blob: 53338e8d3128fc0cb14fdcfce8369a480021783d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2025 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "pc/codec_vendor.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "api/field_trials_view.h"
#include "api/media_types.h"
#include "api/rtc_error.h"
#include "api/rtp_parameters.h"
#include "api/rtp_transceiver_direction.h"
#include "call/payload_type.h"
#include "media/base/codec.h"
#include "media/base/codec_comparators.h"
#include "media/base/codec_list.h"
#include "media/base/media_constants.h"
#include "media/base/media_engine.h"
#include "media/base/sdp_video_format_utils.h"
#include "pc/media_options.h"
#include "pc/rtp_media_utils.h"
#include "pc/session_description.h"
#include "pc/typed_codec_vendor.h"
#include "pc/used_ids.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/string_encode.h"
#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
#include "rtc_base/unique_id_generator.h"
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
#include "api/video_codecs/h265_profile_tier_level.h"
namespace cricket {
namespace {
using rtc::UniqueRandomIdGenerator;
using webrtc::PayloadTypeSuggester;
using webrtc::RTCError;
using webrtc::RTCErrorOr;
using webrtc::RTCErrorType;
using webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection;
bool IsRtxCodec(const webrtc::RtpCodecCapability& capability) {
return absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kRtxCodecName);
bool IsRedCodec(const webrtc::RtpCodecCapability& capability) {
return absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kRedCodecName);
bool IsComfortNoiseCodec(const Codec& codec) {
return absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kComfortNoiseCodecName);
// Wrapper for FindMatchingCodecs that uses CodecList
std::optional<Codec> FindMatchingCodec(const CodecList& codecs1,
const CodecList& codecs2,
const Codec& codec_to_match) {
return webrtc::FindMatchingCodec(codecs1.codecs(), codecs2.codecs(),
void StripCNCodecs(CodecList& audio_codecs) {
audio_codecs.begin(), audio_codecs.end(),
[](const Codec& codec) { return IsComfortNoiseCodec(codec); }),
bool IsMediaContentOfType(const ContentInfo* content, MediaType media_type) {
if (!content || !content->media_description()) {
return false;
return content->media_description()->type() == media_type;
// Find the codec in `codec_list` that `rtx_codec` is associated with.
const Codec* GetAssociatedCodecForRtx(const CodecList& codec_list,
const Codec& rtx_codec) {
std::string associated_pt_str;
if (!rtx_codec.GetParam(kCodecParamAssociatedPayloadType,
&associated_pt_str)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RTX codec " <<
<< " is missing an associated payload type.";
return nullptr;
int associated_pt;
if (!rtc::FromString(associated_pt_str, &associated_pt)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Couldn't convert payload type " << associated_pt_str
<< " of RTX codec " <<
<< " to an integer.";
return nullptr;
// Find the associated codec for the RTX codec.
const Codec* associated_codec =
FindCodecById(codec_list.codecs(), associated_pt);
if (!associated_codec) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Couldn't find associated codec with payload type "
<< associated_pt << " for RTX codec " <<
<< ".";
return associated_codec;
// Find the codec in `codec_list` that `red_codec` is associated with.
const Codec* GetAssociatedCodecForRed(const CodecList& codec_list,
const Codec& red_codec) {
std::string fmtp;
if (!red_codec.GetParam(kCodecParamNotInNameValueFormat, &fmtp)) {
// Don't log for video/RED where this is normal.
if (red_codec.type == Codec::Type::kAudio) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RED codec " <<
<< " is missing an associated payload type.";
return nullptr;
std::vector<absl::string_view> redundant_payloads = rtc::split(fmtp, '/');
if (redundant_payloads.size() < 2) {
return nullptr;
absl::string_view associated_pt_str = redundant_payloads[0];
int associated_pt;
if (!rtc::FromString(associated_pt_str, &associated_pt)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Couldn't convert first payload type "
<< associated_pt_str << " of RED codec " <<
<< " to an integer.";
return nullptr;
// Find the associated codec for the RED codec.
const Codec* associated_codec =
FindCodecById(codec_list.codecs(), associated_pt);
if (!associated_codec) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Couldn't find associated codec with payload type "
<< associated_pt << " for RED codec " <<
<< ".";
return associated_codec;
// Adds all codecs from `reference_codecs` to `offered_codecs` that don't
// already exist in `offered_codecs` and ensure the payload types don't
// collide.
void MergeCodecs(const CodecList& reference_codecs,
CodecList& offered_codecs,
UsedPayloadTypes* used_pltypes) {
// Add all new codecs that are not RTX/RED codecs.
