Split WebRtcVideoMediaChannel into Send and Receive

This completes the split-channel work for the Video side.
Note: For ease of review, the implementations in the .cc
file have not been sorted between sender and receiver. This
can be done in a later purely-editorial CL.

Bug: webrtc:13931
Change-Id: I36cf015d5facb1eed368070cb204a8763ac19a9c
Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/307180
Reviewed-by: Henrik Boström <hbos@webrtc.org>
Commit-Queue: Harald Alvestrand <hta@webrtc.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#40207}
diff --git a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.cc b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.cc
index 9f7219d..8c7fad1 100644
--- a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.cc
+++ b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.cc
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@
 // needed.
 constexpr char kAv1xCodecName[] = "AV1X";
+// This constant is really an on/off, lower-level configurable NACK history
+// duration hasn't been implemented.
+const int kNackHistoryMs = 1000;
+const int kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc = 1;
+// Minimum time interval for logging stats.
+const int64_t kStatsLogIntervalMs = 10000;
 const char* StreamTypeToString(
     webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats::StreamType type) {
   switch (type) {
@@ -502,3058 +511,12 @@
-}  // namespace
-// This constant is really an on/off, lower-level configurable NACK history
-// duration hasn't been implemented.
-static const int kNackHistoryMs = 1000;
-static const int kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc = 1;
-// Minimum time interval for logging stats.
-static const int64_t kStatsLogIntervalMs = 10000;
-std::map<uint32_t, webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats>
-    const std::map<uint32_t, webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats>&
-        substreams) {
-  return MergeInfoAboutOutboundRtpSubstreams(substreams);
-    const VideoCodec& codec) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  bool is_screencast = parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false);
-  // No automatic resizing when using simulcast or screencast, or when
-  // disabled by field trial flag.
-  bool automatic_resize = !disable_automatic_resize_ && !is_screencast &&
-                          (parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() == 1 ||
-                           NumActiveStreams(rtp_parameters_) == 1);
-  bool denoising;
-  bool codec_default_denoising = false;
-  if (is_screencast) {
-    denoising = false;
-  } else {
-    // Use codec default if video_noise_reduction is unset.
-    codec_default_denoising = !parameters_.options.video_noise_reduction;
-    denoising = parameters_.options.video_noise_reduction.value_or(false);
-  }
-  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kH264CodecName)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kVp8CodecName)) {
-    webrtc::VideoCodecVP8 vp8_settings =
-        webrtc::VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp8Settings();
-    vp8_settings.automaticResizeOn = automatic_resize;
-    // VP8 denoising is enabled by default.
-    vp8_settings.denoisingOn = codec_default_denoising ? true : denoising;
-    return rtc::make_ref_counted<
-        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::Vp8EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp8_settings);
-  }
-  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kVp9CodecName)) {
-    webrtc::VideoCodecVP9 vp9_settings =
-        webrtc::VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings();
-    vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers = std::min<unsigned char>(
-        parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size(), kConferenceMaxNumSpatialLayers);
-    vp9_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers =
-        std::min<unsigned char>(parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() > 1
-                                    ? kConferenceDefaultNumTemporalLayers
-                                    : 1,
-                                kConferenceMaxNumTemporalLayers);
-    // VP9 denoising is disabled by default.
-    vp9_settings.denoisingOn = codec_default_denoising ? true : denoising;
-    // Disable automatic resize if more than one spatial layer is requested.
-    bool vp9_automatic_resize = automatic_resize;
-    absl::optional<int> num_spatial_layers =
-        NumSpatialLayersFromEncoding(rtp_parameters_, /*idx=*/0);
-    if (num_spatial_layers && *num_spatial_layers > 1) {
-      vp9_automatic_resize = false;
-    }
-    vp9_settings.automaticResizeOn = vp9_automatic_resize;
-    if (!is_screencast) {
-      webrtc::FieldTrialFlag interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled("Enabled");
-      webrtc::FieldTrialEnum<webrtc::InterLayerPredMode> inter_layer_pred_mode(
-          "inter_layer_pred_mode", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic,
-          {{"off", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOff},
-           {"on", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOn},
-           {"onkeypic", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic}});
-      webrtc::FieldTrialFlag force_flexible_mode("FlexibleMode");
-      webrtc::ParseFieldTrial(
-          {&interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled, &inter_layer_pred_mode,
-           &force_flexible_mode},
-          call_->trials().Lookup("WebRTC-Vp9InterLayerPred"));
-      if (interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled) {
-        vp9_settings.interLayerPred = inter_layer_pred_mode;
-      } else {
-        // Limit inter-layer prediction to key pictures by default.
-        vp9_settings.interLayerPred = webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic;
-      }
-      vp9_settings.flexibleMode = force_flexible_mode.Get();
-    } else {
-      // Multiple spatial layers vp9 screenshare needs flexible mode.
-      vp9_settings.flexibleMode = vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers > 1;
-      vp9_settings.interLayerPred = webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOn;
-    }
-    return rtc::make_ref_counted<
-        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::Vp9EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp9_settings);
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-    std::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory> video_encoder_factory,
-    std::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory> video_decoder_factory,
-    const webrtc::FieldTrialsView& trials)
-    : decoder_factory_(std::move(video_decoder_factory)),
-      encoder_factory_(std::move(video_encoder_factory)),
-      trials_(trials) {
-  RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "WebRtcVideoEngine::WebRtcVideoEngine()";
-WebRtcVideoEngine::~WebRtcVideoEngine() {
-  RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "WebRtcVideoEngine::~WebRtcVideoEngine";
-VideoMediaChannel* WebRtcVideoEngine::CreateMediaChannel(
-    MediaChannel::Role role,
-    webrtc::Call* call,
-    const MediaConfig& config,
-    const VideoOptions& options,
-    const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
-    webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* video_bitrate_allocator_factory) {
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "CreateMediaChannel. Options: " << options.ToString();
-  std::unique_ptr<VideoMediaSendChannelInterface> send_channel;
-  std::unique_ptr<VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface> receive_channel;
-  if (role == MediaChannel::Role::kSend || role == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    send_channel = std::make_unique<WebRtcVideoChannel>(
-        MediaChannel::Role::kSend, call, config, options, crypto_options,
-        encoder_factory_.get(), decoder_factory_.get(),
-        video_bitrate_allocator_factory);
-  }
-  if (role == MediaChannel::Role::kReceive ||
-      role == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    receive_channel = std::make_unique<WebRtcVideoChannel>(
-        MediaChannel::Role::kReceive, call, config, options, crypto_options,
-        encoder_factory_.get(), decoder_factory_.get(),
-        video_bitrate_allocator_factory);
-  }
-  return new VideoMediaShimChannel(std::move(send_channel),
-                                   std::move(receive_channel));
-std::vector<VideoCodec> WebRtcVideoEngine::send_codecs(bool include_rtx) const {
-  return GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(encoder_factory_.get(),
-                                         /*is_decoder_factory=*/false,
-                                         include_rtx, trials_);
-std::vector<VideoCodec> WebRtcVideoEngine::recv_codecs(bool include_rtx) const {
-  return GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(decoder_factory_.get(),
-                                         /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
-                                         include_rtx, trials_);
-WebRtcVideoEngine::GetRtpHeaderExtensions() const {
-  std::vector<webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionCapability> result;
-  int id = 1;
-  for (const auto& uri :
-       {webrtc::RtpExtension::kTimestampOffsetUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kAbsSendTimeUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoRotationUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kPlayoutDelayUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoContentTypeUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoTimingUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kColorSpaceUri, webrtc::RtpExtension::kMidUri,
-        webrtc::RtpExtension::kRidUri, webrtc::RtpExtension::kRepairedRidUri}) {
-    result.emplace_back(uri, id++, webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv);
-  }
-  result.emplace_back(webrtc::RtpExtension::kGenericFrameDescriptorUri00, id++,
-                      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-GenericDescriptorAdvertised")
-                          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
-                          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
-  result.emplace_back(
-      webrtc::RtpExtension::kDependencyDescriptorUri, id++,
-      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-DependencyDescriptorAdvertised")
-          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
-          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
-  result.emplace_back(
-      webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoLayersAllocationUri, id++,
-      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-VideoLayersAllocationAdvertised")
-          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
-          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
-  result.emplace_back(
-      webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoFrameTrackingIdUri, id++,
-      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-VideoFrameTrackingIdAdvertised")
-          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
-          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
-  return result;
-    MediaChannel::Role role,
-    webrtc::Call* call,
-    const MediaConfig& config,
-    const VideoOptions& options,
-    const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
-    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory* encoder_factory,
-    webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory,
-    webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* bitrate_allocator_factory)
-    : VideoMediaChannel(role, call->network_thread(), config.enable_dscp),
-      worker_thread_(call->worker_thread()),
-      sending_(false),
-      receiving_(false),
-      call_(call),
-      default_sink_(nullptr),
-      video_config_(config.video),
-      encoder_factory_(encoder_factory),
-      decoder_factory_(decoder_factory),
-      bitrate_allocator_factory_(bitrate_allocator_factory),
-      default_send_options_(options),
-      last_send_stats_log_ms_(-1),
-      last_receive_stats_log_ms_(-1),
-      discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_(
-          IsEnabled(call_->trials(),
-                    "WebRTC-Video-DiscardPacketsWithUnknownSsrc")),
-      crypto_options_(crypto_options) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc;
-  recv_codecs_ = MapCodecs(GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(
-      decoder_factory_, /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
-      /*include_rtx=*/true, call_->trials()));
-  recv_flexfec_payload_type_ =
-      recv_codecs_.empty() ? 0 : recv_codecs_.front().flexfec_payload_type;
-WebRtcVideoChannel::~WebRtcVideoChannel() {
-  for (auto& kv : send_streams_)
-    delete kv.second;
-  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_)
-    delete kv.second;
-    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& remote_mapped_codecs) const {
-  std::vector<webrtc::SdpVideoFormat> sdp_formats =
-      encoder_factory_ ? encoder_factory_->GetImplementations()
-                       : std::vector<webrtc::SdpVideoFormat>();
-  // The returned vector holds the VideoCodecSettings in term of preference.
-  // They are orderd by receive codec preference first and local implementation
-  // preference second.
-  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> encoders;
-  for (const VideoCodecSettings& remote_codec : remote_mapped_codecs) {
-    for (auto format_it = sdp_formats.begin();
-         format_it != sdp_formats.end();) {
-      // For H264, we will limit the encode level to the remote offered level
-      // regardless if level asymmetry is allowed or not. This is strictly not
-      // following the spec in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.2.2
-      // since we should limit the encode level to the lower of local and remote
-      // level when level asymmetry is not allowed.
-      if (format_it->IsSameCodec(
-              {remote_codec.codec.name, remote_codec.codec.params})) {
-        encoders.push_back(remote_codec);
-        // To allow the VideoEncoderFactory to keep information about which
-        // implementation to instantitate when CreateEncoder is called the two
-        // parmeter sets are merged.
-        encoders.back().codec.params.insert(format_it->parameters.begin(),
-                                            format_it->parameters.end());
-        format_it = sdp_formats.erase(format_it);
-      } else {
-        ++format_it;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return encoders;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::NonFlexfecReceiveCodecsHaveChanged(
-    std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> before,
-    std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> after) {
-  // The receive codec order doesn't matter, so we sort the codecs before
-  // comparing. This is necessary because currently the
-  // only way to change the send codec is to munge SDP, which causes
-  // the receive codec list to change order, which causes the streams
-  // to be recreates which causes a "blink" of black video.  In order
-  // to support munging the SDP in this way without recreating receive
-  // streams, we ignore the order of the received codecs so that
-  // changing the order doesn't cause this "blink".
-  auto comparison = [](const VideoCodecSettings& codec1,
-                       const VideoCodecSettings& codec2) {
-    return codec1.codec.id > codec2.codec.id;
-  };
-  absl::c_sort(before, comparison);
-  absl::c_sort(after, comparison);
-  // Changes in FlexFEC payload type are handled separately in
-  // WebRtcVideoChannel::GetChangedRecvParameters, so disregard FlexFEC in the
-  // comparison here.
-  return !absl::c_equal(before, after,
-                        VideoCodecSettings::EqualsDisregardingFlexfec);
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::GetChangedSendParameters(
-    const VideoSendParameters& params,
-    ChangedSendParameters* changed_params) const {
-  if (!ValidateCodecFormats(params.codecs) ||
-      !ValidateRtpExtensions(params.extensions, send_rtp_extensions_)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> negotiated_codecs =
-      SelectSendVideoCodecs(MapCodecs(params.codecs));
-  // We should only fail here if send direction is enabled.
-  if (params.is_stream_active && negotiated_codecs.empty()) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No video codecs supported.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Never enable sending FlexFEC, unless we are in the experiment.
-  if (!IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03")) {
-    for (VideoCodecSettings& codec : negotiated_codecs)
-      codec.flexfec_payload_type = -1;
-  }
-  if (negotiated_codecs_ != negotiated_codecs) {
-    if (negotiated_codecs.empty()) {
-      changed_params->send_codec = absl::nullopt;
-    } else if (send_codec() != negotiated_codecs.front()) {
-      changed_params->send_codec = negotiated_codecs.front();
-    }
-    changed_params->negotiated_codecs = std::move(negotiated_codecs);
-  }
-  // Handle RTP header extensions.
-  if (params.extmap_allow_mixed != ExtmapAllowMixed()) {
-    changed_params->extmap_allow_mixed = params.extmap_allow_mixed;
-  }
-  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> filtered_extensions = FilterRtpExtensions(
-      params.extensions, webrtc::RtpExtension::IsSupportedForVideo, true,
-      call_->trials());
-  if (send_rtp_extensions_ != filtered_extensions) {
-    changed_params->rtp_header_extensions =
-        absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>(filtered_extensions);
-  }
-  if (params.mid != send_params_.mid) {
-    changed_params->mid = params.mid;
-  }
-  // Handle max bitrate.
-  if (params.max_bandwidth_bps != send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps &&
-      params.max_bandwidth_bps >= -1) {
-    // 0 or -1 uncaps max bitrate.
-    // TODO(pbos): Reconsider how 0 should be treated. It is not mentioned as a
-    // special value and might very well be used for stopping sending.
-    changed_params->max_bandwidth_bps =
-        params.max_bandwidth_bps == 0 ? -1 : params.max_bandwidth_bps;
-  }
-  // Handle conference mode.
-  if (params.conference_mode != send_params_.conference_mode) {
-    changed_params->conference_mode = params.conference_mode;
-  }
-  // Handle RTCP mode.
-  if (params.rtcp.reduced_size != send_params_.rtcp.reduced_size) {
-    changed_params->rtcp_mode = params.rtcp.reduced_size
-                                    ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
-                                    : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSendParameters(const VideoSendParameters& params) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSendParameters");
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetSendParameters: " << params.ToString();
-  ChangedSendParameters changed_params;
-  if (!GetChangedSendParameters(params, &changed_params)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (changed_params.negotiated_codecs) {
-    for (const auto& send_codec : *changed_params.negotiated_codecs)
-      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Negotiated codec: " << send_codec.codec.ToString();
-  }
-  send_params_ = params;
-  return ApplyChangedParams(changed_params);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::RequestEncoderFallback() {
-  if (!worker_thread_->IsCurrent()) {
-    worker_thread_->PostTask(
-        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this] { RequestEncoderFallback(); }));
-    return;
-  }
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (negotiated_codecs_.size() <= 1) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Encoder failed but no fallback codec is available";
-    return;
-  }
-  ChangedSendParameters params;
-  params.negotiated_codecs = negotiated_codecs_;
-  params.negotiated_codecs->erase(params.negotiated_codecs->begin());
-  params.send_codec = params.negotiated_codecs->front();
-  ApplyChangedParams(params);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::RequestEncoderSwitch(
-    const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format,
-    bool allow_default_fallback) {
-  if (!worker_thread_->IsCurrent()) {
-    worker_thread_->PostTask(
-        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this, format, allow_default_fallback] {
-          RequestEncoderSwitch(format, allow_default_fallback);
-        }));
-    return;
-  }
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  for (const VideoCodecSettings& codec_setting : negotiated_codecs_) {
-    if (format.IsSameCodec(
-            {codec_setting.codec.name, codec_setting.codec.params})) {
-      VideoCodecSettings new_codec_setting = codec_setting;
-      for (const auto& kv : format.parameters) {
-        new_codec_setting.codec.params[kv.first] = kv.second;
-      }
-      if (send_codec() == new_codec_setting) {
-        // Already using this codec, no switch required.
-        return;
-      }
-      ChangedSendParameters params;
-      params.send_codec = new_codec_setting;
-      ApplyChangedParams(params);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to switch encoder to: " << format.ToString()
-                      << ". Is default fallback allowed: "
-                      << allow_default_fallback;
-  if (allow_default_fallback) {
-    RequestEncoderFallback();
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::ApplyChangedParams(
-    const ChangedSendParameters& changed_params) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (changed_params.negotiated_codecs)
-    negotiated_codecs_ = *changed_params.negotiated_codecs;
-  if (changed_params.send_codec)
-    send_codec() = changed_params.send_codec;
-  if (changed_params.extmap_allow_mixed) {
-    SetExtmapAllowMixed(*changed_params.extmap_allow_mixed);
-  }
-  if (changed_params.rtp_header_extensions) {
-    send_rtp_extensions_ = *changed_params.rtp_header_extensions;
-  }
-  if (changed_params.send_codec || changed_params.max_bandwidth_bps) {
-    if (send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps == -1) {
-      // Unset the global max bitrate (max_bitrate_bps) if max_bandwidth_bps is
-      // -1, which corresponds to no "b=AS" attribute in SDP. Note that the
-      // global max bitrate may be set below in GetBitrateConfigForCodec, from
-      // the codec max bitrate.
-      // TODO(pbos): This should be reconsidered (codec max bitrate should
-      // probably not affect global call max bitrate).
-      bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps = -1;
-    }
-    if (send_codec()) {
-      // TODO(holmer): Changing the codec parameters shouldn't necessarily mean
-      // that we change the min/max of bandwidth estimation. Reevaluate this.
-      bitrate_config_ = GetBitrateConfigForCodec(send_codec()->codec);
-      if (!changed_params.send_codec) {
-        // If the codec isn't changing, set the start bitrate to -1 which means
-        // "unchanged" so that BWE isn't affected.
-        bitrate_config_.start_bitrate_bps = -1;
-      }
-    }
-    if (send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps >= 0) {
-      // Note that max_bandwidth_bps intentionally takes priority over the
-      // bitrate config for the codec. This allows FEC to be applied above the
-      // codec target bitrate.
-      // TODO(pbos): Figure out whether b=AS means max bitrate for this
-      // WebRtcVideoChannel (in which case we're good), or per sender (SSRC),
-      // in which case this should not set a BitrateConstraints but rather
-      // reconfigure all senders.
-      bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps = send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps == 0
-                                            ? -1
-                                            : send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps;
-    }
-    call_->GetTransportControllerSend()->SetSdpBitrateParameters(
-        bitrate_config_);
-  }
-  for (auto& kv : send_streams_) {
-    kv.second->SetSendParameters(changed_params);
-  }
-  if (role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    if (changed_params.send_codec || changed_params.rtcp_mode) {
-      // Update receive feedback parameters from new codec or RTCP mode.
-      if (send_codec()) {
-        SetReceiverFeedbackParameters(
-            HasLntf(send_codec()->codec), HasNack(send_codec()->codec),
-            send_params_.rtcp.reduced_size ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
-                                           : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound,
-            send_codec()->rtx_time);
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (changed_params.send_codec || changed_params.rtcp_mode) {
-      if (send_codec_changed_callback_) {
-        send_codec_changed_callback_();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetReceiverFeedbackParameters(
-    bool lntf_enabled,
-    bool nack_enabled,
-    webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
-    absl::optional<int> rtx_time) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_DCHECK(role() == MediaChannel::Role::kReceive ||
-             role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth);
-  // Update receive feedback parameters from new codec or RTCP mode.
-  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
-    RTC_DCHECK(kv.second != nullptr);
-    kv.second->SetFeedbackParameters(lntf_enabled, nack_enabled, rtcp_mode,
-                                     rtx_time);
-  }
-  // Store for future creation of receive streams
-  rtp_config_.lntf.enabled = lntf_enabled;
-  if (nack_enabled) {
-    rtp_config_.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackHistoryMs;
-  } else {
-    rtp_config_.nack.rtp_history_ms = 0;
-  }
-  rtp_config_.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
-  // Note: There is no place in config to store rtx_time.
-webrtc::RtpParameters WebRtcVideoChannel::GetRtpSendParameters(
-    uint32_t ssrc) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Attempting to get RTP send parameters for stream "
-                           "with ssrc "
-                        << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
-    return webrtc::RtpParameters();
-  }
-  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params = it->second->GetRtpParameters();
-  // Need to add the common list of codecs to the send stream-specific
-  // RTP parameters.
-  for (const VideoCodec& codec : send_params_.codecs) {
-    if (send_codec() && send_codec()->codec.id == codec.id) {
-      // Put the current send codec to the front of the codecs list.
-      RTC_DCHECK_EQ(codec.name, send_codec()->codec.name);
-      rtp_params.codecs.insert(rtp_params.codecs.begin(),
-                               codec.ToCodecParameters());
-    } else {
-      rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
-    }
-  }
-  return rtp_params;
-webrtc::RTCError WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRtpSendParameters(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    const webrtc::RtpParameters& parameters,
-    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRtpSendParameters");
-  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Attempting to set RTP send parameters for stream "
-                         "with ssrc "
-                      << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
-    return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(
-        callback, webrtc::RTCError(webrtc::RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR));
-  }
-  // TODO(deadbeef): Handle setting parameters with a list of codecs in a
-  // different order (which should change the send codec).
-  webrtc::RtpParameters current_parameters = GetRtpSendParameters(ssrc);
-  if (current_parameters.codecs != parameters.codecs) {
-    RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) << "Using SetParameters to change the set of codecs "
-                          "is not currently supported.";
-    return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(
-        callback, webrtc::RTCError(webrtc::RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR));
-  }
-  if (!parameters.encodings.empty()) {
-    // Note that these values come from:
-    // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tsvwg-rtcweb-qos-16#section-5
-    // TODO(deadbeef): Change values depending on whether we are sending a
-    // keyframe or non-keyframe.
-    rtc::DiffServCodePoint new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_DEFAULT;
-    switch (parameters.encodings[0].network_priority) {
-      case webrtc::Priority::kVeryLow:
-        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_CS1;
-        break;
-      case webrtc::Priority::kLow:
-        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_DEFAULT;
-        break;
-      case webrtc::Priority::kMedium:
-        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_AF42;
-        break;
-      case webrtc::Priority::kHigh:
-        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_AF41;
-        break;
-    }
-    SetPreferredDscp(new_dscp);
-  }
-  return it->second->SetRtpParameters(parameters, std::move(callback));
-webrtc::RtpParameters WebRtcVideoChannel::GetRtpReceiveParameters(
-    uint32_t ssrc) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params;
-  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
-        << "Attempting to get RTP receive parameters for stream "
-           "with SSRC "
-        << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
-    return webrtc::RtpParameters();
-  }
-  rtp_params = it->second->GetRtpParameters();
-  rtp_params.header_extensions = recv_rtp_extensions_;
-  // Add codecs, which any stream is prepared to receive.
-  for (const VideoCodec& codec : recv_params_.codecs) {
-    rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
-  }
-  return rtp_params;
-webrtc::RtpParameters WebRtcVideoChannel::GetDefaultRtpReceiveParameters()
-    const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params;
-  if (!default_sink_) {
-    // Getting parameters on a default, unsignaled video receive stream but
-    // because we've not configured to receive such a stream, `encodings` is
-    // empty.
-    return rtp_params;
-  }
-  rtp_params.encodings.emplace_back();
-  // Add codecs, which any stream is prepared to receive.
-  for (const VideoCodec& codec : recv_params_.codecs) {
-    rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
-  }
-  return rtp_params;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::GetChangedRecvParameters(
-    const VideoRecvParameters& params,
-    ChangedRecvParameters* changed_params) const {
-  if (!ValidateCodecFormats(params.codecs) ||
-      !ValidateRtpExtensions(params.extensions, recv_rtp_extensions_)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Handle receive codecs.
-  const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> mapped_codecs =
-      MapCodecs(params.codecs);
-  if (mapped_codecs.empty()) {
-        << "GetChangedRecvParameters called without any video codecs.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Verify that every mapped codec is supported locally.
-  if (params.is_stream_active) {
-    const std::vector<VideoCodec> local_supported_codecs =
-        GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(decoder_factory_,
-                                        /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
-                                        /*include_rtx=*/true, call_->trials());
-    for (const VideoCodecSettings& mapped_codec : mapped_codecs) {
-      if (!FindMatchingCodec(local_supported_codecs, mapped_codec.codec)) {
-        RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR)
-            << "GetChangedRecvParameters called with unsupported video codec: "
-            << mapped_codec.codec.ToString();
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (NonFlexfecReceiveCodecsHaveChanged(recv_codecs_, mapped_codecs)) {
-    changed_params->codec_settings =
-        absl::optional<std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>>(mapped_codecs);
-  }
-  // Handle RTP header extensions.
-  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> filtered_extensions = FilterRtpExtensions(
-      params.extensions, webrtc::RtpExtension::IsSupportedForVideo, false,
-      call_->trials());
-  if (filtered_extensions != recv_rtp_extensions_) {
-    changed_params->rtp_header_extensions =
-        absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>(filtered_extensions);
-  }
-  int flexfec_payload_type = mapped_codecs.front().flexfec_payload_type;
-  if (flexfec_payload_type != recv_flexfec_payload_type_) {
-    changed_params->flexfec_payload_type = flexfec_payload_type;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRecvParameters");
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetRecvParameters: " << params.ToString();
-  ChangedRecvParameters changed_params;
-  if (!GetChangedRecvParameters(params, &changed_params)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (changed_params.flexfec_payload_type) {
-    RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing FlexFEC payload type (recv) from "
-                      << recv_flexfec_payload_type_ << " to "
-                      << *changed_params.flexfec_payload_type;
-    recv_flexfec_payload_type_ = *changed_params.flexfec_payload_type;
-  }
-  if (changed_params.rtp_header_extensions) {
-    recv_rtp_extensions_ = *changed_params.rtp_header_extensions;
-    recv_rtp_extension_map_ =
-        webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap(recv_rtp_extensions_);
-  }
-  if (changed_params.codec_settings) {
-    RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing recv codecs from "
-                      << CodecSettingsVectorToString(recv_codecs_) << " to "
-                      << CodecSettingsVectorToString(
-                             *changed_params.codec_settings);
-    recv_codecs_ = *changed_params.codec_settings;
-  }
-  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
-    kv.second->SetRecvParameters(changed_params);
-  }
-  recv_params_ = params;
-  return true;
-std::string WebRtcVideoChannel::CodecSettingsVectorToString(
-    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& codecs) {
-  rtc::StringBuilder out;
-  out << "{";
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
-    out << codecs[i].codec.ToString();
-    if (i != codecs.size() - 1) {
-      out << ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  out << "}";
-  return out.Release();
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ExtractCodecInformation(
-    rtc::ArrayView<const VideoCodecSettings> recv_codecs,
-    std::map<int, int>& rtx_associated_payload_types,
-    std::set<int>& raw_payload_types,
-    std::vector<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder>& decoders) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(!recv_codecs.empty());
-  RTC_DCHECK(rtx_associated_payload_types.empty());
-  RTC_DCHECK(raw_payload_types.empty());
-  RTC_DCHECK(decoders.empty());
-  for (const VideoCodecSettings& recv_codec : recv_codecs) {
-    decoders.emplace_back(
-        webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(recv_codec.codec.name, recv_codec.codec.params),
-        recv_codec.codec.id);
-    rtx_associated_payload_types.emplace(recv_codec.rtx_payload_type,
-                                         recv_codec.codec.id);
-    if (recv_codec.codec.packetization == kPacketizationParamRaw) {
-      raw_payload_types.insert(recv_codec.codec.id);
-    }
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetReceiverReportSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (ssrc == rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_)
-    return;
-  rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ = ssrc;
-  for (auto& [unused, receive_stream] : receive_streams_)
-    receive_stream->SetLocalSsrc(ssrc);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(
-    const std::set<uint32_t>& choices) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  // If we can continue using the current receiver report, do so.
