| /* |
| * Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| // P2PTransportChannel wraps up the state management of the connection between |
| // two P2P clients. Clients have candidate ports for connecting, and |
| // connections which are combinations of candidates from each end (Alice and |
| // Bob each have candidates, one candidate from Alice and one candidate from |
| // Bob are used to make a connection, repeat to make many connections). |
| // |
| // When all of the available connections become invalid (non-writable), we |
| // kick off a process of determining more candidates and more connections. |
| // |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <functional> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <optional> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "absl/functional/any_invocable.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "api/array_view.h" |
| #include "api/async_dns_resolver.h" |
| #include "api/candidate.h" |
| #include "api/ice_transport_interface.h" |
| #include "api/rtc_error.h" |
| #include "api/sequence_checker.h" |
| #include "api/transport/enums.h" |
| #include "api/transport/stun.h" |
| #include "logging/rtc_event_log/events/rtc_event_ice_candidate_pair_config.h" |
| #include "logging/rtc_event_log/ice_logger.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/active_ice_controller_factory_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/active_ice_controller_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/candidate_pair_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/connection.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/ice_agent_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/ice_controller_factory_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/ice_controller_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/ice_switch_reason.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/ice_transport_internal.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/p2p_constants.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/p2p_transport_channel_ice_field_trials.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/port.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/port_allocator.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/port_interface.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/regathering_controller.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/stun_dictionary.h" |
| #include "p2p/base/transport_description.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/async_packet_socket.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/checks.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/dscp.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/network/received_packet.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/network/sent_packet.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/network_route.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/socket.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/socket_address.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/thread.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h" |
| |
| namespace webrtc { |
| class RtcEventLog; |
| } // namespace webrtc |
| |
| namespace cricket { |
| |
| bool IceCredentialsChanged(absl::string_view old_ufrag, |
| absl::string_view old_pwd, |
| absl::string_view new_ufrag, |
| absl::string_view new_pwd); |
| |
| // Adds the port on which the candidate originated. |
| class RemoteCandidate : public Candidate { |
| public: |
| RemoteCandidate(const Candidate& c, PortInterface* origin_port) |
| : Candidate(c), origin_port_(origin_port) {} |
| |
| PortInterface* origin_port() { return origin_port_; } |
| |
| private: |
| PortInterface* origin_port_; |
| }; |
| |
| // P2PTransportChannel manages the candidates and connection process to keep |
| // two P2P clients connected to each other. |
| class RTC_EXPORT P2PTransportChannel : public IceTransportInternal, |
| public IceAgentInterface { |
| public: |
| static std::unique_ptr<P2PTransportChannel> Create( |
| absl::string_view transport_name, |
| int component, |
| webrtc::IceTransportInit init); |
| |
| // For testing only. |
| // TODO(zstein): Remove once AsyncDnsResolverFactory is required. |
| P2PTransportChannel(absl::string_view transport_name, |
| int component, |
| PortAllocator* allocator, |
| const webrtc::FieldTrialsView* field_trials = nullptr); |
| |
| ~P2PTransportChannel() override; |
| |
| P2PTransportChannel(const P2PTransportChannel&) = delete; |
| P2PTransportChannel& operator=(const P2PTransportChannel&) = delete; |
| |
| // From TransportChannelImpl: |
| IceTransportState GetState() const override; |
| webrtc::IceTransportState GetIceTransportState() const override; |