// The two-pass splitting of the loops means preferring payload types
// of actual codecs with respect to collisions.
for (const Codec& reference_codec : reference_codecs) {
if (reference_codec.GetResiliencyType() != Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx &&
reference_codec.GetResiliencyType() != Codec::ResiliencyType::kRed &&
!FindMatchingCodec(reference_codecs, offered_codecs, reference_codec)) {
Codec codec = reference_codec;
// Add all new RTX or RED codecs.
for (const Codec& reference_codec : reference_codecs) {
if (reference_codec.GetResiliencyType() == Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx &&
!FindMatchingCodec(reference_codecs, offered_codecs, reference_codec)) {
Codec rtx_codec = reference_codec;
const Codec* associated_codec =
GetAssociatedCodecForRtx(reference_codecs, rtx_codec);
if (!associated_codec) {
// Find a codec in the offered list that matches the reference codec.
// Its payload type may be different than the reference codec.
std::optional<Codec> matching_codec = FindMatchingCodec(
reference_codecs, offered_codecs, *associated_codec);
if (!matching_codec) {
<< "Couldn't find matching " << associated_codec->name << " codec.";
rtx_codec.params[kCodecParamAssociatedPayloadType] =
} else if (reference_codec.GetResiliencyType() ==
Codec::ResiliencyType::kRed &&
!FindMatchingCodec(reference_codecs, offered_codecs,
reference_codec)) {
Codec red_codec = reference_codec;
const Codec* associated_codec =
GetAssociatedCodecForRed(reference_codecs, red_codec);
if (associated_codec) {
std::optional<Codec> matching_codec = FindMatchingCodec(
reference_codecs, offered_codecs, *associated_codec);
if (!matching_codec) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Couldn't find matching "
<< associated_codec->name << " codec.";
red_codec.params[kCodecParamNotInNameValueFormat] =
rtc::ToString(matching_codec->id) + "/" +
// `codecs` is a full list of codecs with correct payload type mappings, which
// don't conflict with mappings of the other media type; `supported_codecs` is
// a list filtered for the media section`s direction but with default payload
// types.
// static
CodecList MatchCodecPreference(
const std::vector<webrtc::RtpCodecCapability>& codec_preferences,
const CodecList& codecs,
const CodecList& supported_codecs) {
CodecList filtered_codecs;
bool want_rtx = false;
bool want_red = false;
for (const auto& codec_preference : codec_preferences) {
if (IsRtxCodec(codec_preference)) {
want_rtx = true;
} else if (IsRedCodec(codec_preference)) {
want_red = true;
bool red_was_added = false;
for (const auto& codec_preference : codec_preferences) {
auto found_codec = absl::c_find_if(
supported_codecs, [&codec_preference](const Codec& codec) {
// We should not filter out the codec in |codec_preferences| if it
// has a higher level than the codec in |supported_codecs|, as the
// codec in |supported_codecs| may be only with lower level in
// |send_codecs_| and |recv_codecs_| for the same codec.
return IsSameRtpCodecIgnoringLevel(codec, codec_preference);
if (found_codec != supported_codecs.end()) {
std::optional<Codec> found_codec_with_correct_pt =
FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs, codecs, *found_codec);
if (found_codec_with_correct_pt) {
// RED may already have been added if its primary codec is before RED
// in the codec list.
