blob: 2b96634dbd325c09cdc9be0ba6ef0fcad679e7d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/common_video/interface/i420_video_frame.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/ref_count.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_refptr.h"
namespace webrtc {
bool EqualPlane(const uint8_t* data1,
const uint8_t* data2,
int stride,
int width,
int height);
bool EqualFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1, const I420VideoFrame& frame2);
int ExpectedSize(int plane_stride, int image_height, PlaneType type);
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, InitialValues) {
I420VideoFrame frame;
// Invalid arguments - one call for each variable.
EXPECT_EQ(kVideoRotation_0, frame.rotation());
EXPECT_EQ(-1, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(0, 10, 10, 14, 14));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, -1, 10, 90, 14));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 0, 14, 18));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 10, -2, 13));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 10, 14, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 10, 14, 90));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, WidthHeightValues) {
I420VideoFrame frame;
const int valid_value = 10;
const int invalid_value = -1;
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame.CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 10, 14, 90));
EXPECT_EQ(valid_value, frame.width());
EXPECT_EQ(invalid_value, frame.set_width(invalid_value));
EXPECT_EQ(valid_value, frame.height());
EXPECT_EQ(valid_value, frame.height());
EXPECT_EQ(invalid_value, frame.set_height(0));
EXPECT_EQ(valid_value, frame.height());
EXPECT_EQ(123u, frame.timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(456, frame.ntp_time_ms());
EXPECT_EQ(789, frame.render_time_ms());
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, SizeAllocation) {
I420VideoFrame frame;
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame. CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 12, 14, 220));
int height = frame.height();
int stride_y = frame.stride(kYPlane);
int stride_u = frame.stride(kUPlane);
int stride_v = frame.stride(kVPlane);
// Verify that allocated size was computed correctly.
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedSize(stride_y, height, kYPlane),
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedSize(stride_u, height, kUPlane),
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedSize(stride_v, height, kVPlane),
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, ResetSize) {
I420VideoFrame frame;
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame. CreateEmptyFrame(10, 10, 12, 14, 220));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, CopyFrame) {
uint32_t timestamp = 1;
int64_t ntp_time_ms = 2;
int64_t render_time_ms = 3;
int stride_y = 15;
int stride_u = 10;
int stride_v = 10;
int width = 15;
int height = 15;
// Copy frame.
I420VideoFrame small_frame;
EXPECT_EQ(0, small_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height,
stride_y, stride_u, stride_v));
const int kSizeY = 400;
const int kSizeU = 100;
const int kSizeV = 100;
const VideoRotation kRotation = kVideoRotation_270;
uint8_t buffer_y[kSizeY];
uint8_t buffer_u[kSizeU];
uint8_t buffer_v[kSizeV];
memset(buffer_y, 16, kSizeY);
memset(buffer_u, 8, kSizeU);
memset(buffer_v, 4, kSizeV);
I420VideoFrame big_frame;
big_frame.CreateFrame(kSizeY, buffer_y, kSizeU, buffer_u, kSizeV,
buffer_v, width + 5, height + 5, stride_y + 5,
stride_u, stride_v, kRotation));
// Frame of smaller dimensions.
EXPECT_EQ(0, small_frame.CopyFrame(big_frame));
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFrames(small_frame, big_frame));
EXPECT_EQ(kRotation, small_frame.rotation());
// Frame of larger dimensions.
EXPECT_EQ(0, small_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height,
stride_y, stride_u, stride_v));
EXPECT_EQ(0, big_frame.CopyFrame(small_frame));
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFrames(small_frame, big_frame));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, CloneFrame) {
I420VideoFrame frame1;
rtc::scoped_ptr<I420VideoFrame> frame2;
const int kSizeY = 400;
const int kSizeU = 100;
const int kSizeV = 100;
uint8_t buffer_y[kSizeY];
uint8_t buffer_u[kSizeU];
uint8_t buffer_v[kSizeV];
memset(buffer_y, 16, kSizeY);
memset(buffer_u, 8, kSizeU);
memset(buffer_v, 4, kSizeV);
kSizeY, buffer_y, kSizeU, buffer_u, kSizeV, buffer_v, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10);
EXPECT_TRUE(frame2.get() != NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFrames(frame1, *frame2));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, CopyBuffer) {
I420VideoFrame frame1, frame2;
int width = 15;
int height = 15;
int stride_y = 15;
int stride_uv = 10;
const int kSizeY = 225;
const int kSizeUv = 80;
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame2.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height,
stride_y, stride_uv, stride_uv));
uint8_t buffer_y[kSizeY];
uint8_t buffer_u[kSizeUv];
uint8_t buffer_v[kSizeUv];
memset(buffer_y, 16, kSizeY);
memset(buffer_u, 8, kSizeUv);
memset(buffer_v, 4, kSizeUv);
frame2.CreateFrame(kSizeY, buffer_y,
kSizeUv, buffer_u,
kSizeUv, buffer_v,
width, height, stride_y, stride_uv, stride_uv);
// Expect exactly the same pixel data.