| |
| const std::string& transport_name() const override; |
| int component() const override; |
| bool writable() const override; |
| bool receiving() const override; |
| void SetIceRole(IceRole role) override; |
| IceRole GetIceRole() const override; |
| void SetIceParameters(const IceParameters& ice_params) override; |
| void SetRemoteIceParameters(const IceParameters& ice_params) override; |
| void SetRemoteIceMode(IceMode mode) override; |
| // TODO(deadbeef): Deprecated. Remove when Chromium's |
| // IceTransportChannel does not depend on this. |
| void Connect() {} |
| void MaybeStartGathering() override; |
| IceGatheringState gathering_state() const override; |
| void ResolveHostnameCandidate(const Candidate& candidate); |
| void AddRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) override; |
| void RemoveRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) override; |
| void RemoveAllRemoteCandidates() override; |
| // Sets the parameters in IceConfig. We do not set them blindly. Instead, we |
| // only update the parameter if it is considered set in `config`. For example, |
| // a negative value of receiving_timeout will be considered "not set" and we |
| // will not use it to update the respective parameter in `config_`. |
| // TODO(deadbeef): Use std::optional instead of negative values. |
| void SetIceConfig(const IceConfig& config) override; |
| const IceConfig& config() const override; |
| |
| // From TransportChannel: |
| int SendPacket(const char* data, |
| size_t len, |
| const rtc::PacketOptions& options, |
| int flags) override; |
| int SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) override; |
| bool GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) override; |
| int GetError() override; |
| bool GetStats(IceTransportStats* ice_transport_stats) override; |
| std::optional<int> GetRttEstimate() override; |
| const Connection* selected_connection() const override; |
| std::optional<const CandidatePair> GetSelectedCandidatePair() const override; |
| |
| // From IceAgentInterface |
| void OnStartedPinging() override; |
| int64_t GetLastPingSentMs() const override; |
| void UpdateConnectionStates() override; |
| void UpdateState() override; |
| void SendPingRequest(const Connection* connection) override; |
| void SwitchSelectedConnection(const Connection* connection, |
| IceSwitchReason reason) override; |
| void ForgetLearnedStateForConnections( |
| rtc::ArrayView<const Connection* const> connections) override; |
| bool PruneConnections( |
| rtc::ArrayView<const Connection* const> connections) override; |
| |
| // TODO(honghaiz): Remove this method once the reference of it in |
| // Chromoting is removed. |
| const Connection* best_connection() const { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return selected_connection_; |
| } |
| |
| void set_incoming_only(bool value) { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| incoming_only_ = value; |
| } |
| |
| // Note: These are only for testing purpose. |
| // `ports_` and `pruned_ports` should not be changed from outside. |
| const std::vector<PortInterface*>& ports() { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return ports_; |
| } |
| const std::vector<PortInterface*>& pruned_ports() { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return pruned_ports_; |
| } |
| |
| IceMode remote_ice_mode() const { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return remote_ice_mode_; |
| } |
| |
| void PruneAllPorts(); |
| int check_receiving_interval() const; |
| std::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route() const override; |
| |
| void RemoveConnection(Connection* connection); |
| |
| // Helper method used only in unittest. |
| rtc::DiffServCodePoint DefaultDscpValue() const; |
| |
| // Public for unit tests. |
| Connection* FindNextPingableConnection(); |
| void MarkConnectionPinged(Connection* conn); |
| |
| // Public for unit tests. |
| rtc::ArrayView<Connection* const> connections() const; |
| void RemoveConnectionForTest(Connection* connection); |
| |
| // Public for unit tests. |
| PortAllocatorSession* allocator_session() const { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| if (allocator_sessions_.empty()) { |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| return allocator_sessions_.back().get(); |
| } |
| |
| // Public for unit tests. |
| const std::vector<RemoteCandidate>& remote_candidates() const { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return remote_candidates_; |
| } |
| |
| std::string ToString() const { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| const std::string RECEIVING_ABBREV[2] = {"_", "R"}; |
| const std::string WRITABLE_ABBREV[2] = {"_", "W"}; |
| rtc::StringBuilder ss; |