bool is_red_codec = found_codec_with_correct_pt->GetResiliencyType() ==
if (!is_red_codec || !red_was_added) {
red_was_added = is_red_codec ? true : red_was_added;
std::string id = rtc::ToString(found_codec_with_correct_pt->id);
// Search for the matching rtx or red codec.
if (want_red || want_rtx) {
for (const auto& codec : codecs) {
if (want_rtx &&
codec.GetResiliencyType() == Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx) {
const auto apt =
if (apt != codec.params.end() && apt->second == id) {
} else if (want_red && codec.GetResiliencyType() ==
Codec::ResiliencyType::kRed) {
// For RED, do not insert the codec again if it was already
// inserted. audio/red for opus gets enabled by having RED before
// the primary codec.
const auto fmtp =
if (fmtp != codec.params.end()) {
std::vector<absl::string_view> redundant_payloads =
rtc::split(fmtp->second, '/');
if (!redundant_payloads.empty() &&
redundant_payloads[0] == id) {
if (!red_was_added) {
red_was_added = true;
return filtered_codecs;
// Compute the union of `codecs1` and `codecs2`.
CodecList ComputeCodecsUnion(const CodecList codecs1, const CodecList codecs2) {
CodecList all_codecs;
UsedPayloadTypes used_payload_types;
for (const Codec& codec : codecs1) {
Codec codec_mutable = codec;
// Use MergeCodecs to merge the second half of our list as it already checks
// and fixes problems with duplicate payload types.
MergeCodecs(codecs2, all_codecs, &used_payload_types);
return all_codecs;
RTCError MergeCodecsFromDescription(
const std::vector<const ContentInfo*>& current_active_contents,
CodecList& audio_codecs,
CodecList& video_codecs,
UsedPayloadTypes* used_pltypes) {
for (const ContentInfo* content : current_active_contents) {
RTCErrorOr<CodecList> checked_codec_list =
if (!checked_codec_list.ok()) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << checked_codec_list.error();
if (IsMediaContentOfType(content, MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)) {
MergeCodecs(checked_codec_list.value(), audio_codecs, used_pltypes);
} else if (IsMediaContentOfType(content, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)) {
MergeCodecs(checked_codec_list.value(), video_codecs, used_pltypes);
return RTCError::OK();
void NegotiatePacketization(const Codec& local_codec,
const Codec& remote_codec,
Codec* negotiated_codec) {
negotiated_codec->packetization =
(local_codec.packetization == remote_codec.packetization)
? local_codec.packetization
: std::nullopt;
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
void NegotiateTxMode(const Codec& local_codec,
const Codec& remote_codec,
Codec* negotiated_codec) {
negotiated_codec->tx_mode = (local_codec.tx_mode == remote_codec.tx_mode)
? local_codec.tx_mode
: std::nullopt;
// For offer, negotiated codec must have the same level-id as that in
// |supported_codecs| with same profile.
void NegotiateVideoCodecLevelsForOffer(
const MediaDescriptionOptions& media_description_options,
const CodecList& supported_codecs,
CodecList& filtered_codecs) {
if (filtered_codecs.empty() || supported_codecs.empty()) {
// TODO( We should handle level-idx for AV1.
// Ideally this should be done for all codecs, but RFCs of other codecs
// do not clear define the expected behavior for the level in the offer.
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
std::unordered_map<webrtc::H265Profile, webrtc::H265Level>
// The assumption here is that H.265 codecs with the same profile and tier
// are already with highest level for that profile in both
// |supported_codecs| and |filtered_codecs|.
for (const Codec& supported_codec : supported_codecs) {
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kH265CodecName)) {
std::optional<webrtc::H265ProfileTierLevel> supported_ptl =
if (supported_ptl.has_value()) {
supported_h265_profiles[supported_ptl->profile] =
if (supported_h265_profiles.empty()) {
for (auto& filtered_codec : filtered_codecs) {
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kH265CodecName)) {
std::optional<webrtc::H265ProfileTierLevel> filtered_ptl =
if (filtered_ptl.has_value()) {
auto it = supported_h265_profiles.find(filtered_ptl->profile);
if (it != supported_h265_profiles.end() &&
filtered_ptl->level != it->second) {
filtered_codec.params[kH265FmtpLevelId] =
RTCError NegotiateCodecs(const CodecList& local_codecs,
const CodecList& offered_codecs,
CodecList& negotiated_codecs_out,
bool keep_offer_order) {
std::map<int, int> pt_mapping_table;
// Since we build the negotiated codec list one entry at a time,
// the list will have inconsistencies during building.