-  if (choices.find(rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_) != choices.end()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Go back to the default if list has been emptied.
-  if (choices.empty()) {
-    SetReceiverReportSsrc(kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Any number is as good as any other.
-  SetReceiverReportSsrc(*choices.begin());
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::GetSendCodec(VideoCodec* codec) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (!send_codec()) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "GetSendCodec: No send codec set.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  *codec = send_codec()->codec;
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetReceive(bool receive) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetReceive");
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "SetReceive: " << (receive ? "true" : "false");
-  for (const auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
-    if (receive) {
-      kv.second->StartReceiveStream();
-    } else {
-      kv.second->StopReceiveStream();
-    }
-  }
-  receiving_ = receive;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSend(bool send) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSend");
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "SetSend: " << (send ? "true" : "false");
-  if (send && !send_codec()) {
-    RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetSend(true) called before setting codec.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (const auto& kv : send_streams_) {
-    kv.second->SetSend(send);
-  }
-  sending_ = send;
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetVideoSend(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    const VideoOptions* options,
-    rtc::VideoSourceInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* source) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SetVideoSend");
-  RTC_DCHECK(ssrc != 0);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetVideoSend (ssrc= " << ssrc << ", options: "
-                   << (options ? options->ToString() : "nullptr")
-                   << ", source = " << (source ? "(source)" : "nullptr") << ")";
-  const auto& kv = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (kv == send_streams_.end()) {
-    // Allow unknown ssrc only if source is null.
-    RTC_CHECK(source == nullptr);
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No sending stream on ssrc " << ssrc;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return kv->second->SetVideoSend(options, source);
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::ValidateSendSsrcAvailability(
-    const StreamParams& sp) const {
-  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
-    if (send_ssrcs_.find(ssrc) != send_ssrcs_.end()) {
-      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Send stream with SSRC '" << ssrc
-                        << "' already exists.";
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(
-    const StreamParams& sp) const {
-  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
-    if (receive_ssrcs_.find(ssrc) != receive_ssrcs_.end()) {
-      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Receive stream with SSRC '" << ssrc
-                        << "' already exists.";
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_DCHECK(role() == MediaChannel::Role::kSend ||
-             role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "AddSendStream: " << sp.ToString();
-  if (!ValidateStreamParams(sp))
-    return false;
-  if (!ValidateSendSsrcAvailability(sp))
-    return false;
-  for (uint32_t used_ssrc : sp.ssrcs)
-    send_ssrcs_.insert(used_ssrc);
-  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config(this);
-  for (const RidDescription& rid : sp.rids()) {
-    config.rtp.rids.push_back(rid.rid);
-  }
-  config.suspend_below_min_bitrate = video_config_.suspend_below_min_bitrate;
-  config.periodic_alr_bandwidth_probing =
-      video_config_.periodic_alr_bandwidth_probing;
-  config.encoder_settings.experiment_cpu_load_estimator =
-      video_config_.experiment_cpu_load_estimator;
-  config.encoder_settings.encoder_factory = encoder_factory_;
-  config.encoder_settings.bitrate_allocator_factory =
-      bitrate_allocator_factory_;
-  config.encoder_settings.encoder_switch_request_callback = this;
-  config.crypto_options = crypto_options_;
-  config.rtp.extmap_allow_mixed = ExtmapAllowMixed();
-  config.rtcp_report_interval_ms = video_config_.rtcp_report_interval_ms;
-  config.rtp.enable_send_packet_batching =
-      video_config_.enable_send_packet_batching;
-  WebRtcVideoSendStream* stream = new WebRtcVideoSendStream(
-      call_, sp, std::move(config), default_send_options_,
-      video_config_.enable_cpu_adaptation, bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps,
-      send_codec(), send_rtp_extensions_, send_params_);
-  uint32_t ssrc = sp.first_ssrc();
-  RTC_DCHECK(ssrc != 0);
-  send_streams_[ssrc] = stream;
-  // If legacy kBoth mode, tell my receiver part about its SSRC.
-  // In kSend mode, this is the responsibility of the caller.
-  if (role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(send_ssrcs_);
-  } else {
-    if (ssrc_list_changed_callback_) {
-      ssrc_list_changed_callback_(send_ssrcs_);
-    }
-  }
-  if (sending_) {
-    stream->SetSend(true);
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::RemoveSendStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RemoveSendStream: " << ssrc;
-  WebRtcVideoSendStream* removed_stream;
-  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (uint32_t old_ssrc : it->second->GetSsrcs())
-    send_ssrcs_.erase(old_ssrc);
-  removed_stream = it->second;
-  send_streams_.erase(it);
-  // Switch receiver report SSRCs, the one in use is no longer valid.
-  if (role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(send_ssrcs_);
-  } else {
-    if (ssrc_list_changed_callback_) {
-      ssrc_list_changed_callback_(send_ssrcs_);
-    }
-  }
-  delete removed_stream;
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::DeleteReceiveStream(
-    WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream) {
-  for (uint32_t old_ssrc : stream->GetSsrcs())
-    receive_ssrcs_.erase(old_ssrc);
-  delete stream;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
-  return AddRecvStream(sp, false);
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp,
-                                       bool default_stream) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "AddRecvStream"
-                   << (default_stream ? " (default stream)" : "") << ": "
-                   << sp.ToString();
-  if (!sp.has_ssrcs()) {
-    // This is a StreamParam with unsignaled SSRCs. Store it, so it can be used
-    // later when we know the SSRC on the first packet arrival.
-    unsignaled_stream_params_ = sp;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (!ValidateStreamParams(sp))
-    return false;
-  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
-    // Remove running stream if this was a default stream.
-    const auto& prev_stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-    if (prev_stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
-      if (default_stream || !prev_stream->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
-        RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Receive stream for SSRC '" << ssrc
-                          << "' already exists.";
-        return false;
-      }
-      DeleteReceiveStream(prev_stream->second);
-      receive_streams_.erase(prev_stream);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(sp))
-    return false;
-  for (uint32_t used_ssrc : sp.ssrcs)
-    receive_ssrcs_.insert(used_ssrc);
-  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config(this, decoder_factory_);
-  webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config flexfec_config(this);
-  ConfigureReceiverRtp(&config, &flexfec_config, sp);
-  config.crypto_options = crypto_options_;
-  config.enable_prerenderer_smoothing =
-      video_config_.enable_prerenderer_smoothing;
-  if (!sp.stream_ids().empty()) {
-    config.sync_group = sp.stream_ids()[0];
-  }
-  if (unsignaled_frame_transformer_ && !config.frame_transformer)
-    config.frame_transformer = unsignaled_frame_transformer_;
-  auto receive_stream =
-      new WebRtcVideoReceiveStream(call_, sp, std::move(config), default_stream,
-                                   recv_codecs_, flexfec_config);
-  if (receiving_) {
-    receive_stream->StartReceiveStream();
-  }
-  receive_streams_[sp.first_ssrc()] = receive_stream;
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ConfigureReceiverRtp(
-    webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config* config,
-    webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config* flexfec_config,
-    const StreamParams& sp) const {
-  uint32_t ssrc = sp.first_ssrc();
-  config->rtp.remote_ssrc = ssrc;
-  config->rtp.local_ssrc = rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_;
-  // TODO(pbos): This protection is against setting the same local ssrc as
-  // remote which is not permitted by the lower-level API. RTCP requires a
-  // corresponding sender SSRC. Figure out what to do when we don't have
-  // (receive-only) or know a good local SSRC.
-  if (config->rtp.remote_ssrc == config->rtp.local_ssrc) {
-    if (config->rtp.local_ssrc != kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc) {
-      config->rtp.local_ssrc = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc;
-    } else {
-      config->rtp.local_ssrc = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc + 1;
-    }
-  }
-  if (role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
-    // Whether or not the receive stream sends reduced size RTCP is determined
-    // by the send params.
-    // TODO(deadbeef): Once we change "send_params" to "sender_params" and
-    // "recv_params" to "receiver_params", we should get this out of
-    // receiver_params_.
-    config->rtp.rtcp_mode = send_params_.rtcp.reduced_size
-                                ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
-                                : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound;
-    // rtx-time (RFC 4588) is a declarative attribute similar to rtcp-rsize and
-    // determined by the sender / send codec.
-    if (send_codec() && send_codec()->rtx_time) {
-      config->rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = *send_codec()->rtx_time;
-    }
-  } else {
-    // The mode and rtx time is determined by a call to the configuration
-    // function.
-    config->rtp.rtcp_mode = rtp_config_.rtcp_mode;
-  }
-  sp.GetFidSsrc(ssrc, &config->rtp.rtx_ssrc);
-  // TODO(brandtr): Generalize when we add support for multistream protection.
-  flexfec_config->payload_type = recv_flexfec_payload_type_;
-  if (!IsDisabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03-Advertised") &&
-      sp.GetFecFrSsrc(ssrc, &flexfec_config->rtp.remote_ssrc)) {
-    flexfec_config->protected_media_ssrcs = {ssrc};
-    flexfec_config->rtp.local_ssrc = config->rtp.local_ssrc;
-    flexfec_config->rtcp_mode = config->rtp.rtcp_mode;
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::RemoveRecvStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RemoveRecvStream: " << ssrc;
-  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (stream == receive_streams_.end()) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Stream not found for ssrc: " << ssrc;
-    return false;
-  }
-  DeleteReceiveStream(stream->second);
-  receive_streams_.erase(stream);
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ResetUnsignaledRecvStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "ResetUnsignaledRecvStream.";
-  unsignaled_stream_params_ = StreamParams();
-  last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_ = absl::nullopt;
-  // Delete any created default streams. This is needed to avoid SSRC collisions
-  // in Call's RtpDemuxer, in the case that `this` has created a default video
-  // receiver, and then some other WebRtcVideoChannel gets the SSRC signaled
-  // in the corresponding Unified Plan "m=" section.
-  auto it = receive_streams_.begin();
-  while (it != receive_streams_.end()) {
-    if (it->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
-      DeleteReceiveStream(it->second);
-      receive_streams_.erase(it++);
-    } else {
-      ++it;
-    }
-  }
-absl::optional<uint32_t> WebRtcVideoChannel::GetUnsignaledSsrc() const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  absl::optional<uint32_t> ssrc;
-  for (auto it = receive_streams_.begin(); it != receive_streams_.end(); ++it) {
-    if (it->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
-      ssrc.emplace(it->first);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return ssrc;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdatePending() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  ++demuxer_criteria_id_;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdateComplete() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  ++demuxer_criteria_completed_id_;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSink(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetSink: ssrc:" << ssrc << " "
-                   << (sink ? "(ptr)" : "nullptr");
-  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  it->second->SetSink(sink);
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetDefaultSink(
-    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetDefaultSink: " << (sink ? "(ptr)" : "nullptr");
-  default_sink_ = sink;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::GetSendStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::GetSendStats");
-  info->Clear();
-  if (send_streams_.empty()) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // Log stats periodically.
-  bool log_stats = false;
-  int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
-  if (last_send_stats_log_ms_ == -1 ||
-      now_ms - last_send_stats_log_ms_ > kStatsLogIntervalMs) {
-    last_send_stats_log_ms_ = now_ms;
-    log_stats = true;
-  }
-  info->Clear();
-  FillSenderStats(info, log_stats);
-  FillSendCodecStats(info);
-  // TODO(holmer): We should either have rtt available as a metric on
-  // VideoSend/ReceiveStreams, or we should remove rtt from VideoSenderInfo.
-  webrtc::Call::Stats stats = call_->GetStats();
-  if (stats.rtt_ms != -1) {
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < info->senders.size(); ++i) {
-      info->senders[i].rtt_ms = stats.rtt_ms;
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < info->aggregated_senders.size(); ++i) {
-      info->aggregated_senders[i].rtt_ms = stats.rtt_ms;
-    }
-  }
-  if (log_stats)
-    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(now_ms);
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::GetReceiveStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* info) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::GetReceiveStats");
-  info->Clear();
-  if (receive_streams_.empty()) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // Log stats periodically.
-  bool log_stats = false;
-  int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
-  if (last_receive_stats_log_ms_ == -1 ||
-      now_ms - last_receive_stats_log_ms_ > kStatsLogIntervalMs) {
-    last_receive_stats_log_ms_ = now_ms;
-    log_stats = true;
-  }
-  FillReceiverStats(info, log_stats);
-  FillReceiveCodecStats(info);
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::FillSenderStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info,
-                                         bool log_stats) {
-  for (const auto& it : send_streams_) {
-    auto infos = it.second->GetPerLayerVideoSenderInfos(log_stats);
-    if (infos.empty())
-      continue;
-    video_media_info->aggregated_senders.push_back(
-        it.second->GetAggregatedVideoSenderInfo(infos));
-    for (auto&& info : infos) {
-      video_media_info->senders.push_back(info);
-    }
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::FillReceiverStats(
-    VideoMediaReceiveInfo* video_media_info,
-    bool log_stats) {
-  for (const auto& it : receive_streams_) {
-    video_media_info->receivers.push_back(
-        it.second->GetVideoReceiverInfo(log_stats));
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::FillBitrateInfo(BandwidthEstimationInfo* bwe_info) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  for (const auto& it : send_streams_) {
-    it.second->FillBitrateInfo(bwe_info);
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::FillSendCodecStats(
-    VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (!send_codec()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Note: since RTP stats don't account for RTX and FEC separately (see
-  // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#dom-rtcstatstype-outbound-rtp)
-  // we can omit the codec information for those here and only insert the
-  // primary codec that is being used to send here.
-  video_media_info->send_codecs.insert(std::make_pair(
-      send_codec()->codec.id, send_codec()->codec.ToCodecParameters()));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::FillReceiveCodecStats(
-    VideoMediaReceiveInfo* video_media_info) {
-  for (const auto& receiver : video_media_info->receivers) {
-    auto codec =
-        absl::c_find_if(recv_params_.codecs, [&receiver](const VideoCodec& c) {
-          return receiver.codec_payload_type &&
-                 *receiver.codec_payload_type == c.id;
-        });
-    if (codec != recv_params_.codecs.end()) {
-      video_media_info->receive_codecs.insert(
-          std::make_pair(codec->id, codec->ToCodecParameters()));
-    }
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnPacketReceived(
-    const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
-  // Note: the network_thread_checker may refer to the worker thread if the two
-  // threads are combined, but this is either always true or always false
-  // depending on configuration set at object initialization.
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
-  // TODO(crbug.com/1373439): Stop posting to the worker thread when the
-  // combined network/worker project launches.
-  if (webrtc::TaskQueueBase::Current() != worker_thread_) {
-    worker_thread_->PostTask(
-        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this, packet = packet]() mutable {
-          RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-          ProcessReceivedPacket(std::move(packet));
-        }));
-  } else {
-    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-    ProcessReceivedPacket(packet);
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
-    const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
-  if (discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (packet.PayloadType() == recv_flexfec_payload_type_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Ignore unknown ssrcs if there is a demuxer criteria update pending.
-  // During a demuxer update we may receive ssrcs that were recently
-  // removed or we may receve ssrcs that were recently configured for a
-  // different video channel.
-  if (demuxer_criteria_id_ != demuxer_criteria_completed_id_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // See if this payload_type is registered as one that usually gets its
-  // own SSRC (RTX) or at least is safe to drop either way (FEC). If it
-  // is, and it wasn't handled above by DeliverPacket, that means we don't
-  // know what stream it associates with, and we shouldn't ever create an
-  // implicit channel for these.
-  bool is_rtx_payload = false;
-  for (auto& codec : recv_codecs_) {
-    if (packet.PayloadType() == codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type ||
-        packet.PayloadType() == codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (packet.PayloadType() == codec.rtx_payload_type) {
-      is_rtx_payload = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (is_rtx_payload) {
-    // As we don't support receiving simulcast there can only be one RTX
-    // stream, which will be associated with unsignaled media stream.
-    absl::optional<uint32_t> current_default_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
-    if (current_default_ssrc) {
-      FindReceiveStream(*current_default_ssrc)->UpdateRtxSsrc(packet.Ssrc());
-    } else {
-      // Received unsignaled RTX packet before a media packet. Create a default
-      // stream with a "random" SSRC and the RTX SSRC from the packet.  The
-      // stream will be recreated on the first media packet, unless we are
-      // extremely lucky and used the right media SSRC.
-      ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(/*ssrc =*/14795, /*rtx_ssrc=*/packet.Ssrc());
-    }
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    // Ignore unknown ssrcs if we recently created an unsignalled receive
-    // stream since this shouldn't happen frequently. Getting into a state
-    // of creating decoders on every packet eats up processing time (e.g.
-    // https://crbug.com/1069603) and this cooldown prevents that.
-    if (last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_.has_value()) {
-      int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
-      if (now_ms - last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_.value() <
-          kUnsignaledSsrcCooldownMs) {
-        // We've already created an unsignalled ssrc stream within the last
-        // 0.5 s, ignore with a warning.
-            << "Another unsignalled ssrc packet arrived shortly after the "
-            << "creation of an unsignalled ssrc stream. Dropping packet.";
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // RTX SSRC not yet known.
-  ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(packet.Ssrc(), absl::nullopt);
-  last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_ = rtc::TimeMillis();
-  return true;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    absl::optional<uint32_t> rtx_ssrc) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  absl::optional<uint32_t> default_recv_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
-  if (default_recv_ssrc) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Destroying old default receive stream for SSRC="
-                     << ssrc << ".";
-    RemoveRecvStream(*default_recv_ssrc);
-  }
-  StreamParams sp = unsignaled_stream_params();
-  sp.ssrcs.push_back(ssrc);
-  if (rtx_ssrc) {
-    sp.AddFidSsrc(ssrc, *rtx_ssrc);
-  }
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Creating default receive stream for SSRC=" << ssrc
-                   << ".";
-  if (!AddRecvStream(sp, /*default_stream=*/true)) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not create default receive stream.";
-  }
-  // SSRC 0 returns default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms.
-  const int unsignaled_ssrc = 0;
-  int default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms =
-      GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(unsignaled_ssrc).value_or(0);
-  // Set base minimum delay if it was set before for the default receive
-  // stream.
-  SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(ssrc, default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms);
-  SetSink(ssrc, default_sink_);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnPacketSent(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
-  // TODO(tommi): We shouldn't need to go through call_ to deliver this
-  // notification. We should already have direct access to
-  // video_send_delay_stats_ and transport_send_ptr_ via `stream_`.
-  // So we should be able to remove OnSentPacket from Call and handle this per
-  // channel instead. At the moment Call::OnSentPacket calls OnSentPacket for
-  // the video stats, for all sent packets, including audio, which causes
-  // unnecessary lookups.
-  call_->OnSentPacket(sent_packet);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnReadyToSend(bool ready) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
-  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "OnReadyToSend: " << (ready ? "Ready." : "Not ready.");
-  call_->SignalChannelNetworkState(
-      webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO,
-      ready ? webrtc::kNetworkUp : webrtc::kNetworkDown);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::OnNetworkRouteChanged(
-    absl::string_view transport_name,
-    const rtc::NetworkRoute& network_route) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
-  worker_thread_->PostTask(SafeTask(
-      task_safety_.flag(),
-      [this, name = std::string(transport_name), route = network_route] {
-        RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-        webrtc::RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* transport =
-            call_->GetTransportControllerSend();
-        transport->OnNetworkRouteChanged(name, route);
-        transport->OnTransportOverheadChanged(route.packet_overhead);
-      }));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetInterface(MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
-  MediaChannel::SetInterface(iface);
-  // Set the RTP recv/send buffer to a bigger size.
-  MediaChannel::SetOption(MediaChannelNetworkInterface::ST_RTP,
-                          rtc::Socket::OPT_RCVBUF, kVideoRtpRecvBufferSize);
-  // Speculative change to increase the outbound socket buffer size.
-  // In b/15152257, we are seeing a significant number of packets discarded
-  // due to lack of socket buffer space, although it's not yet clear what the
-  // ideal value should be.
-  const std::string group_name_send_buf_size =
-      call_->trials().Lookup("WebRTC-SendBufferSizeBytes");
-  int send_buffer_size = kVideoRtpSendBufferSize;
-  if (!group_name_send_buf_size.empty() &&
-      (sscanf(group_name_send_buf_size.c_str(), "%d", &send_buffer_size) != 1 ||
-       send_buffer_size <= 0)) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid send buffer size: "
-                        << group_name_send_buf_size;
-    send_buffer_size = kVideoRtpSendBufferSize;
-  }
-  MediaChannel::SetOption(MediaChannelNetworkInterface::ST_RTP,
-                          rtc::Socket::OPT_SNDBUF, send_buffer_size);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetFrameDecryptor(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  auto matching_stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (matching_stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
-    matching_stream->second->SetFrameDecryptor(frame_decryptor);
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetFrameEncryptor(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameEncryptorInterface> frame_encryptor) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  auto matching_stream = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (matching_stream != send_streams_.end()) {
-    matching_stream->second->SetFrameEncryptor(frame_encryptor);
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to attach frame encryptor";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetEncoderSelector(
-    uint32_t ssrc,
-    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory::EncoderSelectorInterface* encoder_selector) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  auto matching_stream = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (matching_stream != send_streams_.end()) {
-    matching_stream->second->SetEncoderSelector(encoder_selector);
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to attach encoder selector";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetVideoCodecSwitchingEnabled(bool enabled) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  allow_codec_switching_ = enabled;
-  if (allow_codec_switching_) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Encoder switching enabled.";
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(uint32_t ssrc,
-                                                      int delay_ms) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  absl::optional<uint32_t> default_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
-  // SSRC of 0 represents the default receive stream.
-  if (ssrc == 0) {
-    default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms_ = delay_ms;
-  }
-  if (ssrc == 0 && !default_ssrc) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (ssrc == 0 && default_ssrc) {
-    ssrc = default_ssrc.value();
-  }
-  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
-    stream->second->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(delay_ms);
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to set base minimum playout delay";
-    return false;
-  }
-absl::optional<int> WebRtcVideoChannel::GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
-    uint32_t ssrc) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  // SSRC of 0 represents the default receive stream.
-  if (ssrc == 0) {
-    return default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms_;
-  }
-  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
-    return stream->second->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs();
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to get base minimum playout delay";
-    return absl::nullopt;
-  }
-std::vector<webrtc::RtpSource> WebRtcVideoChannel::GetSources(
-    uint32_t ssrc) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
-  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
-    // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9781): Investigate standard compliance
-    // with sources for streams that has been removed.
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Attempting to get contributing sources for SSRC:"
-                      << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
-    return {};
-  }
-  return it->second->GetSources();
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SendRtp(const uint8_t* data,
-                                 size_t len,
-                                 const webrtc::PacketOptions& options) {
-  MediaChannel::SendRtp(data, len, options);
-  return true;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::SendRtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
-  MediaChannel::SendRtcp(data, len);
-  return true;
-    VideoSendStreamParameters(
-        webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config,
-        const VideoOptions& options,
-        int max_bitrate_bps,
-        const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& codec_settings)
-    : config(std::move(config)),
-      options(options),
-      max_bitrate_bps(max_bitrate_bps),
-      conference_mode(false),
-      codec_settings(codec_settings) {}
-    webrtc::Call* call,
-    const StreamParams& sp,
-    webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config,
-    const VideoOptions& options,
-    bool enable_cpu_overuse_detection,
-    int max_bitrate_bps,
-    const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& codec_settings,
-    const absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>& rtp_extensions,
-    // TODO(deadbeef): Don't duplicate information between send_params,
-    // rtp_extensions, options, etc.
-    const VideoSendParameters& send_params)
-    : worker_thread_(call->worker_thread()),
-      ssrcs_(sp.ssrcs),
-      ssrc_groups_(sp.ssrc_groups),
-      call_(call),
-      enable_cpu_overuse_detection_(enable_cpu_overuse_detection),
-      source_(nullptr),
-      stream_(nullptr),
-      parameters_(std::move(config), options, max_bitrate_bps, codec_settings),
-      rtp_parameters_(CreateRtpParametersWithEncodings(sp)),
-      sending_(false),
-      disable_automatic_resize_(
-          IsEnabled(call->trials(), "WebRTC-Video-DisableAutomaticResize")) {
-  // Maximum packet size may come in RtpConfig from external transport, for
-  // example from QuicTransportInterface implementation, so do not exceed
-  // given max_packet_size.
-  parameters_.config.rtp.max_packet_size =
-      std::min<size_t>(parameters_.config.rtp.max_packet_size, kVideoMtu);
-  parameters_.conference_mode = send_params.conference_mode;
-  sp.GetPrimarySsrcs(&parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs);
-  // ValidateStreamParams should prevent this from happening.
-  RTC_CHECK(!parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.empty());
-  rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].ssrc = parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
-  // RTX.
-  sp.GetFidSsrcs(parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs,
-                 &parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs);
-  // FlexFEC SSRCs.
-  // TODO(brandtr): This code needs to be generalized when we add support for
-  // multistream protection.
-  if (IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03")) {
-    uint32_t flexfec_ssrc;
-    bool flexfec_enabled = false;
-    for (uint32_t primary_ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-      if (sp.GetFecFrSsrc(primary_ssrc, &flexfec_ssrc)) {
-        if (flexfec_enabled) {
-          RTC_LOG(LS_INFO)
-              << "Multiple FlexFEC streams in local SDP, but "
-                 "our implementation only supports a single FlexFEC "
-                 "stream. Will not enable FlexFEC for proposed "
-                 "stream with SSRC: "
-              << flexfec_ssrc << ".";
-          continue;
-        }
-        flexfec_enabled = true;
-        parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.ssrc = flexfec_ssrc;
-        parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs = {primary_ssrc};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  parameters_.config.rtp.c_name = sp.cname;
-  if (rtp_extensions) {
-    parameters_.config.rtp.extensions = *rtp_extensions;
-    rtp_parameters_.header_extensions = *rtp_extensions;
-  }
-  parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode = send_params.rtcp.reduced_size
-                                         ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
-                                         : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.mid = send_params.mid;
-  rtp_parameters_.rtcp.reduced_size = send_params.rtcp.reduced_size;
-  if (codec_settings) {
-    SetCodec(*codec_settings);
-  }
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::~WebRtcVideoSendStream() {
-  if (stream_ != NULL) {
-    call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(stream_);
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetVideoSend(
-    const VideoOptions* options,
-    rtc::VideoSourceInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* source) {
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetVideoSend");
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (options) {
-    VideoOptions old_options = parameters_.options;
-    parameters_.options.SetAll(*options);
-    if (parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false) !=
-            old_options.is_screencast.value_or(false) &&
-        parameters_.codec_settings) {
-      // If screen content settings change, we may need to recreate the codec
-      // instance so that the correct type is used.
-      SetCodec(*parameters_.codec_settings);
-      // Mark screenshare parameter as being updated, then test for any other
-      // changes that may require codec reconfiguration.
-      old_options.is_screencast = options->is_screencast;
-    }
-    if (parameters_.options != old_options) {
-      ReconfigureEncoder(nullptr);
-    }
-  }
-  if (source_ && stream_) {
-    stream_->SetSource(nullptr, webrtc::DegradationPreference::DISABLED);
-  }
-  // Switch to the new source.
-  source_ = source;
-  if (source && stream_) {
-    stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
-  }
-  return true;
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GetDegradationPreference() const {
-  // Do not adapt resolution for screen content as this will likely
-  // result in blurry and unreadable text.
-  // `this` acts like a VideoSource to make sure SinkWants are handled on the
-  // correct thread.
-  if (!enable_cpu_overuse_detection_) {
-    return webrtc::DegradationPreference::DISABLED;
-  }
-  webrtc::DegradationPreference degradation_preference;
-  if (rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference.has_value()) {
-    degradation_preference = *rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference;
-  } else {
-    if (parameters_.options.content_hint ==
-        webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kFluid) {
-      degradation_preference =
-          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE;
-    } else if (parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false) ||
-               parameters_.options.content_hint ==
-                   webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kDetailed ||
-               parameters_.options.content_hint ==
-                   webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kText) {
-      degradation_preference =
-          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION;
-    } else if (IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-Video-BalancedDegradation")) {
-      // Standard wants balanced by default, but it needs to be tuned first.
