blob: 236ecb83b63824bba7b528b43b39673e270cfa62 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "common_video/h264/sps_vui_rewriter.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "api/video/color_space.h"
#include "common_video/h264/h264_common.h"
#include "common_video/h264/sps_parser.h"
#include "rtc_base/bit_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/bitstream_reader.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// The maximum expected growth from adding a VUI to the SPS. It's actually
// closer to 24 or so, but better safe than sorry.
const size_t kMaxVuiSpsIncrease = 64;
const char* kSpsValidHistogramName = "WebRTC.Video.H264.SpsValid";
enum SpsValidEvent {
kReceivedSpsVuiOk = 1,
kReceivedSpsRewritten = 2,
kReceivedSpsParseFailure = 3,
kSentSpsPocOk = 4,
kSentSpsVuiOk = 5,
kSentSpsRewritten = 6,
kSentSpsParseFailure = 7,
kSpsRewrittenMax = 8
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
RTC_LOG_F(LS_ERROR) << " (line:" << __LINE__ << ") FAILED: " #x; \
return false; \
} \
} while (0)
uint8_t CopyUInt8(BitstreamReader& source, rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination) {
uint8_t tmp = source.Read<uint8_t>();
if (!destination.WriteUInt8(tmp)) {
return tmp;
uint32_t CopyExpGolomb(BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination) {
uint32_t tmp = source.ReadExponentialGolomb();
if (!destination.WriteExponentialGolomb(tmp)) {
return tmp;
uint32_t CopyBits(int bits,
BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(bits, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(bits, 32);
uint64_t tmp = source.ReadBits(bits);
if (!destination.WriteBits(tmp, bits)) {
return tmp;
bool CopyAndRewriteVui(const SpsParser::SpsState& sps,
BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const webrtc::ColorSpace* color_space,
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult& out_vui_rewritten);
void CopyHrdParameters(BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination);
bool AddBitstreamRestriction(rtc::BitBufferWriter* destination,
uint32_t max_num_ref_frames);
bool IsDefaultColorSpace(const ColorSpace& color_space);
bool AddVideoSignalTypeInfo(rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const ColorSpace& color_space);
bool CopyOrRewriteVideoSignalTypeInfo(
BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const ColorSpace* color_space,
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult& out_vui_rewritten);
bool CopyRemainingBits(BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination);
} // namespace
void SpsVuiRewriter::UpdateStats(ParseResult result, Direction direction) {
switch (result) {
case SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiRewritten:
direction == SpsVuiRewriter::Direction::kIncoming
? SpsValidEvent::kReceivedSpsRewritten
: SpsValidEvent::kSentSpsRewritten,
case SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiOk:
direction == SpsVuiRewriter::Direction::kIncoming
? SpsValidEvent::kReceivedSpsVuiOk
: SpsValidEvent::kSentSpsVuiOk,
case SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kFailure:
direction == SpsVuiRewriter::Direction::kIncoming
? SpsValidEvent::kReceivedSpsParseFailure
: SpsValidEvent::kSentSpsParseFailure,
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult SpsVuiRewriter::ParseAndRewriteSps(
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> buffer,
std::optional<SpsParser::SpsState>* sps,
const webrtc::ColorSpace* color_space,
rtc::Buffer* destination) {
// Create temporary RBSP decoded buffer of the payload (exlcuding the
// leading nalu type header byte (the SpsParser uses only the payload).
std::vector<uint8_t> rbsp_buffer = H264::ParseRbsp(buffer);
BitstreamReader source_buffer(rbsp_buffer);
std::optional<SpsParser::SpsState> sps_state =
if (!sps_state)
return ParseResult::kFailure;
*sps = sps_state;
// We're going to completely muck up alignment, so we need a BitBufferWriter
// to write with.
rtc::Buffer out_buffer(buffer.size() + kMaxVuiSpsIncrease);
rtc::BitBufferWriter sps_writer(, out_buffer.size());
// Check how far the SpsParser has read, and copy that data in bulk.
size_t total_bit_offset =
rbsp_buffer.size() * 8 - source_buffer.RemainingBitCount();
size_t byte_offset = total_bit_offset / 8;
size_t bit_offset = total_bit_offset % 8;
byte_offset + (bit_offset > 0 ? 1 : 0)); // OK to copy the last bits.