std::vector<Codec> negotiated_codecs;
for (const Codec& ours : local_codecs) {
std::optional<Codec> theirs =
FindMatchingCodec(local_codecs, offered_codecs, ours);
// Note that we intentionally only find one matching codec for each of our
// local codecs, in case the remote offer contains duplicate codecs.
if (theirs) {
Codec negotiated = ours;
NegotiatePacketization(ours, *theirs, &negotiated);
if (negotiated.GetResiliencyType() == Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx) {
// We support parsing the declarative rtx-time parameter.
const auto rtx_time_it = theirs->params.find(kCodecParamRtxTime);
if (rtx_time_it != theirs->params.end()) {
negotiated.SetParam(kCodecParamRtxTime, rtx_time_it->second);
} else if (negotiated.GetResiliencyType() ==
Codec::ResiliencyType::kRed) {
const auto red_it =
if (red_it != theirs->params.end()) {
negotiated.SetParam(kCodecParamNotInNameValueFormat, red_it->second);
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kH264CodecName)) {
webrtc::H264GenerateProfileLevelIdForAnswer(ours.params, theirs->params,
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kH265CodecName)) {
ours.params, theirs->params, &negotiated.params);
NegotiateTxMode(ours, *theirs, &negotiated);
// Use their ID, if available.
pt_mapping_table.insert({, theirs->id}); = theirs->id; = theirs->name;
// Fix up apt parameters that point to other PTs.
for (Codec& negotiated : negotiated_codecs) {
if (negotiated.GetResiliencyType() == Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx) {
// Change the apt value according to the pt mapping table.
// This avoids changing to apt values that don't exist any more.
std::string apt_str;
if (!negotiated.GetParam(kCodecParamAssociatedPayloadType, &apt_str)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "No apt value";
int apt_value;
if (!rtc::FromString(apt_str, &apt_value)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unconvertable apt value";
if (pt_mapping_table.count(apt_value) != 1) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unmapped apt value " << apt_value;
if (keep_offer_order) {
// RFC3264: Although the answerer MAY list the formats in their desired
// order of preference, it is RECOMMENDED that unless there is a
// specific reason, the answerer list formats in the same relative order
// they were present in the offer.
// This can be skipped when the transceiver has any codec preferences.
std::unordered_map<int, int> payload_type_preferences;
int preference = static_cast<int>(offered_codecs.size() + 1);
for (const Codec& codec : offered_codecs) {
payload_type_preferences[] = preference--;
absl::c_sort(negotiated_codecs, [&payload_type_preferences](
const Codec& a, const Codec& b) {
return payload_type_preferences[] > payload_type_preferences[];
RTCErrorOr<CodecList> result = CodecList::Create(negotiated_codecs);
if (!result.ok()) {
return result.MoveError();
negotiated_codecs_out = result.MoveValue();
return RTCError::OK();
// Update the ID fields of the codec vector.
// If any codec has an ID with value "kIdNotSet", use the payload type suggester
// to assign and record a payload type for it.
// If there is a RED codec without its fmtp parameter, give it the ID of the
// first OPUS codec in the codec list.
webrtc::RTCError AssignCodecIdsAndLinkRed(
webrtc::PayloadTypeSuggester* pt_suggester,
const std::string& mid,
std::vector<Codec>& codecs) {
int codec_payload_type = Codec::kIdNotSet;
for (cricket::Codec& codec : codecs) {
if ( == Codec::kIdNotSet) {
// Add payload types to codecs, if needed
// This should only happen if WebRTC-PayloadTypesInTransport field trial
// is enabled.
