blob: 9d140f74dc555e16c39c145be95559ef8b6852da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* - WRITE TESTS for the stuff in this file.
* - Check the creation, maybe make it safer by returning an empty optional or
* unique_ptr. --- It looks OK, but RecreateEncoderInstance can perhaps crash
* on a valid config. Can run it in the fuzzer for some time. Should prbl also
* fuzz the config.
#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_encoder_multi_channel_opus_impl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "api/audio_codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus_config.h"
#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_coder_opus_common.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "rtc_base/string_to_number.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Recommended bitrates for one channel:
// 8-12 kb/s for NB speech,
// 16-20 kb/s for WB speech,
// 28-40 kb/s for FB speech,
// 48-64 kb/s for FB mono music, and
// 64-128 kb/s for FB stereo music.
// The current implementation multiplies these values by the number of channels.
constexpr int kOpusBitrateNbBps = 12000;
constexpr int kOpusBitrateWbBps = 20000;
constexpr int kOpusBitrateFbBps = 32000;
constexpr int kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate = 48000;
// These two lists must be sorted from low to high
constexpr int kOpusSupportedFrameLengths[] = {10, 20, 40, 60, 120};
constexpr int kOpusSupportedFrameLengths[] = {10, 20, 40, 60};
int GetBitrateBps(const AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig& config) {
return config.bitrate_bps;
int GetMaxPlaybackRate(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
const auto param = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "maxplaybackrate");
if (param && *param >= 8000) {
return std::min(*param, kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate);
return kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate;
int GetFrameSizeMs(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
const auto ptime = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "ptime");
if (ptime.has_value()) {
// Pick the next highest supported frame length from
// kOpusSupportedFrameLengths.
for (const int supported_frame_length : kOpusSupportedFrameLengths) {
if (supported_frame_length >= *ptime) {
return supported_frame_length;
// If none was found, return the largest supported frame length.
return *(std::end(kOpusSupportedFrameLengths) - 1);
return AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kDefaultFrameSizeMs;
int CalculateDefaultBitrate(int max_playback_rate, size_t num_channels) {
const int bitrate = [&] {
if (max_playback_rate <= 8000) {
return kOpusBitrateNbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
} else if (max_playback_rate <= 16000) {
return kOpusBitrateWbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
} else {
return kOpusBitrateFbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(bitrate, AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps);
return bitrate;
// Get the maxaveragebitrate parameter in string-form, so we can properly figure
// out how invalid it is and accurately log invalid values.
int CalculateBitrate(int max_playback_rate_hz,
size_t num_channels,
absl::optional<std::string> bitrate_param) {
const int default_bitrate =
CalculateDefaultBitrate(max_playback_rate_hz, num_channels);
if (bitrate_param) {
const auto bitrate = rtc::StringToNumber<int>(*bitrate_param);
if (bitrate) {
const int chosen_bitrate =
std::min(*bitrate, AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps));
if (bitrate != chosen_bitrate) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid maxaveragebitrate " << *bitrate
<< " clamped to " << chosen_bitrate;
return chosen_bitrate;
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid maxaveragebitrate \"" << *bitrate_param
<< "\" replaced by default bitrate " << default_bitrate;
return default_bitrate;
} // namespace
const AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig& config,
int payload_type) {
if (!config.IsOk()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl>(config,
const AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig& config,
int payload_type)
: payload_type_(payload_type), inst_(nullptr) {
RTC_DCHECK(0 <= payload_type && payload_type <= 127);
AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::~AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl() {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(inst_));
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::SufficientOutputBufferSize() const {
// Calculate the number of bytes we expect the encoder to produce,
// then multiply by two to give a wide margin for error.
const size_t bytes_per_millisecond =
static_cast<size_t>(GetBitrateBps(config_) / (1000 * 8) + 1);
const size_t approx_encoded_bytes =
Num10msFramesPerPacket() * 10 * bytes_per_millisecond;
return 2 * approx_encoded_bytes;
void AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::Reset() {
absl::optional<std::pair<TimeDelta, TimeDelta>>
AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::GetFrameLengthRange() const {
return {{TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms),
// If the given config is OK, recreate the Opus encoder instance with those
// settings, save the config, and return true. Otherwise, do nothing and return
// false.
bool AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::RecreateEncoderInstance(
const AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig& config) {
if (!config.IsOk())
return false;
config_ = config;
if (inst_)
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(inst_));
input_buffer_.reserve(Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame());
0, WebRtcOpus_MultistreamEncoderCreate(
&inst_, config.num_channels,
config.application ==
? 0
: 1,
config.num_streams, config.coupled_streams,;
const int bitrate = GetBitrateBps(config);
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetBitRate(inst_, bitrate));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus bitrate to " << bitrate << " bps.";
if (config.fec_enabled) {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableFec(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus enable FEC";
} else {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableFec(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus disable FEC";
0, WebRtcOpus_SetMaxPlaybackRate(inst_, config.max_playback_rate_hz));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus playback rate to "
<< config.max_playback_rate_hz << " hz.";
// Use the DEFAULT complexity.
