blob: 2f4d808d1bff884cb445057a4e382f4ad785aade [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/video_coding/packet_buffer.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "common_video/h264/h264_common.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/frame_object.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/sequence_number_unwrapper.h"
#include "rtc_base/random.h"
#include "test/field_trial.h"
#include "test/gmock.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace video_coding {
namespace {
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
using ::testing::IsEmpty;
using ::testing::Matches;
using ::testing::Pointee;
using ::testing::SizeIs;
constexpr int kStartSize = 16;
constexpr int kMaxSize = 64;
void IgnoreResult(PacketBuffer::InsertResult /*result*/) {}
// Validates frame boundaries are valid and returns first sequence_number for
// each frame.
std::vector<uint16_t> StartSeqNums(
rtc::ArrayView<const std::unique_ptr<PacketBuffer::Packet>> packets) {
std::vector<uint16_t> result;
bool frame_boundary = true;
for (const auto& packet : packets) {
EXPECT_EQ(frame_boundary, packet->is_first_packet_in_frame());
if (packet->is_first_packet_in_frame()) {
frame_boundary = packet->is_last_packet_in_frame();
return result;
MATCHER_P(StartSeqNumsAre, seq_num, "") {
return Matches(ElementsAre(seq_num))(StartSeqNums(arg.packets));
MATCHER_P2(StartSeqNumsAre, seq_num1, seq_num2, "") {
return Matches(ElementsAre(seq_num1, seq_num2))(StartSeqNums(arg.packets));
MATCHER(KeyFrame, "") {
return arg->is_first_packet_in_frame() &&
arg->video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey;
MATCHER(DeltaFrame, "") {
return arg->is_first_packet_in_frame() &&
arg->video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta;
struct PacketBufferInsertResult : public PacketBuffer::InsertResult {
explicit PacketBufferInsertResult(PacketBuffer::InsertResult result)
: InsertResult(std::move(result)) {}
void PrintTo(const PacketBufferInsertResult& result, std::ostream* os) {
*os << "frames: { ";
for (const auto& packet : result.packets) {
if (packet->is_first_packet_in_frame() &&
packet->is_last_packet_in_frame()) {
*os << "{sn: " << packet->seq_num() << " }";
} else if (packet->is_first_packet_in_frame()) {
*os << "{sn: [" << packet->seq_num() << "-";
} else if (packet->is_last_packet_in_frame()) {
*os << packet->seq_num() << "] }, ";
*os << " }";
if (result.buffer_cleared) {
*os << ", buffer_cleared";
class PacketBufferTest : public ::testing::Test {
PacketBufferTest() : rand_(0x7732213), packet_buffer_(kStartSize, kMaxSize) {}
uint16_t Rand() { return rand_.Rand<uint16_t>(); }
enum IsKeyFrame { kKeyFrame, kDeltaFrame };
enum IsFirst { kFirst, kNotFirst };
enum IsLast { kLast, kNotLast };
PacketBufferInsertResult Insert(int64_t seq_num, // packet sequence number
IsKeyFrame keyframe, // is keyframe
IsFirst first, // is first packet of frame
IsLast last, // is last packet of frame
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data = {},
uint32_t timestamp = 123u) { // rtp timestamp
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecGeneric;
packet->timestamp = timestamp;
packet->sequence_number = seq_num;
packet->video_header.frame_type = keyframe == kKeyFrame
? VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey
: VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta;
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = first == kFirst;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = last == kLast;
packet->video_payload.SetData(, data.size());
return PacketBufferInsertResult(
Random rand_;
PacketBuffer packet_buffer_;
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, InsertOnePacket) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, InsertMultiplePackets) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 3, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, InsertDuplicatePacket) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets,
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, SeqNumWrapOneFrame) {
Insert(0xFFFF, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(0x1'0000, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, SeqNumWrapTwoFrames) {
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(0xFFFF, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(0x1'0000, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast), StartSeqNumsAre(0x0));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, InsertOldPackets) {
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(100, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(102, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(101, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(2));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(100, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(100, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(102, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(102, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(103, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, FrameSize) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
uint8_t data1[5] = {};
uint8_t data2[5] = {};
uint8_t data3[5] = {};
uint8_t data4[5] = {};
Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, data1);
Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, data2);
Insert(seq_num + 2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, data3);
auto packets =
Insert(seq_num + 3, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, data4).packets;
// Expect one frame of 4 packets.