-      degradation_preference = webrtc::DegradationPreference::BALANCED;
-    } else {
-      // Keep MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE by default until BALANCED has been tuned for
-      // all codecs and launched.
-      degradation_preference =
-          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE;
-    }
-  }
-  return degradation_preference;
-const std::vector<uint32_t>&
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GetSsrcs() const {
-  return ssrcs_;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetCodec(
-    const VideoCodecSettings& codec_settings) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  FallbackToDefaultScalabilityModeIfNotSupported(
-      codec_settings.codec, parameters_.config, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
-  parameters_.encoder_config = CreateVideoEncoderConfig(codec_settings.codec);
-  RTC_DCHECK_GT(parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
-  parameters_.config.rtp.payload_name = codec_settings.codec.name;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.payload_type = codec_settings.codec.id;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.raw_payload =
-      codec_settings.codec.packetization == kPacketizationParamRaw;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.ulpfec = codec_settings.ulpfec;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.payload_type =
-      codec_settings.flexfec_payload_type;
-  // Set RTX payload type if RTX is enabled.
-  if (!parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.empty()) {
-    if (codec_settings.rtx_payload_type == -1) {
-          << "RTX SSRCs configured but there's no configured RTX "
-             "payload type. Ignoring.";
-      parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.clear();
-    } else {
-      parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.payload_type = codec_settings.rtx_payload_type;
-    }
-  }
-  const bool has_lntf = HasLntf(codec_settings.codec);
-  parameters_.config.rtp.lntf.enabled = has_lntf;
-  parameters_.config.encoder_settings.capabilities.loss_notification = has_lntf;
-  parameters_.config.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms =
-      HasNack(codec_settings.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
-  parameters_.codec_settings = codec_settings;
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/8830): Avoid recreation, it should be enough to call
-  // ReconfigureEncoder.
-  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetCodec.";
-  RecreateWebRtcStream();
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetSendParameters(
-    const ChangedSendParameters& params) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  // `recreate_stream` means construction-time parameters have changed and the
-  // sending stream needs to be reset with the new config.
-  bool recreate_stream = false;
-  if (params.rtcp_mode) {
-    parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode = *params.rtcp_mode;
-    rtp_parameters_.rtcp.reduced_size =
-        parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode == webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize;
-    recreate_stream = true;
-  }
-  if (params.extmap_allow_mixed) {
-    parameters_.config.rtp.extmap_allow_mixed = *params.extmap_allow_mixed;
-    recreate_stream = true;
-  }
-  if (params.rtp_header_extensions) {
-    parameters_.config.rtp.extensions = *params.rtp_header_extensions;
-    rtp_parameters_.header_extensions = *params.rtp_header_extensions;
-    recreate_stream = true;
-  }
-  if (params.mid) {
-    parameters_.config.rtp.mid = *params.mid;
-    recreate_stream = true;
-  }
-  if (params.max_bandwidth_bps) {
-    parameters_.max_bitrate_bps = *params.max_bandwidth_bps;
-    ReconfigureEncoder(nullptr);
-  }
-  if (params.conference_mode) {
-    parameters_.conference_mode = *params.conference_mode;
-  }
-  // Set codecs and options.
-  if (params.send_codec) {
-    SetCodec(*params.send_codec);
-    recreate_stream = false;  // SetCodec has already recreated the stream.
-  } else if (params.conference_mode && parameters_.codec_settings) {
-    SetCodec(*parameters_.codec_settings);
-    recreate_stream = false;  // SetCodec has already recreated the stream.
-  }
-  if (recreate_stream) {
-        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetSendParameters";
-    RecreateWebRtcStream();
-  }
-webrtc::RTCError WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetRtpParameters(
-    const webrtc::RtpParameters& new_parameters,
-    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  // This is checked higher in the stack (RtpSender), so this is only checking
-  // for users accessing the private APIs or tests, not specification
-  // conformance.
-  // TODO(orphis): Migrate tests to later make this a DCHECK only
-  webrtc::RTCError error = CheckRtpParametersInvalidModificationAndValues(
-      rtp_parameters_, new_parameters);
-  if (!error.ok()) {
-    // Error is propagated to the callback at a higher level
-    return error;
-  }
-  bool new_param = false;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(); ++i) {
-    if ((new_parameters.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].max_framerate !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].requested_resolution !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].requested_resolution) ||
-        (new_parameters.encodings[i].scalability_mode !=
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scalability_mode)) {
-      new_param = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  bool new_degradation_preference = false;
-  if (new_parameters.degradation_preference !=
-      rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference) {
-    new_degradation_preference = true;
-  }
-  // Some fields (e.g. bitrate priority) only need to update the bitrate
-  // allocator which is updated via ReconfigureEncoder (however, note that the
-  // actual encoder should only be reconfigured if needed).
-  bool reconfigure_encoder =
-      new_param || (new_parameters.encodings[0].bitrate_priority !=
-                    rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].bitrate_priority);
-  // Note that the simulcast encoder adapter relies on the fact that layers
-  // de/activation triggers encoder reinitialization.
-  bool new_send_state = false;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(); ++i) {
-    bool new_active = IsLayerActive(new_parameters.encodings[i]);
-    bool old_active = IsLayerActive(rtp_parameters_.encodings[i]);
-    if (new_active != old_active) {
-      new_send_state = true;
-    }
-  }
-  rtp_parameters_ = new_parameters;
-  // Codecs are currently handled at the WebRtcVideoChannel level.
-  rtp_parameters_.codecs.clear();
-  if (reconfigure_encoder || new_send_state) {
-    // Callback responsibility is delegated to ReconfigureEncoder()
-    ReconfigureEncoder(std::move(callback));
-    callback = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (new_send_state) {
-    UpdateSendState();
-  }
-  if (new_degradation_preference) {
-    if (source_ && stream_) {
-      stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
-    }
-  }
-  return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GetRtpParameters() const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  return rtp_parameters_;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetFrameEncryptor(
-    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameEncryptorInterface> frame_encryptor) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  parameters_.config.frame_encryptor = frame_encryptor;
-  if (stream_) {
-        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetFrameEncryptor, ssrc="
-        << parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
-    RecreateWebRtcStream();
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetEncoderSelector(
-    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory::EncoderSelectorInterface* encoder_selector) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  parameters_.config.encoder_selector = encoder_selector;
-  if (stream_) {
-        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetEncoderSelector, ssrc="
-        << parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
-    RecreateWebRtcStream();
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::UpdateSendState() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (sending_) {
-    RTC_DCHECK(stream_ != nullptr);
-    size_t num_layers = rtp_parameters_.encodings.size();
-    if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1) {
-      // SVC is used. Only one simulcast layer is present.
-      num_layers = 1;
-    }
-    std::vector<bool> active_layers(num_layers);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i) {
-      active_layers[i] = IsLayerActive(rtp_parameters_.encodings[i]);
-    }
-    if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1 &&
-        rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() > 1) {
-      // SVC is used.
-      // The only present simulcast layer should be active if any of the
-      // configured SVC layers is active.
-      active_layers[0] =
-          absl::c_any_of(rtp_parameters_.encodings,
-                         [](const auto& encoding) { return encoding.active; });
-    }
-    // This updates what simulcast layers are sending, and possibly starts
-    // or stops the VideoSendStream.
-    stream_->StartPerRtpStream(active_layers);
-  } else {
-    if (stream_ != nullptr) {
-      stream_->Stop();
-    }
-  }
-    const VideoCodec& codec) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config;
-  encoder_config.codec_type = webrtc::PayloadStringToCodecType(codec.name);
-  encoder_config.video_format =
-      webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(codec.name, codec.params);
-  bool is_screencast = parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false);
-  if (is_screencast) {
-    encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps =
-        1000 * parameters_.options.screencast_min_bitrate_kbps.value_or(0);
-    encoder_config.content_type =
-        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen;
-  } else {
-    encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps = 0;
-    encoder_config.content_type =
-        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kRealtimeVideo;
-  }
-  // By default, the stream count for the codec configuration should match the
-  // number of negotiated ssrcs but this may be capped below depending on the
-  // `legacy_scalability_mode` and codec used.
-  encoder_config.number_of_streams = parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size();
-  bool legacy_scalability_mode = true;
-  // TODO(https://crbug.com/webrtc/14884): This is only used as a kill-switch
-  // in case of serious bugs - when this reaches Stable, delete the field trial.
-  if (!call_->trials().IsDisabled("WebRTC-AllowDisablingLegacyScalability")) {
-    for (const webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters& encoding :
-         rtp_parameters_.encodings) {
-      if (encoding.scalability_mode.has_value() &&
-          encoding.scale_resolution_down_by.has_value()) {
-        legacy_scalability_mode = false;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Maybe limit the number of simulcast layers depending on
-  // `legacy_scalability_mode`, codec types (VP9/AV1). This path only exists
-  // for backwards compatibility and will one day be deleted. If you want SVC,
-  // please specify with the `scalability_mode` API instead amd disabling all
-  // but one encoding.
-  if (IsCodecDisabledForSimulcast(legacy_scalability_mode,
-                                  encoder_config.codec_type)) {
-    encoder_config.number_of_streams = 1;
-  }
-  // parameters_.max_bitrate comes from the max bitrate set at the SDP
-  // (m-section) level with the attribute "b=AS." Note that we override this
-  // value below if the RtpParameters max bitrate set with
-  // RtpSender::SetParameters has a lower value.
-  int stream_max_bitrate = parameters_.max_bitrate_bps;
-  // When simulcast is enabled (when there are multiple encodings),
-  // encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps will be enforced by
-  // encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_bitrate_bps. Otherwise, it's
-  // enforced by stream_max_bitrate, taking the minimum of the two maximums
-  // (one coming from SDP, the other coming from RtpParameters).
-  if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].max_bitrate_bps &&
-      rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() == 1) {
-    stream_max_bitrate =
-        MinPositive(*(rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].max_bitrate_bps),
-                    parameters_.max_bitrate_bps);
-  }
-  // The codec max bitrate comes from the "x-google-max-bitrate" parameter
-  // attribute set in the SDP for a specific codec. As done in
-  // WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSendParameters, this value does not override the
-  // stream max_bitrate set above.
-  int codec_max_bitrate_kbps;
-  if (codec.GetParam(kCodecParamMaxBitrate, &codec_max_bitrate_kbps) &&
-      stream_max_bitrate == -1) {
-    stream_max_bitrate = codec_max_bitrate_kbps * 1000;
-  }
-  encoder_config.max_bitrate_bps = stream_max_bitrate;
-  // The encoder config's default bitrate priority is set to 1.0,
-  // unless it is set through the sender's encoding parameters.
-  // The bitrate priority, which is used in the bitrate allocation, is done
-  // on a per sender basis, so we use the first encoding's value.
-  encoder_config.bitrate_priority =
-      rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].bitrate_priority;
-  // Application-controlled state is held in the encoder_config's
-  // simulcast_layers. Currently this is used to control which simulcast layers
-  // are active and for configuring the min/max bitrate and max framerate.
-  // The encoder_config's simulcast_layers is also used for non-simulcast (when
-  // there is a single layer).
-  RTC_DCHECK_GE(rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(),
-                encoder_config.number_of_streams);
-  RTC_DCHECK_GT(encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
-  // Copy all provided constraints.
-  encoder_config.simulcast_layers.resize(rtp_parameters_.encodings.size());
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < encoder_config.simulcast_layers.size(); ++i) {
-    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].active =
-        rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].active;
-    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].scalability_mode =
-        webrtc::ScalabilityModeFromString(
-            rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scalability_mode.value_or(""));
-    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps) {
-      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].min_bitrate_bps =
-          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps;
-    }
-    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps) {
-      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_bitrate_bps =
-          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps;
-    }
-    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate) {
-      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_framerate =
-          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate;
-    }
-    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by) {
-      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].scale_resolution_down_by =
-          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by;
-    }
-    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers) {
-      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].num_temporal_layers =
-          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers;
-    }
-    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].requested_resolution =
-        rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].requested_resolution;
-  }
-  encoder_config.legacy_conference_mode = parameters_.conference_mode;
-  encoder_config.is_quality_scaling_allowed =
-      !disable_automatic_resize_ && !is_screencast &&
-      (parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() == 1 ||
-       NumActiveStreams(rtp_parameters_) == 1);
-  // Ensure frame dropping is always enabled.
-  encoder_config.frame_drop_enabled = true;
-  int max_qp = kDefaultQpMax;
-  codec.GetParam(kCodecParamMaxQuantization, &max_qp);
-  encoder_config.max_qp = max_qp;
-  return encoder_config;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::ReconfigureEncoder(
-    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (!stream_) {
-    // The webrtc::VideoSendStream `stream_` has not yet been created but other
-    // parameters has changed.
-    webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
-    return;
-  }
-  RTC_DCHECK_GT(parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
-  RTC_CHECK(parameters_.codec_settings);
-  VideoCodecSettings codec_settings = *parameters_.codec_settings;
-  FallbackToDefaultScalabilityModeIfNotSupported(
-      codec_settings.codec, parameters_.config, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
-  // Latest config, with and without encoder specfic settings.
-  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config =
-      CreateVideoEncoderConfig(codec_settings.codec);
-  encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings =
-      ConfigureVideoEncoderSettings(codec_settings.codec);
-  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config_with_specifics =
-      encoder_config.Copy();
-  encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings = nullptr;
-  // When switching between legacy SVC (3 encodings interpreted as 1 stream with
-  // 3 spatial layers) and the standard API (3 encodings = 3 streams and spatial
-  // layers specified by `scalability_mode`), the number of streams can change.
-  bool num_streams_changed = parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams !=
-                             encoder_config.number_of_streams;
-  bool scalability_mode_used = !codec_settings.codec.scalability_modes.empty();
-  bool scalability_modes = absl::c_any_of(
-      rtp_parameters_.encodings,
-      [](const auto& e) { return e.scalability_mode.has_value(); });
-  parameters_.encoder_config = std::move(encoder_config);
-  if (num_streams_changed && (scalability_mode_used != scalability_modes)) {
-    // The app is switching between legacy and standard modes, recreate instead
-    // of reconfiguring to avoid number of streams not matching in lower layers.
-    RecreateWebRtcStream();
-    webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
-    return;
-  }
-  stream_->ReconfigureVideoEncoder(std::move(encoder_config_with_specifics),
-                                   std::move(callback));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetSend(bool send) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  sending_ = send;
-  UpdateSendState();
-    bool log_stats) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  VideoSenderInfo common_info;
-  if (parameters_.codec_settings) {
-    common_info.codec_name = parameters_.codec_settings->codec.name;
-    common_info.codec_payload_type = parameters_.codec_settings->codec.id;
-  }
-  std::vector<VideoSenderInfo> infos;
-  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Stats stats;
-  if (stream_ == nullptr) {
-    for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-      common_info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
-    }
-    infos.push_back(common_info);
-    return infos;
-  } else {
-    stats = stream_->GetStats();
-    if (log_stats)
-      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(rtc::TimeMillis());
-    // Metrics that are in common for all substreams.
-    common_info.adapt_changes = stats.number_of_cpu_adapt_changes;
-    common_info.adapt_reason =
-        stats.cpu_limited_resolution ? ADAPTREASON_CPU : ADAPTREASON_NONE;
-    common_info.has_entered_low_resolution = stats.has_entered_low_resolution;
-    // Get bandwidth limitation info from stream_->GetStats().
-    // Input resolution (output from video_adapter) can be further scaled down
-    // or higher video layer(s) can be dropped due to bitrate constraints.
-    // Note, adapt_changes only include changes from the video_adapter.
-    if (stats.bw_limited_resolution)
-      common_info.adapt_reason |= ADAPTREASON_BANDWIDTH;
-    common_info.quality_limitation_reason = stats.quality_limitation_reason;
-    common_info.quality_limitation_durations_ms =
-        stats.quality_limitation_durations_ms;
-    common_info.quality_limitation_resolution_changes =
-        stats.quality_limitation_resolution_changes;
-    common_info.encoder_implementation_name = stats.encoder_implementation_name;
-    common_info.target_bitrate = stats.target_media_bitrate_bps;
-    common_info.ssrc_groups = ssrc_groups_;
-    common_info.frames = stats.frames;
-    common_info.framerate_input = stats.input_frame_rate;
-    common_info.avg_encode_ms = stats.avg_encode_time_ms;
-    common_info.encode_usage_percent = stats.encode_usage_percent;
-    common_info.nominal_bitrate = stats.media_bitrate_bps;
-    common_info.content_type = stats.content_type;
-    common_info.aggregated_framerate_sent = stats.encode_frame_rate;
-    common_info.aggregated_huge_frames_sent = stats.huge_frames_sent;
-    common_info.power_efficient_encoder = stats.power_efficient_encoder;
-    // The normal case is that substreams are present, handled below. But if
-    // substreams are missing (can happen before negotiated/connected where we
-    // have no stats yet) a single outbound-rtp is created representing any and
-    // all layers.
-    if (stats.substreams.empty()) {
-      for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-        common_info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
-      }
-      common_info.active =
-          IsActiveFromEncodings(absl::nullopt, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
-      common_info.framerate_sent = stats.encode_frame_rate;
-      common_info.frames_encoded = stats.frames_encoded;
-      common_info.total_encode_time_ms = stats.total_encode_time_ms;
-      common_info.total_encoded_bytes_target = stats.total_encoded_bytes_target;
-      common_info.frames_sent = stats.frames_encoded;
-      common_info.huge_frames_sent = stats.huge_frames_sent;
-      infos.push_back(common_info);
-      return infos;
-    }
-  }
-  // Merge `stats.substreams`, which may contain additional SSRCs for RTX or
-  // Flexfec, with media SSRCs. This results in a set of substreams that match
-  // with the outbound-rtp stats objects.
-  auto outbound_rtp_substreams =
-      MergeInfoAboutOutboundRtpSubstreams(stats.substreams);
-  // If SVC is used, one stream is configured but multiple encodings exist. This
-  // is not spec-compliant, but it is how we've implemented SVC so this affects
-  // how the RTP stream's "active" value is determined.
-  bool is_svc = (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1 &&
-                 rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() > 1);
-  for (const auto& pair : outbound_rtp_substreams) {
-    auto info = common_info;
-    uint32_t ssrc = pair.first;
-    info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
-    info.rid = parameters_.config.rtp.GetRidForSsrc(ssrc);
-    info.active = IsActiveFromEncodings(
-        !is_svc ? absl::optional<uint32_t>(ssrc) : absl::nullopt,
-        rtp_parameters_.encodings);
-    auto stream_stats = pair.second;
-    RTC_DCHECK_EQ(stream_stats.type,
-                  webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats::StreamType::kMedia);
-    info.payload_bytes_sent = stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.payload_bytes;
-    info.header_and_padding_bytes_sent =
-        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.header_bytes +
-        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.padding_bytes;
-    info.packets_sent = stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.packets;
-    info.total_packet_send_delay +=
-        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.total_packet_delay;
-    info.send_frame_width = stream_stats.width;
-    info.send_frame_height = stream_stats.height;
-    info.key_frames_encoded = stream_stats.frame_counts.key_frames;
-    info.framerate_sent = stream_stats.encode_frame_rate;
-    info.frames_encoded = stream_stats.frames_encoded;
-    info.frames_sent = stream_stats.frames_encoded;
-    info.retransmitted_bytes_sent =
-        stream_stats.rtp_stats.retransmitted.payload_bytes;
-    info.retransmitted_packets_sent =
-        stream_stats.rtp_stats.retransmitted.packets;
-    info.firs_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.fir_packets;
-    info.nacks_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.nack_packets;
-    info.plis_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.pli_packets;
-    if (stream_stats.report_block_data.has_value()) {
-      info.packets_lost = stream_stats.report_block_data->cumulative_lost();
-      info.fraction_lost = stream_stats.report_block_data->fraction_lost();
-      info.report_block_datas.push_back(*stream_stats.report_block_data);
-    }
-    info.qp_sum = stream_stats.qp_sum;
-    info.total_encode_time_ms = stream_stats.total_encode_time_ms;
-    info.total_encoded_bytes_target = stream_stats.total_encoded_bytes_target;
-    info.huge_frames_sent = stream_stats.huge_frames_sent;
-    info.scalability_mode = stream_stats.scalability_mode;
-    infos.push_back(info);
-  }
-  return infos;
-    const std::vector<VideoSenderInfo>& infos) const {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_CHECK(!infos.empty());
-  if (infos.size() == 1) {
-    return infos[0];
-  }
-  VideoSenderInfo info = infos[0];
-  info.local_stats.clear();
-  for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
-    info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
-  }
-  info.framerate_sent = info.aggregated_framerate_sent;
-  info.huge_frames_sent = info.aggregated_huge_frames_sent;
-  for (size_t i = 1; i < infos.size(); i++) {
-    info.key_frames_encoded += infos[i].key_frames_encoded;
-    info.payload_bytes_sent += infos[i].payload_bytes_sent;
-    info.header_and_padding_bytes_sent +=
-        infos[i].header_and_padding_bytes_sent;
-    info.packets_sent += infos[i].packets_sent;
-    info.total_packet_send_delay += infos[i].total_packet_send_delay;
-    info.retransmitted_bytes_sent += infos[i].retransmitted_bytes_sent;
-    info.retransmitted_packets_sent += infos[i].retransmitted_packets_sent;
-    info.packets_lost += infos[i].packets_lost;
-    if (infos[i].send_frame_width > info.send_frame_width)
-      info.send_frame_width = infos[i].send_frame_width;
-    if (infos[i].send_frame_height > info.send_frame_height)
-      info.send_frame_height = infos[i].send_frame_height;
-    info.firs_received += infos[i].firs_received;
-    info.nacks_received += infos[i].nacks_received;
-    info.plis_received += infos[i].plis_received;
-    if (infos[i].report_block_datas.size())
-      info.report_block_datas.push_back(infos[i].report_block_datas[0]);
-    if (infos[i].qp_sum) {
-      if (!info.qp_sum) {
-        info.qp_sum = 0;
-      }
-      info.qp_sum = *info.qp_sum + *infos[i].qp_sum;
-    }
-    info.frames_encoded += infos[i].frames_encoded;
-    info.frames_sent += infos[i].frames_sent;
-    info.total_encode_time_ms += infos[i].total_encode_time_ms;
-    info.total_encoded_bytes_target += infos[i].total_encoded_bytes_target;
-  }
-  return info;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::FillBitrateInfo(
-    BandwidthEstimationInfo* bwe_info) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (stream_ == NULL) {
-    return;
-  }
-  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Stats stats = stream_->GetStats();
-  for (const auto& it : stats.substreams) {
-    bwe_info->transmit_bitrate += it.second.total_bitrate_bps;
-    bwe_info->retransmit_bitrate += it.second.retransmit_bitrate_bps;
-  }
-  bwe_info->target_enc_bitrate += stats.target_media_bitrate_bps;
-  bwe_info->actual_enc_bitrate += stats.media_bitrate_bps;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::
-    SetEncoderToPacketizerFrameTransformer(
-        rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface>
-            frame_transformer) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  parameters_.config.frame_transformer = std::move(frame_transformer);
-  if (stream_)
-    RecreateWebRtcStream();
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::RecreateWebRtcStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (stream_ != NULL) {
-    call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(stream_);
-  }
-  RTC_CHECK(parameters_.codec_settings);
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ((parameters_.encoder_config.content_type ==
-                 webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen),
-                parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false))
-      << "encoder content type inconsistent with screencast option";
-  parameters_.encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings =
-      ConfigureVideoEncoderSettings(parameters_.codec_settings->codec);
-  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config = parameters_.config.Copy();
-  if (!config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.empty() && config.rtp.rtx.payload_type == -1) {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RTX SSRCs configured but there's no configured RTX "
-                           "payload type the set codec. Ignoring RTX.";
-    config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.clear();
-  }
-  if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1) {
-    // SVC is used instead of simulcast. Remove unnecessary SSRCs.
-    if (config.rtp.ssrcs.size() > 1) {
-      config.rtp.ssrcs.resize(1);
-      if (config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.size() > 1) {
-        config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.resize(1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  stream_ = call_->CreateVideoSendStream(std::move(config),
-                                         parameters_.encoder_config.Copy());
-  parameters_.encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings = NULL;
-  // Calls stream_->StartPerRtpStream() to start the VideoSendStream
-  // if necessary conditions are met.
-  UpdateSendState();
-  // Attach the source after starting the send stream to prevent frames from
-  // being injected into a not-yet initializated video stream encoder.
-  if (source_) {
-    stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GenerateKeyFrame(
-    const std::vector<std::string>& rids) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  if (stream_ != NULL) {
-    stream_->GenerateKeyFrame(rids);
-  } else {
-        << "Absent send stream; ignoring request to generate keyframe.";
-  }
-    webrtc::Call* call,
-    const StreamParams& sp,
-    webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config,
-    bool default_stream,
-    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& recv_codecs,
-    const webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config& flexfec_config)
-    : call_(call),
-      stream_params_(sp),
-      stream_(NULL),
-      default_stream_(default_stream),
-      config_(std::move(config)),
-      flexfec_config_(flexfec_config),
-      flexfec_stream_(nullptr),
-      sink_(NULL),
-      first_frame_timestamp_(-1),
-      estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_(0),
-      receiving_(false) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(config_.decoder_factory);
-  RTC_DCHECK(config_.decoders.empty())
-      << "Decoder info is supplied via `recv_codecs`";
-  ExtractCodecInformation(recv_codecs, config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types,
-                          config_.rtp.raw_payload_types, config_.decoders);
-  const VideoCodecSettings& codec = recv_codecs.front();
-  config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
-  config_.rtp.red_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
-  config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = HasLntf(codec.codec);
-  config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = HasNack(codec.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
-  if (codec.rtx_time && config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms != 0) {
-    config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = *codec.rtx_time;
-  }
-  config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = HasRrtr(codec.codec);
-  if (codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) {
-    config_.rtp
-        .rtx_associated_payload_types[codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type] =
-        codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
-  }
-  config_.renderer = this;
-  flexfec_config_.payload_type = flexfec_config.payload_type;
-  CreateReceiveStream();
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::~WebRtcVideoReceiveStream() {
-  call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(stream_);
-  if (flexfec_stream_)
-    call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::stream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  return *stream_;
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::flexfec_stream() {
-  return flexfec_stream_;
-const std::vector<uint32_t>&
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetSsrcs() const {
-  return stream_params_.ssrcs;
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetSources() {
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  return stream_->GetSources();
-WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetRtpParameters() const {
-  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_parameters;
-  std::vector<uint32_t> primary_ssrcs;
-  stream_params_.GetPrimarySsrcs(&primary_ssrcs);
-  for (uint32_t ssrc : primary_ssrcs) {
-    rtp_parameters.encodings.emplace_back();
-    rtp_parameters.encodings.back().ssrc = ssrc;
-  }
-  rtp_parameters.rtcp.reduced_size =
-      config_.rtp.rtcp_mode == webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize;
-  return rtp_parameters;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::ReconfigureCodecs(
-    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& recv_codecs) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  RTC_DCHECK(!recv_codecs.empty());
-  std::map<int, int> rtx_associated_payload_types;
-  std::set<int> raw_payload_types;
-  std::vector<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder> decoders;
-  ExtractCodecInformation(recv_codecs, rtx_associated_payload_types,
-                          raw_payload_types, decoders);
-  const auto& codec = recv_codecs.front();
-  if (config_.rtp.red_payload_type != codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type ||
-      config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type != codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type) {
-    config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
-    config_.rtp.red_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
-    stream_->SetProtectionPayloadTypes(config_.rtp.red_payload_type,
-                                       config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type);
-  }
-  const bool has_lntf = HasLntf(codec.codec);
-  if (config_.rtp.lntf.enabled != has_lntf) {
-    config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = has_lntf;
-    stream_->SetLossNotificationEnabled(has_lntf);
-  }
-  int new_history_ms = config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms;
-  const int rtp_history_ms = HasNack(codec.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
-  if (rtp_history_ms != config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms) {
-    new_history_ms = rtp_history_ms;
-  }
-  // The rtx-time parameter can be used to override the hardcoded default for
-  // the NACK buffer length.
