_manager,
std::unique_ptr<BufferLevelFilter> buffer_level_filter)
: delay_manager_(std::move(delay_manager)),
tick_timer_->GetNewCountdown(kMinTimescaleInterval + 1)),
absl::nullopt) {
const std::string field_trial_name =
ParseFieldTrial({&target_level_window_ms_}, field_trial_name);
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "NetEq decision logic settings:"
<< " target_level_window_ms=" << target_level_window_ms_;
DecisionLogic::~DecisionLogic() = default;
void DecisionLogic::Reset() {
cng_state_ = kCngOff;
noise_fast_forward_ = 0;
packet_length_samples_ = 0;
sample_memory_ = 0;
prev_time_scale_ = false;
last_pack_cng_or_dtmf_ = true;
num_consecutive_expands_ = 0;
time_stretched_cn_samples_ = 0;
void DecisionLogic::SoftReset() {
packet_length_samples_ = 0;
sample_memory_ = 0;
prev_time_scale_ = false;
last_pack_cng_or_dtmf_ = true;
timescale_countdown_ =
tick_timer_->GetNewCountdown(kMinTimescaleInterval + 1);
time_stretched_cn_samples_ = 0;
void DecisionLogic::SetSampleRate(int fs_hz, size_t output_size_samples) {
// TODO(hlundin): Change to an enumerator and skip assert.
RTC_DCHECK(fs_hz == 8000 || fs_hz == 16000 || fs_hz == 32000 ||
fs_hz == 48000);
sample_rate_ = fs_hz;
output_size_samples_ = output_size_samples;
NetEq::Operation DecisionLogic::GetDecision(const NetEqStatus& status,
bool* reset_decoder) {
// If last mode was CNG (or Expand, since this could be covering up for
// a lost CNG packet), remember that CNG is on. This is needed if comfort
// noise is interrupted by DTMF.
if (status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kRfc3389Cng) {
cng_state_ = kCngRfc3389On;
} else if (status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kCodecInternalCng) {
cng_state_ = kCngInternalOn;
if (IsExpand(status.last_mode)) {
} else {
num_consecutive_expands_ = 0;
prev_time_scale_ =
prev_time_scale_ &&
(status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kAccelerateSuccess ||
status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kAccelerateLowEnergy ||
status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kPreemptiveExpandSuccess ||
status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kPreemptiveExpandLowEnergy);
// Do not update buffer history if currently playing CNG since it will bias
// the filtered buffer level.
if (status.last_mode != NetEq::Mode::kRfc3389Cng &&
status.last_mode != NetEq::Mode::kCodecInternalCng) {
// Guard for errors, to avoid getting stuck in error mode.
if (status.last_mode == NetEq::Mode::kError) {
if (!status.next_packet) {
return NetEq::Operation::kExpand;
} else {
// Use kUndefined to flag for a reset.
return NetEq::Operation::kUndefined;
if (status.next_packet && status.next_packet->is_cng) {
return CngOperation(status.last_mode, status.target_timestamp,
// Handle the case with no packet at all available (except maybe DTMF).
if (!status.next_packet) {
return NoPacket(status.play_dtmf);
// If the expand period was very long, reset NetEQ since it is likely that the
// sender was restarted.
if (num_consecutive_expands_ > kReinitAfterExpands) {
*reset_decoder = true;
return NetEq::Operation::kNormal;
// Make sure we don't restart audio too soon after an expansion to avoid
// running out of data right away again. We should only wait if there are no
// DTX or CNG packets in the buffer (otherwise we should just play out what we
// have, since we cannot know the exact duration of DTX or CNG packets), and
// if the mute factor is low enough (otherwise the expansion was short enough
// to not be noticable).
