blob: d264b0111f8ee1911f93664079569cd5802a5e7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_decoder.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_encoder.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_common_defs.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/interface/neteq.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/rw_lock_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
// forward declaration
struct WebRtcVadInst;
struct WebRtcCngEncInst;
namespace webrtc {
struct WebRtcACMCodecParams;
struct CodecInst;
namespace acm2 {
// forward declaration
class AcmReceiver;
// Proxy for AudioDecoder
class AudioDecoderProxy final : public AudioDecoder {
void SetDecoder(AudioDecoder* decoder);
bool IsSet() const;
int Decode(const uint8_t* encoded,
size_t encoded_len,
int sample_rate_hz,
int16_t* decoded,
SpeechType* speech_type) override;
int DecodeRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
size_t encoded_len,
int sample_rate_hz,
int16_t* decoded,
SpeechType* speech_type) override;
bool HasDecodePlc() const override;
int DecodePlc(int num_frames, int16_t* decoded) override;
int Init() override;
int IncomingPacket(const uint8_t* payload,
size_t payload_len,
uint16_t rtp_sequence_number,
uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
uint32_t arrival_timestamp) override;
int ErrorCode() override;
int PacketDuration(const uint8_t* encoded, size_t encoded_len) const override;
int PacketDurationRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
size_t encoded_len) const override;
bool PacketHasFec(const uint8_t* encoded, size_t encoded_len) const override;
CNG_dec_inst* CngDecoderInstance() override;
rtc::scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> decoder_lock_;
AudioDecoder* decoder_ GUARDED_BY(decoder_lock_);
class ACMGenericCodec {
ACMGenericCodec(const CodecInst& codec_inst,
int cng_pt_nb,
int cng_pt_wb,
int cng_pt_swb,
int cng_pt_fb,
bool enable_red,
int red_payload_type);
// ACMGenericCodec* CreateInstance();
// The function will be used for FEC. It is not implemented yet.
ACMGenericCodec* CreateInstance();
// int16_t Encode()
// The function is called to perform an encoding of the audio stored in
// audio buffer. An encoding is performed only if enough audio, i.e. equal
// to the frame-size of the codec, exist. The audio frame will be processed
// by VAD and CN/DTX if required. There are few different cases.
// A) Neither VAD nor DTX is active; the frame is encoded by the encoder.
// B) VAD is enabled but not DTX; in this case the audio is processed by VAD
// and encoded by the encoder. The "*encoding_type" will be either
// "kActiveNormalEncode" or "kPassiveNormalEncode" if frame is active or
// passive, respectively.
// C) DTX is enabled; if the codec has internal VAD/DTX we just encode the
// frame by the encoder. Otherwise, the frame is passed through VAD and
// if identified as passive, then it will be processed by CN/DTX. If the
// frame is active it will be encoded by the encoder.
// This function acquires the appropriate locks and calls EncodeSafe() for
// the actual processing.
// Outputs:
// -bitstream : a buffer where bit-stream will be written to.
// -bitstream_len_byte : contains the length of the bit-stream in
// bytes.
// -timestamp : contains the RTP timestamp, this is the
// sampling time of the first sample encoded
// (measured in number of samples).
// -encoding_type : contains the type of encoding applied on the
// audio samples. The alternatives are
// (c.f. acm_common_types.h)
// -kNoEncoding:
// there was not enough data to encode. or
// some error has happened that we could
// not do encoding.
// -kActiveNormalEncoded:
// the audio frame is active and encoded by
// the given codec.
// -kPassiveNormalEncoded:
// the audio frame is passive but coded with
// the given codec (NO DTX).
// -kPassiveDTXWB:
// The audio frame is passive and used
// wide-band CN to encode.
// -kPassiveDTXNB:
// The audio frame is passive and used
// narrow-band CN to encode.
// Return value:
// -1 if error is occurred, otherwise the length of the bit-stream in
// bytes.
int16_t Encode(uint8_t* bitstream,
int16_t* bitstream_len_byte,
uint32_t* timestamp,
WebRtcACMEncodingType* encoding_type,
AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo* encoded_info);
// bool EncoderInitialized();
// Return value:
// True if the encoder is successfully initialized,
// false otherwise.
bool EncoderInitialized();
// int16_t EncoderParams()
// It is called to get encoder parameters. It will call
// EncoderParamsSafe() in turn.
// Output:
// -enc_params : a buffer where the encoder parameters is
// written to. If the encoder is not
// initialized this buffer is filled with
// invalid values
// Return value:
// -1 if the encoder is not initialized,
// 0 otherwise.
int16_t EncoderParams(WebRtcACMCodecParams* enc_params);
// int16_t InitEncoder(...)
