blob: c19413a1a2834a9f1885fd33e931080ec57d1d26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/interface/audio_encoder_opus.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_generic_codec.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace acm2 {
namespace {
const CodecInst kDefaultOpusCodecInst = {105, "opus", 48000, 960, 1, 32000};
const int kCngPt = 255; // Not using CNG in this test.
const int kRedPt = 255; // Not using RED in this test.
} // namespace
class AcmGenericCodecOpusTest : public ::testing::Test {
AcmGenericCodecOpusTest() {
acm_codec_params_ = {kDefaultOpusCodecInst, false, false, VADNormal};
void CreateCodec() {
codec_wrapper_.reset(new ACMGenericCodec(
acm_codec_params_.codec_inst, kCngPt, kCngPt, kCngPt, kCngPt,
false /* enable RED */, kRedPt));
ASSERT_EQ(0, codec_wrapper_->InitEncoder(&acm_codec_params_, true));
const AudioEncoderOpus* GetAudioEncoderOpus() {
const AudioEncoderOpus* ptr = static_cast<const AudioEncoderOpus*>(
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
return ptr;
WebRtcACMCodecParams acm_codec_params_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<ACMGenericCodec> codec_wrapper_;
TEST_F(AcmGenericCodecOpusTest, DefaultApplicationModeMono) {
acm_codec_params_.codec_inst.channels = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kVoip, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
TEST_F(AcmGenericCodecOpusTest, DefaultApplicationModeStereo) {
acm_codec_params_.codec_inst.channels = 2;
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kAudio, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
TEST_F(AcmGenericCodecOpusTest, ChangeApplicationMode) {
// Create a stereo encoder.
acm_codec_params_.codec_inst.channels = 2;
// Verify that the mode is kAudio.
const AudioEncoderOpus* opus_ptr = GetAudioEncoderOpus();
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kAudio, opus_ptr->application());
// Change mode.
EXPECT_EQ(0, codec_wrapper_->SetOpusApplication(kVoip));
// Verify that the AudioEncoder object was changed.
EXPECT_NE(opus_ptr, GetAudioEncoderOpus());
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kVoip, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
TEST_F(AcmGenericCodecOpusTest, ResetWontChangeApplicationMode) {
// Create a stereo encoder.
acm_codec_params_.codec_inst.channels = 2;
const AudioEncoderOpus* opus_ptr = GetAudioEncoderOpus();
// Verify that the mode is kAudio.
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kAudio, opus_ptr->application());
// Trigger a reset.
ASSERT_EQ(0, codec_wrapper_->InitEncoder(&acm_codec_params_, false));
// Verify that the AudioEncoder object changed.
EXPECT_NE(opus_ptr, GetAudioEncoderOpus());
// Verify that the mode is still kAudio.
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kAudio, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
// Now change to kVoip.
EXPECT_EQ(0, codec_wrapper_->SetOpusApplication(kVoip));
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kVoip, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
opus_ptr = GetAudioEncoderOpus();
// Trigger a reset again.
ASSERT_EQ(0, codec_wrapper_->InitEncoder(&acm_codec_params_, false));
// Verify that the AudioEncoder object changed.
EXPECT_NE(opus_ptr, GetAudioEncoderOpus());
// Verify that the mode is still kVoip.
EXPECT_EQ(AudioEncoderOpus::kVoip, GetAudioEncoderOpus()->application());
} // namespace acm2
} // namespace webrtc