-  if (codec.rtx_time && new_history_ms != 0) {
-    new_history_ms = *codec.rtx_time;
-  }
-  if (config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms != new_history_ms) {
-    config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = new_history_ms;
-    stream_->SetNackHistory(webrtc::TimeDelta::Millis(new_history_ms));
-  }
-  const bool has_rtr = HasRrtr(codec.codec);
-  if (has_rtr != config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report) {
-    config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = has_rtr;
-    stream_->SetRtcpXr(config_.rtp.rtcp_xr);
-  }
-  if (codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) {
-    rtx_associated_payload_types[codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type] =
-        codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
-  }
-  if (config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types !=
-      rtx_associated_payload_types) {
-    stream_->SetAssociatedPayloadTypes(rtx_associated_payload_types);
-    rtx_associated_payload_types.swap(config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types);
-  }
-  bool recreate_needed = false;
-  if (raw_payload_types != config_.rtp.raw_payload_types) {
-    raw_payload_types.swap(config_.rtp.raw_payload_types);
-    recreate_needed = true;
-  }
-  if (decoders != config_.decoders) {
-    decoders.swap(config_.decoders);
-    recreate_needed = true;
-  }
-  return recreate_needed;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFeedbackParameters(
-    bool lntf_enabled,
-    bool nack_enabled,
-    webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
-    absl::optional<int> rtx_time) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  if (config_.rtp.rtcp_mode != rtcp_mode) {
-    config_.rtp.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
-    stream_->SetRtcpMode(rtcp_mode);
-    flexfec_config_.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
-    if (flexfec_stream_) {
-      flexfec_stream_->SetRtcpMode(rtcp_mode);
-    }
-  }
-  config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = lntf_enabled;
-  stream_->SetLossNotificationEnabled(lntf_enabled);
-  int nack_history_ms = nack_enabled ? rtx_time.value_or(kNackHistoryMs) : 0;
-  config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = nack_history_ms;
-  stream_->SetNackHistory(webrtc::TimeDelta::Millis(nack_history_ms));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFlexFecPayload(
-    int payload_type) {
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11993, tommi): See if it is better to always have a
-  // flexfec stream object around and instead of recreating the video stream,
-  // reconfigure the flexfec object from within the rtp callback (soon to be on
-  // the network thread).
-  if (flexfec_stream_) {
-    if (flexfec_stream_->payload_type() == payload_type) {
-      RTC_DCHECK_EQ(flexfec_config_.payload_type, payload_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
-    flexfec_stream_->SetPayloadType(payload_type);
-    if (payload_type == -1) {
-      stream_->SetFlexFecProtection(nullptr);
-      call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
-      flexfec_stream_ = nullptr;
-    }
-  } else if (payload_type != -1) {
-    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
-    if (flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled()) {
-      flexfec_stream_ = call_->CreateFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_config_);
-      stream_->SetFlexFecProtection(flexfec_stream_);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // Noop. No flexfec stream exists and "new" payload_type == -1.
-    RTC_DCHECK(!flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled());
-    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetRecvParameters(
-    const ChangedRecvParameters& params) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  bool video_needs_recreation = false;
-  if (params.codec_settings) {
-    video_needs_recreation = ReconfigureCodecs(*params.codec_settings);
-  }
-  if (params.flexfec_payload_type)
-    SetFlexFecPayload(*params.flexfec_payload_type);
-  if (video_needs_recreation) {
-    RecreateReceiveStream();
-  } else {
-    RTC_DLOG_F(LS_INFO) << "No receive stream recreate needed.";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::RecreateReceiveStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
-  absl::optional<int> base_minimum_playout_delay_ms;
-  absl::optional<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState>
-      recording_state;
-  if (stream_) {
-    base_minimum_playout_delay_ms = stream_->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs();
-    recording_state = stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
-        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(),
-        /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
-    call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(stream_);
-    stream_ = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (flexfec_stream_) {
-    call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
-    flexfec_stream_ = nullptr;
-  }
-  CreateReceiveStream();
-  if (base_minimum_playout_delay_ms) {
-    stream_->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
-        base_minimum_playout_delay_ms.value());
-  }
-  if (recording_state) {
-    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(std::move(*recording_state),
-                                     /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
-  }
-  if (receiving_) {
-    StartReceiveStream();
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::CreateReceiveStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK(!stream_);
-  RTC_DCHECK(!flexfec_stream_);
-  if (flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled()) {
-    flexfec_stream_ = call_->CreateFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_config_);
-  }
-  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config = config_.Copy();
-  config.rtp.protected_by_flexfec = (flexfec_stream_ != nullptr);
-  config.rtp.packet_sink_ = flexfec_stream_;
-  stream_ = call_->CreateVideoReceiveStream(std::move(config));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::StartReceiveStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  receiving_ = true;
-  stream_->Start();
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::StopReceiveStream() {
-  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-  receiving_ = false;
-  stream_->Stop();
-  RecreateReceiveStream();
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::OnFrame(
-    const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {
-  webrtc::MutexLock lock(&sink_lock_);
-  int64_t time_now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
-  if (first_frame_timestamp_ < 0)
-    first_frame_timestamp_ = time_now_ms;
-  int64_t elapsed_time_ms = time_now_ms - first_frame_timestamp_;
-  if (frame.ntp_time_ms() > 0)
-    estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_ = frame.ntp_time_ms() - elapsed_time_ms;
-  if (sink_ == NULL) {
-        << "VideoReceiveStreamInterface not connected to a VideoSink.";
-    return;
-  }
-  sink_->OnFrame(frame);
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::IsDefaultStream() const {
-  return default_stream_;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFrameDecryptor(
-    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) {
-  config_.frame_decryptor = frame_decryptor;
-  if (stream_) {
-        << "Setting FrameDecryptor (recv) because of SetFrameDecryptor, "
-           "remote_ssrc="
-        << config_.rtp.remote_ssrc;
-    stream_->SetFrameDecryptor(frame_decryptor);
-  }
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
-    int delay_ms) {
-  return stream_ ? stream_->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(delay_ms) : false;
-int WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs()
-    const {
-  return stream_ ? stream_->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs() : 0;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetSink(
-    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
-  webrtc::MutexLock lock(&sink_lock_);
-  sink_ = sink;
-    bool log_stats) {
-  VideoReceiverInfo info;
-  info.ssrc_groups = stream_params_.ssrc_groups;
-  info.add_ssrc(config_.rtp.remote_ssrc);
-  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Stats stats = stream_->GetStats();
-  info.decoder_implementation_name = stats.decoder_implementation_name;
-  info.power_efficient_decoder = stats.power_efficient_decoder;
-  if (stats.current_payload_type != -1) {
-    info.codec_payload_type = stats.current_payload_type;
-    auto decoder_it = absl::c_find_if(config_.decoders, [&](const auto& d) {
-      return d.payload_type == stats.current_payload_type;
-    });
-    if (decoder_it != config_.decoders.end())
-      info.codec_name = decoder_it->video_format.name;
-  }
-  info.payload_bytes_received = stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.payload_bytes;
-  info.header_and_padding_bytes_received =
-      stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.header_bytes +
-      stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.padding_bytes;
-  info.packets_received = stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.packets;
-  info.packets_lost = stats.rtp_stats.packets_lost;
-  info.jitter_ms = stats.rtp_stats.jitter / (kVideoCodecClockrate / 1000);
-  info.framerate_received = stats.network_frame_rate;
-  info.framerate_decoded = stats.decode_frame_rate;
-  info.framerate_output = stats.render_frame_rate;
-  info.frame_width = stats.width;
-  info.frame_height = stats.height;
-  {
-    webrtc::MutexLock frame_cs(&sink_lock_);
-    info.capture_start_ntp_time_ms = estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_;
-  }
-  info.decode_ms = stats.decode_ms;
-  info.max_decode_ms = stats.max_decode_ms;
-  info.current_delay_ms = stats.current_delay_ms;
-  info.target_delay_ms = stats.target_delay_ms;
-  info.jitter_buffer_ms = stats.jitter_buffer_ms;
-  info.jitter_buffer_delay_seconds =
-      stats.jitter_buffer_delay.seconds<double>();
-  info.jitter_buffer_target_delay_seconds =
-      stats.jitter_buffer_target_delay.seconds<double>();
-  info.jitter_buffer_emitted_count = stats.jitter_buffer_emitted_count;
-  info.jitter_buffer_minimum_delay_seconds =
-      stats.jitter_buffer_minimum_delay.seconds<double>();
-  info.min_playout_delay_ms = stats.min_playout_delay_ms;
-  info.render_delay_ms = stats.render_delay_ms;
-  info.frames_received =
-      stats.frame_counts.key_frames + stats.frame_counts.delta_frames;
-  info.frames_dropped = stats.frames_dropped;
-  info.frames_decoded = stats.frames_decoded;
-  info.key_frames_decoded = stats.frame_counts.key_frames;
-  info.frames_rendered = stats.frames_rendered;
-  info.qp_sum = stats.qp_sum;
-  info.total_decode_time = stats.total_decode_time;
-  info.total_processing_delay = stats.total_processing_delay;
-  info.total_assembly_time = stats.total_assembly_time;
-  info.frames_assembled_from_multiple_packets =
-      stats.frames_assembled_from_multiple_packets;
-  info.last_packet_received_timestamp_ms =
-      stats.rtp_stats.last_packet_received_timestamp_ms;
-  info.estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms =
-      stats.estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms;
-  info.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms =
-      stats.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms;
-  info.total_inter_frame_delay = stats.total_inter_frame_delay;
-  info.total_squared_inter_frame_delay = stats.total_squared_inter_frame_delay;
-  info.interframe_delay_max_ms = stats.interframe_delay_max_ms;
-  info.freeze_count = stats.freeze_count;
-  info.pause_count = stats.pause_count;
-  info.total_freezes_duration_ms = stats.total_freezes_duration_ms;
-  info.total_pauses_duration_ms = stats.total_pauses_duration_ms;
-  info.content_type = stats.content_type;
-  info.firs_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.fir_packets;
-  info.plis_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.pli_packets;
-  info.nacks_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.nack_packets;
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10662): Add stats for LNTF.
-  info.timing_frame_info = stats.timing_frame_info;
-  if (stats.rtx_rtp_stats.has_value()) {
-    info.retransmitted_packets_received =
-        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.packets;
-    info.retransmitted_bytes_received =
-        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.payload_bytes;
-    // RTX information gets added to primary counters.
-    info.payload_bytes_received +=
-        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.payload_bytes;
-    info.header_and_padding_bytes_received +=
-        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.header_bytes +
-        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.padding_bytes;
-    info.packets_received += stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.packets;
-  }
-  if (log_stats)
-    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(rtc::TimeMillis());
-  return info;
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
-    SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
-        std::function<void(const webrtc::RecordableEncodedFrame&)> callback) {
-  if (stream_) {
-    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
-        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(
-            std::move(callback)),
-        /*generate_key_frame=*/true);
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Absent receive stream; ignoring setting encoded "
-                         "frame sink";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
-    ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback() {
-  if (stream_) {
-    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
-        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(),
-        /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
-  } else {
-    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded "
-                         "frame sink";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GenerateKeyFrame() {
-  if (stream_) {
-    stream_->GenerateKeyFrame();
-  } else {
-        << "Absent receive stream; ignoring key frame generation request.";
-  }
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
-    SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
-        rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface>
-            frame_transformer) {
-  config_.frame_transformer = frame_transformer;
-  if (stream_)
-    stream_->SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(frame_transformer);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetLocalSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
-  config_.rtp.local_ssrc = ssrc;
-  call_->OnLocalSsrcUpdated(stream(), ssrc);
-  if (flexfec_stream_)
-    call_->OnLocalSsrcUpdated(*flexfec_stream_, ssrc);
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::UpdateRtxSsrc(
-    uint32_t ssrc) {
-  stream_->UpdateRtxSsrc(ssrc);
-    : flexfec_payload_type(-1), rtx_payload_type(-1) {}
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings::operator==(
-    const WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings& other) const {
-  return codec == other.codec && ulpfec == other.ulpfec &&
-         flexfec_payload_type == other.flexfec_payload_type &&
-         rtx_payload_type == other.rtx_payload_type &&
-         rtx_time == other.rtx_time;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings::EqualsDisregardingFlexfec(
-    const WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings& a,
-    const WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings& b) {
-  return a.codec == b.codec && a.ulpfec == b.ulpfec &&
-         a.rtx_payload_type == b.rtx_payload_type && a.rtx_time == b.rtx_time;
-bool WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings::operator!=(
-    const WebRtcVideoChannel::VideoCodecSettings& other) const {
-  return !(*this == other);
-WebRtcVideoChannel::MapCodecs(const std::vector<VideoCodec>& codecs) {
+// Generate the list of codec parameters to pass down based on the negotiated
+// "codecs". Note that VideoCodecSettings correspond to concrete codecs like
+// VP8, VP9, H264 while VideoCodecs correspond also to "virtual" codecs like
+std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> MapCodecs(
+    const std::vector<VideoCodec>& codecs) {
   if (codecs.empty()) {
     return {};
@@ -3693,8 +656,3045 @@
   return video_codecs;
-WebRtcVideoChannel::FindReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
+bool NonFlexfecReceiveCodecsHaveChanged(std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> before,
+                                        std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> after) {
+  // The receive codec order doesn't matter, so we sort the codecs before
+  // comparing. This is necessary because currently the
+  // only way to change the send codec is to munge SDP, which causes
+  // the receive codec list to change order, which causes the streams
+  // to be recreates which causes a "blink" of black video.  In order
+  // to support munging the SDP in this way without recreating receive
+  // streams, we ignore the order of the received codecs so that
+  // changing the order doesn't cause this "blink".
+  auto comparison = [](const VideoCodecSettings& codec1,
+                       const VideoCodecSettings& codec2) {
+    return codec1.codec.id > codec2.codec.id;
+  };
+  absl::c_sort(before, comparison);
+  absl::c_sort(after, comparison);
+  // Changes in FlexFEC payload type are handled separately in
+  // WebRtcVideoChannel::GetChangedRecvParameters, so disregard FlexFEC in the
+  // comparison here.
+  return !absl::c_equal(before, after,
+                        VideoCodecSettings::EqualsDisregardingFlexfec);
+std::string CodecSettingsVectorToString(
+    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& codecs) {
+  rtc::StringBuilder out;
+  out << "{";
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
+    out << codecs[i].codec.ToString();
+    if (i != codecs.size() - 1) {
+      out << ", ";
+    }
+  }
+  out << "}";
+  return out.Release();
+void ExtractCodecInformation(
+    rtc::ArrayView<const VideoCodecSettings> recv_codecs,
+    std::map<int, int>& rtx_associated_payload_types,
+    std::set<int>& raw_payload_types,
+    std::vector<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder>& decoders) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(!recv_codecs.empty());
+  RTC_DCHECK(rtx_associated_payload_types.empty());
+  RTC_DCHECK(raw_payload_types.empty());
+  RTC_DCHECK(decoders.empty());
+  for (const VideoCodecSettings& recv_codec : recv_codecs) {
+    decoders.emplace_back(
+        webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(recv_codec.codec.name, recv_codec.codec.params),
+        recv_codec.codec.id);
+    rtx_associated_payload_types.emplace(recv_codec.rtx_payload_type,
+                                         recv_codec.codec.id);
+    if (recv_codec.codec.packetization == kPacketizationParamRaw) {
+      raw_payload_types.insert(recv_codec.codec.id);
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace
+std::map<uint32_t, webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats>
+    const std::map<uint32_t, webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats>&
+        substreams) {
+  return MergeInfoAboutOutboundRtpSubstreams(substreams);
+    const VideoCodec& codec) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  bool is_screencast = parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false);
+  // No automatic resizing when using simulcast or screencast, or when
+  // disabled by field trial flag.
+  bool automatic_resize = !disable_automatic_resize_ && !is_screencast &&
+                          (parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() == 1 ||
+                           NumActiveStreams(rtp_parameters_) == 1);
+  bool denoising;
+  bool codec_default_denoising = false;
+  if (is_screencast) {
+    denoising = false;
+  } else {
+    // Use codec default if video_noise_reduction is unset.
+    codec_default_denoising = !parameters_.options.video_noise_reduction;
+    denoising = parameters_.options.video_noise_reduction.value_or(false);
+  }
+  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kH264CodecName)) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kVp8CodecName)) {
+    webrtc::VideoCodecVP8 vp8_settings =
+        webrtc::VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp8Settings();
+    vp8_settings.automaticResizeOn = automatic_resize;
+    // VP8 denoising is enabled by default.
+    vp8_settings.denoisingOn = codec_default_denoising ? true : denoising;
+    return rtc::make_ref_counted<
+        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::Vp8EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp8_settings);
+  }
+  if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, kVp9CodecName)) {
+    webrtc::VideoCodecVP9 vp9_settings =
+        webrtc::VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings();
+    vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers = std::min<unsigned char>(
+        parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size(), kConferenceMaxNumSpatialLayers);
+    vp9_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+        std::min<unsigned char>(parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() > 1
+                                    ? kConferenceDefaultNumTemporalLayers
+                                    : 1,
+                                kConferenceMaxNumTemporalLayers);
+    // VP9 denoising is disabled by default.
+    vp9_settings.denoisingOn = codec_default_denoising ? true : denoising;
+    // Disable automatic resize if more than one spatial layer is requested.
+    bool vp9_automatic_resize = automatic_resize;
+    absl::optional<int> num_spatial_layers =
+        NumSpatialLayersFromEncoding(rtp_parameters_, /*idx=*/0);
+    if (num_spatial_layers && *num_spatial_layers > 1) {
+      vp9_automatic_resize = false;
+    }
+    vp9_settings.automaticResizeOn = vp9_automatic_resize;
+    if (!is_screencast) {
+      webrtc::FieldTrialFlag interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled("Enabled");
+      webrtc::FieldTrialEnum<webrtc::InterLayerPredMode> inter_layer_pred_mode(
+          "inter_layer_pred_mode", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic,
+          {{"off", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOff},
+           {"on", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOn},
+           {"onkeypic", webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic}});
+      webrtc::FieldTrialFlag force_flexible_mode("FlexibleMode");
+      webrtc::ParseFieldTrial(
+          {&interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled, &inter_layer_pred_mode,
+           &force_flexible_mode},
+          call_->trials().Lookup("WebRTC-Vp9InterLayerPred"));
+      if (interlayer_pred_experiment_enabled) {
+        vp9_settings.interLayerPred = inter_layer_pred_mode;
+      } else {
+        // Limit inter-layer prediction to key pictures by default.
+        vp9_settings.interLayerPred = webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic;
+      }
+      vp9_settings.flexibleMode = force_flexible_mode.Get();
+    } else {
+      // Multiple spatial layers vp9 screenshare needs flexible mode.
+      vp9_settings.flexibleMode = vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers > 1;
+      vp9_settings.interLayerPred = webrtc::InterLayerPredMode::kOn;
+    }
+    return rtc::make_ref_counted<
+        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::Vp9EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp9_settings);
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+    std::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory> video_encoder_factory,
+    std::unique_ptr<webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory> video_decoder_factory,
+    const webrtc::FieldTrialsView& trials)
+    : decoder_factory_(std::move(video_decoder_factory)),
+      encoder_factory_(std::move(video_encoder_factory)),
+      trials_(trials) {
+  RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "WebRtcVideoEngine::WebRtcVideoEngine()";
+WebRtcVideoEngine::~WebRtcVideoEngine() {
+  RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "WebRtcVideoEngine::~WebRtcVideoEngine";
+VideoMediaChannel* WebRtcVideoEngine::CreateMediaChannel(
+    MediaChannel::Role role,
+    webrtc::Call* call,
+    const MediaConfig& config,
+    const VideoOptions& options,
+    const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
+    webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* video_bitrate_allocator_factory) {
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "CreateMediaChannel. Options: " << options.ToString();
+  std::unique_ptr<VideoMediaSendChannelInterface> send_channel;
+  std::unique_ptr<VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface> receive_channel;
+  if (role == MediaChannel::Role::kSend || role == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
+    send_channel = std::make_unique<WebRtcVideoSendChannel>(
+        call, config, options, crypto_options, encoder_factory_.get(),
+        decoder_factory_.get(), video_bitrate_allocator_factory);
+  }
+  if (role == MediaChannel::Role::kReceive ||
+      role == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth) {
+    receive_channel = std::make_unique<WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel>(
+        call, config, options, crypto_options, decoder_factory_.get());
+  }
+  return new VideoMediaShimChannel(std::move(send_channel),
+                                   std::move(receive_channel));
+std::vector<VideoCodec> WebRtcVideoEngine::send_codecs(bool include_rtx) const {
+  return GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(encoder_factory_.get(),
+                                         /*is_decoder_factory=*/false,
+                                         include_rtx, trials_);
+std::vector<VideoCodec> WebRtcVideoEngine::recv_codecs(bool include_rtx) const {
+  return GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(decoder_factory_.get(),
+                                         /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
+                                         include_rtx, trials_);
+WebRtcVideoEngine::GetRtpHeaderExtensions() const {
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionCapability> result;
+  int id = 1;
+  for (const auto& uri :
+       {webrtc::RtpExtension::kTimestampOffsetUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kAbsSendTimeUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoRotationUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kPlayoutDelayUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoContentTypeUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoTimingUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kColorSpaceUri, webrtc::RtpExtension::kMidUri,
+        webrtc::RtpExtension::kRidUri, webrtc::RtpExtension::kRepairedRidUri}) {
+    result.emplace_back(uri, id++, webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv);
+  }
+  result.emplace_back(webrtc::RtpExtension::kGenericFrameDescriptorUri00, id++,
+                      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-GenericDescriptorAdvertised")
+                          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
+                          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
+  result.emplace_back(
+      webrtc::RtpExtension::kDependencyDescriptorUri, id++,
+      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-DependencyDescriptorAdvertised")
+          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
+          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
+  result.emplace_back(
+      webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoLayersAllocationUri, id++,
+      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-VideoLayersAllocationAdvertised")
+          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
+          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
+  result.emplace_back(
+      webrtc::RtpExtension::kVideoFrameTrackingIdUri, id++,
+      IsEnabled(trials_, "WebRTC-VideoFrameTrackingIdAdvertised")
+          ? webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv
+          : webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped);
+  return result;
+    webrtc::Call* call,
+    const MediaConfig& config,
+    const VideoOptions& options,
+    const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
+    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory* encoder_factory,
+    webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory,
+    webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* bitrate_allocator_factory)
+    : MediaChannelUtil(call->network_thread(), config.enable_dscp),
+      worker_thread_(call->worker_thread()),
+      sending_(false),
+      receiving_(false),
+      call_(call),
+      default_sink_(nullptr),
+      video_config_(config.video),
+      encoder_factory_(encoder_factory),
+      decoder_factory_(decoder_factory),
+      bitrate_allocator_factory_(bitrate_allocator_factory),
+      default_send_options_(options),
+      last_send_stats_log_ms_(-1),
+      last_receive_stats_log_ms_(-1),
+      discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_(
+          IsEnabled(call_->trials(),
+                    "WebRTC-Video-DiscardPacketsWithUnknownSsrc")),
+      crypto_options_(crypto_options) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc;
+  recv_codecs_ = MapCodecs(GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(
+      decoder_factory_, /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
+      /*include_rtx=*/true, call_->trials()));
+  recv_flexfec_payload_type_ =
+      recv_codecs_.empty() ? 0 : recv_codecs_.front().flexfec_payload_type;
+    webrtc::Call* call,
+    const MediaConfig& config,
+    const VideoOptions& options,
+    const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
+    webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory)
+    : MediaChannelUtil(call->network_thread(), config.enable_dscp),
+      worker_thread_(call->worker_thread()),
+      receiving_(false),
+      call_(call),
+      default_sink_(nullptr),
+      video_config_(config.video),
+      decoder_factory_(decoder_factory),
+      default_send_options_(options),
+      last_receive_stats_log_ms_(-1),
+      discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_(
+          IsEnabled(call_->trials(),
+                    "WebRTC-Video-DiscardPacketsWithUnknownSsrc")),
+      crypto_options_(crypto_options) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc;
+  recv_codecs_ = MapCodecs(GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(
+      decoder_factory_, /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
+      /*include_rtx=*/true, call_->trials()));
+  recv_flexfec_payload_type_ =
+      recv_codecs_.empty() ? 0 : recv_codecs_.front().flexfec_payload_type;
+WebRtcVideoSendChannel::~WebRtcVideoSendChannel() {
+  for (auto& kv : send_streams_)
+    delete kv.second;
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::~WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel() {
+  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_)
+    delete kv.second;
+std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SelectSendVideoCodecs(
+    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& remote_mapped_codecs) const {
+  std::vector<webrtc::SdpVideoFormat> sdp_formats =
+      encoder_factory_ ? encoder_factory_->GetImplementations()
+                       : std::vector<webrtc::SdpVideoFormat>();
+  // The returned vector holds the VideoCodecSettings in term of preference.
+  // They are orderd by receive codec preference first and local implementation
+  // preference second.
+  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> encoders;
+  for (const VideoCodecSettings& remote_codec : remote_mapped_codecs) {
+    for (auto format_it = sdp_formats.begin();
+         format_it != sdp_formats.end();) {
+      // For H264, we will limit the encode level to the remote offered level
+      // regardless if level asymmetry is allowed or not. This is strictly not
+      // following the spec in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6184#section-8.2.2
+      // since we should limit the encode level to the lower of local and remote
+      // level when level asymmetry is not allowed.
+      if (format_it->IsSameCodec(
+              {remote_codec.codec.name, remote_codec.codec.params})) {
+        encoders.push_back(remote_codec);
+        // To allow the VideoEncoderFactory to keep information about which
+        // implementation to instantitate when CreateEncoder is called the two
+        // parmeter sets are merged.
+        encoders.back().codec.params.insert(format_it->parameters.begin(),
+                                            format_it->parameters.end());
+        format_it = sdp_formats.erase(format_it);
+      } else {
+        ++format_it;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return encoders;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::GetChangedSendParameters(
+    const VideoSendParameters& params,
+    ChangedSendParameters* changed_params) const {
+  if (!ValidateCodecFormats(params.codecs) ||
+      !ValidateRtpExtensions(params.extensions, send_rtp_extensions_)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> negotiated_codecs =
+      SelectSendVideoCodecs(MapCodecs(params.codecs));
+  // We should only fail here if send direction is enabled.
+  if (params.is_stream_active && negotiated_codecs.empty()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No video codecs supported.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Never enable sending FlexFEC, unless we are in the experiment.
+  if (!IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03")) {
+    for (VideoCodecSettings& codec : negotiated_codecs)
+      codec.flexfec_payload_type = -1;
+  }
+  if (negotiated_codecs_ != negotiated_codecs) {
+    if (negotiated_codecs.empty()) {
+      changed_params->send_codec = absl::nullopt;
+    } else if (send_codec() != negotiated_codecs.front()) {
+      changed_params->send_codec = negotiated_codecs.front();
+    }
+    changed_params->negotiated_codecs = std::move(negotiated_codecs);
+  }
+  // Handle RTP header extensions.
+  if (params.extmap_allow_mixed != ExtmapAllowMixed()) {
+    changed_params->extmap_allow_mixed = params.extmap_allow_mixed;
+  }
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> filtered_extensions = FilterRtpExtensions(
+      params.extensions, webrtc::RtpExtension::IsSupportedForVideo, true,
+      call_->trials());
+  if (send_rtp_extensions_ != filtered_extensions) {
+    changed_params->rtp_header_extensions =
+        absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>(filtered_extensions);
+  }
+  if (params.mid != send_params_.mid) {
+    changed_params->mid = params.mid;
+  }
+  // Handle max bitrate.
+  if (params.max_bandwidth_bps != send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps &&
+      params.max_bandwidth_bps >= -1) {
+    // 0 or -1 uncaps max bitrate.
+    // TODO(pbos): Reconsider how 0 should be treated. It is not mentioned as a
+    // special value and might very well be used for stopping sending.