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualPlane(buffer_y, frame2.buffer(kYPlane), stride_y, 15, 15));
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualPlane(buffer_u, frame2.buffer(kUPlane), stride_uv, 8, 8));
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualPlane(buffer_v, frame2.buffer(kVPlane), stride_uv, 8, 8));
// Compare size.
EXPECT_LE(kSizeY, frame2.allocated_size(kYPlane));
EXPECT_LE(kSizeUv, frame2.allocated_size(kUPlane));
EXPECT_LE(kSizeUv, frame2.allocated_size(kVPlane));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, FrameSwap) {
I420VideoFrame frame1, frame2;
uint32_t timestamp1 = 1;
int64_t ntp_time_ms1 = 2;
int64_t render_time_ms1 = 3;
int stride_y1 = 15;
int stride_u1 = 10;
int stride_v1 = 10;
int width1 = 15;
int height1 = 15;
const int kSizeY1 = 225;
const int kSizeU1 = 80;
const int kSizeV1 = 80;
uint32_t timestamp2 = 4;
int64_t ntp_time_ms2 = 5;
int64_t render_time_ms2 = 6;
int stride_y2 = 30;
int stride_u2 = 20;
int stride_v2 = 20;
int width2 = 30;
int height2 = 30;
const int kSizeY2 = 900;
const int kSizeU2 = 300;
const int kSizeV2 = 300;
// Initialize frame1 values.
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame1.CreateEmptyFrame(width1, height1,
stride_y1, stride_u1, stride_v1));
// Set memory for frame1.
uint8_t buffer_y1[kSizeY1];
uint8_t buffer_u1[kSizeU1];
uint8_t buffer_v1[kSizeV1];
memset(buffer_y1, 2, kSizeY1);
memset(buffer_u1, 4, kSizeU1);
memset(buffer_v1, 8, kSizeV1);
frame1.CreateFrame(kSizeY1, buffer_y1,
kSizeU1, buffer_u1,
kSizeV1, buffer_v1,
width1, height1, stride_y1, stride_u1, stride_v1);
// Initialize frame2 values.
EXPECT_EQ(0, frame2.CreateEmptyFrame(width2, height2,
stride_y2, stride_u2, stride_v2));
// Set memory for frame2.
uint8_t buffer_y2[kSizeY2];
uint8_t buffer_u2[kSizeU2];
uint8_t buffer_v2[kSizeV2];
memset(buffer_y2, 0, kSizeY2);
memset(buffer_u2, 1, kSizeU2);
memset(buffer_v2, 2, kSizeV2);
frame2.CreateFrame(kSizeY2, buffer_y2,
kSizeU2, buffer_u2,
kSizeV2, buffer_v2,
width2, height2, stride_y2, stride_u2, stride_v2);
// Copy frames for subsequent comparison.
I420VideoFrame frame1_copy, frame2_copy;
// Swap frames.
// Verify swap.
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFrames(frame1_copy, frame2));
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFrames(frame2_copy, frame1));
TEST(TestI420VideoFrame, RefCountedInstantiation) {
// Refcounted instantiation - ref_count should correspond to the number of
// instances.
scoped_refptr<I420VideoFrame> ref_count_frame(
new RefCountImpl<I420VideoFrame>());
EXPECT_EQ(2, ref_count_frame->AddRef());
EXPECT_EQ(3, ref_count_frame->AddRef());
EXPECT_EQ(2, ref_count_frame->Release());
EXPECT_EQ(1, ref_count_frame->Release());
bool EqualPlane(const uint8_t* data1,
const uint8_t* data2,
int stride,
int width,
int height) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (memcmp(data1, data2, width) != 0)
return false;
data1 += stride;
data2 += stride;
return true;
bool EqualFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1, const I420VideoFrame& frame2) {
if ((frame1.width() != frame2.width()) ||
(frame1.height() != frame2.height()) ||
(frame1.stride(kYPlane) != frame2.stride(kYPlane)) ||
(frame1.stride(kUPlane) != frame2.stride(kUPlane)) ||
(frame1.stride(kVPlane) != frame2.stride(kVPlane)) ||
(frame1.timestamp() != frame2.timestamp()) ||
(frame1.ntp_time_ms() != frame2.ntp_time_ms()) ||
(frame1.render_time_ms() != frame2.render_time_ms())) {
return false;
const int half_width = (frame1.width() + 1) / 2;
const int half_height = (frame1.height() + 1) / 2;
return EqualPlane(frame1.buffer(kYPlane), frame2.buffer(kYPlane),
frame1.stride(kYPlane), frame1.width(), frame1.height()) &&
EqualPlane(frame1.buffer(kUPlane), frame2.buffer(kUPlane),
frame1.stride(kUPlane), half_width, half_height) &&
EqualPlane(frame1.buffer(kVPlane), frame2.buffer(kVPlane),
frame1.stride(kVPlane), half_width, half_height);
int ExpectedSize(int plane_stride, int image_height, PlaneType type) {
if (type == kYPlane) {
return (plane_stride * image_height);
} else {
int half_height = (image_height + 1) / 2;
return (plane_stride * half_height);
} // namespace webrtc