| ss << "Channel[" << transport_name_ << "|" << component_ << "|" |
| << RECEIVING_ABBREV[receiving_] << WRITABLE_ABBREV[writable_] << "]"; |
| return ss.Release(); |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<StunDictionaryWriter>> |
| GetDictionaryWriter() override { |
| return stun_dict_writer_; |
| } |
| |
| const webrtc::FieldTrialsView* field_trials() const override { |
| return field_trials_; |
| } |
| void SetDtlsPiggybackingCallbacks( |
| absl::AnyInvocable<std::optional<absl::string_view>(StunMessageType)> |
| dtls_piggyback_get_data, |
| absl::AnyInvocable<std::optional<absl::string_view>(StunMessageType)> |
| dtls_piggyback_get_ack, |
| absl::AnyInvocable<void(const StunByteStringAttribute*, |
| const StunByteStringAttribute*)> |
| dtls_piggyback_report_data) override; |
| |
| private: |
| P2PTransportChannel( |
| absl::string_view transport_name, |
| int component, |
| PortAllocator* allocator, |
| // DNS resolver factory |
| webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface* async_dns_resolver_factory, |
| // If the P2PTransportChannel has to delete the DNS resolver factory |
| // on release, this pointer is set. |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface> |
| owned_dns_resolver_factory, |
| webrtc::RtcEventLog* event_log, |
| IceControllerFactoryInterface* ice_controller_factory, |
| ActiveIceControllerFactoryInterface* active_ice_controller_factory, |
| const webrtc::FieldTrialsView* field_trials); |
| |
| bool IsGettingPorts() { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return allocator_session()->IsGettingPorts(); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if it's possible to send packets on `connection`. |
| bool ReadyToSend(const Connection* connection) const; |
| bool PresumedWritable(const Connection* conn) const; |
| void SendPingRequestInternal(Connection* connection); |
| |
| rtc::NetworkRoute ConfigureNetworkRoute(const Connection* conn); |
| void SwitchSelectedConnectionInternal(Connection* conn, |
| IceSwitchReason reason); |
| void UpdateTransportState(); |
| void HandleAllTimedOut(); |
| void MaybeStopPortAllocatorSessions(); |
| void OnSelectedConnectionDestroyed() RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| |
| // ComputeIceTransportState computes the RTCIceTransportState as described in |
| // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#dom-rtcicetransportstate. ComputeState |
| // computes the value we currently export as RTCIceTransportState. |
| // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9308): Remove ComputeState once it's no longer used. |
| IceTransportState ComputeState() const; |
| webrtc::IceTransportState ComputeIceTransportState() const; |
| |
| bool CreateConnections(const Candidate& remote_candidate, |
| PortInterface* origin_port); |
| bool CreateConnection(PortInterface* port, |
| const Candidate& remote_candidate, |
| PortInterface* origin_port); |
| bool FindConnection(const Connection* connection) const; |
| |
| uint32_t GetRemoteCandidateGeneration(const Candidate& candidate); |
| bool IsDuplicateRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& candidate); |
| void RememberRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& remote_candidate, |
| PortInterface* origin_port); |
| void PingConnection(Connection* conn); |
| void AddAllocatorSession(std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession> session); |
| void AddConnection(Connection* connection); |
| |
| void OnPortReady(PortAllocatorSession* session, PortInterface* port); |
| void OnPortsPruned(PortAllocatorSession* session, |
| const std::vector<PortInterface*>& ports); |
| void OnCandidatesReady(PortAllocatorSession* session, |
| const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates); |
| void OnCandidateError(PortAllocatorSession* session, |
| const IceCandidateErrorEvent& event); |
| void OnCandidatesRemoved(PortAllocatorSession* session, |
| const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates); |
| void OnCandidatesAllocationDone(PortAllocatorSession* session); |
| void OnUnknownAddress(PortInterface* port, |
| const rtc::SocketAddress& addr, |
| ProtocolType proto, |
| IceMessage* stun_msg, |
| const std::string& remote_username, |
| bool port_muxed); |
| void OnCandidateFilterChanged(uint32_t prev_filter, uint32_t cur_filter); |
| |
| // When a port is destroyed, remove it from both lists `ports_` |
| // and `pruned_ports_`. |
| void OnPortDestroyed(PortInterface* port); |
| // When pruning a port, move it from `ports_` to `pruned_ports_`. |
| // Returns true if the port is found and removed from `ports_`. |
| bool PrunePort(PortInterface* port); |
| void OnRoleConflict(PortInterface* port); |
| |
| void OnConnectionStateChange(Connection* connection); |