EXPECT_THAT(StartSeqNums(packets), ElementsAre(seq_num));
EXPECT_THAT(packets, SizeIs(4));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ExpandBuffer) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
for (int i = 1; i < kStartSize; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast).buffer_cleared);
// Already inserted kStartSize number of packets, inserting the last packet
// should increase the buffer size and also result in an assembled frame.
Insert(seq_num + kStartSize, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).buffer_cleared);
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, SingleFrameExpandsBuffer) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
for (int i = 1; i < kStartSize; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + kStartSize, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ExpandBufferOverflow) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_FALSE(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).buffer_cleared);
for (int i = 1; i < kMaxSize; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast).buffer_cleared);
// Already inserted kMaxSize number of packets, inserting the last packet
// should overflow the buffer and result in false being returned.
Insert(seq_num + kMaxSize, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).buffer_cleared);
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, OnePacketOneFrame) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, TwoPacketsTwoFrames) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, TwoPacketsOneFrames) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ThreePacketReorderingOneFrame) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, Frames) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 2));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 3));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ClearSinglePacket) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSize; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast);
Insert(seq_num + kMaxSize, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).buffer_cleared);
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ClearPacketBeforeFullyReceivedFrame) {
Insert(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
Insert(1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets, IsEmpty());
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ClearFullBuffer) {
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSize; ++i)
Insert(i, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast);
packet_buffer_.ClearTo(kMaxSize - 1);
for (int i = kMaxSize; i < 2 * kMaxSize; ++i)
EXPECT_FALSE(Insert(i, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).buffer_cleared);
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, DontClearNewerPacket) {
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast), StartSeqNumsAre(0));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(2 * kStartSize, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(2 * kStartSize));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(3 * kStartSize + 1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets,
packet_buffer_.ClearTo(2 * kStartSize);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(3 * kStartSize + 2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(3 * kStartSize + 1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, OneIncompleteFrame) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num - 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets,
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, TwoIncompleteFramesFullBuffer) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
for (int i = 1; i < kMaxSize - 1; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num - 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets,
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, FramesReordered) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 1, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast),
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 3));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 2));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, FramesReorderedReconstruction) {
Insert(100, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, {}, 2);
Insert(98, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, {}, 1);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(99, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, {}, 1),
// Ideally frame with timestamp 2, seq No 100 should be
// reconstructed here from the first Insert() call in the test
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(101, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, {}, 2),
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, InsertPacketAfterSequenceNumberWrapAround) {
int64_t kFirstSeqNum = 0;
uint32_t kTimestampDelta = 100;
uint32_t timestamp = 10000;
int64_t seq_num = kFirstSeqNum;
// Loop until seq_num wraps around.
while (seq_num < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, {}, timestamp);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, {}, timestamp);
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, {}, timestamp);
timestamp += kTimestampDelta;
// Receive frame with overlapping sequence numbers.
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, {}, timestamp);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, {}, timestamp);
auto packets =
Insert(seq_num++, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, {}, timestamp).packets;
// One frame of 7 packets.
EXPECT_THAT(StartSeqNums(packets), SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(packets, SizeIs(7));
// If `sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe` is true, we require keyframes to contain
// SPS/PPS/IDR and the keyframes we create as part of the test do contain
// SPS/PPS/IDR. If `sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe` is false, we only require and
// create keyframes containing only IDR.
class PacketBufferH264Test : public PacketBufferTest {
explicit PacketBufferH264Test(bool sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe)
: PacketBufferTest(), sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe_(sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe) {
if (sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe) {
PacketBufferInsertResult InsertH264(
int64_t seq_num, // packet sequence number
IsKeyFrame keyframe, // is keyframe
IsFirst first, // is first packet of frame
IsLast last, // is last packet of frame
uint32_t timestamp, // rtp timestamp
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data = {},
uint32_t width = 0, // width of frame (SPS/IDR)
uint32_t height = 0, // height of frame (SPS/IDR)
bool generic = false) { // has generic descriptor
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecH264;
auto& h264_header =
packet->sequence_number = seq_num;
packet->timestamp = timestamp;
if (keyframe == kKeyFrame) {
if (sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe_) {
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kSps},
} else {
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
packet->video_header.width = width;
packet->video_header.height = height;
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = first == kFirst;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = last == kLast;
if (generic) {
packet->video_payload.SetData(, data.size());
return PacketBufferInsertResult(
PacketBufferInsertResult InsertH264KeyFrameWithAud(
int64_t seq_num, // packet sequence number
IsKeyFrame keyframe, // is keyframe
IsFirst first, // is first packet of frame
IsLast last, // is last packet of frame
uint32_t timestamp, // rtp timestamp
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data = {},
uint32_t width = 0, // width of frame (SPS/IDR)
uint32_t height = 0) { // height of frame (SPS/IDR)
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecH264;
auto& h264_header =
packet->sequence_number = seq_num;
packet->timestamp = timestamp;
// this should be the start of frame.