+    changed_params->max_bandwidth_bps =
+        params.max_bandwidth_bps == 0 ? -1 : params.max_bandwidth_bps;
+  }
+  // Handle conference mode.
+  if (params.conference_mode != send_params_.conference_mode) {
+    changed_params->conference_mode = params.conference_mode;
+  }
+  // Handle RTCP mode.
+  if (params.rtcp.reduced_size != send_params_.rtcp.reduced_size) {
+    changed_params->rtcp_mode = params.rtcp.reduced_size
+                                    ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
+                                    : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetSendParameters(
+    const VideoSendParameters& params) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSendParameters");
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetSendParameters: " << params.ToString();
+  ChangedSendParameters changed_params;
+  if (!GetChangedSendParameters(params, &changed_params)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (changed_params.negotiated_codecs) {
+    for (const auto& send_codec : *changed_params.negotiated_codecs)
+      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Negotiated codec: " << send_codec.codec.ToString();
+  }
+  send_params_ = params;
+  return ApplyChangedParams(changed_params);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::RequestEncoderFallback() {
+  if (!worker_thread_->IsCurrent()) {
+    worker_thread_->PostTask(
+        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this] { RequestEncoderFallback(); }));
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (negotiated_codecs_.size() <= 1) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Encoder failed but no fallback codec is available";
+    return;
+  }
+  ChangedSendParameters params;
+  params.negotiated_codecs = negotiated_codecs_;
+  params.negotiated_codecs->erase(params.negotiated_codecs->begin());
+  params.send_codec = params.negotiated_codecs->front();
+  ApplyChangedParams(params);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::RequestEncoderSwitch(
+    const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format,
+    bool allow_default_fallback) {
+  if (!worker_thread_->IsCurrent()) {
+    worker_thread_->PostTask(
+        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this, format, allow_default_fallback] {
+          RequestEncoderSwitch(format, allow_default_fallback);
+        }));
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  for (const VideoCodecSettings& codec_setting : negotiated_codecs_) {
+    if (format.IsSameCodec(
+            {codec_setting.codec.name, codec_setting.codec.params})) {
+      VideoCodecSettings new_codec_setting = codec_setting;
+      for (const auto& kv : format.parameters) {
+        new_codec_setting.codec.params[kv.first] = kv.second;
+      }
+      if (send_codec() == new_codec_setting) {
+        // Already using this codec, no switch required.
+        return;
+      }
+      ChangedSendParameters params;
+      params.send_codec = new_codec_setting;
+      ApplyChangedParams(params);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to switch encoder to: " << format.ToString()
+                      << ". Is default fallback allowed: "
+                      << allow_default_fallback;
+  if (allow_default_fallback) {
+    RequestEncoderFallback();
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::ApplyChangedParams(
+    const ChangedSendParameters& changed_params) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (changed_params.negotiated_codecs)
+    negotiated_codecs_ = *changed_params.negotiated_codecs;
+  if (changed_params.send_codec)
+    send_codec() = changed_params.send_codec;
+  if (changed_params.extmap_allow_mixed) {
+    SetExtmapAllowMixed(*changed_params.extmap_allow_mixed);
+  }
+  if (changed_params.rtp_header_extensions) {
+    send_rtp_extensions_ = *changed_params.rtp_header_extensions;
+  }
+  if (changed_params.send_codec || changed_params.max_bandwidth_bps) {
+    if (send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps == -1) {
+      // Unset the global max bitrate (max_bitrate_bps) if max_bandwidth_bps is
+      // -1, which corresponds to no "b=AS" attribute in SDP. Note that the
+      // global max bitrate may be set below in GetBitrateConfigForCodec, from
+      // the codec max bitrate.
+      // TODO(pbos): This should be reconsidered (codec max bitrate should
+      // probably not affect global call max bitrate).
+      bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps = -1;
+    }
+    if (send_codec()) {
+      // TODO(holmer): Changing the codec parameters shouldn't necessarily mean
+      // that we change the min/max of bandwidth estimation. Reevaluate this.
+      bitrate_config_ = GetBitrateConfigForCodec(send_codec()->codec);
+      if (!changed_params.send_codec) {
+        // If the codec isn't changing, set the start bitrate to -1 which means
+        // "unchanged" so that BWE isn't affected.
+        bitrate_config_.start_bitrate_bps = -1;
+      }
+    }
+    if (send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps >= 0) {
+      // Note that max_bandwidth_bps intentionally takes priority over the
+      // bitrate config for the codec. This allows FEC to be applied above the
+      // codec target bitrate.
+      // TODO(pbos): Figure out whether b=AS means max bitrate for this
+      // WebRtcVideoChannel (in which case we're good), or per sender (SSRC),
+      // in which case this should not set a BitrateConstraints but rather
+      // reconfigure all senders.
+      bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps = send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps == 0
+                                            ? -1
+                                            : send_params_.max_bandwidth_bps;
+    }
+    call_->GetTransportControllerSend()->SetSdpBitrateParameters(
+        bitrate_config_);
+  }
+  for (auto& kv : send_streams_) {
+    kv.second->SetSendParameters(changed_params);
+  }
+  if (changed_params.send_codec || changed_params.rtcp_mode) {
+    if (send_codec_changed_callback_) {
+      send_codec_changed_callback_();
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetReceiverFeedbackParameters(
+    bool lntf_enabled,
+    bool nack_enabled,
+    webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
+    absl::optional<int> rtx_time) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  // Update receive feedback parameters from new codec or RTCP mode.
+  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
+    RTC_DCHECK(kv.second != nullptr);
+    kv.second->SetFeedbackParameters(lntf_enabled, nack_enabled, rtcp_mode,
+                                     rtx_time);
+  }
+  // Store for future creation of receive streams
+  rtp_config_.lntf.enabled = lntf_enabled;
+  if (nack_enabled) {
+    rtp_config_.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackHistoryMs;
+  } else {
+    rtp_config_.nack.rtp_history_ms = 0;
+  }
+  rtp_config_.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
+  // Note: There is no place in config to store rtx_time.
+webrtc::RtpParameters WebRtcVideoSendChannel::GetRtpSendParameters(
+    uint32_t ssrc) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Attempting to get RTP send parameters for stream "
+                           "with ssrc "
+                        << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
+    return webrtc::RtpParameters();
+  }
+  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params = it->second->GetRtpParameters();
+  // Need to add the common list of codecs to the send stream-specific
+  // RTP parameters.
+  for (const VideoCodec& codec : send_params_.codecs) {
+    if (send_codec() && send_codec()->codec.id == codec.id) {
+      // Put the current send codec to the front of the codecs list.
+      RTC_DCHECK_EQ(codec.name, send_codec()->codec.name);
+      rtp_params.codecs.insert(rtp_params.codecs.begin(),
+                               codec.ToCodecParameters());
+    } else {
+      rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
+    }
+  }
+  return rtp_params;
+webrtc::RTCError WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetRtpSendParameters(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    const webrtc::RtpParameters& parameters,
+    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRtpSendParameters");
+  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Attempting to set RTP send parameters for stream "
+                         "with ssrc "
+                      << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
+    return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(
+        callback, webrtc::RTCError(webrtc::RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR));
+  }
+  // TODO(deadbeef): Handle setting parameters with a list of codecs in a
+  // different order (which should change the send codec).
+  webrtc::RtpParameters current_parameters = GetRtpSendParameters(ssrc);
+  if (current_parameters.codecs != parameters.codecs) {
+    RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) << "Using SetParameters to change the set of codecs "
+                          "is not currently supported.";
+    return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(
+        callback, webrtc::RTCError(webrtc::RTCErrorType::INTERNAL_ERROR));
+  }
+  if (!parameters.encodings.empty()) {
+    // Note that these values come from:
+    // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tsvwg-rtcweb-qos-16#section-5
+    // TODO(deadbeef): Change values depending on whether we are sending a
+    // keyframe or non-keyframe.
+    rtc::DiffServCodePoint new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_DEFAULT;
+    switch (parameters.encodings[0].network_priority) {
+      case webrtc::Priority::kVeryLow:
+        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_CS1;
+        break;
+      case webrtc::Priority::kLow:
+        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_DEFAULT;
+        break;
+      case webrtc::Priority::kMedium:
+        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_AF42;
+        break;
+      case webrtc::Priority::kHigh:
+        new_dscp = rtc::DSCP_AF41;
+        break;
+    }
+    SetPreferredDscp(new_dscp);
+  }
+  return it->second->SetRtpParameters(parameters, std::move(callback));
+webrtc::RtpParameters WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetRtpReceiveParameters(
+    uint32_t ssrc) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params;
+  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
+        << "Attempting to get RTP receive parameters for stream "
+           "with SSRC "
+        << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
+    return webrtc::RtpParameters();
+  }
+  rtp_params = it->second->GetRtpParameters();
+  rtp_params.header_extensions = recv_rtp_extensions_;
+  // Add codecs, which any stream is prepared to receive.
+  for (const VideoCodec& codec : recv_params_.codecs) {
+    rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
+  }
+  return rtp_params;
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetDefaultRtpReceiveParameters() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_params;
+  if (!default_sink_) {
+    // Getting parameters on a default, unsignaled video receive stream but
+    // because we've not configured to receive such a stream, `encodings` is
+    // empty.
+    return rtp_params;
+  }
+  rtp_params.encodings.emplace_back();
+  // Add codecs, which any stream is prepared to receive.
+  for (const VideoCodec& codec : recv_params_.codecs) {
+    rtp_params.codecs.push_back(codec.ToCodecParameters());
+  }
+  return rtp_params;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetChangedRecvParameters(
+    const VideoRecvParameters& params,
+    ChangedRecvParameters* changed_params) const {
+  if (!ValidateCodecFormats(params.codecs) ||
+      !ValidateRtpExtensions(params.extensions, recv_rtp_extensions_)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Handle receive codecs.
+  const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> mapped_codecs =
+      MapCodecs(params.codecs);
+  if (mapped_codecs.empty()) {
+        << "GetChangedRecvParameters called without any video codecs.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Verify that every mapped codec is supported locally.
+  if (params.is_stream_active) {
+    const std::vector<VideoCodec> local_supported_codecs =
+        GetPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(decoder_factory_,
+                                        /*is_decoder_factory=*/true,
+                                        /*include_rtx=*/true, call_->trials());
+    for (const VideoCodecSettings& mapped_codec : mapped_codecs) {
+      if (!FindMatchingCodec(local_supported_codecs, mapped_codec.codec)) {
+        RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR)
+            << "GetChangedRecvParameters called with unsupported video codec: "
+            << mapped_codec.codec.ToString();
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (NonFlexfecReceiveCodecsHaveChanged(recv_codecs_, mapped_codecs)) {
+    changed_params->codec_settings =
+        absl::optional<std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>>(mapped_codecs);
+  }
+  // Handle RTP header extensions.
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> filtered_extensions = FilterRtpExtensions(
+      params.extensions, webrtc::RtpExtension::IsSupportedForVideo, false,
+      call_->trials());
+  if (filtered_extensions != recv_rtp_extensions_) {
+    changed_params->rtp_header_extensions =
+        absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>(filtered_extensions);
+  }
+  int flexfec_payload_type = mapped_codecs.front().flexfec_payload_type;
+  if (flexfec_payload_type != recv_flexfec_payload_type_) {
+    changed_params->flexfec_payload_type = flexfec_payload_type;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetRecvParameters(
+    const VideoRecvParameters& params) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRecvParameters");
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetRecvParameters: " << params.ToString();
+  ChangedRecvParameters changed_params;
+  if (!GetChangedRecvParameters(params, &changed_params)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (changed_params.flexfec_payload_type) {
+    RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing FlexFEC payload type (recv) from "
+                      << recv_flexfec_payload_type_ << " to "
+                      << *changed_params.flexfec_payload_type;
+    recv_flexfec_payload_type_ = *changed_params.flexfec_payload_type;
+  }
+  if (changed_params.rtp_header_extensions) {
+    recv_rtp_extensions_ = *changed_params.rtp_header_extensions;
+    recv_rtp_extension_map_ =
+        webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap(recv_rtp_extensions_);
+  }
+  if (changed_params.codec_settings) {
+    RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing recv codecs from "
+                      << CodecSettingsVectorToString(recv_codecs_) << " to "
+                      << CodecSettingsVectorToString(
+                             *changed_params.codec_settings);
+    recv_codecs_ = *changed_params.codec_settings;
+  }
+  for (auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
+    kv.second->SetRecvParameters(changed_params);
+  }
+  recv_params_ = params;
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetReceiverReportSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (ssrc == rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_)
+    return;
+  rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ = ssrc;
+  for (auto& [unused, receive_stream] : receive_streams_)
+    receive_stream->SetLocalSsrc(ssrc);
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(
+    const std::set<uint32_t>& choices) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  // If we can continue using the current receiver report, do so.
+  if (choices.find(rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_) != choices.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // Go back to the default if list has been emptied.
+  if (choices.empty()) {
+    SetReceiverReportSsrc(kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Any number is as good as any other.
+  SetReceiverReportSsrc(*choices.begin());
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::GetSendCodec(VideoCodec* codec) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (!send_codec()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "GetSendCodec: No send codec set.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  *codec = send_codec()->codec;
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetReceive(bool receive) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetReceive");
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "SetReceive: " << (receive ? "true" : "false");
+  for (const auto& kv : receive_streams_) {
+    if (receive) {
+      kv.second->StartReceiveStream();
+    } else {
+      kv.second->StopReceiveStream();
+    }
+  }
+  receiving_ = receive;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetSend(bool send) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSend");
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "SetSend: " << (send ? "true" : "false");
+  if (send && !send_codec()) {
+    RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetSend(true) called before setting codec.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (const auto& kv : send_streams_) {
+    kv.second->SetSend(send);
+  }
+  sending_ = send;
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetVideoSend(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    const VideoOptions* options,
+    rtc::VideoSourceInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* source) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "SetVideoSend");
+  RTC_DCHECK(ssrc != 0);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetVideoSend (ssrc= " << ssrc << ", options: "
+                   << (options ? options->ToString() : "nullptr")
+                   << ", source = " << (source ? "(source)" : "nullptr") << ")";
+  const auto& kv = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (kv == send_streams_.end()) {
+    // Allow unknown ssrc only if source is null.
+    RTC_CHECK(source == nullptr);
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No sending stream on ssrc " << ssrc;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return kv->second->SetVideoSend(options, source);
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::ValidateSendSsrcAvailability(
+    const StreamParams& sp) const {
+  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
+    if (send_ssrcs_.find(ssrc) != send_ssrcs_.end()) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Send stream with SSRC '" << ssrc
+                        << "' already exists.";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(
+    const StreamParams& sp) const {
+  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
+    if (receive_ssrcs_.find(ssrc) != receive_ssrcs_.end()) {
+      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Receive stream with SSRC '" << ssrc
+                        << "' already exists.";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "AddSendStream: " << sp.ToString();
+  if (!ValidateStreamParams(sp))
+    return false;
+  if (!ValidateSendSsrcAvailability(sp))
+    return false;
+  for (uint32_t used_ssrc : sp.ssrcs)
+    send_ssrcs_.insert(used_ssrc);
+  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config(this);
+  for (const RidDescription& rid : sp.rids()) {
+    config.rtp.rids.push_back(rid.rid);
+  }
+  config.suspend_below_min_bitrate = video_config_.suspend_below_min_bitrate;
+  config.periodic_alr_bandwidth_probing =
+      video_config_.periodic_alr_bandwidth_probing;
+  config.encoder_settings.experiment_cpu_load_estimator =
+      video_config_.experiment_cpu_load_estimator;
+  config.encoder_settings.encoder_factory = encoder_factory_;
+  config.encoder_settings.bitrate_allocator_factory =
+      bitrate_allocator_factory_;
+  config.encoder_settings.encoder_switch_request_callback = this;
+  config.crypto_options = crypto_options_;
+  config.rtp.extmap_allow_mixed = ExtmapAllowMixed();
+  config.rtcp_report_interval_ms = video_config_.rtcp_report_interval_ms;
+  config.rtp.enable_send_packet_batching =
+      video_config_.enable_send_packet_batching;
+  WebRtcVideoSendStream* stream = new WebRtcVideoSendStream(
+      call_, sp, std::move(config), default_send_options_,
+      video_config_.enable_cpu_adaptation, bitrate_config_.max_bitrate_bps,
+      send_codec(), send_rtp_extensions_, send_params_);
+  uint32_t ssrc = sp.first_ssrc();
+  RTC_DCHECK(ssrc != 0);
+  send_streams_[ssrc] = stream;
+    if (ssrc_list_changed_callback_) {
+      ssrc_list_changed_callback_(send_ssrcs_);
+    }
+  if (sending_) {
+    stream->SetSend(true);
+  }
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::RemoveSendStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RemoveSendStream: " << ssrc;
+  WebRtcVideoSendStream* removed_stream;
+  auto it = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == send_streams_.end()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (uint32_t old_ssrc : it->second->GetSsrcs())
+    send_ssrcs_.erase(old_ssrc);
+  removed_stream = it->second;
+  send_streams_.erase(it);
+  // Switch receiver report SSRCs, in case the one in use is no longer valid.
+  if (ssrc_list_changed_callback_) {
+    ssrc_list_changed_callback_(send_ssrcs_);
+  }
+  delete removed_stream;
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::DeleteReceiveStream(
+    WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream) {
+  for (uint32_t old_ssrc : stream->GetSsrcs())
+    receive_ssrcs_.erase(old_ssrc);
+  delete stream;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
+  return AddRecvStream(sp, false);
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp,
+                                              bool default_stream) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "AddRecvStream"
+                   << (default_stream ? " (default stream)" : "") << ": "
+                   << sp.ToString();
+  if (!sp.has_ssrcs()) {
+    // This is a StreamParam with unsignaled SSRCs. Store it, so it can be used
+    // later when we know the SSRC on the first packet arrival.
+    unsignaled_stream_params_ = sp;
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (!ValidateStreamParams(sp))
+    return false;
+  for (uint32_t ssrc : sp.ssrcs) {
+    // Remove running stream if this was a default stream.
+    const auto& prev_stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+    if (prev_stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
+      if (default_stream || !prev_stream->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
+        RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Receive stream for SSRC '" << ssrc
+                          << "' already exists.";
+        return false;
+      }
+      DeleteReceiveStream(prev_stream->second);
+      receive_streams_.erase(prev_stream);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(sp))
+    return false;
+  for (uint32_t used_ssrc : sp.ssrcs)
+    receive_ssrcs_.insert(used_ssrc);
+  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config(this, decoder_factory_);
+  webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config flexfec_config(this);
+  ConfigureReceiverRtp(&config, &flexfec_config, sp);
+  config.crypto_options = crypto_options_;
+  config.enable_prerenderer_smoothing =
+      video_config_.enable_prerenderer_smoothing;
+  if (!sp.stream_ids().empty()) {
+    config.sync_group = sp.stream_ids()[0];
+  }
+  if (unsignaled_frame_transformer_ && !config.frame_transformer)
+    config.frame_transformer = unsignaled_frame_transformer_;
+  auto receive_stream =
+      new WebRtcVideoReceiveStream(call_, sp, std::move(config), default_stream,
+                                   recv_codecs_, flexfec_config);
+  if (receiving_) {
+    receive_stream->StartReceiveStream();
+  }
+  receive_streams_[sp.first_ssrc()] = receive_stream;
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ConfigureReceiverRtp(
+    webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config* config,
+    webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config* flexfec_config,
+    const StreamParams& sp) const {
+  uint32_t ssrc = sp.first_ssrc();
+  config->rtp.remote_ssrc = ssrc;
+  config->rtp.local_ssrc = rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_;
+  // TODO(pbos): This protection is against setting the same local ssrc as
+  // remote which is not permitted by the lower-level API. RTCP requires a
+  // corresponding sender SSRC. Figure out what to do when we don't have
+  // (receive-only) or know a good local SSRC.
+  if (config->rtp.remote_ssrc == config->rtp.local_ssrc) {
+    if (config->rtp.local_ssrc != kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc) {
+      config->rtp.local_ssrc = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc;
+    } else {
+      config->rtp.local_ssrc = kDefaultRtcpReceiverReportSsrc + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  // The mode and rtx time is determined by a call to the configuration
+  // function.
+  config->rtp.rtcp_mode = rtp_config_.rtcp_mode;
+  sp.GetFidSsrc(ssrc, &config->rtp.rtx_ssrc);
+  // TODO(brandtr): Generalize when we add support for multistream protection.
+  flexfec_config->payload_type = recv_flexfec_payload_type_;
+  if (!IsDisabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03-Advertised") &&
+      sp.GetFecFrSsrc(ssrc, &flexfec_config->rtp.remote_ssrc)) {
+    flexfec_config->protected_media_ssrcs = {ssrc};
+    flexfec_config->rtp.local_ssrc = config->rtp.local_ssrc;
+    flexfec_config->rtcp_mode = config->rtp.rtcp_mode;
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::RemoveRecvStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RemoveRecvStream: " << ssrc;
+  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (stream == receive_streams_.end()) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Stream not found for ssrc: " << ssrc;
+    return false;
+  }
+  DeleteReceiveStream(stream->second);
+  receive_streams_.erase(stream);
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ResetUnsignaledRecvStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "ResetUnsignaledRecvStream.";
+  unsignaled_stream_params_ = StreamParams();
+  last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_ = absl::nullopt;
+  // Delete any created default streams. This is needed to avoid SSRC collisions
+  // in Call's RtpDemuxer, in the case that `this` has created a default video
+  // receiver, and then some other WebRtcVideoChannel gets the SSRC signaled
+  // in the corresponding Unified Plan "m=" section.
+  auto it = receive_streams_.begin();
+  while (it != receive_streams_.end()) {
+    if (it->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
+      DeleteReceiveStream(it->second);
+      receive_streams_.erase(it++);
+    } else {
+      ++it;
+    }
+  }
+absl::optional<uint32_t> WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetUnsignaledSsrc() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  absl::optional<uint32_t> ssrc;
+  for (auto it = receive_streams_.begin(); it != receive_streams_.end(); ++it) {
+    if (it->second->IsDefaultStream()) {
+      ssrc.emplace(it->first);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return ssrc;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdatePending() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  ++demuxer_criteria_id_;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdateComplete() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  ++demuxer_criteria_completed_id_;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetSink(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetSink: ssrc:" << ssrc << " "
+                   << (sink ? "(ptr)" : "nullptr");
+  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  it->second->SetSink(sink);
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetDefaultSink(
+    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "SetDefaultSink: " << (sink ? "(ptr)" : "nullptr");
+  default_sink_ = sink;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::GetStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoChannel::GetSendStats");
+  info->Clear();
+  if (send_streams_.empty()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Log stats periodically.
+  bool log_stats = false;
+  int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
+  if (last_send_stats_log_ms_ == -1 ||
+      now_ms - last_send_stats_log_ms_ > kStatsLogIntervalMs) {
+    last_send_stats_log_ms_ = now_ms;
+    log_stats = true;
+  }
+  info->Clear();
+  FillSenderStats(info, log_stats);
+  FillSendCodecStats(info);
+  // TODO(holmer): We should either have rtt available as a metric on
+  // VideoSend/ReceiveStreams, or we should remove rtt from VideoSenderInfo.
+  webrtc::Call::Stats stats = call_->GetStats();
+  if (stats.rtt_ms != -1) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < info->senders.size(); ++i) {
+      info->senders[i].rtt_ms = stats.rtt_ms;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < info->aggregated_senders.size(); ++i) {
+      info->aggregated_senders[i].rtt_ms = stats.rtt_ms;
+    }
+  }
+  if (log_stats)
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(now_ms);
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* info) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetStats");
+  info->Clear();
+  if (receive_streams_.empty()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Log stats periodically.
+  bool log_stats = false;
+  int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
+  if (last_receive_stats_log_ms_ == -1 ||
+      now_ms - last_receive_stats_log_ms_ > kStatsLogIntervalMs) {
+    last_receive_stats_log_ms_ = now_ms;
+    log_stats = true;
+  }
+  FillReceiverStats(info, log_stats);
+  FillReceiveCodecStats(info);
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::FillSenderStats(
+    VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info,
+    bool log_stats) {
+  for (const auto& it : send_streams_) {
+    auto infos = it.second->GetPerLayerVideoSenderInfos(log_stats);
+    if (infos.empty())
+      continue;
+    video_media_info->aggregated_senders.push_back(
+        it.second->GetAggregatedVideoSenderInfo(infos));
+    for (auto&& info : infos) {
+      video_media_info->senders.push_back(info);
+    }
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::FillReceiverStats(
+    VideoMediaReceiveInfo* video_media_info,
+    bool log_stats) {
+  for (const auto& it : receive_streams_) {
+    video_media_info->receivers.push_back(
+        it.second->GetVideoReceiverInfo(log_stats));
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::FillBitrateInfo(
+    BandwidthEstimationInfo* bwe_info) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  for (const auto& it : send_streams_) {
+    it.second->FillBitrateInfo(bwe_info);
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::FillSendCodecStats(
+    VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (!send_codec()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // Note: since RTP stats don't account for RTX and FEC separately (see
+  // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#dom-rtcstatstype-outbound-rtp)
+  // we can omit the codec information for those here and only insert the
+  // primary codec that is being used to send here.
+  video_media_info->send_codecs.insert(std::make_pair(
+      send_codec()->codec.id, send_codec()->codec.ToCodecParameters()));
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::FillReceiveCodecStats(
+    VideoMediaReceiveInfo* video_media_info) {
+  for (const auto& receiver : video_media_info->receivers) {
+    auto codec =
+        absl::c_find_if(recv_params_.codecs, [&receiver](const VideoCodec& c) {
+          return receiver.codec_payload_type &&
+                 *receiver.codec_payload_type == c.id;
+        });
+    if (codec != recv_params_.codecs.end()) {
+      video_media_info->receive_codecs.insert(
+          std::make_pair(codec->id, codec->ToCodecParameters()));
+    }
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::OnPacketReceived(
+    const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
+  // Note: the network_thread_checker may refer to the worker thread if the two
+  // threads are combined, but this is either always true or always false
+  // depending on configuration set at object initialization.
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  // TODO(crbug.com/1373439): Stop posting to the worker thread when the
+  // combined network/worker project launches.
+  if (webrtc::TaskQueueBase::Current() != worker_thread_) {
+    worker_thread_->PostTask(
+        SafeTask(task_safety_.flag(), [this, packet = packet]() mutable {
+          RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+          ProcessReceivedPacket(std::move(packet));
+        }));
+  } else {
+    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+    ProcessReceivedPacket(packet);
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
+    const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
+  if (discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (packet.PayloadType() == recv_flexfec_payload_type_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Ignore unknown ssrcs if there is a demuxer criteria update pending.
+  // During a demuxer update we may receive ssrcs that were recently
+  // removed or we may receve ssrcs that were recently configured for a
+  // different video channel.
+  if (demuxer_criteria_id_ != demuxer_criteria_completed_id_) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // See if this payload_type is registered as one that usually gets its
+  // own SSRC (RTX) or at least is safe to drop either way (FEC). If it
+  // is, and it wasn't handled above by DeliverPacket, that means we don't
+  // know what stream it associates with, and we shouldn't ever create an
+  // implicit channel for these.
+  bool is_rtx_payload = false;
+  for (auto& codec : recv_codecs_) {
+    if (packet.PayloadType() == codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type ||
+        packet.PayloadType() == codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (packet.PayloadType() == codec.rtx_payload_type) {
+      is_rtx_payload = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (is_rtx_payload) {
+    // As we don't support receiving simulcast there can only be one RTX
+    // stream, which will be associated with unsignaled media stream.
+    absl::optional<uint32_t> current_default_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
+    if (current_default_ssrc) {
+      FindReceiveStream(*current_default_ssrc)->UpdateRtxSsrc(packet.Ssrc());
+    } else {
+      // Received unsignaled RTX packet before a media packet. Create a default
+      // stream with a "random" SSRC and the RTX SSRC from the packet.  The
+      // stream will be recreated on the first media packet, unless we are
+      // extremely lucky and used the right media SSRC.