// This function is called to initialize the encoder with the given
// parameters.
// Input:
// -codec_params : parameters of encoder.
// -force_initialization: if false the initialization is invoked only if
// the encoder is not initialized. If true the
// encoder is forced to (re)initialize.
// Return value:
// 0 if could initialize successfully,
// -1 if failed to initialize.
int16_t InitEncoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codec_params,
bool force_initialization);
// int32_t Add10MsData(...)
// This function is called to add 10 ms of audio to the audio buffer of
// the codec.
// Inputs:
// -timestamp : the timestamp of the 10 ms audio. the timestamp
// is the sampling time of the
// first sample measured in number of samples.
// -data : a buffer that contains the audio. The codec
// expects to get the audio in correct sampling
// frequency
// -length : the length of the audio buffer
// -audio_channel : 0 for mono, 1 for stereo (not supported yet)
// Return values:
// -1 if failed
// 0 otherwise.
int32_t Add10MsData(const uint32_t timestamp,
const int16_t* data,
const uint16_t length,
const uint8_t audio_channel);
// uint32_t NoMissedSamples()
// This function returns the number of samples which are overwritten in
// the audio buffer. The audio samples are overwritten if the input audio
// buffer is full, but Add10MsData() is called. (We might remove this
// function if it is not used)
// Return Value:
// Number of samples which are overwritten.
uint32_t NoMissedSamples() const;
// void ResetNoMissedSamples()
// This function resets the number of overwritten samples to zero.
// (We might remove this function if we remove NoMissedSamples())
void ResetNoMissedSamples();
// int16_t SetBitRate()
// The function is called to set the encoding rate.
// Input:
// -bitrate_bps : encoding rate in bits per second
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the rate, due to invalid input or given
// codec is not rate-adjustable.
// 0 if the rate is adjusted successfully
int16_t SetBitRate(const int32_t bitrate_bps);
// uint32_t EarliestTimestamp()
// Returns the timestamp of the first 10 ms in audio buffer. This is used
// to identify if a synchronization of two encoders is required.
// Return value:
// timestamp of the first 10 ms audio in the audio buffer.
uint32_t EarliestTimestamp() const;
// int16_t SetVAD()
// This is called to set VAD & DTX. If the codec has internal DTX, it will
// be used. If DTX is enabled and the codec does not have internal DTX,
// WebRtc-VAD will be used to decide if the frame is active. If DTX is
// disabled but VAD is enabled, the audio is passed through VAD to label it
// as active or passive, but the frame is encoded normally. However the
// bit-stream is labeled properly so that ACM::Process() can use this
// information. In case of failure, the previous states of the VAD & DTX
// are kept.
// Inputs/Output:
// -enable_dtx : if true DTX will be enabled otherwise the DTX is
// disabled. If codec has internal DTX that will be
// used, otherwise WebRtc-CNG is used. In the latter
// case VAD is automatically activated.
// -enable_vad : if true WebRtc-VAD is enabled, otherwise VAD is
// disabled, except for the case that DTX is enabled
// but codec doesn't have internal DTX. In this case
// VAD is enabled regardless of the value of
// |enable_vad|.
// -mode : this specifies the aggressiveness of VAD.
// Return value
// -1 if failed to set DTX & VAD as specified,
// 0 if succeeded.
int16_t SetVAD(bool* enable_dtx, bool* enable_vad, ACMVADMode* mode);
// Registers comfort noise at |sample_rate_hz| to use |payload_type|.
void SetCngPt(int sample_rate_hz, int payload_type);
// UpdateEncoderSampFreq()
// Call this function to update the encoder sampling frequency. This
// is for codecs where one payload-name supports several encoder sampling
// frequencies. Otherwise, to change the sampling frequency we need to
// register new codec. ACM will consider that as registration of a new
// codec, not a change in parameter. For iSAC, switching from WB to SWB
// is treated as a change in parameter. Therefore, we need this function.
// Input:
// -samp_freq_hz : encoder sampling frequency.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed, or if this is meaningless for the given codec.
// 0 if succeeded.
int16_t UpdateEncoderSampFreq(uint16_t samp_freq_hz)
// EncoderSampFreq()
// Get the sampling frequency that the encoder (WebRtc wrapper) expects.
// Output:
// -samp_freq_hz : sampling frequency, in Hertz, which the encoder
// should be fed with.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to output sampling rate.