RTC_CHECK(first == kFirst);
// Insert a AUD NALU / packet without width/height.
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kAud}};
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = false;
// insert IDR
return InsertH264(seq_num + 1, keyframe, kNotFirst, last, timestamp, data,
width, height);
const bool sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe_;
// This fixture is used to test the general behaviour of the packet buffer
// in both configurations.
class PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest
: public ::testing::WithParamInterface<bool>,
public PacketBufferH264Test {
PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest() : PacketBufferH264Test(GetParam()) {}
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, DontRemoveMissingPacketOnClearTo) {
InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 0);
InsertH264(2, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 2);
// Expect no frame because of missing of packet #1
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(3, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 2).packets,
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, GetBitstreamOneFrameFullBuffer) {
uint8_t data_arr[kStartSize][1];
uint8_t expected[kStartSize];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kStartSize; ++i) {
data_arr[i][0] = i;
expected[i] = i;
InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1, data_arr[0]);
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < kStartSize - 1; ++i) {
InsertH264(i, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, 1, data_arr[i]);
auto packets = InsertH264(kStartSize - 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 1,
data_arr[kStartSize - 1])
ASSERT_THAT(StartSeqNums(packets), ElementsAre(0));
EXPECT_THAT(packets, SizeIs(kStartSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < packets.size(); ++i) {
EXPECT_THAT(packets[i]->video_payload, SizeIs(1)) << "Packet #" << i;
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, GetBitstreamBufferPadding) {
int64_t seq_num = Rand();
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer data = "some plain old data";
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
h264_header.packetization_type = kH264SingleNalu;
packet->sequence_number = seq_num;
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecH264;
packet->video_payload = data;
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = true;
auto frames = packet_buffer_.InsertPacket(std::move(packet)).packets;
ASSERT_THAT(frames, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_EQ(frames[0]->sequence_number, seq_num);
EXPECT_EQ(frames[0]->video_payload, data);
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, FrameResolution) {
int64_t seq_num = 100;
uint8_t data[] = "some plain old data";
uint32_t width = 640;
uint32_t height = 360;
uint32_t timestamp = 1000;
auto packets = InsertH264(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, timestamp, data,
width, height)
ASSERT_THAT(packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_EQ(packets[0]->video_header.width, width);
EXPECT_EQ(packets[0]->video_header.height, height);
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, FrameResolutionNaluBeforeSPS) {
int64_t seq_num = 100;
uint8_t data[] = "some plain old data";
uint32_t width = 640;
uint32_t height = 360;
uint32_t timestamp = 1000;
auto packets = InsertH264KeyFrameWithAud(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast,
timestamp, data, width, height)
ASSERT_THAT(StartSeqNums(packets), ElementsAre(seq_num));
EXPECT_EQ(packets[0]->video_header.width, width);
EXPECT_EQ(packets[0]->video_header.height, height);
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, FreeSlotsOnFrameCreation) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
Insert(seq_num + 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
// Insert frame that fills the whole buffer.
Insert(seq_num + 3, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSize - 2; ++i)
Insert(seq_num + i + 4, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + kMaxSize + 2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + 3));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, Clear) {
const int64_t seq_num = Rand();
Insert(seq_num, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
Insert(seq_num + 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + 2, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
Insert(seq_num + kStartSize, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast);
Insert(seq_num + kStartSize + 1, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(seq_num + kStartSize + 2, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast),
StartSeqNumsAre(seq_num + kStartSize));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, FramesAfterClear) {
Insert(9025, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast);
Insert(9024, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(9057, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(9026, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast).packets, SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, SameFrameDifferentTimestamps) {
Insert(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, {}, 1000);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, {}, 1001).packets,
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, ContinuousSeqNumDoubleMarkerBit) {
Insert(2, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast);
Insert(1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast);
EXPECT_THAT(Insert(3, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast).packets, IsEmpty());
TEST_F(PacketBufferTest, IncomingCodecChange) {
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecVP8;
packet->timestamp = 1;
packet->sequence_number = 1;
packet->video_header.frame_type = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey;
packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecH264;
auto& h264_header =
packet->timestamp = 3;
packet->sequence_number = 3;
packet->video_header.frame_type = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey;
packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecVP8;
packet->timestamp = 2;
packet->sequence_number = 2;
packet->video_header.frame_type = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta;
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, OneFrameFillBuffer) {
InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1000);