+      ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(/*ssrc =*/14795, /*rtx_ssrc=*/packet.Ssrc());
+    }
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    // Ignore unknown ssrcs if we recently created an unsignalled receive
+    // stream since this shouldn't happen frequently. Getting into a state
+    // of creating decoders on every packet eats up processing time (e.g.
+    // https://crbug.com/1069603) and this cooldown prevents that.
+    if (last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_.has_value()) {
+      int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
+      if (now_ms - last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_.value() <
+          kUnsignaledSsrcCooldownMs) {
+        // We've already created an unsignalled ssrc stream within the last
+        // 0.5 s, ignore with a warning.
+            << "Another unsignalled ssrc packet arrived shortly after the "
+            << "creation of an unsignalled ssrc stream. Dropping packet.";
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // RTX SSRC not yet known.
+  ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(packet.Ssrc(), absl::nullopt);
+  last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_ = rtc::TimeMillis();
+  return true;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    absl::optional<uint32_t> rtx_ssrc) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  absl::optional<uint32_t> default_recv_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
+  if (default_recv_ssrc) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Destroying old default receive stream for SSRC="
+                     << ssrc << ".";
+    RemoveRecvStream(*default_recv_ssrc);
+  }
+  StreamParams sp = unsignaled_stream_params();
+  sp.ssrcs.push_back(ssrc);
+  if (rtx_ssrc) {
+    sp.AddFidSsrc(ssrc, *rtx_ssrc);
+  }
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Creating default receive stream for SSRC=" << ssrc
+                   << ".";
+  if (!AddRecvStream(sp, /*default_stream=*/true)) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Could not create default receive stream.";
+  }
+  // SSRC 0 returns default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms.
+  const int unsignaled_ssrc = 0;
+  int default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms =
+      GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(unsignaled_ssrc).value_or(0);
+  // Set base minimum delay if it was set before for the default receive
+  // stream.
+  SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(ssrc, default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms);
+  SetSink(ssrc, default_sink_);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::OnPacketSent(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  // TODO(tommi): We shouldn't need to go through call_ to deliver this
+  // notification. We should already have direct access to
+  // video_send_delay_stats_ and transport_send_ptr_ via `stream_`.
+  // So we should be able to remove OnSentPacket from Call and handle this per
+  // channel instead. At the moment Call::OnSentPacket calls OnSentPacket for
+  // the video stats, for all sent packets, including audio, which causes
+  // unnecessary lookups.
+  call_->OnSentPacket(sent_packet);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::OnReadyToSend(bool ready) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "OnReadyToSend: " << (ready ? "Ready." : "Not ready.");
+  call_->SignalChannelNetworkState(
+      webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO,
+      ready ? webrtc::kNetworkUp : webrtc::kNetworkDown);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::OnNetworkRouteChanged(
+    absl::string_view transport_name,
+    const rtc::NetworkRoute& network_route) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  worker_thread_->PostTask(SafeTask(
+      task_safety_.flag(),
+      [this, name = std::string(transport_name), route = network_route] {
+        RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+        webrtc::RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* transport =
+            call_->GetTransportControllerSend();
+        transport->OnNetworkRouteChanged(name, route);
+        transport->OnTransportOverheadChanged(route.packet_overhead);
+      }));
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetInterface(
+    MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  MediaChannelUtil::SetInterface(iface);
+  // Set the RTP recv/send buffer to a bigger size.
+  MediaChannelUtil::SetOption(MediaChannelNetworkInterface::ST_RTP,
+                              rtc::Socket::OPT_RCVBUF, kVideoRtpRecvBufferSize);
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetInterface(MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&network_thread_checker_);
+  MediaChannelUtil::SetInterface(iface);
+  // Speculative change to increase the outbound socket buffer size.
+  // In b/15152257, we are seeing a significant number of packets discarded
+  // due to lack of socket buffer space, although it's not yet clear what the
+  // ideal value should be.
+  const std::string group_name_send_buf_size =
+      call_->trials().Lookup("WebRTC-SendBufferSizeBytes");
+  int send_buffer_size = kVideoRtpSendBufferSize;
+  if (!group_name_send_buf_size.empty() &&
+      (sscanf(group_name_send_buf_size.c_str(), "%d", &send_buffer_size) != 1 ||
+       send_buffer_size <= 0)) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid send buffer size: "
+                        << group_name_send_buf_size;
+    send_buffer_size = kVideoRtpSendBufferSize;
+  }
+  MediaChannelUtil::SetOption(MediaChannelNetworkInterface::ST_RTP,
+                              rtc::Socket::OPT_SNDBUF, send_buffer_size);
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetFrameDecryptor(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  auto matching_stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (matching_stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
+    matching_stream->second->SetFrameDecryptor(frame_decryptor);
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetFrameEncryptor(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameEncryptorInterface> frame_encryptor) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  auto matching_stream = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (matching_stream != send_streams_.end()) {
+    matching_stream->second->SetFrameEncryptor(frame_encryptor);
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to attach frame encryptor";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetEncoderSelector(
+    uint32_t ssrc,
+    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory::EncoderSelectorInterface* encoder_selector) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  auto matching_stream = send_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (matching_stream != send_streams_.end()) {
+    matching_stream->second->SetEncoderSelector(encoder_selector);
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to attach encoder selector";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetVideoCodecSwitchingEnabled(bool enabled) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  allow_codec_switching_ = enabled;
+  if (allow_codec_switching_) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Encoder switching enabled.";
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(uint32_t ssrc,
+                                                             int delay_ms) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  absl::optional<uint32_t> default_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
+  // SSRC of 0 represents the default receive stream.
+  if (ssrc == 0) {
+    default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms_ = delay_ms;
+  }
+  if (ssrc == 0 && !default_ssrc) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (ssrc == 0 && default_ssrc) {
+    ssrc = default_ssrc.value();
+  }
+  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
+    stream->second->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(delay_ms);
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to set base minimum playout delay";
+    return false;
+  }
+absl::optional<int> WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
+    uint32_t ssrc) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  // SSRC of 0 represents the default receive stream.
+  if (ssrc == 0) {
+    return default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms_;
+  }
+  auto stream = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (stream != receive_streams_.end()) {
+    return stream->second->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs();
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No stream found to get base minimum playout delay";
+    return absl::nullopt;
+  }
+std::vector<webrtc::RtpSource> WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::GetSources(
+    uint32_t ssrc) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  auto it = receive_streams_.find(ssrc);
+  if (it == receive_streams_.end()) {
+    // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9781): Investigate standard compliance
+    // with sources for streams that has been removed.
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Attempting to get contributing sources for SSRC:"
+                      << ssrc << " which doesn't exist.";
+    return {};
+  }
+  return it->second->GetSources();
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SendRtp(const uint8_t* data,
+                                     size_t len,
+                                     const webrtc::PacketOptions& options) {
+  MediaChannelUtil::SendRtp(data, len, options);
+  return true;
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SendRtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
+  MediaChannelUtil::SendRtcp(data, len);
+  return true;
+    VideoSendStreamParameters(
+        webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config,
+        const VideoOptions& options,
+        int max_bitrate_bps,
+        const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& codec_settings)
+    : config(std::move(config)),
+      options(options),
+      max_bitrate_bps(max_bitrate_bps),
+      conference_mode(false),
+      codec_settings(codec_settings) {}
+    webrtc::Call* call,
+    const StreamParams& sp,
+    webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config,
+    const VideoOptions& options,
+    bool enable_cpu_overuse_detection,
+    int max_bitrate_bps,
+    const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& codec_settings,
+    const absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>>& rtp_extensions,
+    // TODO(deadbeef): Don't duplicate information between send_params,
+    // rtp_extensions, options, etc.
+    const VideoSendParameters& send_params)
+    : worker_thread_(call->worker_thread()),
+      ssrcs_(sp.ssrcs),
+      ssrc_groups_(sp.ssrc_groups),
+      call_(call),
+      enable_cpu_overuse_detection_(enable_cpu_overuse_detection),
+      source_(nullptr),
+      stream_(nullptr),
+      parameters_(std::move(config), options, max_bitrate_bps, codec_settings),
+      rtp_parameters_(CreateRtpParametersWithEncodings(sp)),
+      sending_(false),
+      disable_automatic_resize_(
+          IsEnabled(call->trials(), "WebRTC-Video-DisableAutomaticResize")) {
+  // Maximum packet size may come in RtpConfig from external transport, for
+  // example from QuicTransportInterface implementation, so do not exceed
+  // given max_packet_size.
+  parameters_.config.rtp.max_packet_size =
+      std::min<size_t>(parameters_.config.rtp.max_packet_size, kVideoMtu);
+  parameters_.conference_mode = send_params.conference_mode;
+  sp.GetPrimarySsrcs(&parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs);
+  // ValidateStreamParams should prevent this from happening.
+  RTC_CHECK(!parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.empty());
+  rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].ssrc = parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
+  // RTX.
+  sp.GetFidSsrcs(parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs,
+                 &parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs);
+  // FlexFEC SSRCs.
+  // TODO(brandtr): This code needs to be generalized when we add support for
+  // multistream protection.
+  if (IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-FlexFEC-03")) {
+    uint32_t flexfec_ssrc;
+    bool flexfec_enabled = false;
+    for (uint32_t primary_ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
+      if (sp.GetFecFrSsrc(primary_ssrc, &flexfec_ssrc)) {
+        if (flexfec_enabled) {
+          RTC_LOG(LS_INFO)
+              << "Multiple FlexFEC streams in local SDP, but "
+                 "our implementation only supports a single FlexFEC "
+                 "stream. Will not enable FlexFEC for proposed "
+                 "stream with SSRC: "
+              << flexfec_ssrc << ".";
+          continue;
+        }
+        flexfec_enabled = true;
+        parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.ssrc = flexfec_ssrc;
+        parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs = {primary_ssrc};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  parameters_.config.rtp.c_name = sp.cname;
+  if (rtp_extensions) {
+    parameters_.config.rtp.extensions = *rtp_extensions;
+    rtp_parameters_.header_extensions = *rtp_extensions;
+  }
+  parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode = send_params.rtcp.reduced_size
+                                         ? webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize
+                                         : webrtc::RtcpMode::kCompound;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.mid = send_params.mid;
+  rtp_parameters_.rtcp.reduced_size = send_params.rtcp.reduced_size;
+  if (codec_settings) {
+    SetCodec(*codec_settings);
+  }
+WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::~WebRtcVideoSendStream() {
+  if (stream_ != NULL) {
+    call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(stream_);
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetVideoSend(
+    const VideoOptions* options,
+    rtc::VideoSourceInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* source) {
+  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetVideoSend");
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (options) {
+    VideoOptions old_options = parameters_.options;
+    parameters_.options.SetAll(*options);
+    if (parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false) !=
+            old_options.is_screencast.value_or(false) &&
+        parameters_.codec_settings) {
+      // If screen content settings change, we may need to recreate the codec
+      // instance so that the correct type is used.
+      SetCodec(*parameters_.codec_settings);
+      // Mark screenshare parameter as being updated, then test for any other
+      // changes that may require codec reconfiguration.
+      old_options.is_screencast = options->is_screencast;
+    }
+    if (parameters_.options != old_options) {
+      ReconfigureEncoder(nullptr);
+    }
+  }
+  if (source_ && stream_) {
+    stream_->SetSource(nullptr, webrtc::DegradationPreference::DISABLED);
+  }
+  // Switch to the new source.
+  source_ = source;
+  if (source && stream_) {
+    stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
+  }
+  return true;
+    const {
+  // Do not adapt resolution for screen content as this will likely
+  // result in blurry and unreadable text.
+  // `this` acts like a VideoSource to make sure SinkWants are handled on the
+  // correct thread.
+  if (!enable_cpu_overuse_detection_) {
+    return webrtc::DegradationPreference::DISABLED;
+  }
+  webrtc::DegradationPreference degradation_preference;
+  if (rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference.has_value()) {
+    degradation_preference = *rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference;
+  } else {
+    if (parameters_.options.content_hint ==
+        webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kFluid) {
+      degradation_preference =
+          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE;
+    } else if (parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false) ||
+               parameters_.options.content_hint ==
+                   webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kDetailed ||
+               parameters_.options.content_hint ==
+                   webrtc::VideoTrackInterface::ContentHint::kText) {
+      degradation_preference =
+          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION;
+    } else if (IsEnabled(call_->trials(), "WebRTC-Video-BalancedDegradation")) {
+      // Standard wants balanced by default, but it needs to be tuned first.
+      degradation_preference = webrtc::DegradationPreference::BALANCED;
+    } else {
+      // Keep MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE by default until BALANCED has been tuned for
+      // all codecs and launched.
+      degradation_preference =
+          webrtc::DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE;
+    }
+  }
+  return degradation_preference;
+const std::vector<uint32_t>&
+WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GetSsrcs() const {
+  return ssrcs_;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetCodec(
+    const VideoCodecSettings& codec_settings) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  FallbackToDefaultScalabilityModeIfNotSupported(
+      codec_settings.codec, parameters_.config, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
+  parameters_.encoder_config = CreateVideoEncoderConfig(codec_settings.codec);
+  RTC_DCHECK_GT(parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
+  parameters_.config.rtp.payload_name = codec_settings.codec.name;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.payload_type = codec_settings.codec.id;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.raw_payload =
+      codec_settings.codec.packetization == kPacketizationParamRaw;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.ulpfec = codec_settings.ulpfec;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.flexfec.payload_type =
+      codec_settings.flexfec_payload_type;
+  // Set RTX payload type if RTX is enabled.
+  if (!parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.empty()) {
+    if (codec_settings.rtx_payload_type == -1) {
+          << "RTX SSRCs configured but there's no configured RTX "
+             "payload type. Ignoring.";
+      parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.clear();
+    } else {
+      parameters_.config.rtp.rtx.payload_type = codec_settings.rtx_payload_type;
+    }
+  }
+  const bool has_lntf = HasLntf(codec_settings.codec);
+  parameters_.config.rtp.lntf.enabled = has_lntf;
+  parameters_.config.encoder_settings.capabilities.loss_notification = has_lntf;
+  parameters_.config.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms =
+      HasNack(codec_settings.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
+  parameters_.codec_settings = codec_settings;
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/8830): Avoid recreation, it should be enough to call
+  // ReconfigureEncoder.
+  RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetCodec.";
+  RecreateWebRtcStream();
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetSendParameters(
+    const ChangedSendParameters& params) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  // `recreate_stream` means construction-time parameters have changed and the
+  // sending stream needs to be reset with the new config.
+  bool recreate_stream = false;
+  if (params.rtcp_mode) {
+    parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode = *params.rtcp_mode;
+    rtp_parameters_.rtcp.reduced_size =
+        parameters_.config.rtp.rtcp_mode == webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize;
+    recreate_stream = true;
+  }
+  if (params.extmap_allow_mixed) {
+    parameters_.config.rtp.extmap_allow_mixed = *params.extmap_allow_mixed;
+    recreate_stream = true;
+  }
+  if (params.rtp_header_extensions) {
+    parameters_.config.rtp.extensions = *params.rtp_header_extensions;
+    rtp_parameters_.header_extensions = *params.rtp_header_extensions;
+    recreate_stream = true;
+  }
+  if (params.mid) {
+    parameters_.config.rtp.mid = *params.mid;
+    recreate_stream = true;
+  }
+  if (params.max_bandwidth_bps) {
+    parameters_.max_bitrate_bps = *params.max_bandwidth_bps;
+    ReconfigureEncoder(nullptr);
+  }
+  if (params.conference_mode) {
+    parameters_.conference_mode = *params.conference_mode;
+  }
+  // Set codecs and options.
+  if (params.send_codec) {
+    SetCodec(*params.send_codec);
+    recreate_stream = false;  // SetCodec has already recreated the stream.
+  } else if (params.conference_mode && parameters_.codec_settings) {
+    SetCodec(*parameters_.codec_settings);
+    recreate_stream = false;  // SetCodec has already recreated the stream.
+  }
+  if (recreate_stream) {
+        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetSendParameters";
+    RecreateWebRtcStream();
+  }
+    const webrtc::RtpParameters& new_parameters,
+    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  // This is checked higher in the stack (RtpSender), so this is only checking
+  // for users accessing the private APIs or tests, not specification
+  // conformance.
+  // TODO(orphis): Migrate tests to later make this a DCHECK only
+  webrtc::RTCError error = CheckRtpParametersInvalidModificationAndValues(
+      rtp_parameters_, new_parameters);
+  if (!error.ok()) {
+    // Error is propagated to the callback at a higher level
+    return error;
+  }
+  bool new_param = false;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(); ++i) {
+    if ((new_parameters.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].max_framerate !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].requested_resolution !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].requested_resolution) ||
+        (new_parameters.encodings[i].scalability_mode !=
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scalability_mode)) {
+      new_param = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  bool new_degradation_preference = false;
+  if (new_parameters.degradation_preference !=
+      rtp_parameters_.degradation_preference) {
+    new_degradation_preference = true;
+  }
+  // Some fields (e.g. bitrate priority) only need to update the bitrate
+  // allocator which is updated via ReconfigureEncoder (however, note that the
+  // actual encoder should only be reconfigured if needed).
+  bool reconfigure_encoder =
+      new_param || (new_parameters.encodings[0].bitrate_priority !=
+                    rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].bitrate_priority);
+  // Note that the simulcast encoder adapter relies on the fact that layers
+  // de/activation triggers encoder reinitialization.
+  bool new_send_state = false;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(); ++i) {
+    bool new_active = IsLayerActive(new_parameters.encodings[i]);
+    bool old_active = IsLayerActive(rtp_parameters_.encodings[i]);
+    if (new_active != old_active) {
+      new_send_state = true;
+    }
+  }
+  rtp_parameters_ = new_parameters;
+  // Codecs are currently handled at the WebRtcVideoChannel level.
+  rtp_parameters_.codecs.clear();
+  if (reconfigure_encoder || new_send_state) {
+    // Callback responsibility is delegated to ReconfigureEncoder()
+    ReconfigureEncoder(std::move(callback));
+    callback = nullptr;
+  }
+  if (new_send_state) {
+    UpdateSendState();
+  }
+  if (new_degradation_preference) {
+    if (source_ && stream_) {
+      stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
+    }
+  }
+  return webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
+WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GetRtpParameters() const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  return rtp_parameters_;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetFrameEncryptor(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameEncryptorInterface> frame_encryptor) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  parameters_.config.frame_encryptor = frame_encryptor;
+  if (stream_) {
+        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetFrameEncryptor, ssrc="
+        << parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
+    RecreateWebRtcStream();
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetEncoderSelector(
+    webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory::EncoderSelectorInterface* encoder_selector) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  parameters_.config.encoder_selector = encoder_selector;
+  if (stream_) {
+        << "RecreateWebRtcStream (send) because of SetEncoderSelector, ssrc="
+        << parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
+    RecreateWebRtcStream();
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::UpdateSendState() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (sending_) {
+    RTC_DCHECK(stream_ != nullptr);
+    size_t num_layers = rtp_parameters_.encodings.size();
+    if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1) {
+      // SVC is used. Only one simulcast layer is present.
+      num_layers = 1;
+    }
+    std::vector<bool> active_layers(num_layers);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i) {
+      active_layers[i] = IsLayerActive(rtp_parameters_.encodings[i]);
+    }
+    if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1 &&
+        rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() > 1) {
+      // SVC is used.
+      // The only present simulcast layer should be active if any of the
+      // configured SVC layers is active.
+      active_layers[0] =
+          absl::c_any_of(rtp_parameters_.encodings,
+                         [](const auto& encoding) { return encoding.active; });
+    }
+    // This updates what simulcast layers are sending, and possibly starts
+    // or stops the VideoSendStream.
+    stream_->StartPerRtpStream(active_layers);
+  } else {
+    if (stream_ != nullptr) {
+      stream_->Stop();
+    }
+  }
+    const VideoCodec& codec) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config;
+  encoder_config.codec_type = webrtc::PayloadStringToCodecType(codec.name);
+  encoder_config.video_format =
+      webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(codec.name, codec.params);
+  bool is_screencast = parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false);
+  if (is_screencast) {
+    encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps =
+        1000 * parameters_.options.screencast_min_bitrate_kbps.value_or(0);
+    encoder_config.content_type =
+        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen;
+  } else {
+    encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps = 0;
+    encoder_config.content_type =
+        webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kRealtimeVideo;
+  }
+  // By default, the stream count for the codec configuration should match the
+  // number of negotiated ssrcs but this may be capped below depending on the
+  // `legacy_scalability_mode` and codec used.
+  encoder_config.number_of_streams = parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size();
+  bool legacy_scalability_mode = true;
+  // TODO(https://crbug.com/webrtc/14884): This is only used as a kill-switch
+  // in case of serious bugs - when this reaches Stable, delete the field trial.
+  if (!call_->trials().IsDisabled("WebRTC-AllowDisablingLegacyScalability")) {
+    for (const webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters& encoding :
+         rtp_parameters_.encodings) {
+      if (encoding.scalability_mode.has_value() &&
+          encoding.scale_resolution_down_by.has_value()) {
+        legacy_scalability_mode = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Maybe limit the number of simulcast layers depending on
+  // `legacy_scalability_mode`, codec types (VP9/AV1). This path only exists
+  // for backwards compatibility and will one day be deleted. If you want SVC,
+  // please specify with the `scalability_mode` API instead amd disabling all
+  // but one encoding.
+  if (IsCodecDisabledForSimulcast(legacy_scalability_mode,
+                                  encoder_config.codec_type)) {
+    encoder_config.number_of_streams = 1;
+  }
+  // parameters_.max_bitrate comes from the max bitrate set at the SDP
+  // (m-section) level with the attribute "b=AS." Note that we override this
+  // value below if the RtpParameters max bitrate set with
+  // RtpSender::SetParameters has a lower value.
+  int stream_max_bitrate = parameters_.max_bitrate_bps;
+  // When simulcast is enabled (when there are multiple encodings),
+  // encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps will be enforced by
+  // encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_bitrate_bps. Otherwise, it's
+  // enforced by stream_max_bitrate, taking the minimum of the two maximums
+  // (one coming from SDP, the other coming from RtpParameters).
+  if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].max_bitrate_bps &&
+      rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() == 1) {
+    stream_max_bitrate =
+        MinPositive(*(rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].max_bitrate_bps),
+                    parameters_.max_bitrate_bps);
+  }
+  // The codec max bitrate comes from the "x-google-max-bitrate" parameter
+  // attribute set in the SDP for a specific codec. As done in
+  // WebRtcVideoChannel::SetSendParameters, this value does not override the
+  // stream max_bitrate set above.
+  int codec_max_bitrate_kbps;
+  if (codec.GetParam(kCodecParamMaxBitrate, &codec_max_bitrate_kbps) &&
+      stream_max_bitrate == -1) {
+    stream_max_bitrate = codec_max_bitrate_kbps * 1000;
+  }
+  encoder_config.max_bitrate_bps = stream_max_bitrate;
+  // The encoder config's default bitrate priority is set to 1.0,
+  // unless it is set through the sender's encoding parameters.
+  // The bitrate priority, which is used in the bitrate allocation, is done
+  // on a per sender basis, so we use the first encoding's value.
+  encoder_config.bitrate_priority =
+      rtp_parameters_.encodings[0].bitrate_priority;
+  // Application-controlled state is held in the encoder_config's
+  // simulcast_layers. Currently this is used to control which simulcast layers
+  // are active and for configuring the min/max bitrate and max framerate.
+  // The encoder_config's simulcast_layers is also used for non-simulcast (when
+  // there is a single layer).
+  RTC_DCHECK_GE(rtp_parameters_.encodings.size(),
+                encoder_config.number_of_streams);
+  RTC_DCHECK_GT(encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
+  // Copy all provided constraints.
+  encoder_config.simulcast_layers.resize(rtp_parameters_.encodings.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < encoder_config.simulcast_layers.size(); ++i) {
+    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].active =
+        rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].active;
+    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].scalability_mode =
+        webrtc::ScalabilityModeFromString(
+            rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scalability_mode.value_or(""));
+    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps) {
+      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].min_bitrate_bps =
+          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].min_bitrate_bps;
+    }
+    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps) {
+      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_bitrate_bps =
+          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_bitrate_bps;
+    }
+    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate) {
+      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].max_framerate =
+          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].max_framerate;
+    }
+    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by) {
+      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].scale_resolution_down_by =
+          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].scale_resolution_down_by;
+    }
+    if (rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers) {
+      encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].num_temporal_layers =
+          *rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].num_temporal_layers;
+    }
+    encoder_config.simulcast_layers[i].requested_resolution =
+        rtp_parameters_.encodings[i].requested_resolution;
+  }
+  encoder_config.legacy_conference_mode = parameters_.conference_mode;
+  encoder_config.is_quality_scaling_allowed =
+      !disable_automatic_resize_ && !is_screencast &&
+      (parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs.size() == 1 ||
+       NumActiveStreams(rtp_parameters_) == 1);
+  // Ensure frame dropping is always enabled.
+  encoder_config.frame_drop_enabled = true;
+  int max_qp = kDefaultQpMax;
+  codec.GetParam(kCodecParamMaxQuantization, &max_qp);
+  encoder_config.max_qp = max_qp;
+  return encoder_config;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::ReconfigureEncoder(
+    webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (!stream_) {
+    // The webrtc::VideoSendStream `stream_` has not yet been created but other
+    // parameters has changed.
+    webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
+    return;
+  }
+  RTC_DCHECK_GT(parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams, 0);
+  RTC_CHECK(parameters_.codec_settings);
+  VideoCodecSettings codec_settings = *parameters_.codec_settings;
+  FallbackToDefaultScalabilityModeIfNotSupported(
+      codec_settings.codec, parameters_.config, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
+  // Latest config, with and without encoder specfic settings.
+  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config =
+      CreateVideoEncoderConfig(codec_settings.codec);
+  encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings =
+      ConfigureVideoEncoderSettings(codec_settings.codec);
+  webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config_with_specifics =
+      encoder_config.Copy();
+  encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings = nullptr;
+  // When switching between legacy SVC (3 encodings interpreted as 1 stream with
+  // 3 spatial layers) and the standard API (3 encodings = 3 streams and spatial
+  // layers specified by `scalability_mode`), the number of streams can change.
+  bool num_streams_changed = parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams !=
+                             encoder_config.number_of_streams;
+  bool scalability_mode_used = !codec_settings.codec.scalability_modes.empty();
+  bool scalability_modes = absl::c_any_of(
+      rtp_parameters_.encodings,
+      [](const auto& e) { return e.scalability_mode.has_value(); });
+  parameters_.encoder_config = std::move(encoder_config);
+  if (num_streams_changed && (scalability_mode_used != scalability_modes)) {
+    // The app is switching between legacy and standard modes, recreate instead
+    // of reconfiguring to avoid number of streams not matching in lower layers.
+    RecreateWebRtcStream();
+    webrtc::InvokeSetParametersCallback(callback, webrtc::RTCError::OK());
+    return;
+  }
+  stream_->ReconfigureVideoEncoder(std::move(encoder_config_with_specifics),
+                                   std::move(callback));
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetSend(bool send) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  sending_ = send;
+  UpdateSendState();
+    bool log_stats) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  VideoSenderInfo common_info;
+  if (parameters_.codec_settings) {
+    common_info.codec_name = parameters_.codec_settings->codec.name;
+    common_info.codec_payload_type = parameters_.codec_settings->codec.id;
+  }
+  std::vector<VideoSenderInfo> infos;
+  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Stats stats;
+  if (stream_ == nullptr) {
+    for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
+      common_info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
+    }
+    infos.push_back(common_info);
+    return infos;
+  } else {
+    stats = stream_->GetStats();
+    if (log_stats)
+      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(rtc::TimeMillis());
+    // Metrics that are in common for all substreams.
+    common_info.adapt_changes = stats.number_of_cpu_adapt_changes;
+    common_info.adapt_reason =
+        stats.cpu_limited_resolution ? ADAPTREASON_CPU : ADAPTREASON_NONE;
+    common_info.has_entered_low_resolution = stats.has_entered_low_resolution;
+    // Get bandwidth limitation info from stream_->GetStats().
+    // Input resolution (output from video_adapter) can be further scaled down
+    // or higher video layer(s) can be dropped due to bitrate constraints.
