blob: 9c3c779600dc89cb5220e2450b8beb3fc725666f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.appspot.apprtc.test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.appspot.apprtc.AppRTCClient.SignalingParameters;
import org.appspot.apprtc.PeerConnectionClient;
import org.appspot.apprtc.PeerConnectionClient.PeerConnectionEvents;
import org.appspot.apprtc.PeerConnectionClient.PeerConnectionParameters;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator;
import org.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator;
import org.webrtc.CameraEnumerator;
import org.webrtc.EglBase;
import org.webrtc.IceCandidate;
import org.webrtc.PeerConnection;
import org.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory;
import org.webrtc.RTCStatsReport;
import org.webrtc.SessionDescription;
import org.webrtc.VideoCapturer;
import org.webrtc.VideoFrame;
import org.webrtc.VideoSink;
public class PeerConnectionClientTest implements PeerConnectionEvents {
private static final String TAG = "RTCClientTest";
private static final int ICE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10000;
private static final int WAIT_TIMEOUT = 7000;
private static final int CAMERA_SWITCH_ATTEMPTS = 3;
private static final int VIDEO_RESTART_ATTEMPTS = 3;
private static final int CAPTURE_FORMAT_CHANGE_ATTEMPTS = 3;
private static final int VIDEO_RESTART_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES = 10;
private static final String VIDEO_CODEC_VP8 = "VP8";
private static final String VIDEO_CODEC_VP9 = "VP9";
private static final String VIDEO_CODEC_H264 = "H264";
private static final int AUDIO_RUN_TIMEOUT = 1000;
private static final String LOCAL_RENDERER_NAME = "Local renderer";
private static final String REMOTE_RENDERER_NAME = "Remote renderer";
private static final int MAX_VIDEO_FPS = 30;
private static final int WIDTH_VGA = 640;
private static final int HEIGHT_VGA = 480;
private static final int WIDTH_QVGA = 320;
private static final int HEIGHT_QVGA = 240;
// The peer connection client is assumed to be thread safe in itself; the
// reference is written by the test thread and read by worker threads.
private volatile PeerConnectionClient pcClient;
private volatile boolean loopback;
// These are protected by their respective event objects.
private ExecutorService signalingExecutor;
private boolean isClosed;
private boolean isIceConnected;
private SessionDescription localDesc;
private List<IceCandidate> iceCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
private final Object localDescEvent = new Object();
private final Object iceCandidateEvent = new Object();
private final Object iceConnectedEvent = new Object();
private final Object closeEvent = new Object();
// Mock VideoSink implementation.
private static class MockSink implements VideoSink {
// These are protected by 'this' since we gets called from worker threads.
private String rendererName;
private boolean renderFrameCalled;
// Thread-safe in itself.
private CountDownLatch doneRendering;
public MockSink(int expectedFrames, String rendererName) {
this.rendererName = rendererName;
// Resets render to wait for new amount of video frames.
// TODO( Remove NoSynchronizedMethodCheck suppression.
public synchronized void reset(int expectedFrames) {
renderFrameCalled = false;
doneRendering = new CountDownLatch(expectedFrames);
// TODO( Remove NoSynchronizedMethodCheck suppression.
public synchronized void onFrame(VideoFrame frame) {
if (!renderFrameCalled) {
if (rendererName != null) {
rendererName + " render frame: " + frame.getRotatedWidth() + " x "
+ frame.getRotatedHeight());
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Render frame: " + frame.getRotatedWidth() + " x " + frame.getRotatedHeight());
renderFrameCalled = true;
// This method shouldn't hold any locks or touch member variables since it
// blocks.
public boolean waitForFramesRendered(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
doneRendering.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return (doneRendering.getCount() <= 0);
// Peer connection events implementation.
public void onLocalDescription(SessionDescription desc) {
Log.d(TAG, "Local description type: " + desc.type);
synchronized (localDescEvent) {
localDesc = desc;
public void onIceCandidate(final IceCandidate candidate) {
synchronized (iceCandidateEvent) {
Log.d(TAG, "IceCandidate #" + iceCandidates.size() + " : " + candidate.toString());
if (loopback) {
// Loopback local ICE candidate in a separate thread to avoid adding
// remote ICE candidate in a local ICE candidate callback.
signalingExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void onIceCandidatesRemoved(final IceCandidate[] candidates) {
// TODO(honghaiz): Add this for tests.
public void onIceConnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "ICE Connected");
synchronized (iceConnectedEvent) {
isIceConnected = true;
public void onIceDisconnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "ICE Disconnected");
synchronized (iceConnectedEvent) {
isIceConnected = false;
public void onConnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "DTLS Connected");
public void onDisconnected() {
Log.d(TAG, "DTLS Disconnected");
public void onPeerConnectionClosed() {
Log.d(TAG, "PeerConnection closed");
synchronized (closeEvent) {
isClosed = true;
public void onPeerConnectionError(String description) {
fail("PC Error: " + description);
public void onPeerConnectionStatsReady(final RTCStatsReport report) {}
// Helper wait functions.
private boolean waitForLocalDescription(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (localDescEvent) {
final long endTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (localDesc == null) {
final long waitTimeMs = endTimeMs - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTimeMs < 0) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean waitForIceCandidates(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (iceCandidateEvent) {
final long endTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (iceCandidates.size() == 0) {
final long waitTimeMs = endTimeMs - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTimeMs < 0) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean waitForIceConnected(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (iceConnectedEvent) {
final long endTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (!isIceConnected) {
final long waitTimeMs = endTimeMs - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTimeMs < 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "ICE connection failure");
return false;
return true;
private boolean waitForPeerConnectionClosed(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (closeEvent) {
final long endTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (!isClosed) {
final long waitTimeMs = endTimeMs - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTimeMs < 0) {
return false;
return true;
PeerConnectionClient createPeerConnectionClient(MockSink localRenderer, MockSink remoteRenderer,
PeerConnectionParameters peerConnectionParameters, VideoCapturer videoCapturer) {
List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers = new ArrayList<>();
SignalingParameters signalingParameters =
new SignalingParameters(iceServers, true, // iceServers, initiator.