auto result = pt_suggester->SuggestPayloadType(mid, codec);
if (!result.ok()) {
return result.error();
} = result.value();
// record first Opus codec id
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kOpusCodecName) &&
codec_payload_type == Codec::kIdNotSet) {
codec_payload_type =;
if (codec_payload_type != Codec::kIdNotSet) {
for (cricket::Codec& codec : codecs) {
if (codec.type == Codec::Type::kAudio &&
absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, kRedCodecName)) {
if (codec.params.empty()) {
char buffer[100];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder param(buffer);
param << codec_payload_type << "/" << codec_payload_type;
codec.SetParam(kCodecParamNotInNameValueFormat, param.str());
return webrtc::RTCError::OK();
} // namespace
webrtc::RTCErrorOr<std::vector<Codec>> CodecVendor::GetNegotiatedCodecsForOffer(
const MediaDescriptionOptions& media_description_options,
const MediaSessionOptions& session_options,
const ContentInfo* current_content,
PayloadTypeSuggester& pt_suggester,
const CodecList& codecs) {
CodecList filtered_codecs;
CodecList supported_codecs =
media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO
? GetAudioCodecsForOffer(media_description_options.direction)
: GetVideoCodecsForOffer(media_description_options.direction);
if (media_description_options.codecs_to_include.empty()) {
if (!media_description_options.codec_preferences.empty()) {
// Add the codecs from the current transceiver's codec preferences.
// They override any existing codecs from previous negotiations.
filtered_codecs =
codecs, supported_codecs);
} else {
// Add the codecs from current content if it exists and is not rejected
// nor recycled.
if (current_content && !current_content->rejected &&
current_content->mid() == media_description_options.mid) {
if (!IsMediaContentOfType(current_content,
media_description_options.type)) {
// Can happen if the remote side re-uses a MID while recycling.
"Media type for content with mid='" +
current_content->mid() +
"' does not match previous type.");
const MediaContentDescription* mcd =
for (const Codec& codec : mcd->codecs()) {
if (webrtc::FindMatchingCodec(mcd->codecs(), codecs.codecs(),
codec)) {
// Note what PTs are already in use.
used_pltypes; // Used to avoid pt collisions in filtered_codecs
for (auto& codec : filtered_codecs) {
// Note: This may change PTs. Doing so woud indicate an error, but
// UsedPayloadTypes doesn't offer a means to make the distinction.
// Add other supported codecs.
for (const Codec& codec : supported_codecs) {
std::optional<Codec> found_codec =
FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs, codecs, codec);
if (found_codec &&
!FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs, filtered_codecs, codec)) {
// Use the `found_codec` from `codecs` because it has the
// correctly mapped payload type (most of the time).
if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO &&
found_codec->GetResiliencyType() == Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx) {
// For RTX we might need to adjust the apt parameter if we got a
// remote offer without RTX for a codec for which we support RTX.
// This is only done for video since we do not yet have rtx for
// audio.
auto referenced_codec =
GetAssociatedCodecForRtx(supported_codecs, codec);
// Find the codec we should be referencing and point to it.
std::optional<Codec> changed_referenced_codec = FindMatchingCodec(
supported_codecs, filtered_codecs, *referenced_codec);
if (changed_referenced_codec) {
// Quick fix for b/395077842: Remap the codec if it collides.
if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO &&
!session_options.vad_enabled) {
// If application doesn't want CN codecs in offer.
} else if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO &&
session_options.raw_packetization_for_video) {
for (Codec& codec : filtered_codecs) {
if (codec.IsMediaCodec()) {
codec.packetization = kPacketizationParamRaw;
supported_codecs, filtered_codecs);
} else {
// media_description_options.codecs_to_include contains codecs
// TODO: - figure out if this can be deleted.