| void OnReadPacket(Connection* connection, const rtc::ReceivedPacket& packet); |
| void OnSentPacket(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet); |
| void OnReadyToSend(Connection* connection); |
| void OnConnectionDestroyed(Connection* connection); |
| |
| void OnNominated(Connection* conn); |
| |
| void LogCandidatePairConfig(Connection* conn, |
| webrtc::IceCandidatePairConfigType type); |
| |
| uint32_t GetNominationAttr(Connection* conn) const; |
| bool GetUseCandidateAttr(Connection* conn) const; |
| |
| bool AllowedToPruneConnections() const; |
| |
| // Returns the latest remote ICE parameters or nullptr if there are no remote |
| // ICE parameters yet. |
| IceParameters* remote_ice() { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return remote_ice_parameters_.empty() ? nullptr |
| : &remote_ice_parameters_.back(); |
| } |
| // Returns the remote IceParameters and generation that match `ufrag` |
| // if found, and returns nullptr otherwise. |
| const IceParameters* FindRemoteIceFromUfrag(absl::string_view ufrag, |
| uint32_t* generation); |
| // Returns the index of the latest remote ICE parameters, or 0 if no remote |
| // ICE parameters have been received. |
| uint32_t remote_ice_generation() { |
| RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); |
| return remote_ice_parameters_.empty() |
| ? 0 |
| : static_cast<uint32_t>(remote_ice_parameters_.size() - 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Indicates if the given local port has been pruned. |
| bool IsPortPruned(const PortInterface* port) const; |
| |
| // Indicates if the given remote candidate has been pruned. |
| bool IsRemoteCandidatePruned(const Candidate& cand) const; |
| |
| // Sets the writable state, signaling if necessary. |
| void SetWritable(bool writable); |
| // Sets the receiving state, signaling if necessary. |
| void SetReceiving(bool receiving); |
| // Clears the address and the related address fields of a local candidate to |
| // avoid IP leakage. This is applicable in several scenarios as commented in |
| // `PortAllocator::SanitizeCandidate`. |
| Candidate SanitizeLocalCandidate(const Candidate& c) const; |
| // Clears the address field of a remote candidate to avoid IP leakage. This is |
| // applicable in the following scenarios: |
| // 1. mDNS candidates are received. |
| // 2. Peer-reflexive remote candidates. |
| Candidate SanitizeRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& c) const; |
| |
| // Cast a Connection returned from IceController and verify that it exists. |
| // (P2P owns all Connections, and only gives const pointers to IceController, |
| // see IceControllerInterface). |
| Connection* FromIceController(const Connection* conn) { |
| // Verify that IceController does not return a connection |
| // that we have destroyed. |
| RTC_DCHECK(FindConnection(conn)); |
| return const_cast<Connection*>(conn); |
| } |
| |
| int64_t ComputeEstimatedDisconnectedTimeMs(int64_t now, |
| Connection* old_connection); |
| |
| void ParseFieldTrials(const webrtc::FieldTrialsView* field_trials); |
| |
| std::string transport_name_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| int component_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| PortAllocator* allocator_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface* const async_dns_resolver_factory_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| const std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface> |
| owned_dns_resolver_factory_; |
| rtc::Thread* const network_thread_; |
| bool incoming_only_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| int error_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PortAllocatorSession>> allocator_sessions_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| // `ports_` contains ports that are used to form new connections when |
| // new remote candidates are added. |
| std::vector<PortInterface*> ports_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| // `pruned_ports_` contains ports that have been removed from `ports_` and |
| // are not being used to form new connections, but that aren't yet destroyed. |
| // They may have existing connections, and they still fire signals such as |
| // SignalUnknownAddress. |
| std::vector<PortInterface*> pruned_ports_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| |
| Connection* selected_connection_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = nullptr; |
| std::vector<Connection*> connections_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| |
| std::vector<RemoteCandidate> remote_candidates_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| bool had_connection_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = |
| false; // if connections_ has ever been nonempty |
| typedef std::map<rtc::Socket::Option, int> OptionMap; |
| OptionMap options_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| IceParameters ice_parameters_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| std::vector<IceParameters> remote_ice_parameters_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| IceMode remote_ice_mode_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| IceRole ice_role_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| IceGatheringState gathering_state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::BasicRegatheringController> regathering_controller_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| int64_t last_ping_sent_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = 0; |
| int weak_ping_interval_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = WEAK_PING_INTERVAL; |
| // TODO(jonasolsson): Remove state_ and rename standardized_state_ once state_ |
| // is no longer used to compute the ICE connection state. |
| IceTransportState state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = |
| IceTransportState::STATE_INIT; |
| webrtc::IceTransportState standardized_state_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = webrtc::IceTransportState::kNew; |
| IceConfig config_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| int last_sent_packet_id_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = |
| -1; // -1 indicates no packet was sent before. |
| // The value put in the "nomination" attribute for the next nominated |
| // connection. A zero-value indicates the connection will not be nominated. |
| uint32_t nomination_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = 0; |
| bool receiving_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = false; |
| bool writable_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = false; |
| bool has_been_writable_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_) = |
| false; // if writable_ has ever been true |
| |
| std::optional<rtc::NetworkRoute> network_route_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| webrtc::IceEventLog ice_event_log_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<ActiveIceControllerInterface> ice_controller_ |
| RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| |
| struct CandidateAndResolver final { |
| CandidateAndResolver( |
| const Candidate& candidate, |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverInterface>&& resolver); |
| ~CandidateAndResolver(); |
| // Moveable, but not copyable. |
| CandidateAndResolver(CandidateAndResolver&&) = default; |
| CandidateAndResolver& operator=(CandidateAndResolver&&) = default; |
| |
| Candidate candidate_; |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverInterface> resolver_; |
| }; |
| std::vector<CandidateAndResolver> resolvers_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread_); |
| void FinishAddingRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& new_remote_candidate); |
| void OnCandidateResolved(webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverInterface* resolver); |
| void AddRemoteCandidateWithResult( |
| Candidate candidate, |
| const webrtc::AsyncDnsResolverResult& result); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<StunAttribute> GoogDeltaReceived( |
| const StunByteStringAttribute*); |
| void GoogDeltaAckReceived(webrtc::RTCErrorOr<const StunUInt64Attribute*>); |
| |
| // Bytes/packets sent/received on this channel. |
| uint64_t bytes_sent_ = 0; |
| uint64_t bytes_received_ = 0; |
| uint64_t packets_sent_ = 0; |
| uint64_t packets_received_ = 0; |
| |
| // Number of times the selected_connection_ has been modified. |
| uint32_t selected_candidate_pair_changes_ = 0; |
| |
| // When was last data received on a existing connection, |
| // from connection->last_data_received() that uses rtc::TimeMillis(). |
| int64_t last_data_received_ms_ = 0; |
| |
| // Parsed field trials. |
| IceFieldTrials ice_field_trials_; |
| // Unparsed field trials. |
| const webrtc::FieldTrialsView* field_trials_; |
| |
| // A dictionary of attributes that will be reflected to peer. |
| StunDictionaryWriter stun_dict_writer_; |
| |
| // A dictionary that tracks attributes from peer. |
| StunDictionaryView stun_dict_view_; |
| |
| // DTLS-STUN piggybacking callbacks. |
| absl::AnyInvocable<std::optional<absl::string_view>(StunMessageType)> |
| dtls_piggyback_get_data_; |
| absl::AnyInvocable<std::optional<absl::string_view>(StunMessageType)> |
| dtls_piggyback_get_ack_; |
| absl::AnyInvocable<void(const StunByteStringAttribute*, |
| const StunByteStringAttribute*)> |
| dtls_piggyback_report_data_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace cricket |
| |