blob: fba617dd5c9d93474cabbea50d5a2ecc6cde2c09 [file] [log] [blame]
Björn Terelius987ef482020-03-05 15:52:101/*
2 * Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11#include "api/stats/rtc_stats_collector_callback.h"
12#include "api/stats/rtcstats_objects.h"
13#include "pc/test/mock_peer_connection_observers.h"
14#include "test/field_trial.h"
15#include "test/gtest.h"
16#include "test/peer_scenario/peer_scenario.h"
17#include "test/peer_scenario/peer_scenario_client.h"
19namespace webrtc {
20namespace test {
22// TODO(terelius): Use fake encoder and enable on Android once
23// is fixed.
24#if defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
25#define MAYBE_NoBweChangeFromVideoUnmute DISABLED_NoBweChangeFromVideoUnmute
27#define MAYBE_NoBweChangeFromVideoUnmute NoBweChangeFromVideoUnmute
29TEST(GoogCcPeerScenarioTest, MAYBE_NoBweChangeFromVideoUnmute) {
30 // If transport wide sequence numbers are used for audio, and the call
31 // switches from audio only to video only, there will be a sharp change in
32 // packets sizes. This will create a change in propagation time which might be
33 // detected as an overuse. Using separate overuse detectors for audio and
34 // video avoids the issue.
35 std::string audio_twcc_trials(
36 "WebRTC-Audio-SendSideBwe/Enabled/" //
37 "WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead/Enabled/" //
38 "WebRTC-Audio-AlrProbing/Disabled/");
39 std::string separate_audio_video(
40 "WebRTC-Bwe-SeparateAudioPackets/"
41 "enabled:true,packet_threshold:15,time_threshold:1000ms/");
42 ScopedFieldTrials field_trial(audio_twcc_trials + separate_audio_video);
43 PeerScenario s(*test_info_);
44 auto* caller = s.CreateClient(PeerScenarioClient::Config());
45 auto* callee = s.CreateClient(PeerScenarioClient::Config());
47 BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig net_conf;
48 net_conf.link_capacity_kbps = 350;
49 net_conf.queue_delay_ms = 50;
50 auto send_node =>CreateEmulatedNode(net_conf);
51 auto ret_node =>CreateEmulatedNode(net_conf);
53 PeerScenarioClient::VideoSendTrackConfig video_conf;
54 video_conf.generator.squares_video->framerate = 15;
55 auto video = caller->CreateVideo("VIDEO", video_conf);
56 auto audio = caller->CreateAudio("AUDIO", cricket::AudioOptions());
58 // Start ICE and exchange SDP.
59 s.SimpleConnection(caller, callee, {send_node}, {ret_node});
61 // Limit the encoder bitrate to ensure that there are no actual BWE overuses.
62 ASSERT_EQ(caller->pc()->GetSenders().size(), 2u); // 2 senders.
63 int num_video_streams = 0;
64 for (auto& rtp_sender : caller->pc()->GetSenders()) {
65 auto parameters = rtp_sender->GetParameters();
66 ASSERT_EQ(parameters.encodings.size(), 1u); // 1 stream per sender.
67 for (auto& encoding_parameters : parameters.encodings) {
68 if (encoding_parameters.ssrc == video.sender->ssrc()) {
69 num_video_streams++;
70 encoding_parameters.max_bitrate_bps = 220000;
71 encoding_parameters.max_framerate = 15;
72 }
73 }
74 rtp_sender->SetParameters(parameters);
75 }
76 ASSERT_EQ(num_video_streams, 1); // Exactly 1 video stream.
78 auto get_bwe = [&] {
79 rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::MockRTCStatsCollectorCallback> callback(
80 new rtc::RefCountedObject<webrtc::MockRTCStatsCollectorCallback>());
81 caller->pc()->GetStats(callback);
82>time_controller()->Wait([&] { return callback->called(); });
83 auto stats =
84 callback->report()->GetStatsOfType<RTCIceCandidatePairStats>()[0];
85 return DataRate::BitsPerSec(*stats->available_outgoing_bitrate);
86 };
88 s.ProcessMessages(TimeDelta::Seconds(15));
89 const DataRate initial_bwe = get_bwe();
90 EXPECT_GE(initial_bwe, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(300));
92 // 10 seconds audio only. Bandwidth should not drop.
93 video.capturer->Stop();
94 s.ProcessMessages(TimeDelta::Seconds(10));
95 EXPECT_GE(get_bwe(), initial_bwe);
97 // Resume video but stop audio. Bandwidth should not drop.
98 video.capturer->Start();
99 RTCError status = caller->pc()->RemoveTrackNew(audio.sender);
100 ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
101 audio.track->set_enabled(false);
102 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
103 s.ProcessMessages(TimeDelta::Seconds(1));
104 EXPECT_GE(get_bwe(), initial_bwe);
105 }
108} // namespace test
109} // namespace webrtc