RTCErrorOr<CodecList> codecs_from_arg =
if (!codecs_from_arg.ok()) {
return codecs_from_arg.MoveError();
filtered_codecs = codecs_from_arg.MoveValue();
AssignCodecIdsAndLinkRed(&pt_suggester, media_description_options.mid,
return filtered_codecs.codecs();
webrtc::RTCErrorOr<Codecs> CodecVendor::GetNegotiatedCodecsForAnswer(
const MediaDescriptionOptions& media_description_options,
const MediaSessionOptions& session_options,
webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection offer_rtd,
webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection answer_rtd,
const ContentInfo* current_content,
const std::vector<Codec> codecs_from_offer,
PayloadTypeSuggester& pt_suggester,
const CodecList& codecs) {
CodecList filtered_codecs;
CodecList negotiated_codecs;
if (media_description_options.codecs_to_include.empty()) {
const CodecList& supported_codecs =
media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO
? GetAudioCodecsForAnswer(offer_rtd, answer_rtd)
: GetVideoCodecsForAnswer(offer_rtd, answer_rtd);
if (!media_description_options.codec_preferences.empty()) {
filtered_codecs =
codecs, supported_codecs);
} else {
// Add the codecs from current content if it exists and is not rejected
// nor recycled.
if (current_content && !current_content->rejected &&
current_content->mid() == media_description_options.mid) {
if (!IsMediaContentOfType(current_content,
media_description_options.type)) {
// Can happen if the remote side re-uses a MID while recycling.
"Media type for content with mid='" +
current_content->mid() +
"' does not match previous type.");
const MediaContentDescription* mcd =
for (const Codec& codec : mcd->codecs()) {
if (webrtc::FindMatchingCodec(mcd->codecs(), codecs.codecs(),
codec)) {
// Add other supported codecs.
CodecList other_codecs;
for (const Codec& codec : supported_codecs) {
if (FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs, codecs, codec) &&
!FindMatchingCodec(supported_codecs, filtered_codecs, codec)) {
// We should use the local codec with local parameters and the codec
// id would be correctly mapped in `NegotiateCodecs`.
// Use ComputeCodecsUnion to avoid having duplicate payload IDs.
// This is a no-op for audio until RTX is added.
filtered_codecs = ComputeCodecsUnion(filtered_codecs, other_codecs);
if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO &&
!session_options.vad_enabled) {
// If application doesn't want CN codecs in offer.
} else if (media_description_options.type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO &&
session_options.raw_packetization_for_video) {
for (Codec& codec : filtered_codecs) {
if (codec.IsMediaCodec()) {
codec.packetization = kPacketizationParamRaw;
// An offer is external data, so needs to be checked before use.
auto checked_codecs_from_offer = CodecList::Create(codecs_from_offer);
if (!checked_codecs_from_offer.ok()) {
return checked_codecs_from_offer.MoveError();
NegotiateCodecs(filtered_codecs, checked_codecs_from_offer.value(),
} else {
// media_description_options.codecs_to_include contains codecs
RTCErrorOr<CodecList> codecs_from_arg =
if (!codecs_from_arg.ok()) {
return codecs_from_arg.MoveError();
negotiated_codecs = codecs_from_arg.MoveValue();
AssignCodecIdsAndLinkRed(&pt_suggester, media_description_options.mid,
return negotiated_codecs.codecs();
CodecVendor::CodecVendor(MediaEngineInterface* media_engine,
bool rtx_enabled,
const webrtc::FieldTrialsView&
trials) { // Null media_engine is permitted in
// order to allow unit testing where
// the codecs are explicitly set by the test.
if (media_engine) {
audio_send_codecs_ =
TypedCodecVendor(media_engine, MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
/* is_sender= */ true, rtx_enabled, trials);
audio_recv_codecs_ =
TypedCodecVendor(media_engine, MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
/* is_sender= */ false, rtx_enabled, trials);
video_send_codecs_ =
TypedCodecVendor(media_engine, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
/* is_sender= */ true, rtx_enabled, trials);
video_recv_codecs_ =
TypedCodecVendor(media_engine, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
/* is_sender= */ false, rtx_enabled, trials);
const CodecList& CodecVendor::audio_send_codecs() const {
return audio_send_codecs_.codecs();
const CodecList& CodecVendor::audio_recv_codecs() const {
return audio_recv_codecs_.codecs();
void CodecVendor::set_audio_codecs(const CodecList& send_codecs,
const CodecList& recv_codecs) {
const CodecList& CodecVendor::video_send_codecs() const {
return video_send_codecs_.codecs();
const CodecList& CodecVendor::video_recv_codecs() const {
return video_recv_codecs_.codecs();
void CodecVendor::set_video_codecs(const CodecList& send_codecs,
const CodecList& recv_codecs) {
// Getting codecs for an offer involves these steps:
// 1. Construct payload type -> codec mappings for current description.