0, WebRtcOpus_SetComplexity(inst_, AudioEncoderOpusConfig().complexity));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus coding complexity to "
<< AudioEncoderOpusConfig().complexity;
if (config.dtx_enabled) {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableDtx(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus enable DTX";
} else {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableDtx(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus disable DTX";
if (config.cbr_enabled) {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableCbr(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus enable CBR";
} else {
RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableCbr(inst_));
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Opus disable CBR";
num_channels_to_encode_ = NumChannels();
next_frame_length_ms_ = config_.frame_size_ms;
RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus frame length to " << config_.frame_size_ms
<< " ms";
return true;
AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::SdpToConfig(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
if (!absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, "multiopus") ||
format.clockrate_hz != 48000) {
return absl::nullopt;
AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig config;
config.num_channels = format.num_channels;
config.frame_size_ms = GetFrameSizeMs(format);
config.max_playback_rate_hz = GetMaxPlaybackRate(format);
config.fec_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "useinbandfec") == "1");
config.dtx_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "usedtx") == "1");
config.cbr_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "cbr") == "1");
config.bitrate_bps =
CalculateBitrate(config.max_playback_rate_hz, config.num_channels,
GetFormatParameter(format, "maxaveragebitrate"));
config.application =
config.num_channels == 1
? AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kVoip
: AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kAudio;
auto num_streams = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "num_streams");
if (!num_streams.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
config.num_streams = *num_streams;
auto coupled_streams = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "coupled_streams");
if (!coupled_streams.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
config.coupled_streams = *coupled_streams;
auto channel_mapping =
GetFormatParameter<std::vector<unsigned char>>(format, "channel_mapping");
if (!channel_mapping.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
config.channel_mapping = *channel_mapping;
if (!config.IsOk()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return config;
AudioCodecInfo AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::QueryAudioEncoder(
const AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusConfig& config) {
AudioCodecInfo info(48000, config.num_channels, config.bitrate_bps,
info.allow_comfort_noise = false;
info.supports_network_adaption = false;
return info;
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::Num10msFramesPerPacket() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(rtc::CheckedDivExact(config_.frame_size_ms, 10));
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::SamplesPer10msFrame() const {
return rtc::CheckedDivExact(48000, 100) * config_.num_channels;
int AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::SampleRateHz() const {
return 48000;
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::NumChannels() const {
return config_.num_channels;
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const {
return Num10msFramesPerPacket();
size_t AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const {
return Num10msFramesPerPacket();
int AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::GetTargetBitrate() const {
return GetBitrateBps(config_);
AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoderMultiChannelOpusImpl::EncodeImpl(
uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
rtc::Buffer* encoded) {
if (input_buffer_.empty())
first_timestamp_in_buffer_ = rtp_timestamp;
input_buffer_.insert(input_buffer_.end(), audio.cbegin(), audio.cend());
if (input_buffer_.size() <
(Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame())) {
return EncodedInfo();
Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame());
const size_t max_encoded_bytes = SufficientOutputBufferSize();
EncodedInfo info;
info.encoded_bytes = encoded->AppendData(
max_encoded_bytes, [&](rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> encoded) {
int status = WebRtcOpus_Encode(
inst_, &input_buffer_[0],
rtc::CheckedDivExact(input_buffer_.size(), config_.num_channels),
RTC_CHECK_GE(status, 0); // Fails only if fed invalid data.
return static_cast<size_t>(status);
// Will use new packet size for next encoding.
config_.frame_size_ms = next_frame_length_ms_;
info.encoded_timestamp = first_timestamp_in_buffer_;
info.payload_type = payload_type_;
info.send_even_if_empty = true; // Allows Opus to send empty packets.
info.speech = true;
info.encoder_type = CodecType::kOther;
return info;
} // namespace webrtc