blob: ff2ae29709c8aba3e17d709b03698053a36faf68 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <jni.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include "api/sequence_checker.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_decoder.h"
#include "common_video/h264/h264_bitstream_parser.h"
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
#include "common_video/h265/h265_bitstream_parser.h"
#include "rtc_base/race_checker.h"
#include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "sdk/android/src/jni/jni_helpers.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace jni {
// Wraps a Java decoder and delegates all calls to it.
class VideoDecoderWrapper : public VideoDecoder {
VideoDecoderWrapper(JNIEnv* jni, const JavaRef<jobject>& decoder);
~VideoDecoderWrapper() override;
bool Configure(const Settings& settings) override;
int32_t Decode(const EncodedImage& input_image,
bool missing_frames,
int64_t render_time_ms) override;
int32_t RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(
DecodedImageCallback* callback) override;
// TODO(sakal): This is not always called on the correct thread. It is called
// from VCMGenericDecoder destructor which is on a different thread but is
// still safe and synchronous.
int32_t Release() override RTC_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
const char* ImplementationName() const override;
DecoderInfo GetDecoderInfo() const override;
// Wraps the frame to a AndroidVideoBuffer and passes it to the callback.
void OnDecodedFrame(JNIEnv* env,
const JavaRef<jobject>& j_frame,
const JavaRef<jobject>& j_decode_time_ms,
const JavaRef<jobject>& j_qp);
struct FrameExtraInfo {
int64_t timestamp_ns; // Used as an identifier of the frame.
uint32_t timestamp_rtp;
int64_t timestamp_ntp;
std::optional<uint8_t> qp;
FrameExtraInfo(const FrameExtraInfo&);
bool ConfigureInternal(JNIEnv* jni) RTC_RUN_ON(decoder_thread_checker_);
// Takes Java VideoCodecStatus, handles it and returns WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_*
// status code.
int32_t HandleReturnCode(JNIEnv* jni,
const JavaRef<jobject>& j_value,
const char* method_name)
std::optional<uint8_t> ParseQP(const EncodedImage& input_image)
const ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> decoder_;
const std::string implementation_name_;
SequenceChecker decoder_thread_checker_;
// Callbacks must be executed sequentially on an arbitrary thread. We do not
// own this thread so a thread checker cannot be used.
rtc::RaceChecker callback_race_checker_;
// Initialized on Configure and immutable after that.
VideoDecoder::Settings decoder_settings_
bool initialized_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(decoder_thread_checker_);
H264BitstreamParser h264_bitstream_parser_
#ifdef RTC_ENABLE_H265
H265BitstreamParser h265_bitstream_parser_
DecodedImageCallback* callback_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(callback_race_checker_);
// Accessed both on the decoder thread and the callback thread.
std::atomic<bool> qp_parsing_enabled_;
Mutex frame_extra_infos_lock_;
std::deque<FrameExtraInfo> frame_extra_infos_
/* If the j_decoder is a wrapped native decoder, unwrap it. If it is not,
* wrap it in a VideoDecoderWrapper.
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder> JavaToNativeVideoDecoder(
JNIEnv* jni,
const JavaRef<jobject>& j_decoder,
jlong webrtcEnvRef);
} // namespace jni
} // namespace webrtc