// 0 if the sample rate is returned successfully.
int16_t EncoderSampFreq(uint16_t* samp_freq_hz)
// SetISACMaxPayloadSize()
// Set the maximum payload size of iSAC packets. No iSAC payload,
// regardless of its frame-size, may exceed the given limit. For
// an iSAC payload of size B bits and frame-size T sec we have;
// (B < max_payload_len_bytes * 8) and (B/T < max_rate_bit_per_sec), c.f.
// SetISACMaxRate().
// Input:
// -max_payload_len_bytes : maximum payload size in bytes.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the maximum payload-size.
// 0 if the given length is set successfully.
int32_t SetISACMaxPayloadSize(const uint16_t max_payload_len_bytes);
// SetISACMaxRate()
// Set the maximum instantaneous rate of iSAC. For a payload of B bits
// with a frame-size of T sec the instantaneous rate is B/T bits per
// second. Therefore, (B/T < max_rate_bit_per_sec) and
// (B < max_payload_len_bytes * 8) are always satisfied for iSAC payloads,
// c.f SetISACMaxPayloadSize().
// Input:
// -max_rate_bps : maximum instantaneous bit-rate given in bits/sec.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed to set the maximum rate.
// 0 if the maximum rate is set successfully.
int32_t SetISACMaxRate(const uint32_t max_rate_bps);
// int SetOpusApplication()
// Sets the intended application for the Opus encoder. Opus uses this to
// optimize the encoding for applications like VOIP and music.
// Input:
// - application : intended application.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed or on codecs other than Opus.
// 0 if succeeded.
int SetOpusApplication(OpusApplicationMode /*application*/);
// int SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate()
// Sets maximum playback rate the receiver will render, if the codec is Opus.
// This is to tell Opus that it is enough to code the input audio up to a
// bandwidth. Opus can take this information to optimize the bit rate and
// increase the computation efficiency.
// Input:
// -frequency_hz : maximum playback rate in Hz.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed or on codecs other than Opus
// 0 if succeeded.
int SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(int /* frequency_hz */);
// HasFrameToEncode()
// Returns true if there is enough audio buffered for encoding, such that
// calling Encode() will return a payload.
bool HasFrameToEncode() const;
// Returns a pointer to the AudioDecoder part of a joint encoder-decoder
// object, if it exists. Otherwise, nullptr is returned.
AudioDecoder* Decoder();
// bool HasInternalFEC()
// Used to check if the codec has internal FEC.
// Return value:
// true if the codec has an internal FEC, e.g. Opus.
// false otherwise.
bool HasInternalFEC() const {
ReadLockScoped rl(codec_wrapper_lock_);
return has_internal_fec_;
// int SetFEC();
// Sets the codec internal FEC. No effects on codecs that do not provide
// internal FEC.
// Input:
// -enable_fec : if true FEC will be enabled otherwise the FEC is
// disabled.
// Return value:
// -1 if failed,
// 0 if succeeded.
int SetFEC(bool enable_fec);
// int SetPacketLossRate()
// Sets expected packet loss rate for encoding. Some encoders provide packet
// loss gnostic encoding to make stream less sensitive to packet losses,
// through e.g., FEC. No effects on codecs that do not provide such encoding.
// Input:
// -loss_rate : expected packet loss rate (0 -- 100 inclusive).
// Return value:
// -1 if failed,
// 0 if succeeded or packet loss rate is ignored.
int SetPacketLossRate(int /* loss_rate */);
// Sets if CopyRed should be enabled.
void EnableCopyRed(bool enable, int red_payload_type);
// This method is only for testing.
const AudioEncoder* GetAudioEncoder() const;
bool has_internal_fec_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool copy_red_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
WebRtcACMCodecParams encoder_params_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// Used to lock wrapper internal data
// such as buffers and state variables.
RWLockWrapper& codec_wrapper_lock_;
uint32_t last_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint32_t unique_id_;
void ResetAudioEncoder() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
OpusApplicationMode GetOpusApplication(int num_channels) const
rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioEncoder> audio_encoder_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioEncoder> cng_encoder_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioEncoder> red_encoder_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
AudioEncoder* encoder_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
AudioDecoderProxy decoder_proxy_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
std::vector<int16_t> input_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
WebRtcACMCodecParams acm_codec_params_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int bitrate_bps_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool fec_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int loss_rate_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int max_playback_rate_hz_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int max_payload_size_bytes_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int max_rate_bps_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool is_opus_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool is_isac_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool first_frame_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint32_t rtp_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint32_t last_rtp_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// Map from payload type to sample rate (Hz) and encoding type.
std::map<int, std::pair<int, WebRtcACMEncodingType>> cng_pt_
int red_payload_type_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
OpusApplicationMode opus_application_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool opus_application_set_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
} // namespace acm2
} // namespace webrtc