+    // Note, adapt_changes only include changes from the video_adapter.
+    if (stats.bw_limited_resolution)
+      common_info.adapt_reason |= ADAPTREASON_BANDWIDTH;
+    common_info.quality_limitation_reason = stats.quality_limitation_reason;
+    common_info.quality_limitation_durations_ms =
+        stats.quality_limitation_durations_ms;
+    common_info.quality_limitation_resolution_changes =
+        stats.quality_limitation_resolution_changes;
+    common_info.encoder_implementation_name = stats.encoder_implementation_name;
+    common_info.target_bitrate = stats.target_media_bitrate_bps;
+    common_info.ssrc_groups = ssrc_groups_;
+    common_info.frames = stats.frames;
+    common_info.framerate_input = stats.input_frame_rate;
+    common_info.avg_encode_ms = stats.avg_encode_time_ms;
+    common_info.encode_usage_percent = stats.encode_usage_percent;
+    common_info.nominal_bitrate = stats.media_bitrate_bps;
+    common_info.content_type = stats.content_type;
+    common_info.aggregated_framerate_sent = stats.encode_frame_rate;
+    common_info.aggregated_huge_frames_sent = stats.huge_frames_sent;
+    common_info.power_efficient_encoder = stats.power_efficient_encoder;
+    // The normal case is that substreams are present, handled below. But if
+    // substreams are missing (can happen before negotiated/connected where we
+    // have no stats yet) a single outbound-rtp is created representing any and
+    // all layers.
+    if (stats.substreams.empty()) {
+      for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
+        common_info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
+      }
+      common_info.active =
+          IsActiveFromEncodings(absl::nullopt, rtp_parameters_.encodings);
+      common_info.framerate_sent = stats.encode_frame_rate;
+      common_info.frames_encoded = stats.frames_encoded;
+      common_info.total_encode_time_ms = stats.total_encode_time_ms;
+      common_info.total_encoded_bytes_target = stats.total_encoded_bytes_target;
+      common_info.frames_sent = stats.frames_encoded;
+      common_info.huge_frames_sent = stats.huge_frames_sent;
+      infos.push_back(common_info);
+      return infos;
+    }
+  }
+  // Merge `stats.substreams`, which may contain additional SSRCs for RTX or
+  // Flexfec, with media SSRCs. This results in a set of substreams that match
+  // with the outbound-rtp stats objects.
+  auto outbound_rtp_substreams =
+      MergeInfoAboutOutboundRtpSubstreams(stats.substreams);
+  // If SVC is used, one stream is configured but multiple encodings exist. This
+  // is not spec-compliant, but it is how we've implemented SVC so this affects
+  // how the RTP stream's "active" value is determined.
+  bool is_svc = (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1 &&
+                 rtp_parameters_.encodings.size() > 1);
+  for (const auto& pair : outbound_rtp_substreams) {
+    auto info = common_info;
+    uint32_t ssrc = pair.first;
+    info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
+    info.rid = parameters_.config.rtp.GetRidForSsrc(ssrc);
+    info.active = IsActiveFromEncodings(
+        !is_svc ? absl::optional<uint32_t>(ssrc) : absl::nullopt,
+        rtp_parameters_.encodings);
+    auto stream_stats = pair.second;
+    RTC_DCHECK_EQ(stream_stats.type,
+                  webrtc::VideoSendStream::StreamStats::StreamType::kMedia);
+    info.payload_bytes_sent = stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.payload_bytes;
+    info.header_and_padding_bytes_sent =
+        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.header_bytes +
+        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.padding_bytes;
+    info.packets_sent = stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.packets;
+    info.total_packet_send_delay +=
+        stream_stats.rtp_stats.transmitted.total_packet_delay;
+    info.send_frame_width = stream_stats.width;
+    info.send_frame_height = stream_stats.height;
+    info.key_frames_encoded = stream_stats.frame_counts.key_frames;
+    info.framerate_sent = stream_stats.encode_frame_rate;
+    info.frames_encoded = stream_stats.frames_encoded;
+    info.frames_sent = stream_stats.frames_encoded;
+    info.retransmitted_bytes_sent =
+        stream_stats.rtp_stats.retransmitted.payload_bytes;
+    info.retransmitted_packets_sent =
+        stream_stats.rtp_stats.retransmitted.packets;
+    info.firs_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.fir_packets;
+    info.nacks_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.nack_packets;
+    info.plis_received = stream_stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.pli_packets;
+    if (stream_stats.report_block_data.has_value()) {
+      info.packets_lost = stream_stats.report_block_data->cumulative_lost();
+      info.fraction_lost = stream_stats.report_block_data->fraction_lost();
+      info.report_block_datas.push_back(*stream_stats.report_block_data);
+    }
+    info.qp_sum = stream_stats.qp_sum;
+    info.total_encode_time_ms = stream_stats.total_encode_time_ms;
+    info.total_encoded_bytes_target = stream_stats.total_encoded_bytes_target;
+    info.huge_frames_sent = stream_stats.huge_frames_sent;
+    info.scalability_mode = stream_stats.scalability_mode;
+    infos.push_back(info);
+  }
+  return infos;
+    const std::vector<VideoSenderInfo>& infos) const {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_CHECK(!infos.empty());
+  if (infos.size() == 1) {
+    return infos[0];
+  }
+  VideoSenderInfo info = infos[0];
+  info.local_stats.clear();
+  for (uint32_t ssrc : parameters_.config.rtp.ssrcs) {
+    info.add_ssrc(ssrc);
+  }
+  info.framerate_sent = info.aggregated_framerate_sent;
+  info.huge_frames_sent = info.aggregated_huge_frames_sent;
+  for (size_t i = 1; i < infos.size(); i++) {
+    info.key_frames_encoded += infos[i].key_frames_encoded;
+    info.payload_bytes_sent += infos[i].payload_bytes_sent;
+    info.header_and_padding_bytes_sent +=
+        infos[i].header_and_padding_bytes_sent;
+    info.packets_sent += infos[i].packets_sent;
+    info.total_packet_send_delay += infos[i].total_packet_send_delay;
+    info.retransmitted_bytes_sent += infos[i].retransmitted_bytes_sent;
+    info.retransmitted_packets_sent += infos[i].retransmitted_packets_sent;
+    info.packets_lost += infos[i].packets_lost;
+    if (infos[i].send_frame_width > info.send_frame_width)
+      info.send_frame_width = infos[i].send_frame_width;
+    if (infos[i].send_frame_height > info.send_frame_height)
+      info.send_frame_height = infos[i].send_frame_height;
+    info.firs_received += infos[i].firs_received;
+    info.nacks_received += infos[i].nacks_received;
+    info.plis_received += infos[i].plis_received;
+    if (infos[i].report_block_datas.size())
+      info.report_block_datas.push_back(infos[i].report_block_datas[0]);
+    if (infos[i].qp_sum) {
+      if (!info.qp_sum) {
+        info.qp_sum = 0;
+      }
+      info.qp_sum = *info.qp_sum + *infos[i].qp_sum;
+    }
+    info.frames_encoded += infos[i].frames_encoded;
+    info.frames_sent += infos[i].frames_sent;
+    info.total_encode_time_ms += infos[i].total_encode_time_ms;
+    info.total_encoded_bytes_target += infos[i].total_encoded_bytes_target;
+  }
+  return info;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::FillBitrateInfo(
+    BandwidthEstimationInfo* bwe_info) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (stream_ == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Stats stats = stream_->GetStats();
+  for (const auto& it : stats.substreams) {
+    bwe_info->transmit_bitrate += it.second.total_bitrate_bps;
+    bwe_info->retransmit_bitrate += it.second.retransmit_bitrate_bps;
+  }
+  bwe_info->target_enc_bitrate += stats.target_media_bitrate_bps;
+  bwe_info->actual_enc_bitrate += stats.media_bitrate_bps;
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::
+    SetEncoderToPacketizerFrameTransformer(
+        rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface>
+            frame_transformer) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  parameters_.config.frame_transformer = std::move(frame_transformer);
+  if (stream_)
+    RecreateWebRtcStream();
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::RecreateWebRtcStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (stream_ != NULL) {
+    call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(stream_);
+  }
+  RTC_CHECK(parameters_.codec_settings);
+  RTC_DCHECK_EQ((parameters_.encoder_config.content_type ==
+                 webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen),
+                parameters_.options.is_screencast.value_or(false))
+      << "encoder content type inconsistent with screencast option";
+  parameters_.encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings =
+      ConfigureVideoEncoderSettings(parameters_.codec_settings->codec);
+  webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config = parameters_.config.Copy();
+  if (!config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.empty() && config.rtp.rtx.payload_type == -1) {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RTX SSRCs configured but there's no configured RTX "
+                           "payload type the set codec. Ignoring RTX.";
+    config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.clear();
+  }
+  if (parameters_.encoder_config.number_of_streams == 1) {
+    // SVC is used instead of simulcast. Remove unnecessary SSRCs.
+    if (config.rtp.ssrcs.size() > 1) {
+      config.rtp.ssrcs.resize(1);
+      if (config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.size() > 1) {
+        config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.resize(1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  stream_ = call_->CreateVideoSendStream(std::move(config),
+                                         parameters_.encoder_config.Copy());
+  parameters_.encoder_config.encoder_specific_settings = NULL;
+  // Calls stream_->StartPerRtpStream() to start the VideoSendStream
+  // if necessary conditions are met.
+  UpdateSendState();
+  // Attach the source after starting the send stream to prevent frames from
+  // being injected into a not-yet initializated video stream encoder.
+  if (source_) {
+    stream_->SetSource(source_, GetDegradationPreference());
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::WebRtcVideoSendStream::GenerateKeyFrame(
+    const std::vector<std::string>& rids) {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  if (stream_ != NULL) {
+    stream_->GenerateKeyFrame(rids);
+  } else {
+        << "Absent send stream; ignoring request to generate keyframe.";
+  }
+    webrtc::Call* call,
+    const StreamParams& sp,
+    webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config,
+    bool default_stream,
+    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& recv_codecs,
+    const webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config& flexfec_config)
+    : call_(call),
+      stream_params_(sp),
+      stream_(NULL),
+      default_stream_(default_stream),
+      config_(std::move(config)),
+      flexfec_config_(flexfec_config),
+      flexfec_stream_(nullptr),
+      sink_(NULL),
+      first_frame_timestamp_(-1),
+      estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_(0),
+      receiving_(false) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(config_.decoder_factory);
+  RTC_DCHECK(config_.decoders.empty())
+      << "Decoder info is supplied via `recv_codecs`";
+  ExtractCodecInformation(recv_codecs, config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types,
+                          config_.rtp.raw_payload_types, config_.decoders);
+  const VideoCodecSettings& codec = recv_codecs.front();
+  config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
+  config_.rtp.red_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+  config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = HasLntf(codec.codec);
+  config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = HasNack(codec.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
+  if (codec.rtx_time && config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms != 0) {
+    config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = *codec.rtx_time;
+  }
+  config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = HasRrtr(codec.codec);
+  if (codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) {
+    config_.rtp
+        .rtx_associated_payload_types[codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type] =
+        codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+  }
+  config_.renderer = this;
+  flexfec_config_.payload_type = flexfec_config.payload_type;
+  CreateReceiveStream();
+    ~WebRtcVideoReceiveStream() {
+  call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(stream_);
+  if (flexfec_stream_)
+    call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::stream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  return *stream_;
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::flexfec_stream() {
+  return flexfec_stream_;
+const std::vector<uint32_t>&
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetSsrcs() const {
+  return stream_params_.ssrcs;
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetSources() {
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  return stream_->GetSources();
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GetRtpParameters() const {
+  webrtc::RtpParameters rtp_parameters;
+  std::vector<uint32_t> primary_ssrcs;
+  stream_params_.GetPrimarySsrcs(&primary_ssrcs);
+  for (uint32_t ssrc : primary_ssrcs) {
+    rtp_parameters.encodings.emplace_back();
+    rtp_parameters.encodings.back().ssrc = ssrc;
+  }
+  rtp_parameters.rtcp.reduced_size =
+      config_.rtp.rtcp_mode == webrtc::RtcpMode::kReducedSize;
+  return rtp_parameters;
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::ReconfigureCodecs(
+    const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& recv_codecs) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  RTC_DCHECK(!recv_codecs.empty());
+  std::map<int, int> rtx_associated_payload_types;
+  std::set<int> raw_payload_types;
+  std::vector<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder> decoders;
+  ExtractCodecInformation(recv_codecs, rtx_associated_payload_types,
+                          raw_payload_types, decoders);
+  const auto& codec = recv_codecs.front();
+  if (config_.rtp.red_payload_type != codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type ||
+      config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type != codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type) {
+    config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
+    config_.rtp.red_payload_type = codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+    stream_->SetProtectionPayloadTypes(config_.rtp.red_payload_type,
+                                       config_.rtp.ulpfec_payload_type);
+  }
+  const bool has_lntf = HasLntf(codec.codec);
+  if (config_.rtp.lntf.enabled != has_lntf) {
+    config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = has_lntf;
+    stream_->SetLossNotificationEnabled(has_lntf);
+  }
+  int new_history_ms = config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms;
+  const int rtp_history_ms = HasNack(codec.codec) ? kNackHistoryMs : 0;
+  if (rtp_history_ms != config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms) {
+    new_history_ms = rtp_history_ms;
+  }
+  // The rtx-time parameter can be used to override the hardcoded default for
+  // the NACK buffer length.
+  if (codec.rtx_time && new_history_ms != 0) {
+    new_history_ms = *codec.rtx_time;
+  }
+  if (config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms != new_history_ms) {
+    config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = new_history_ms;
+    stream_->SetNackHistory(webrtc::TimeDelta::Millis(new_history_ms));
+  }
+  const bool has_rtr = HasRrtr(codec.codec);
+  if (has_rtr != config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report) {
+    config_.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = has_rtr;
+    stream_->SetRtcpXr(config_.rtp.rtcp_xr);
+  }
+  if (codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) {
+    rtx_associated_payload_types[codec.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type] =
+        codec.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+  }
+  if (config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types !=
+      rtx_associated_payload_types) {
+    stream_->SetAssociatedPayloadTypes(rtx_associated_payload_types);
+    rtx_associated_payload_types.swap(config_.rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types);
+  }
+  bool recreate_needed = false;
+  if (raw_payload_types != config_.rtp.raw_payload_types) {
+    raw_payload_types.swap(config_.rtp.raw_payload_types);
+    recreate_needed = true;
+  }
+  if (decoders != config_.decoders) {
+    decoders.swap(config_.decoders);
+    recreate_needed = true;
+  }
+  return recreate_needed;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFeedbackParameters(
+    bool lntf_enabled,
+    bool nack_enabled,
+    webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
+    absl::optional<int> rtx_time) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  if (config_.rtp.rtcp_mode != rtcp_mode) {
+    config_.rtp.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
+    stream_->SetRtcpMode(rtcp_mode);
+    flexfec_config_.rtcp_mode = rtcp_mode;
+    if (flexfec_stream_) {
+      flexfec_stream_->SetRtcpMode(rtcp_mode);
+    }
+  }
+  config_.rtp.lntf.enabled = lntf_enabled;
+  stream_->SetLossNotificationEnabled(lntf_enabled);
+  int nack_history_ms = nack_enabled ? rtx_time.value_or(kNackHistoryMs) : 0;
+  config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = nack_history_ms;
+  stream_->SetNackHistory(webrtc::TimeDelta::Millis(nack_history_ms));
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFlexFecPayload(
+    int payload_type) {
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11993, tommi): See if it is better to always have a
+  // flexfec stream object around and instead of recreating the video stream,
+  // reconfigure the flexfec object from within the rtp callback (soon to be on
+  // the network thread).
+  if (flexfec_stream_) {
+    if (flexfec_stream_->payload_type() == payload_type) {
+      RTC_DCHECK_EQ(flexfec_config_.payload_type, payload_type);
+      return;
+    }
+    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
+    flexfec_stream_->SetPayloadType(payload_type);
+    if (payload_type == -1) {
+      stream_->SetFlexFecProtection(nullptr);
+      call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
+      flexfec_stream_ = nullptr;
+    }
+  } else if (payload_type != -1) {
+    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
+    if (flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled()) {
+      flexfec_stream_ = call_->CreateFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_config_);
+      stream_->SetFlexFecProtection(flexfec_stream_);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Noop. No flexfec stream exists and "new" payload_type == -1.
+    RTC_DCHECK(!flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled());
+    flexfec_config_.payload_type = payload_type;
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetRecvParameters(
+    const ChangedRecvParameters& params) {
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  bool video_needs_recreation = false;
+  if (params.codec_settings) {
+    video_needs_recreation = ReconfigureCodecs(*params.codec_settings);
+  }
+  if (params.flexfec_payload_type)
+    SetFlexFecPayload(*params.flexfec_payload_type);
+  if (video_needs_recreation) {
+    RecreateReceiveStream();
+  } else {
+    RTC_DLOG_F(LS_INFO) << "No receive stream recreate needed.";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    RecreateReceiveStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  RTC_DCHECK(stream_);
+  absl::optional<int> base_minimum_playout_delay_ms;
+  absl::optional<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState>
+      recording_state;
+  if (stream_) {
+    base_minimum_playout_delay_ms = stream_->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs();
+    recording_state = stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
+        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(),
+        /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
+    call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(stream_);
+    stream_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  if (flexfec_stream_) {
+    call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_stream_);
+    flexfec_stream_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  CreateReceiveStream();
+  if (base_minimum_playout_delay_ms) {
+    stream_->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
+        base_minimum_playout_delay_ms.value());
+  }
+  if (recording_state) {
+    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(std::move(*recording_state),
+                                     /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
+  }
+  if (receiving_) {
+    StartReceiveStream();
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    CreateReceiveStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK(!stream_);
+  RTC_DCHECK(!flexfec_stream_);
+  if (flexfec_config_.IsCompleteAndEnabled()) {
+    flexfec_stream_ = call_->CreateFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_config_);
+  }
+  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config config = config_.Copy();
+  config.rtp.protected_by_flexfec = (flexfec_stream_ != nullptr);
+  config.rtp.packet_sink_ = flexfec_stream_;
+  stream_ = call_->CreateVideoReceiveStream(std::move(config));
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::StartReceiveStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  receiving_ = true;
+  stream_->Start();
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::StopReceiveStream() {
+  RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+  receiving_ = false;
+  stream_->Stop();
+  RecreateReceiveStream();
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::OnFrame(
+    const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {
+  webrtc::MutexLock lock(&sink_lock_);
+  int64_t time_now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
+  if (first_frame_timestamp_ < 0)
+    first_frame_timestamp_ = time_now_ms;
+  int64_t elapsed_time_ms = time_now_ms - first_frame_timestamp_;
+  if (frame.ntp_time_ms() > 0)
+    estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_ = frame.ntp_time_ms() - elapsed_time_ms;
+  if (sink_ == NULL) {
+        << "VideoReceiveStreamInterface not connected to a VideoSink.";
+    return;
+  }
+  sink_->OnFrame(frame);
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::IsDefaultStream()
+    const {
+  return default_stream_;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetFrameDecryptor(
+    rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface> frame_decryptor) {
+  config_.frame_decryptor = frame_decryptor;
+  if (stream_) {
+        << "Setting FrameDecryptor (recv) because of SetFrameDecryptor, "
+           "remote_ssrc="
+        << config_.rtp.remote_ssrc;
+    stream_->SetFrameDecryptor(frame_decryptor);
+  }
+bool WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(int delay_ms) {
+  return stream_ ? stream_->SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(delay_ms) : false;
+int WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs() const {
+  return stream_ ? stream_->GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs() : 0;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetSink(
+    rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) {
+  webrtc::MutexLock lock(&sink_lock_);
+  sink_ = sink;
+    bool log_stats) {
+  VideoReceiverInfo info;
+  info.ssrc_groups = stream_params_.ssrc_groups;
+  info.add_ssrc(config_.rtp.remote_ssrc);
+  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Stats stats = stream_->GetStats();
+  info.decoder_implementation_name = stats.decoder_implementation_name;
+  info.power_efficient_decoder = stats.power_efficient_decoder;
+  if (stats.current_payload_type != -1) {
+    info.codec_payload_type = stats.current_payload_type;
+    auto decoder_it = absl::c_find_if(config_.decoders, [&](const auto& d) {
+      return d.payload_type == stats.current_payload_type;
+    });
+    if (decoder_it != config_.decoders.end())
+      info.codec_name = decoder_it->video_format.name;
+  }
+  info.payload_bytes_received = stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.payload_bytes;
+  info.header_and_padding_bytes_received =
+      stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.header_bytes +
+      stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.padding_bytes;
+  info.packets_received = stats.rtp_stats.packet_counter.packets;
+  info.packets_lost = stats.rtp_stats.packets_lost;
+  info.jitter_ms = stats.rtp_stats.jitter / (kVideoCodecClockrate / 1000);
+  info.framerate_received = stats.network_frame_rate;
+  info.framerate_decoded = stats.decode_frame_rate;
+  info.framerate_output = stats.render_frame_rate;
+  info.frame_width = stats.width;
+  info.frame_height = stats.height;
+  {
+    webrtc::MutexLock frame_cs(&sink_lock_);
+    info.capture_start_ntp_time_ms = estimated_remote_start_ntp_time_ms_;
+  }
+  info.decode_ms = stats.decode_ms;
+  info.max_decode_ms = stats.max_decode_ms;
+  info.current_delay_ms = stats.current_delay_ms;
+  info.target_delay_ms = stats.target_delay_ms;
+  info.jitter_buffer_ms = stats.jitter_buffer_ms;
+  info.jitter_buffer_delay_seconds =
+      stats.jitter_buffer_delay.seconds<double>();
+  info.jitter_buffer_target_delay_seconds =
+      stats.jitter_buffer_target_delay.seconds<double>();
+  info.jitter_buffer_emitted_count = stats.jitter_buffer_emitted_count;
+  info.jitter_buffer_minimum_delay_seconds =
+      stats.jitter_buffer_minimum_delay.seconds<double>();
+  info.min_playout_delay_ms = stats.min_playout_delay_ms;
+  info.render_delay_ms = stats.render_delay_ms;
+  info.frames_received =
+      stats.frame_counts.key_frames + stats.frame_counts.delta_frames;
+  info.frames_dropped = stats.frames_dropped;
+  info.frames_decoded = stats.frames_decoded;
+  info.key_frames_decoded = stats.frame_counts.key_frames;
+  info.frames_rendered = stats.frames_rendered;
+  info.qp_sum = stats.qp_sum;
+  info.total_decode_time = stats.total_decode_time;
+  info.total_processing_delay = stats.total_processing_delay;
+  info.total_assembly_time = stats.total_assembly_time;
+  info.frames_assembled_from_multiple_packets =
+      stats.frames_assembled_from_multiple_packets;
+  info.last_packet_received_timestamp_ms =
+      stats.rtp_stats.last_packet_received_timestamp_ms;
+  info.estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms =
+      stats.estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms;
+  info.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms =
+      stats.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms;
+  info.total_inter_frame_delay = stats.total_inter_frame_delay;
+  info.total_squared_inter_frame_delay = stats.total_squared_inter_frame_delay;
+  info.interframe_delay_max_ms = stats.interframe_delay_max_ms;
+  info.freeze_count = stats.freeze_count;
+  info.pause_count = stats.pause_count;
+  info.total_freezes_duration_ms = stats.total_freezes_duration_ms;
+  info.total_pauses_duration_ms = stats.total_pauses_duration_ms;
+  info.content_type = stats.content_type;
+  info.firs_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.fir_packets;
+  info.plis_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.pli_packets;
+  info.nacks_sent = stats.rtcp_packet_type_counts.nack_packets;
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10662): Add stats for LNTF.
+  info.timing_frame_info = stats.timing_frame_info;
+  if (stats.rtx_rtp_stats.has_value()) {
+    info.retransmitted_packets_received =
+        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.packets;
+    info.retransmitted_bytes_received =
+        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.payload_bytes;
+    // RTX information gets added to primary counters.
+    info.payload_bytes_received +=
+        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.payload_bytes;
+    info.header_and_padding_bytes_received +=
+        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.header_bytes +
+        stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.padding_bytes;
+    info.packets_received += stats.rtx_rtp_stats->packet_counter.packets;
+  }
+  if (log_stats)
+    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << stats.ToString(rtc::TimeMillis());
+  return info;
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
+        std::function<void(const webrtc::RecordableEncodedFrame&)> callback) {
+  if (stream_) {
+    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
+        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(
+            std::move(callback)),
+        /*generate_key_frame=*/true);
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Absent receive stream; ignoring setting encoded "
+                         "frame sink";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback() {
+  if (stream_) {
+    stream_->SetAndGetRecordingState(
+        webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::RecordingState(),
+        /*generate_key_frame=*/false);
+  } else {
+    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded "
+                         "frame sink";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::GenerateKeyFrame() {
+  if (stream_) {
+    stream_->GenerateKeyFrame();
+  } else {
+        << "Absent receive stream; ignoring key frame generation request.";
+  }
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::
+    SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
+        rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface>
+            frame_transformer) {
+  config_.frame_transformer = frame_transformer;
+  if (stream_)
+    stream_->SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(frame_transformer);
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::SetLocalSsrc(
+    uint32_t ssrc) {
+  config_.rtp.local_ssrc = ssrc;
+  call_->OnLocalSsrcUpdated(stream(), ssrc);
+  if (flexfec_stream_)
+    call_->OnLocalSsrcUpdated(*flexfec_stream_, ssrc);
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::WebRtcVideoReceiveStream::UpdateRtxSsrc(
+    uint32_t ssrc) {
+  stream_->UpdateRtxSsrc(ssrc);
+    : flexfec_payload_type(-1), rtx_payload_type(-1) {}
+bool VideoCodecSettings::operator==(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const {
+  return codec == other.codec && ulpfec == other.ulpfec &&
+         flexfec_payload_type == other.flexfec_payload_type &&
+         rtx_payload_type == other.rtx_payload_type &&
+         rtx_time == other.rtx_time;
+bool VideoCodecSettings::EqualsDisregardingFlexfec(
+    const VideoCodecSettings& a,
+    const VideoCodecSettings& b) {
+  return a.codec == b.codec && a.ulpfec == b.ulpfec &&
+         a.rtx_payload_type == b.rtx_payload_type && a.rtx_time == b.rtx_time;
+bool VideoCodecSettings::operator!=(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const {
+  return !(*this == other);
+WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::FindReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
   if (ssrc == 0) {
     absl::optional<uint32_t> default_ssrc = GetUnsignaledSsrc();
     if (!default_ssrc) {
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@
 // RTC_RUN_ON(worker_thread_)
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ProcessReceivedPacket(
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ProcessReceivedPacket(
     webrtc::RtpPacketReceived packet) {
   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11993): This code is very similar to what
   // WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel::OnPacketReceived does. For maintainability and
@@ -3731,11 +3731,11 @@
       webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO, std::move(packet),
-      absl::bind_front(&WebRtcVideoChannel::MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream,
-                       this));
+      absl::bind_front(
+          &WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream, this));
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
     uint32_t ssrc,
     std::function<void(const webrtc::RecordableEncodedFrame&)> callback) {
@@ -3749,7 +3749,8 @@
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(uint32_t ssrc) {
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
+    uint32_t ssrc) {
   WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream = FindReceiveStream(ssrc);
   if (stream) {
@@ -3761,7 +3762,7 @@
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::RequestRecvKeyFrame(uint32_t ssrc) {
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::RequestRecvKeyFrame(uint32_t ssrc) {
   WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream = FindReceiveStream(ssrc);
   if (stream) {
@@ -3773,7 +3774,7 @@
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::GenerateSendKeyFrame(
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::GenerateSendKeyFrame(
     uint32_t ssrc,
     const std::vector<std::string>& rids) {
@@ -3787,7 +3788,7 @@
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetEncoderToPacketizerFrameTransformer(
+void WebRtcVideoSendChannel::SetEncoderToPacketizerFrameTransformer(
     uint32_t ssrc,
     rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface> frame_transformer) {
@@ -3798,7 +3799,7 @@
-void WebRtcVideoChannel::SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
+void WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel::SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
     uint32_t ssrc,
     rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface> frame_transformer) {
diff --git a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.h b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.h
index 5a5dd94..3c486b4 100644
--- a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.h
+++ b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine.h
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
 namespace cricket {
-class WebRtcVideoChannel;
 // Public for testing.