for (int i = 1; i < kStartSize - 1; ++i)
InsertH264(i, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, 1000);
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(kStartSize - 1, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 1000),
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, CreateFramesAfterFilledBuffer) {
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(kStartSize - 2, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 0).packets,
InsertH264(kStartSize, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 2000);
for (int i = 1; i < kStartSize; ++i)
InsertH264(kStartSize + i, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, 2000);
InsertH264(kStartSize + kStartSize, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 2000)
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(kStartSize - 1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1000),
StartSeqNumsAre(kStartSize - 1, kStartSize));
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, OneFrameMaxSeqNum) {
InsertH264(65534, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1000);
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(65535, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 1000),
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, InsertTooOldPackets) {
InsertH264(4660, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1000);
InsertH264(37429, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1000);
InsertH264(4662, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1000);
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, ClearMissingPacketsOnKeyframe) {
InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1000);
InsertH264(2, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 3000);
InsertH264(3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 4000);
InsertH264(4, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 4000);
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(kStartSize + 1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 18000),
StartSeqNumsAre(kStartSize + 1));
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, FindFramesOnPadding) {
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1000),
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(2, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1000).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(packet_buffer_.InsertPadding(1), StartSeqNumsAre(2));
TEST_P(PacketBufferH264ParameterizedTest, FindFramesOnReorderedPadding) {
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(0, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1001),
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(1, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1002).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(packet_buffer_.InsertPadding(3).packets, IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(4, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1003).packets,
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(2, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 1002),
StartSeqNumsAre(1, 4));
class PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest : public PacketBufferH264Test {
const int64_t kSeqNum = 5;
explicit PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest(bool sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe)
: PacketBufferH264Test(sps_pps_idr_is_keyframe) {}
std::unique_ptr<PacketBuffer::Packet> CreatePacket() {
auto packet = std::make_unique<PacketBuffer::Packet>();
packet->video_header.codec = kVideoCodecH264;
packet->sequence_number = kSeqNum;
packet->video_header.is_first_packet_in_frame = true;
packet->video_header.is_last_packet_in_frame = true;
return packet;
class PacketBufferH264IdrIsKeyframeTest
: public PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest {
: PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest(false) {}
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264IdrIsKeyframeTest, IdrIsKeyframe) {
auto packet = CreatePacket();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264IdrIsKeyframeTest, SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframe) {
auto packet = CreatePacket();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {
{H264::NaluType::kSps}, {H264::NaluType::kPps}, {H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
class PacketBufferH264SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframeTest
: public PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest {
: PacketBufferH264XIsKeyframeTest(true) {}
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframeTest, IdrIsNotKeyframe) {
auto packet = CreatePacket();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframeTest, SpsPpsIsNotKeyframe) {
auto packet = CreatePacket();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {{H264::NaluType::kSps}, {H264::NaluType::kPps}};
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframeTest, SpsPpsIdrIsKeyframe) {
auto packet = CreatePacket();
auto& h264_header =
h264_header.nalus = {
{H264::NaluType::kSps}, {H264::NaluType::kPps}, {H264::NaluType::kIdr}};
class PacketBufferH264FrameGap : public PacketBufferH264Test {
PacketBufferH264FrameGap() : PacketBufferH264Test(true) {}
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264FrameGap, AllowFrameGapForH264WithGeneric) {
auto generic = true;
InsertH264(1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1001, {}, 0, 0, generic);
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1003, {}, 0, 0, generic)
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264FrameGap, DisallowFrameGapForH264NoGeneric) {
auto generic = false;
InsertH264(1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1001, {}, 0, 0, generic);
EXPECT_THAT(InsertH264(3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1003, {}, 0, 0, generic)
AllowFrameGapForH264WithGenericOnFirstPacketOnly) {
bool generic = true;
InsertH264(1, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 1001, {}, 0, 0, generic);
InsertH264(3, kDeltaFrame, kFirst, kNotLast, 1003, {}, 0, 0, generic);
// Second packet is not generic, but we can still output frame with 2 packets.
InsertH264(4, kDeltaFrame, kNotFirst, kLast, 1003, {}, 0, 0, !generic)
TEST_F(PacketBufferH264FrameGap, DoesntCrashWhenTryToClearBefore1stPacket) {
// Test scenario copied from the
InsertH264(41087, kKeyFrame, kNotFirst, kNotLast, 123, 0, 0, false);
InsertH264(32896, kKeyFrame, kFirst, kLast, 123, 0, 0, false);
} // namespace
} // namespace video_coding
} // namespace webrtc