// SpsParser will have read the vui_params_present flag, which we want to
// modify, so back off a bit;
if (bit_offset == 0) {
bit_offset = 7;
} else {
sps_writer.Seek(byte_offset, bit_offset);
ParseResult vui_updated;
if (!CopyAndRewriteVui(*sps_state, source_buffer, sps_writer, color_space,
vui_updated)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to parse/copy SPS VUI.";
return ParseResult::kFailure;
if (vui_updated == ParseResult::kVuiOk) {
// No update necessary after all, just return.
return vui_updated;
if (!CopyRemainingBits(source_buffer, sps_writer)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to parse/copy SPS VUI.";
return ParseResult::kFailure;
// Pad up to next byte with zero bits.
sps_writer.GetCurrentOffset(&byte_offset, &bit_offset);
if (bit_offset > 0) {
sps_writer.WriteBits(0, 8 - bit_offset);
bit_offset = 0;
RTC_DCHECK(byte_offset <= buffer.size() + kMaxVuiSpsIncrease);
RTC_CHECK(destination != nullptr);
// Write updates SPS to destination with added RBSP
H264::WriteRbsp(out_buffer, destination);
return ParseResult::kVuiRewritten;
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult SpsVuiRewriter::ParseAndRewriteSps(
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> buffer,
std::optional<SpsParser::SpsState>* sps,
const webrtc::ColorSpace* color_space,
rtc::Buffer* destination,
Direction direction) {
ParseResult result =
ParseAndRewriteSps(buffer, sps, color_space, destination);
UpdateStats(result, direction);
return result;
rtc::Buffer SpsVuiRewriter::ParseOutgoingBitstreamAndRewrite(
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> buffer,
const webrtc::ColorSpace* color_space) {
std::vector<H264::NaluIndex> nalus = H264::FindNaluIndices(buffer);
// Allocate some extra space for potentially adding a missing VUI.
rtc::Buffer output_buffer(/*size=*/0, /*capacity=*/buffer.size() +
nalus.size() * kMaxVuiSpsIncrease);
for (const H264::NaluIndex& nalu_index : nalus) {
// Copy NAL unit start code.
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> start_code = buffer.subview(
nalu_index.payload_start_offset - nalu_index.start_offset);
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> nalu = buffer.subview(
nalu_index.payload_start_offset, nalu_index.payload_size);
if (nalu.empty()) {
if (H264::ParseNaluType(nalu[0]) == H264::NaluType::kSps) {
// Check if stream uses picture order count type 0, and if so rewrite it
// to enable faster decoding. Streams in that format incur additional
// delay because it allows decode order to differ from render order.
// The mechanism used is to rewrite (edit or add) the SPS's VUI to contain
// restrictions on the maximum number of reordered pictures. This reduces
// latency significantly, though it still adds about a frame of latency to
// decoding.
// Note that we do this rewriting both here (send side, in order to
// protect legacy receive clients) in RtpDepacketizerH264::ParseSingleNalu
// (receive side, in orderer to protect us from unknown or legacy send
// clients).
std::optional<SpsParser::SpsState> sps;
rtc::Buffer output_nalu;
// Add the type header to the output buffer first, so that the rewriter
// can append modified payload on top of that.
ParseResult result =
ParseAndRewriteSps(nalu.subview(H264::kNaluTypeSize), &sps,
color_space, &output_nalu, Direction::kOutgoing);
if (result == ParseResult::kVuiRewritten) {
output_buffer.AppendData(, output_nalu.size());
} else if (H264::ParseNaluType(nalu[0]) == H264::NaluType::kAud) {
// Skip the access unit delimiter copy.
// vui wasn't rewritten and it is not aud, copy the nal unit as is.
return output_buffer;
namespace {
bool CopyAndRewriteVui(const SpsParser::SpsState& sps,
BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const webrtc::ColorSpace* color_space,
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult& out_vui_rewritten) {
out_vui_rewritten = SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiOk;
// vui_parameters_present_flag: u(1)
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(1, 1));
// ********* IMPORTANT! **********
// Now we're at the VUI, so we want to (1) add it if it isn't present, and
// (2) rewrite frame reordering values so no reordering is allowed.
if (!sps.vui_params_present) {
// Write a simple VUI with the parameters we want and 0 for all other flags.
// aspect_ratio_info_present_flag, overscan_info_present_flag. Both u(1).