 // Inputs StreamStats for all types of substreams (kMedia, kRtx, kFlexfec) and
 // merges any non-kMedia substream stats object into its referenced kMedia-type
@@ -134,12 +132,32 @@
   const webrtc::FieldTrialsView& trials_;
-class WebRtcVideoChannel : public VideoMediaChannel,
-                           public webrtc::Transport,
-                           public webrtc::EncoderSwitchRequestCallback {
+struct VideoCodecSettings {
+  VideoCodecSettings();
+  // Checks if all members of |*this| are equal to the corresponding members
+  // of `other`.
+  bool operator==(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const;
+  bool operator!=(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const;
+  // Checks if all members of `a`, except `flexfec_payload_type`, are equal
+  // to the corresponding members of `b`.
+  static bool EqualsDisregardingFlexfec(const VideoCodecSettings& a,
+                                        const VideoCodecSettings& b);
+  VideoCodec codec;
+  webrtc::UlpfecConfig ulpfec;
+  int flexfec_payload_type;  // -1 if absent.
+  int rtx_payload_type;      // -1 if absent.
+  absl::optional<int> rtx_time;
+class WebRtcVideoSendChannel : public MediaChannelUtil,
+                               public VideoMediaSendChannelInterface,
+                               public webrtc::Transport,
+                               public webrtc::EncoderSwitchRequestCallback {
-  WebRtcVideoChannel(
-      MediaChannel::Role role,
+  WebRtcVideoSendChannel(
       webrtc::Call* call,
       const MediaConfig& config,
       const VideoOptions& options,
@@ -147,20 +165,36 @@
       webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory* encoder_factory,
       webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory,
       webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* bitrate_allocator_factory);
-  ~WebRtcVideoChannel() override;
+  ~WebRtcVideoSendChannel() override;
-  // VideoMediaChannel implementation
+  MediaType media_type() const override { return MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; }
+  // Type manipulations
+  VideoMediaSendChannelInterface* AsVideoSendChannel() override { return this; }
+  VoiceMediaSendChannelInterface* AsVoiceSendChannel() override {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Functions imported from MediaChannelUtil
+  bool HasNetworkInterface() const override {
+    return MediaChannelUtil::HasNetworkInterface();
+  }
+  void SetExtmapAllowMixed(bool extmap_allow_mixed) override {
+    MediaChannelUtil::SetExtmapAllowMixed(extmap_allow_mixed);
+  }
+  bool ExtmapAllowMixed() const override {
+    return MediaChannelUtil::ExtmapAllowMixed();
+  }
+  // Common functions between sender and receiver
+  void SetInterface(MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) override;
+  // VideoMediaSendChannelInterface implementation
   bool SetSendParameters(const VideoSendParameters& params) override;
-  bool SetRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params) override;
-  webrtc::RtpParameters GetRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
   webrtc::RTCError SetRtpSendParameters(
       uint32_t ssrc,
       const webrtc::RtpParameters& parameters,
       webrtc::SetParametersCallback callback) override;
-  webrtc::RtpParameters GetRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
-  webrtc::RtpParameters GetDefaultRtpReceiveParameters() const override;
+  webrtc::RtpParameters GetRtpSendParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
   bool GetSendCodec(VideoCodec* send_codec) override;
-  void SetReceive(bool receive) override;
   bool SetSend(bool send) override;
   bool SetVideoSend(
       uint32_t ssrc,
@@ -168,38 +202,14 @@
       rtc::VideoSourceInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* source) override;
   bool AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) override;
   bool RemoveSendStream(uint32_t ssrc) override;
-  bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) override;
-  bool AddDefaultRecvStreamForTesting(const StreamParams& sp) override {
-    // Invokes private AddRecvStream variant function
-    return AddRecvStream(sp, true);
-  }
-  bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32_t ssrc) override;
-  void ResetUnsignaledRecvStream() override;
-  absl::optional<uint32_t> GetUnsignaledSsrc() const override;
-  void OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdatePending() override;
-  void OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdateComplete() override;
-  bool SetSink(uint32_t ssrc,
-               rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) override;
-  void SetDefaultSink(
-      rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) override;
   void FillBitrateInfo(BandwidthEstimationInfo* bwe_info) override;
-  bool GetSendStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info) override;
-  bool GetReceiveStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* info) override;
+  bool GetStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info) override;
-  void OnPacketReceived(const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) override;
   void OnPacketSent(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) override;
   void OnReadyToSend(bool ready) override;
   void OnNetworkRouteChanged(absl::string_view transport_name,
                              const rtc::NetworkRoute& network_route) override;
-  void SetInterface(MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) override;
-  // E2E Encrypted Video Frame API
-  // Set a frame decryptor to a particular ssrc that will intercept all
-  // incoming video frames and attempt to decrypt them before forwarding the
-  // result.
-  void SetFrameDecryptor(uint32_t ssrc,
-                         rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface>
-                             frame_decryptor) override;
   // Set a frame encryptor to a particular ssrc that will intercept all
   // outgoing video frames and attempt to encrypt them and forward the result
   // to the packetizer.
@@ -215,11 +225,6 @@
   void SetVideoCodecSwitchingEnabled(bool enabled) override;
-  bool SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(uint32_t ssrc, int delay_ms) override;
-  absl::optional<int> GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
-      uint32_t ssrc) const override;
   void SetSendCodecChangedCallback(
       absl::AnyInvocable<void()> callback) override {
     send_codec_changed_callback_ = std::move(callback);
@@ -230,21 +235,12 @@
     ssrc_list_changed_callback_ = std::move(callback);
-  // Choose one of the available SSRCs (or default if none) as the current
-  // receiver report SSRC.
-  void ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(const std::set<uint32_t>& choices) override;
   // Implemented for VideoMediaChannelTest.
   bool sending() const {
     return sending_;
-  StreamParams unsignaled_stream_params() {
-    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
-    return unsignaled_stream_params_;
-  }
   // AdaptReason is used for expressing why a WebRtcVideoSendStream request
   // a lower input frame size than the currently configured camera input frame
   // size. There can be more than one reason OR:ed together.
@@ -256,19 +252,11 @@
   static constexpr int kDefaultQpMax = 56;
-  std::vector<webrtc::RtpSource> GetSources(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
   // Implements webrtc::EncoderSwitchRequestCallback.
   void RequestEncoderFallback() override;
   void RequestEncoderSwitch(const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format,
                             bool allow_default_fallback) override;
-  void SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
-      uint32_t ssrc,
-      std::function<void(const webrtc::RecordableEncodedFrame&)> callback)
-      override;
-  void ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(uint32_t ssrc) override;
-  void RequestRecvKeyFrame(uint32_t ssrc) override;
   void GenerateSendKeyFrame(uint32_t ssrc,
                             const std::vector<std::string>& rids) override;
@@ -276,11 +264,6 @@
       uint32_t ssrc,
       rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface> frame_transformer)
-  void SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
-      uint32_t ssrc,
-      rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface> frame_transformer)
-      override;
   // Information queries to support SetReceiverFeedbackParameters
   webrtc::RtcpMode SendCodecRtcpMode() const override {
@@ -309,34 +292,8 @@
     return send_codec()->rtx_time;
-  void SetReceiverFeedbackParameters(bool lntf_enabled,
-                                     bool nack_enabled,
-                                     webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
-                                     absl::optional<int> rtx_time) override;
-  class WebRtcVideoReceiveStream;
-  struct VideoCodecSettings {
-    VideoCodecSettings();
-    // Checks if all members of |*this| are equal to the corresponding members
-    // of `other`.
-    bool operator==(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const;
-    bool operator!=(const VideoCodecSettings& other) const;
-    // Checks if all members of `a`, except `flexfec_payload_type`, are equal
-    // to the corresponding members of `b`.
-    static bool EqualsDisregardingFlexfec(const VideoCodecSettings& a,
-                                          const VideoCodecSettings& b);
-    VideoCodec codec;
-    webrtc::UlpfecConfig ulpfec;
-    int flexfec_payload_type;  // -1 if absent.
-    int rtx_payload_type;      // -1 if absent.
-    absl::optional<int> rtx_time;
-  };
   struct ChangedSendParameters {
     // These optionals are unset if not changed.
     absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings> send_codec;
@@ -349,57 +306,12 @@
     absl::optional<webrtc::RtcpMode> rtcp_mode;
-  struct ChangedRecvParameters {
-    // These optionals are unset if not changed.
-    absl::optional<std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>> codec_settings;
-    absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>> rtp_header_extensions;
-    // Keep track of the FlexFEC payload type separately from `codec_settings`.
-    // This allows us to recreate the FlexfecReceiveStream separately from the
-    // VideoReceiveStreamInterface when the FlexFEC payload type is changed.
-    absl::optional<int> flexfec_payload_type;
-  };
-  // Finds VideoReceiveStreamInterface corresponding to ssrc. Aware of
-  // unsignalled ssrc handling.
-  WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* FindReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  void ProcessReceivedPacket(webrtc::RtpPacketReceived packet)
-      RTC_RUN_ON(thread_checker_);
   bool GetChangedSendParameters(const VideoSendParameters& params,
                                 ChangedSendParameters* changed_params) const
   bool ApplyChangedParams(const ChangedSendParameters& changed_params);
-  bool GetChangedRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params,
-                                ChangedRecvParameters* changed_params) const
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  // Expected to be invoked once per packet that belongs to this channel that
-  // can not be demuxed.
-  // Returns true if a new default stream has been created.
-  bool MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
-      const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& parsed_packet)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  void ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc,
-                                    absl::optional<uint32_t> rtx_ssrc);
-  // Add a receive stream. Used for testing.
-  bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp, bool default_stream);
-  void ConfigureReceiverRtp(
-      webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config* config,
-      webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config* flexfec_config,
-      const StreamParams& sp) const
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
   bool ValidateSendSsrcAvailability(const StreamParams& sp) const
-  bool ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(const StreamParams& sp) const
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  void DeleteReceiveStream(WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  static std::string CodecSettingsVectorToString(
-      const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& codecs);
   // Populates `rtx_associated_payload_types`, `raw_payload_types` and
   // `decoders` based on codec settings provided by `recv_codecs`.
@@ -410,10 +322,6 @@
       std::set<int>& raw_payload_types,
       std::vector<webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder>& decoders);
-  // Called when the local ssrc changes. Sets `rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_` and
-  // updates the receive streams.
-  void SetReceiverReportSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) RTC_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
   // Wrapper for the sender part.
   class WebRtcVideoSendStream {
@@ -529,6 +437,277 @@
     const bool disable_automatic_resize_;
+  void Construct(webrtc::Call* call, WebRtcVideoEngine* engine);
+  bool SendRtp(const uint8_t* data,
+               size_t len,
+               const webrtc::PacketOptions& options) override;
+  bool SendRtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) override;
+  // Get all codecs that are compatible with the receiver.
+  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> SelectSendVideoCodecs(
+      const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& remote_mapped_codecs) const
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void FillSenderStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info, bool log_stats)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void FillBandwidthEstimationStats(const webrtc::Call::Stats& stats,
+                                    VideoMediaInfo* info)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void FillSendCodecStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  // Accessor function for send_codec_. Introduced in order to ensure
+  // that a receive channel does not touch the send codec directly.
+  // Can go away once these are different classes.
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/13931): Remove this function
+  absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& send_codec() { return send_codec_; }
+  const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& send_codec() const {
+    return send_codec_;
+  }
+  // Disabled function from interface
+  MediaChannel* ImplForTesting() override {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  webrtc::TaskQueueBase* const worker_thread_;
+  webrtc::ScopedTaskSafety task_safety_;
+  RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS webrtc::SequenceChecker network_thread_checker_{
+      webrtc::SequenceChecker::kDetached};
+  RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS webrtc::SequenceChecker thread_checker_;
+  uint32_t rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  bool sending_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  bool receiving_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::Call* const call_;
+  rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* default_sink_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // Delay for unsignaled streams, which may be set before the stream exists.
+  int default_recv_base_minimum_delay_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_) = 0;
+  const MediaConfig::Video video_config_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // Using primary-ssrc (first ssrc) as key.
+  std::map<uint32_t, WebRtcVideoSendStream*> send_streams_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // When the channel and demuxer get reconfigured, there is a window of time
+  // where we have to be prepared for packets arriving based on the old demuxer
+  // criteria because the streams live on the worker thread and the demuxer
+  // lives on the network thread. Because packets are posted from the network
+  // thread to the worker thread, they can still be in-flight when streams are
+  // reconfgured. This can happen when `demuxer_criteria_id_` and
+  // `demuxer_criteria_completed_id_` don't match. During this time, we do not
+  // want to create unsignalled receive streams and should instead drop the
+  // packets. E.g:
+  // * If RemoveRecvStream(old_ssrc) was recently called, there may be packets
+  //   in-flight for that ssrc. This happens when a receiver becomes inactive.
+  // * If we go from one to many m= sections, the demuxer may change from
+  //   forwarding all packets to only forwarding the configured ssrcs, so there
+  //   is a risk of receiving ssrcs for other, recently added m= sections.
+  uint32_t demuxer_criteria_id_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_) = 0;
+  uint32_t demuxer_criteria_completed_id_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_) = 0;
+  absl::optional<int64_t> last_unsignalled_ssrc_creation_time_ms_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::set<uint32_t> send_ssrcs_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::set<uint32_t> receive_ssrcs_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings> send_codec_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> negotiated_codecs_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> send_rtp_extensions_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory* const encoder_factory_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* const decoder_factory_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* const bitrate_allocator_factory_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> recv_codecs_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap recv_rtp_extension_map_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> recv_rtp_extensions_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // See reason for keeping track of the FlexFEC payload type separately in
+  // comment in WebRtcVideoChannel::ChangedRecvParameters.
+  int recv_flexfec_payload_type_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  webrtc::BitrateConstraints bitrate_config_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // TODO(deadbeef): Don't duplicate information between
+  // send_params/recv_params, rtp_extensions, options, etc.
+  VideoSendParameters send_params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  VideoOptions default_send_options_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  VideoRecvParameters recv_params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  int64_t last_send_stats_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  int64_t last_receive_stats_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  const bool discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // This is a stream param that comes from the remote description, but wasn't
+  // signaled with any a=ssrc lines. It holds information that was signaled
+  // before the unsignaled receive stream is created when the first packet is
+  // received.
+  StreamParams unsignaled_stream_params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // Per peer connection crypto options that last for the lifetime of the peer
+  // connection.
+  const webrtc::CryptoOptions crypto_options_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // Optional frame transformer set on unsignaled streams.
+  rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface>
+      unsignaled_frame_transformer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11341): Remove this and relevant PC API. Presence
+  // of multiple negotiated codecs allows generic encoder fallback on failures.
+  // Presence of EncoderSelector allows switching to specific encoders.
+  bool allow_codec_switching_ = false;
+  // RTP parameters that need to be set when creating a video receive stream.
+  // Only used in Receiver mode - in Both mode, it reads those things from the
+  // codec.
+  webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Rtp rtp_config_;
+  // Callback invoked whenever the send codec changes.
+  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/13931): Remove again when coupling isn't needed.
+  absl::AnyInvocable<void()> send_codec_changed_callback_;
+  // Callback invoked whenever the list of SSRCs changes.
+  absl::AnyInvocable<void(const std::set<uint32_t>&)>
+      ssrc_list_changed_callback_;
+class WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel : public MediaChannelUtil,
+                                  public VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface,
+                                  public webrtc::Transport {
+ public:
+  WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel(webrtc::Call* call,
+                            const MediaConfig& config,
+                            const VideoOptions& options,
+                            const webrtc::CryptoOptions& crypto_options,
+                            webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory);
+  ~WebRtcVideoReceiveChannel() override;
+ public:
+  MediaType media_type() const override { return MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; }
+  VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface* AsVideoReceiveChannel() override {
+    return this;
+  }
+  VoiceMediaReceiveChannelInterface* AsVoiceReceiveChannel() override {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Functions imported from MediaChannelUtil
+  bool SendRtp(const uint8_t* data,
+               size_t len,
+               const webrtc::PacketOptions& options) override {
+    MediaChannelUtil::SendRtp(data, len, options);
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool SendRtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) override {
+    MediaChannelUtil::SendRtcp(data, len);
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Common functions between sender and receiver
+  void SetInterface(MediaChannelNetworkInterface* iface) override;
+  // VideoMediaReceiveChannelInterface implementation
+  bool SetRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params) override;
+  webrtc::RtpParameters GetRtpReceiveParameters(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
+  webrtc::RtpParameters GetDefaultRtpReceiveParameters() const override;
+  void SetReceive(bool receive) override;
+  bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) override;
+  bool AddDefaultRecvStreamForTesting(const StreamParams& sp) override {
+    // Invokes private AddRecvStream variant function
+    return AddRecvStream(sp, true);
+  }
+  bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32_t ssrc) override;
+  void ResetUnsignaledRecvStream() override;
+  absl::optional<uint32_t> GetUnsignaledSsrc() const override;
+  void OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdatePending() override;
+  void OnDemuxerCriteriaUpdateComplete() override;
+  bool SetSink(uint32_t ssrc,
+               rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) override;
+  void SetDefaultSink(
+      rtc::VideoSinkInterface<webrtc::VideoFrame>* sink) override;
+  bool GetStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* info) override;
+  void OnPacketReceived(const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& packet) override;
+  bool SetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(uint32_t ssrc, int delay_ms) override;
+  absl::optional<int> GetBaseMinimumPlayoutDelayMs(
+      uint32_t ssrc) const override;
+  // Choose one of the available SSRCs (or default if none) as the current
+  // receiver report SSRC.
+  void ChooseReceiverReportSsrc(const std::set<uint32_t>& choices) override;
+  // E2E Encrypted Video Frame API
+  // Set a frame decryptor to a particular ssrc that will intercept all
+  // incoming video frames and attempt to decrypt them before forwarding the
+  // result.
+  void SetFrameDecryptor(uint32_t ssrc,
+                         rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface>
+                             frame_decryptor) override;
+  void SetRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(
+      uint32_t ssrc,
+      std::function<void(const webrtc::RecordableEncodedFrame&)> callback)
+      override;
+  void ClearRecordableEncodedFrameCallback(uint32_t ssrc) override;
+  void RequestRecvKeyFrame(uint32_t ssrc) override;
+  void SetDepacketizerToDecoderFrameTransformer(
+      uint32_t ssrc,
+      rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FrameTransformerInterface> frame_transformer)
+      override;
+  std::vector<webrtc::RtpSource> GetSources(uint32_t ssrc) const override;
+  void SetReceiverFeedbackParameters(bool lntf_enabled,
+                                     bool nack_enabled,
+                                     webrtc::RtcpMode rtcp_mode,
+                                     absl::optional<int> rtx_time) override;
+ private:
+  class WebRtcVideoReceiveStream;
+  struct ChangedRecvParameters {
+    // These optionals are unset if not changed.
+    absl::optional<std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>> codec_settings;
+    absl::optional<std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension>> rtp_header_extensions;
+    // Keep track of the FlexFEC payload type separately from `codec_settings`.
+    // This allows us to recreate the FlexfecReceiveStream separately from the
+    // VideoReceiveStreamInterface when the FlexFEC payload type is changed.
+    absl::optional<int> flexfec_payload_type;
+  };
+  // Finds VideoReceiveStreamInterface corresponding to ssrc. Aware of
+  // unsignalled ssrc handling.
+  WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* FindReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void ProcessReceivedPacket(webrtc::RtpPacketReceived packet)
+      RTC_RUN_ON(thread_checker_);
+  // Expected to be invoked once per packet that belongs to this channel that
+  // can not be demuxed.
+  // Returns true if a new default stream has been created.
+  bool MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStream(
+      const webrtc::RtpPacketReceived& parsed_packet)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void ReCreateDefaultReceiveStream(uint32_t ssrc,
+                                    absl::optional<uint32_t> rtx_ssrc);
+  // Add a receive stream. Used for testing.
+  bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp, bool default_stream);
+  void ConfigureReceiverRtp(
+      webrtc::VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config* config,
+      webrtc::FlexfecReceiveStream::Config* flexfec_config,
+      const StreamParams& sp) const
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  bool ValidateReceiveSsrcAvailability(const StreamParams& sp) const
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  void DeleteReceiveStream(WebRtcVideoReceiveStream* stream)
+      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  // Called when the local ssrc changes. Sets `rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_` and
+  // updates the receive streams.
+  void SetReceiverReportSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) RTC_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
   // Wrapper for the receiver part, contains configs etc. that are needed to
   // reconstruct the underlying VideoReceiveStreamInterface.
   class WebRtcVideoReceiveStream
@@ -627,56 +806,28 @@
     RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS webrtc::SequenceChecker thread_checker_;
     bool receiving_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&thread_checker_);
-  void Construct(webrtc::Call* call, WebRtcVideoEngine* engine);
-  bool SendRtp(const uint8_t* data,
-               size_t len,
-               const webrtc::PacketOptions& options) override;
-  bool SendRtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) override;
-  // Generate the list of codec parameters to pass down based on the negotiated
-  // "codecs". Note that VideoCodecSettings correspond to concrete codecs like
-  // VP8, VP9, H264 while VideoCodecs correspond also to "virtual" codecs like
-  static std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> MapCodecs(
-      const std::vector<VideoCodec>& codecs);
-  // Get all codecs that are compatible with the receiver.
-  std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> SelectSendVideoCodecs(
-      const std::vector<VideoCodecSettings>& remote_mapped_codecs) const
+  bool GetChangedRecvParameters(const VideoRecvParameters& params,
+                                ChangedRecvParameters* changed_params) const
-  static bool NonFlexfecReceiveCodecsHaveChanged(
-      std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> before,
-      std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> after);
-  void FillSenderStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* info, bool log_stats)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
+  std::map<uint32_t, WebRtcVideoReceiveStream*> receive_streams_
+      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   void FillReceiverStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* info, bool log_stats)
-  void FillBandwidthEstimationStats(const webrtc::Call::Stats& stats,
-                                    VideoMediaInfo* info)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
-  void FillSendCodecStats(VideoMediaSendInfo* video_media_info)
-      RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(thread_checker_);
   void FillReceiveCodecStats(VideoMediaReceiveInfo* video_media_info)
-  // Accessor function for send_codec_. Introduced in order to ensure
-  // that a receive channel does not touch the send codec directly.
-  // Can go away once these are different classes.
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/13931): Remove this function
-  absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& send_codec() {
-    RTC_DCHECK(role() == MediaChannel::Role::kSend ||
-               role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth);
-    return send_codec_;
-  }
-  const absl::optional<VideoCodecSettings>& send_codec() const {
-    RTC_DCHECK(role() == MediaChannel::Role::kSend ||
-               role() == MediaChannel::Role::kBoth);
-    return send_codec_;
+  StreamParams unsignaled_stream_params() {
+    RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&thread_checker_);
+    return unsignaled_stream_params_;
+  // Disabled function from API
+  MediaChannel* ImplForTesting() override {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Variables.
   webrtc::TaskQueueBase* const worker_thread_;
   webrtc::ScopedTaskSafety task_safety_;
   RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS webrtc::SequenceChecker network_thread_checker_{
@@ -684,7 +835,6 @@
   RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS webrtc::SequenceChecker thread_checker_;
   uint32_t rtcp_receiver_report_ssrc_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
-  bool sending_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   bool receiving_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&thread_checker_);
   webrtc::Call* const call_;
@@ -696,11 +846,6 @@
   const MediaConfig::Video video_config_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
-  // Using primary-ssrc (first ssrc) as key.
-  std::map<uint32_t, WebRtcVideoSendStream*> send_streams_
-      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
-  std::map<uint32_t, WebRtcVideoReceiveStream*> receive_streams_
-      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   // When the channel and demuxer get reconfigured, there is a window of time
   // where we have to be prepared for packets arriving based on the old demuxer
   // criteria because the streams live on the worker thread and the demuxer
@@ -730,12 +875,8 @@
   std::vector<webrtc::RtpExtension> send_rtp_extensions_
-  webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory* const encoder_factory_
-      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory* const decoder_factory_
-  webrtc::VideoBitrateAllocatorFactory* const bitrate_allocator_factory_
-      RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   std::vector<VideoCodecSettings> recv_codecs_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   webrtc::RtpHeaderExtensionMap recv_rtp_extension_map_
@@ -750,7 +891,6 @@
   VideoSendParameters send_params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   VideoOptions default_send_options_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   VideoRecvParameters recv_params_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
-  int64_t last_send_stats_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   int64_t last_receive_stats_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   const bool discard_unknown_ssrc_packets_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
   // This is a stream param that comes from the remote description, but wasn't
@@ -766,11 +906,6 @@
       unsignaled_frame_transformer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(thread_checker_);
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11341): Remove this and relevant PC API. Presence
-  // of multiple negotiated codecs allows generic encoder fallback on failures.
-  // Presence of EncoderSelector allows switching to specific encoders.
-  bool allow_codec_switching_ = false;
   // RTP parameters that need to be set when creating a video receive stream.
   // Only used in Receiver mode - in Both mode, it reads those things from the
   // codec.
@@ -784,6 +919,17 @@
+// Keeping the old name "WebRtcVideoChannel" around because some external
+// customers are using cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel::AdaptReason
+// TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/15216): Move this enum to an interface class and
+// delete this workaround.
+class WebRtcVideoChannel : public WebRtcVideoSendChannel {
+ public:
+  // Make all the values of AdaptReason available as
+  // WebRtcVideoChannel::ADAPT_xxx.
+  using WebRtcVideoSendChannel::AdaptReason;
 }  // namespace cricket
diff --git a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine_unittest.cc b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine_unittest.cc
index 66535ca..3be1dc5 100644
--- a/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine_unittest.cc
+++ b/media/engine/webrtc_video_engine_unittest.cc
@@ -1820,10 +1820,10 @@
   // Returns pointer to implementation of the send channel.
-  WebRtcVideoChannel* SendImpl() {
+  WebRtcVideoSendChannel* SendImpl() {
     // Note that this function requires intimate knowledge of how the channel
     // was created.
-    return static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel*>(
+    return static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoSendChannel*>(
@@ -2685,10 +2685,10 @@
   // Returns pointer to implementation of the send channel.
-  WebRtcVideoChannel* SendImpl() {
+  WebRtcVideoSendChannel* SendImpl() {
     // Note that this function requires intimate knowledge of how the channel
     // was created.
-    return static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel*>(
+    return static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoSendChannel*>(
@@ -2696,7 +2696,7 @@
   // Casts a shim channel to a webrtc::Transport. Used once.
   webrtc::Transport* ChannelImplAsTransport(VideoMediaChannel* channel) {
     return static_cast<webrtc::Transport*>(
-        static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel*>(
+        static_cast<cricket::WebRtcVideoSendChannel*>(
diff --git a/test/scenario/video_stream.cc b/test/scenario/video_stream.cc
index 937ad4f..ec13976 100644
--- a/test/scenario/video_stream.cc
+++ b/test/scenario/video_stream.cc
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-constexpr int kDefaultMaxQp = cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel::kDefaultQpMax;
+constexpr int kDefaultMaxQp = cricket::WebRtcVideoSendChannel::kDefaultQpMax;
 uint8_t CodecTypeToPayloadType(VideoCodecType codec_type) {
   switch (codec_type) {
     case VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecGeneric:
diff --git a/video/video_quality_test.cc b/video/video_quality_test.cc
index 2dd80ea..010e2ed 100644
--- a/video/video_quality_test.cc
+++ b/video/video_quality_test.cc
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 constexpr uint32_t kThumbnailSendSsrcStart = 0xE0000;
 constexpr uint32_t kThumbnailRtxSsrcStart = 0xF0000;
-constexpr int kDefaultMaxQp = cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel::kDefaultQpMax;
+constexpr int kDefaultMaxQp = cricket::WebRtcVideoSendChannel::kDefaultQpMax;
 const VideoEncoder::Capabilities kCapabilities(false);