// 2. Add any reference codecs that weren't already present
// 3. For each individual media description (m= section), filter codecs based
// on the directional attribute (happens in another method).
RTCError CodecVendor::GetCodecsForOffer(
const std::vector<const ContentInfo*>& current_active_contents,
CodecList& audio_codecs,
CodecList& video_codecs) const {
// First - get all codecs from the current description if the media type
// is used. Add them to `used_pltypes` so the payload type is not reused if a
// new media type is added.
UsedPayloadTypes used_pltypes;
auto error = MergeCodecsFromDescription(current_active_contents, audio_codecs,
video_codecs, &used_pltypes);
if (!error.ok()) {
return error;
// Add our codecs that are not in the current description.
MergeCodecs(all_audio_codecs(), audio_codecs, &used_pltypes);
MergeCodecs(all_video_codecs(), video_codecs, &used_pltypes);
return RTCError::OK();
// Getting codecs for an answer involves these steps:
// 1. Construct payload type -> codec mappings for current description.
// 2. Add any codecs from the offer that weren't already present.
// 3. Add any remaining codecs that weren't already present.
// 4. For each individual media description (m= section), filter codecs based
// on the directional attribute (happens in another method).
RTCError CodecVendor::GetCodecsForAnswer(
const std::vector<const ContentInfo*>& current_active_contents,
const SessionDescription& remote_offer,
CodecList& audio_codecs,
CodecList& video_codecs) const {
// First - get all codecs from the current description if the media type
// is used. Add them to `used_pltypes` so the payload type is not reused if a
// new media type is added.
UsedPayloadTypes used_pltypes;
RTCError error = MergeCodecsFromDescription(
current_active_contents, audio_codecs, video_codecs, &used_pltypes);
if (!error.ok()) {
return error;
// Second - filter out codecs that we don't support at all and should ignore.
CodecList filtered_offered_audio_codecs;
CodecList filtered_offered_video_codecs;
for (const ContentInfo& content : remote_offer.contents()) {
RTCErrorOr<CodecList> offered_codecs =
if (!offered_codecs.ok()) {
return offered_codecs.MoveError();
if (IsMediaContentOfType(&content, MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)) {
for (const Codec& offered_audio_codec : offered_codecs.value()) {
if (!FindMatchingCodec(offered_codecs.value(),
offered_audio_codec) &&
FindMatchingCodec(offered_codecs.value(), all_audio_codecs(),
offered_audio_codec)) {
} else if (IsMediaContentOfType(&content, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)) {
std::vector<Codec> pending_rtx_codecs;
for (const Codec& offered_video_codec : offered_codecs.value()) {
if (!FindMatchingCodec(offered_codecs.value(),
offered_video_codec) &&
FindMatchingCodec(offered_codecs.value(), all_video_codecs(),
offered_video_codec)) {
// Special case: If it's an RTX codec, and the APT points to
// a codec that is not yet in the codec list, put it aside.
if (offered_video_codec.GetResiliencyType() ==
Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx &&
offered_video_codec)) {
// If the associated codec showed up later in the codec list,
// append the corresponding RTX codec.
for (const Codec& codec : pending_rtx_codecs) {
if (GetAssociatedCodecForRtx(filtered_offered_video_codecs, codec)) {
// Add codecs that are not in the current description but were in
// `remote_offer`.