// Note that the MuteFactor is in Q14, so a value of 16384 corresponds to 1.
const int target_level_samples =
delay_manager_->TargetDelayMs() * sample_rate_ / 1000;
if (IsExpand(status.last_mode) && status.expand_mutefactor < 16384 / 2 &&
status.packet_buffer_info.span_samples <
static_cast<size_t>(target_level_samples * kPostponeDecodingLevel /
100) &&
!status.packet_buffer_info.dtx_or_cng) {
return NetEq::Operation::kExpand;
const uint32_t five_seconds_samples = static_cast<uint32_t>(5 * sample_rate_);
// Check if the required packet is available.
if (status.target_timestamp == status.next_packet->timestamp) {
return ExpectedPacketAvailable(status.last_mode, status.play_dtmf);
} else if (!PacketBuffer::IsObsoleteTimestamp(status.next_packet->timestamp,
five_seconds_samples)) {
return FuturePacketAvailable(
status.last_packet_samples, status.last_mode, status.target_timestamp,
status.next_packet->timestamp, status.play_dtmf,
status.generated_noise_samples, status.packet_buffer_info.span_samples,
} else {
// This implies that available_timestamp < target_timestamp, which can
// happen when a new stream or codec is received. Signal for a reset.
return NetEq::Operation::kUndefined;
void DecisionLogic::NotifyMutedState() {
absl::optional<int> DecisionLogic::PacketArrived(
int fs_hz,
bool should_update_stats,
const PacketArrivedInfo& info) {
buffer_flush_ = buffer_flush_ || info.buffer_flush;
if (info.is_cng_or_dtmf) {
last_pack_cng_or_dtmf_ = true;
return absl::nullopt;
if (!should_update_stats) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (info.packet_length_samples > 0 && fs_hz > 0 &&
info.packet_length_samples != packet_length_samples_) {
packet_length_samples_ = info.packet_length_samples;
delay_manager_->SetPacketAudioLength(packet_length_samples_ * 1000 / fs_hz);
auto relative_delay = delay_manager_->Update(
info.main_timestamp, fs_hz, /*reset=*/last_pack_cng_or_dtmf_);
last_pack_cng_or_dtmf_ = false;
return relative_delay;
void DecisionLogic::FilterBufferLevel(size_t buffer_size_samples) {
int time_stretched_samples = time_stretched_cn_samples_;
if (prev_time_scale_) {
time_stretched_samples += sample_memory_;
timescale_countdown_ = tick_timer_->GetNewCountdown(kMinTimescaleInterval);
if (buffer_flush_) {
buffer_flush_ = false;
} else {
buffer_level_filter_->Update(buffer_size_samples, time_stretched_samples);
prev_time_scale_ = false;
time_stretched_cn_samples_ = 0;
NetEq::Operation DecisionLogic::CngOperation(NetEq::Mode prev_mode,
uint32_t target_timestamp,
uint32_t available_timestamp,
size_t generated_noise_samples) {
// Signed difference between target and available timestamp.
int32_t timestamp_diff = static_cast<int32_t>(
static_cast<uint32_t>(generated_noise_samples + target_timestamp) -
int optimal_level_samp =
delay_manager_->TargetDelayMs() * sample_rate_ / 1000;
const int64_t excess_waiting_time_samp =
-static_cast<int64_t>(timestamp_diff) - optimal_level_samp;
if (excess_waiting_time_samp > optimal_level_samp / 2) {
// The waiting time for this packet will be longer than 1.5
// times the wanted buffer delay. Apply fast-forward to cut the
// waiting time down to the optimal.
noise_fast_forward_ = rtc::saturated_cast<size_t>(noise_fast_forward_ +
timestamp_diff =
rtc::saturated_cast<int32_t>(timestamp_diff + excess_waiting_time_samp);
if (timestamp_diff < 0 && prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kRfc3389Cng) {
// Not time to play this packet yet. Wait another round before using this
// packet. Keep on playing CNG from previous CNG parameters.
return NetEq::Operation::kRfc3389CngNoPacket;
} else {
// Otherwise, go for the CNG packet now.
noise_fast_forward_ = 0;
return NetEq::Operation::kRfc3389Cng;
NetEq::Operation DecisionLogic::NoPacket(bool play_dtmf) {
if (cng_state_ == kCngRfc3389On) {
// Keep on playing comfort noise.
return NetEq::Operation::kRfc3389CngNoPacket;
} else if (cng_state_ == kCngInternalOn) {
// Keep on playing codec internal comfort noise.
return NetEq::Operation::kCodecInternalCng;
} else if (play_dtmf) {
return NetEq::Operation::kDtmf;
} else {
// Nothing to play, do expand.
