blob: 245b8f062ac15c47b91dac0ab8d1001c57b2cc73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/functional/any_invocable.h"
#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct PacketInFlightInfo {
PacketInFlightInfo(size_t size, int64_t send_time_us, uint64_t packet_id)
: size(size), send_time_us(send_time_us), packet_id(packet_id) {}
size_t size;
int64_t send_time_us;
// Unique identifier for the packet in relation to other packets in flight.
uint64_t packet_id;
struct PacketDeliveryInfo {
static constexpr int kNotReceived = -1;
PacketDeliveryInfo(PacketInFlightInfo source, int64_t receive_time_us)
: receive_time_us(receive_time_us), packet_id(source.packet_id) {}
bool operator==(const PacketDeliveryInfo& other) const {
return receive_time_us == other.receive_time_us &&
packet_id == other.packet_id;
int64_t receive_time_us;
uint64_t packet_id;
// BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig is a built-in network behavior configuration
// for built-in network behavior that will be used by WebRTC if no custom
// NetworkBehaviorInterface is provided.
struct BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig {
// Queue length in number of packets.
size_t queue_length_packets = 0;
// Delay in addition to capacity induced delay.
int queue_delay_ms = 0;
// Standard deviation of the extra delay.
int delay_standard_deviation_ms = 0;
// Link capacity in kbps. 0 is treated as infinite capacity.
// Deprecated, please use link_capacity instead.
// TODO( Remove once all usage has migrated.
int link_capacity_kbps = 0;
DataRate link_capacity = DataRate::Infinity();
// Random packet loss, range 0 to 100.
double loss_percent = 0.;
// If packets are allowed to be reordered.
bool allow_reordering = false;
// The average length of a burst of lost packets.
int avg_burst_loss_length = -1;
// Additional bytes to add to packet size.
int packet_overhead = 0;
// Interface that represents a Network behaviour.
// It is clients of this interface responsibility to enqueue and dequeue
// packets (based on the estimated delivery time expressed by
// NextDeliveryTimeUs).
// To enqueue packets, call EnqueuePacket:
// EXPECT_TRUE(network.EnqueuePacket(
// PacketInFlightInfo(/*size=*/1, /*send_time_us=*/0, /*packet_id=*/1)));
// To know when to call DequeueDeliverablePackets to pull packets out of the
// network, call NextDeliveryTimeUs and schedule a task to invoke
// DequeueDeliverablePackets (if not already scheduled).
// DequeueDeliverablePackets will return a vector of delivered packets, but this
// vector can be empty in case of extra delay. In such case, make sure to invoke
// NextDeliveryTimeUs and schedule a task to call DequeueDeliverablePackets for
// the next estimated delivery of packets.
// std::vector<PacketDeliveryInfo> delivered_packets =
// network.DequeueDeliverablePackets(/*receive_time_us=*/1000000);
class NetworkBehaviorInterface {
// Enqueues a packet in the network and returns true if the action was
// successful, false otherwise (for example, because the network capacity has
// been saturated). If the return value is false, the packet should be
// considered as dropped and it will not be returned by future calls
// to DequeueDeliverablePackets.
// Packets enqueued will exit the network when DequeueDeliverablePackets is
// called and enough time has passed (see NextDeliveryTimeUs).
virtual bool EnqueuePacket(PacketInFlightInfo packet_info) = 0;
// Retrieves all packets that should be delivered by the given receive time.
// Not all the packets in the returned std::vector are actually delivered.
// In order to know the state of each packet it is necessary to check the
// `receive_time_us` field of each packet. If that is set to
// PacketDeliveryInfo::kNotReceived then the packet is considered lost in the
// network.
virtual std::vector<PacketDeliveryInfo> DequeueDeliverablePackets(
int64_t receive_time_us) = 0;
// Returns time in microseconds when caller should call
// DequeueDeliverablePackets to get the next set of delivered packets. It is
// possible that no packet will be delivered by that time (e.g. in case of
// random extra delay), in such case this method should be called again to get
// the updated estimated delivery time.
virtual std::optional<int64_t> NextDeliveryTimeUs() const = 0;
// Registers a callback that should be triggered by an implementation if the
// next NextDeliveryTimeUs() has changed between a call to NextDeliveryTimeUs
// and DequeueDeliverablePackets.
// The intended usage is to invoke NextDeliveryTimeUs and reschedule the
// DequeueDeliverablePackets call when network parameters (such as link
// capacity) changes.
virtual void RegisterDeliveryTimeChangedCallback(
absl::AnyInvocable<void()> callback) {}
virtual ~NetworkBehaviorInterface() = default;
// Class simulating a network link. This is a simple and naive solution just
// faking capacity and adding an extra transport delay in addition to the
// capacity introduced delay.
class SimulatedNetworkInterface : public NetworkBehaviorInterface {
// Sets a new configuration.
virtual void SetConfig(const BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig& config) = 0;
virtual void UpdateConfig(
std::function<void(BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig*)> config_modifier) = 0;
// Pauses the network until `until_us`. This affects both delivery (calling
// DequeueDeliverablePackets before `until_us` results in an empty std::vector
// of packets) and capacity (the network is paused, so packets are not
// flowing and they will restart flowing at `until_us`).
virtual void PauseTransmissionUntil(int64_t until_us) = 0;
} // namespace webrtc