blob: 94ae19d9c4a9dbed35a11835dff5217bb860ab56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/candidate.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/portallocator.h"
namespace cricket {
class PortAllocator;
class PortAllocatorSessionProxy;
class PortProxy;
// This class maintains the list of cricket::Port* objects. Ports will be
// deleted upon receiving SignalDestroyed signal. This class is used when
class PortAllocatorSessionMuxer : public rtc::MessageHandler,
public sigslot::has_slots<> {
explicit PortAllocatorSessionMuxer(PortAllocatorSession* session);
virtual ~PortAllocatorSessionMuxer();
void RegisterSessionProxy(PortAllocatorSessionProxy* session_proxy);
void OnPortReady(PortAllocatorSession* session, PortInterface* port);
void OnPortDestroyed(PortInterface* port);
void OnCandidatesAllocationDone(PortAllocatorSession* session);
const std::vector<PortInterface*>& ports() { return ports_; }
sigslot::signal1<PortAllocatorSessionMuxer*> SignalDestroyed;
virtual void OnMessage(rtc::Message *pmsg);
void OnSessionProxyDestroyed(PortAllocatorSession* proxy);
void SendAllocationDone_w(PortAllocatorSessionProxy* proxy);
void SendAllocatedPorts_w(PortAllocatorSessionProxy* proxy);
// Port will be deleted when SignalDestroyed received, otherwise delete
// happens when PortAllocatorSession dtor is called.
rtc::Thread* worker_thread_;
std::vector<PortInterface*> ports_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> session_;
std::vector<PortAllocatorSessionProxy*> session_proxies_;
bool candidate_done_signal_received_;
class PortAllocatorSessionProxy : public PortAllocatorSession {
PortAllocatorSessionProxy(const std::string& content_name,
int component,
uint32 flags)
// Use empty string as the ufrag and pwd because the proxy always uses
// the ufrag and pwd from the underlying implementation.
: PortAllocatorSession(content_name, component, "", "", flags),
impl_(NULL) {
virtual ~PortAllocatorSessionProxy();
PortAllocatorSession* impl() { return impl_; }
void set_impl(PortAllocatorSession* session);
// Forwards call to the actual PortAllocatorSession.
virtual void StartGettingPorts();
virtual void StopGettingPorts();
virtual bool IsGettingPorts();
virtual void set_generation(uint32 generation) {
ASSERT(impl_ != NULL);
virtual uint32 generation() {
ASSERT(impl_ != NULL);
return impl_->generation();
void OnPortReady(PortAllocatorSession* session, PortInterface* port);
void OnCandidatesReady(PortAllocatorSession* session,
const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates);
void OnPortDestroyed(PortInterface* port);
void OnCandidatesAllocationDone(PortAllocatorSession* session);
// This is the actual PortAllocatorSession, owned by PortAllocator.
PortAllocatorSession* impl_;
std::map<PortInterface*, PortProxy*> proxy_ports_;
friend class PortAllocatorSessionMuxer;
} // namespace cricket