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(0, 2));
uint32_t video_signal_type_present_flag =
(color_space && !IsDefaultColorSpace(*color_space)) ? 1 : 0;
destination.WriteBits(video_signal_type_present_flag, 1));
if (video_signal_type_present_flag) {
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(AddVideoSignalTypeInfo(destination, *color_space));
// chroma_loc_info_present_flag, timing_info_present_flag,
// nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag, vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag,
// pic_struct_present_flag, All u(1)
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(0, 5));
// bitstream_restriction_flag: u(1)
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(1, 1));
AddBitstreamRestriction(&destination, sps.max_num_ref_frames));
out_vui_rewritten = SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiRewritten;
} else {
// Parse out the full VUI.
// aspect_ratio_info_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t aspect_ratio_info_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (aspect_ratio_info_present_flag) {
// aspect_ratio_idc: u(8)
uint8_t aspect_ratio_idc = CopyUInt8(source, destination);
if (aspect_ratio_idc == 255u) { // Extended_SAR
// sar_width/sar_height: u(16) each.
CopyBits(32, source, destination);
// overscan_info_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t overscan_info_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (overscan_info_present_flag) {
// overscan_appropriate_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
CopyOrRewriteVideoSignalTypeInfo(source, destination, color_space,
// chroma_loc_info_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t chroma_loc_info_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (chroma_loc_info_present_flag == 1) {
// chroma_sample_loc_type_(top|bottom)_field: ue(v) each.
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// timing_info_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t timing_info_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (timing_info_present_flag == 1) {
// num_units_in_tick, time_scale: u(32) each
CopyBits(32, source, destination);
CopyBits(32, source, destination);
// fixed_frame_rate_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
// nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag == 1) {
CopyHrdParameters(source, destination);
// vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag: u(1)
uint32_t vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag = CopyBits(1, source, destination);
if (vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag == 1) {
CopyHrdParameters(source, destination);
if (nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag == 1 ||
vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag == 1) {
// low_delay_hrd_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
// pic_struct_present_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
// bitstream_restriction_flag: u(1)
uint32_t bitstream_restriction_flag = source.ReadBit();
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(1, 1));
if (bitstream_restriction_flag == 0) {
// We're adding one from scratch.
AddBitstreamRestriction(&destination, sps.max_num_ref_frames));
out_vui_rewritten = SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiRewritten;
} else {
// We're replacing.
// motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
// max_bytes_per_pic_denom: ue(v)
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// max_bits_per_mb_denom: ue(v)
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// log2_max_mv_length_horizontal: ue(v)
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// log2_max_mv_length_vertical: ue(v)
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// ********* IMPORTANT! **********
// The next two are the ones we need to set to low numbers:
// max_num_reorder_frames: ue(v)
// max_dec_frame_buffering: ue(v)
// However, if they are already set to no greater than the numbers we
// want, then we don't need to be rewriting.
uint32_t max_num_reorder_frames = source.ReadExponentialGolomb();
uint32_t max_dec_frame_buffering = source.ReadExponentialGolomb();
if (max_num_reorder_frames != 0 ||
max_dec_frame_buffering > sps.max_num_ref_frames) {
out_vui_rewritten = SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiRewritten;
return source.Ok();
// Copies a VUI HRD parameters segment.
void CopyHrdParameters(BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination) {
// cbp_cnt_minus1: ue(v)
uint32_t cbp_cnt_minus1 = CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// bit_rate_scale and cbp_size_scale: u(4) each
CopyBits(8, source, destination);
for (size_t i = 0; source.Ok() && i <= cbp_cnt_minus1; ++i) {
// bit_rate_value_minus1 and cbp_size_value_minus1: ue(v) each
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
CopyExpGolomb(source, destination);
// cbr_flag: u(1)
CopyBits(1, source, destination);
// initial_cbp_removal_delay_length_minus1: u(5)
// cbp_removal_delay_length_minus1: u(5)
// dbp_output_delay_length_minus1: u(5)
// time_offset_length: u(5)
CopyBits(5 * 4, source, destination);
// These functions are similar to webrtc::H264SpsParser::Parse, and based on the
// same version of the H.264 standard. You can find it here:
// Adds a bitstream restriction VUI segment.
bool AddBitstreamRestriction(rtc::BitBufferWriter* destination,
uint32_t max_num_ref_frames) {
// motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag: u(1)
// Default is 1 when not present.
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination->WriteBits(1, 1));
// max_bytes_per_pic_denom: ue(v)
// Default is 2 when not present.
// max_bits_per_mb_denom: ue(v)
// Default is 1 when not present.
// log2_max_mv_length_horizontal: ue(v)
// log2_max_mv_length_vertical: ue(v)
// Both default to 16 when not present.