MergeCodecs(filtered_offered_audio_codecs, audio_codecs, &used_pltypes);
MergeCodecs(filtered_offered_video_codecs, video_codecs, &used_pltypes);
return RTCError::OK();
CodecList CodecVendor::GetVideoCodecsForOffer(
const RtpTransceiverDirection& direction) const {
switch (direction) {
// If stream is inactive - generate list as if sendrecv.
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kInactive:
return video_sendrecv_codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendOnly:
return video_send_codecs_.codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly:
return video_recv_codecs_.codecs();
CodecList CodecVendor::GetVideoCodecsForAnswer(
const RtpTransceiverDirection& offer,
const RtpTransceiverDirection& answer) const {
switch (answer) {
// For inactive and sendrecv answers, generate lists as if we were to accept
// the offer's direction. See RFC 3264 Section 6.1.
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kInactive:
return GetVideoCodecsForOffer(
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendOnly:
return video_send_codecs_.codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly:
return video_recv_codecs_.codecs();
CodecList CodecVendor::GetAudioCodecsForOffer(
const RtpTransceiverDirection& direction) const {
switch (direction) {
// If stream is inactive - generate list as if sendrecv.
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kInactive:
return audio_sendrecv_codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendOnly:
return audio_send_codecs_.codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly:
return audio_recv_codecs_.codecs();
CodecList CodecVendor::GetAudioCodecsForAnswer(
const RtpTransceiverDirection& offer,
const RtpTransceiverDirection& answer) const {
switch (answer) {
// For inactive and sendrecv answers, generate lists as if we were to accept
// the offer's direction. See RFC 3264 Section 6.1.
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kStopped:
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kInactive:
return GetAudioCodecsForOffer(
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendOnly:
return audio_send_codecs_.codecs();
case RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly:
return audio_recv_codecs_.codecs();
CodecList CodecVendor::all_video_codecs() const {
// Use ComputeCodecsUnion to avoid having duplicate payload IDs
return ComputeCodecsUnion(video_recv_codecs_.codecs(),
CodecList CodecVendor::all_audio_codecs() const {
// Compute the audio codecs union.
CodecList codecs;
for (const Codec& send : audio_send_codecs_.codecs()) {
if (!FindMatchingCodec(audio_send_codecs_.codecs(),
audio_recv_codecs_.codecs(), send)) {
// It doesn't make sense to have an RTX codec we support sending but not
// receiving.
RTC_DCHECK(send.GetResiliencyType() != Codec::ResiliencyType::kRtx);
for (const Codec& recv : audio_recv_codecs_.codecs()) {
if (!FindMatchingCodec(audio_recv_codecs_.codecs(),
audio_send_codecs_.codecs(), recv)) {
return codecs;
CodecList CodecVendor::audio_sendrecv_codecs() const {
// Use NegotiateCodecs to merge our codec lists, since the operation is
// essentially the same. Put send_codecs as the offered_codecs, which is the
// order we'd like to follow. The reasoning is that encoding is usually more
// expensive than decoding, and prioritizing a codec in the send list probably
// means it's a codec we can handle efficiently.
CodecList audio_sendrecv_codecs;
auto error =
NegotiateCodecs(audio_recv_codecs_.codecs(), audio_send_codecs_.codecs(),
audio_sendrecv_codecs, true);
return audio_sendrecv_codecs;
CodecList CodecVendor::video_sendrecv_codecs() const {
// Use NegotiateCodecs to merge our codec lists, since the operation is
// essentially the same. Put send_codecs as the offered_codecs, which is the
// order we'd like to follow. The reasoning is that encoding is usually more
// expensive than decoding, and prioritizing a codec in the send list probably
// means it's a codec we can handle efficiently.
// Also for the same profile of a codec, if there are different levels in the
// send and receive codecs, |video_sendrecv_codecs| will contain the lower
// level of the two for that profile.
CodecList video_sendrecv_codecs;
auto error =
NegotiateCodecs(video_recv_codecs_.codecs(), video_send_codecs_.codecs(),
video_sendrecv_codecs, true);
return video_sendrecv_codecs;
} // namespace cricket