blob: 25b7bed7a5b64d4e7375c8079b04af56104b48d6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2024 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "video/quality_convergence_monitor.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/struct_parameters_parser.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kDefaultRecentWindowLength = 6;
constexpr size_t kDefaultPastWindowLength = 6;
constexpr float kDefaultAlpha = 0.06;
struct DynamicDetectionConfig {
bool enabled = false;
// alpha is a percentage of the codec-specific max QP value that is used to
// determine the dynamic QP threshold:
// dynamic_qp_threshold = static_min_qp_threshold + alpha * max_QP
// Please note that although the static threshold is overridden, the dynamic
// threshold is calculated from static_min_qp_threshold reported by the
// encoder.
double alpha = kDefaultAlpha;
int recent_length = kDefaultRecentWindowLength;
int past_length = kDefaultPastWindowLength;
std::unique_ptr<StructParametersParser> Parser();
std::unique_ptr<StructParametersParser> DynamicDetectionConfig::Parser() {
// The empty comments ensures that each pair is on a separate line.
return StructParametersParser::Create("enabled", &enabled, //
"alpha", &alpha, //
"recent_length", &recent_length, //
"past_length", &past_length);
QualityConvergenceMonitor::Parameters GetParameters(
int static_qp_threshold,
VideoCodecType codec,
const FieldTrialsView& trials) {
QualityConvergenceMonitor::Parameters params;
params.static_qp_threshold = static_qp_threshold;
DynamicDetectionConfig dynamic_config;
// Apply codec specific settings.
int max_qp = 0;
switch (codec) {
case kVideoCodecVP8:
dynamic_config.enabled = true;
max_qp = 127;
case kVideoCodecVP9:
// Change to enabled by default for VP9.
dynamic_config.enabled = true;
max_qp = 255;
case kVideoCodecAV1:
// Change to enabled by default for AV1.
dynamic_config.enabled = true;
max_qp = 255;
case kVideoCodecGeneric:
case kVideoCodecH264:
case kVideoCodecH265:
if (dynamic_config.enabled) {
params.dynamic_detection_enabled = dynamic_config.enabled;
params.dynamic_qp_threshold =
static_qp_threshold + max_qp * dynamic_config.alpha;
params.recent_window_length = dynamic_config.recent_length;
params.past_window_length = dynamic_config.past_length;
return params;
} // namespace
QualityConvergenceMonitor::QualityConvergenceMonitor(const Parameters& params)
: params_(params) {
!params_.dynamic_detection_enabled ||
(params_.past_window_length > 0 && params_.recent_window_length > 0));
// Adds the sample to the algorithms detection window and runs the following
// convergence detection algorithm to determine if the time series of QP
// values indicates that the encoded video has reached "target quality".
// Definitions
// - Let x[n] be the pixel data of a video frame.
// - Let e[n] be the encoded representation of x[n].
// - Let qp[n] be the corresponding QP value of the encoded video frame e[n].
// - x[n] is a refresh frame if x[n] = x[n-1].
// - qp_window is a list (or queue) of stored QP values, with size
// L <= past_window_length + recent_window_length.
// - qp_window can be partioned into:
// qp_past = qp_window[ 0:end-recent_window_length ] and
// qp_recent = qp_window[ -recent_window_length:end ].
// - Let dynamic_qp_threshold be a maximum QP value for which convergence
// is accepted.
// Algorithm
// For each encoded video frame e[n], take the corresponding qp[n] and do the
// following:
// 0. Check Static Threshold: if qp[n] < static_qp_threshold, return true.
// 1. Check for Refresh Frame: If x[n] is not a refresh frame:
// - Clear Q.
// - Return false.
// 2. Check Previous Convergence: If x[n] is a refresh frame AND true was
// returned for x[n-1], return true.
// 3. Update QP History: Append qp[n] to qp_window. If qp_window's length
// exceeds past_window_length + recent_window_length, remove the first
// element.
// 4. Check for Sufficient Data: If L <= recent_window_length, return false.
// 5. Calculate Average QP: Calculate avg(qp_past) and avg(ap_recent).
// 6. Determine Convergence: If avg(qp_past) <= dynamic_qp_threshold AND
// avg(qp_past) <= avg(qp_recent), return true. Otherwise, return false.
void QualityConvergenceMonitor::AddSample(int qp, bool is_refresh_frame) {
// Invalid QP.
if (qp < 0) {
at_target_quality_ = false;
// 0. Check static threshold.
if (qp <= params_.static_qp_threshold) {
at_target_quality_ = true;
// 1. Check for refresh frame and if dynamic detection is disabled.
if (!is_refresh_frame || !params_.dynamic_detection_enabled) {
at_target_quality_ = false;
// 2. Check previous convergence.
if (at_target_quality_) {
// No need to update state.
// 3. Update QP history.
if (qp_window_.size() >
params_.recent_window_length + params_.past_window_length) {
// 4. Check for sufficient data.
if (qp_window_.size() <= params_.recent_window_length) {
// No need to update state.
RTC_CHECK(at_target_quality_ == false);
// 5. Calculate average QP.
float qp_past_average =
qp_window_.end() - params_.recent_window_length, 0.0) /
(qp_window_.size() - params_.recent_window_length);
float qp_recent_average =
std::accumulate(qp_window_.end() - params_.recent_window_length,
qp_window_.end(), 0.0) /
// 6. Determine convergence.
if (qp_past_average <= params_.dynamic_qp_threshold &&
qp_past_average <= qp_recent_average) {
at_target_quality_ = true;
bool QualityConvergenceMonitor::AtTargetQuality() const {
return at_target_quality_;
// Static
std::unique_ptr<QualityConvergenceMonitor> QualityConvergenceMonitor::Create(
int static_qp_threshold,
VideoCodecType codec,
const FieldTrialsView& trials) {
Parameters params = GetParameters(static_qp_threshold, codec, trials);
return std::unique_ptr<QualityConvergenceMonitor>(
new QualityConvergenceMonitor(params));
} // namespace webrtc