// ********* IMPORTANT! **********
// max_num_reorder_frames: ue(v)
// max_dec_frame_buffering: ue(v)
return true;
bool IsDefaultColorSpace(const ColorSpace& color_space) {
return color_space.range() != ColorSpace::RangeID::kFull &&
color_space.primaries() == ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kUnspecified &&
color_space.transfer() == ColorSpace::TransferID::kUnspecified &&
color_space.matrix() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::kUnspecified;
bool AddVideoSignalTypeInfo(rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const ColorSpace& color_space) {
// video_format: u(3).
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(5, 3)); // 5 = Unspecified
// video_full_range_flag: u(1)
color_space.range() == ColorSpace::RangeID::kFull ? 1 : 0, 1));
// colour_description_present_flag: u(1)
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(1, 1));
// colour_primaries: u(8)
// transfer_characteristics: u(8)
// matrix_coefficients: u(8)
return true;
bool CopyOrRewriteVideoSignalTypeInfo(
BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination,
const ColorSpace* color_space,
SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult& out_vui_rewritten) {
// Read.
uint32_t video_format = 5; // H264 default: unspecified
uint32_t video_full_range_flag = 0; // H264 default: limited
uint32_t colour_description_present_flag = 0;
uint8_t colour_primaries = 3; // H264 default: unspecified
uint8_t transfer_characteristics = 3; // H264 default: unspecified
uint8_t matrix_coefficients = 3; // H264 default: unspecified
uint32_t video_signal_type_present_flag = source.ReadBit();
if (video_signal_type_present_flag) {
video_format = source.ReadBits(3);
video_full_range_flag = source.ReadBit();
colour_description_present_flag = source.ReadBit();
if (colour_description_present_flag) {
colour_primaries = source.Read<uint8_t>();
transfer_characteristics = source.Read<uint8_t>();
matrix_coefficients = source.Read<uint8_t>();
// Update.
uint32_t video_signal_type_present_flag_override =
uint32_t video_format_override = video_format;
uint32_t video_full_range_flag_override = video_full_range_flag;
uint32_t colour_description_present_flag_override =
uint8_t colour_primaries_override = colour_primaries;
uint8_t transfer_characteristics_override = transfer_characteristics;
uint8_t matrix_coefficients_override = matrix_coefficients;
if (color_space) {
if (IsDefaultColorSpace(*color_space)) {
video_signal_type_present_flag_override = 0;
} else {
video_signal_type_present_flag_override = 1;
video_format_override = 5; // unspecified
if (color_space->range() == ColorSpace::RangeID::kFull) {
video_full_range_flag_override = 1;
} else {
// ColorSpace::RangeID::kInvalid and kDerived are treated as limited.
video_full_range_flag_override = 0;
colour_description_present_flag_override =
color_space->primaries() != ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kUnspecified ||
color_space->transfer() != ColorSpace::TransferID::kUnspecified ||
color_space->matrix() != ColorSpace::MatrixID::kUnspecified;
colour_primaries_override =
transfer_characteristics_override =
matrix_coefficients_override =
// Write.
destination.WriteBits(video_signal_type_present_flag_override, 1));
if (video_signal_type_present_flag_override) {
RETURN_FALSE_ON_FAIL(destination.WriteBits(video_format_override, 3));
destination.WriteBits(video_full_range_flag_override, 1));
destination.WriteBits(colour_description_present_flag_override, 1));
if (colour_description_present_flag_override) {
if (video_signal_type_present_flag_override !=
video_signal_type_present_flag ||
video_format_override != video_format ||
video_full_range_flag_override != video_full_range_flag ||
colour_description_present_flag_override !=
colour_description_present_flag ||
colour_primaries_override != colour_primaries ||
transfer_characteristics_override != transfer_characteristics ||
matrix_coefficients_override != matrix_coefficients) {
out_vui_rewritten = SpsVuiRewriter::ParseResult::kVuiRewritten;
return true;
bool CopyRemainingBits(BitstreamReader& source,
rtc::BitBufferWriter& destination) {
// Try to get at least the destination aligned.
if (source.RemainingBitCount() > 0 && source.RemainingBitCount() % 8 != 0) {
size_t misaligned_bits = source.RemainingBitCount() % 8;
CopyBits(misaligned_bits, source, destination);
while (source.RemainingBitCount() > 0) {
int count = std::min(32, source.RemainingBitCount());
CopyBits(count, source, destination);
// TODO(noahric): The last byte could be all zeroes now, which we should just
// strip.
return source.Ok();
} // namespace
} // namespace webrtc