return NetEq::Operation::kExpand;
NetEq::Operation DecisionLogic::ExpectedPacketAvailable(NetEq::Mode prev_mode,
bool play_dtmf) {
if (!disallow_time_stretching_ && prev_mode != NetEq::Mode::kExpand &&
!play_dtmf) {
const int samples_per_ms = sample_rate_ / 1000;
const int target_level_samples =
delay_manager_->TargetDelayMs() * samples_per_ms;
const int low_limit =
std::max(target_level_samples * 3 / 4,
target_level_samples -
kDecelerationTargetLevelOffsetMs * samples_per_ms);
// `higher_limit` is equal to `target_level`, but should at
// least be 20 ms higher than `lower_limit`.
const int high_limit =
std::max(target_level_samples, low_limit + 20 * samples_per_ms);
const int buffer_level_samples =
if (buffer_level_samples >= high_limit << 2)
return NetEq::Operation::kFastAccelerate;
if (TimescaleAllowed()) {
if (buffer_level_samples >= high_limit)
return NetEq::Operation::kAccelerate;
if (buffer_level_samples < low_limit)
return NetEq::Operation::kPreemptiveExpand;
return NetEq::Operation::kNormal;
NetEq::Operation DecisionLogic::FuturePacketAvailable(
size_t decoder_frame_length,
NetEq::Mode prev_mode,
uint32_t target_timestamp,
uint32_t available_timestamp,
bool play_dtmf,
size_t generated_noise_samples,
size_t span_samples_in_packet_buffer,
size_t num_packets_in_packet_buffer) {
// Required packet is not available, but a future packet is.
// Check if we should continue with an ongoing expand because the new packet
// is too far into the future.
uint32_t timestamp_leap = available_timestamp - target_timestamp;
if (IsExpand(prev_mode) && !ReinitAfterExpands(timestamp_leap) &&
!MaxWaitForPacket() && PacketTooEarly(timestamp_leap) &&
UnderTargetLevel()) {
if (play_dtmf) {
// Still have DTMF to play, so do not do expand.
return NetEq::Operation::kDtmf;
} else {
// Nothing to play.
return NetEq::Operation::kExpand;
if (prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kCodecPlc) {
return NetEq::Operation::kNormal;
// If previous was comfort noise, then no merge is needed.
if (prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kRfc3389Cng ||
prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kCodecInternalCng) {
const size_t target_level_samples =
delay_manager_->TargetDelayMs() * sample_rate_ / 1000;
const bool generated_enough_noise =
static_cast<uint32_t>(generated_noise_samples + target_timestamp) >=
const size_t target_threshold_samples =
target_level_window_ms_ / 2 * (sample_rate_ / 1000);
const bool above_target_window =
span_samples_in_packet_buffer >
target_level_samples + target_threshold_samples;
const bool below_target_window =
target_level_samples > target_threshold_samples &&
span_samples_in_packet_buffer <
target_level_samples - target_threshold_samples;
// Keep the delay same as before CNG, but make sure that it is within the
// target window.
if ((generated_enough_noise && !below_target_window) ||
above_target_window) {
time_stretched_cn_samples_ = timestamp_leap - generated_noise_samples;
return NetEq::Operation::kNormal;
// Too early to play this new packet; keep on playing comfort noise.
if (prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kRfc3389Cng) {
return NetEq::Operation::kRfc3389CngNoPacket;
// prevPlayMode == kModeCodecInternalCng.
return NetEq::Operation::kCodecInternalCng;
// Do not merge unless we have done an expand before.
if (prev_mode == NetEq::Mode::kExpand) {
return NetEq::Operation::kMerge;
} else if (play_dtmf) {
// Play DTMF instead of expand.
return NetEq::Operation::kDtmf;
} else {
return NetEq::Operation::kExpand;
bool DecisionLogic::UnderTargetLevel() const {
return buffer_level_filter_->filtered_current_level() <
delay_manager_->TargetDelayMs() * sample_rate_ / 1000;
bool DecisionLogic::ReinitAfterExpands(uint32_t timestamp_leap) const {
return timestamp_leap >=
static_cast<uint32_t>(output_size_samples_ * kReinitAfterExpands);
bool DecisionLogic::PacketTooEarly(uint32_t timestamp_leap) const {
return timestamp_leap >
static_cast<uint32_t>(output_size_samples_ * num_consecutive_expands_);
bool DecisionLogic::MaxWaitForPacket() const {
return num_consecutive_expands_ >= kMaxWaitForPacket;
} // namespace webrtc