null, null, null, // clientId, wssUrl, wssPostUrl.
null, null); // offerSdp, iceCandidates.
final EglBase eglBase = EglBase.create();
PeerConnectionClient client =
new PeerConnectionClient(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(), eglBase,
peerConnectionParameters, this /* PeerConnectionEvents */);
PeerConnectionFactory.Options options = new PeerConnectionFactory.Options();
options.networkIgnoreMask = 0;
options.disableNetworkMonitor = true;
client.createPeerConnection(localRenderer, remoteRenderer, videoCapturer, signalingParameters);
return client;
private PeerConnectionParameters createParametersForAudioCall() {
return new PeerConnectionParameters(false, /* videoCallEnabled */
true, /* loopback */
false, /* tracing */
// Video codec parameters.
0, /* videoWidth */
0, /* videoHeight */
0, /* videoFps */
0, /* videoStartBitrate */
"", /* videoCodec */
true, /* videoCodecHwAcceleration */
false, /* videoFlexfecEnabled */
// Audio codec parameters.
0, /* audioStartBitrate */
"OPUS", /* audioCodec */
false, /* noAudioProcessing */
false, /* aecDump */
false, /* saveInputAudioToFile */
false /* useOpenSLES */, false /* disableBuiltInAEC */, false /* disableBuiltInAGC */,
false /* disableBuiltInNS */, false /* disableWebRtcAGC */, false /* enableRtcEventLog */,
null /* dataChannelParameters */);
private VideoCapturer createCameraCapturer(boolean captureToTexture) {
final boolean useCamera2 = captureToTexture
&& Camera2Enumerator.isSupported(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());
CameraEnumerator enumerator;
if (useCamera2) {
enumerator = new Camera2Enumerator(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());
} else {
enumerator = new Camera1Enumerator(captureToTexture);
String deviceName = enumerator.getDeviceNames()[0];
return enumerator.createCapturer(deviceName, null);
private PeerConnectionParameters createParametersForVideoCall(String videoCodec) {
return new PeerConnectionParameters(true, /* videoCallEnabled */
true, /* loopback */
false, /* tracing */
// Video codec parameters.
0, /* videoWidth */
0, /* videoHeight */
0, /* videoFps */
0, /* videoStartBitrate */
videoCodec, /* videoCodec */
true, /* videoCodecHwAcceleration */
false, /* videoFlexfecEnabled */
// Audio codec parameters.
0, /* audioStartBitrate */
"OPUS", /* audioCodec */
false, /* noAudioProcessing */
false, /* aecDump */
false, /* saveInputAudioToFile */
false /* useOpenSLES */, false /* disableBuiltInAEC */, false /* disableBuiltInAGC */,
false /* disableBuiltInNS */, false /* disableWebRtcAGC */, false /* enableRtcEventLog */,
null /* dataChannelParameters */);
public void setUp() {
signalingExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
public void tearDown() {
public void testSetLocalOfferMakesVideoFlowLocally() throws InterruptedException {
Log.d(TAG, "testSetLocalOfferMakesVideoFlowLocally");
MockSink localRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, LOCAL_RENDERER_NAME);
pcClient = createPeerConnectionClient(localRenderer,
new MockSink(/* expectedFrames= */ 0, /* rendererName= */ null),
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */));
// Wait for local description and ice candidates set events.
assertTrue("Local description was not set.", waitForLocalDescription(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
assertTrue("ICE candidates were not generated.", waitForIceCandidates(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// Check that local video frames were rendered.
"Local video frames were not rendered.", localRenderer.waitForFramesRendered(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
"PeerConnection close event was not received.", waitForPeerConnectionClosed(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
Log.d(TAG, "testSetLocalOfferMakesVideoFlowLocally Done.");
private void doLoopbackTest(PeerConnectionParameters parameters, VideoCapturer videoCapturer,
boolean decodeToTexture) throws InterruptedException {
loopback = true;
MockSink localRenderer = null;
MockSink remoteRenderer = null;
if (parameters.videoCallEnabled) {
Log.d(TAG, "testLoopback for video " + parameters.videoCodec);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "testLoopback for audio.");
pcClient = createPeerConnectionClient(localRenderer, remoteRenderer, parameters, videoCapturer);
// Wait for local description, change type to answer and set as remote description.
assertTrue("Local description was not set.", waitForLocalDescription(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
SessionDescription remoteDescription = new SessionDescription(
SessionDescription.Type.fromCanonicalForm("answer"), localDesc.description);
// Wait for ICE connection.
assertTrue("ICE connection failure.", waitForIceConnected(ICE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
if (parameters.videoCallEnabled) {
// Check that local and remote video frames were rendered.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered.",
} else {
// For audio just sleep for 1 sec.
// TODO(glaznev): check how we can detect that remote audio was rendered.
Log.d(TAG, "testLoopback done.");
public void testLoopbackAudio() throws InterruptedException {
doLoopbackTest(createParametersForAudioCall(), null, false /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackVp8() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), false /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackVp9() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), false /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackH264() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), false /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackVp8DecodeToTexture() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), true /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackVp9DecodeToTexture() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), true /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackH264DecodeToTexture() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */), true /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackVp8CaptureToTexture() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(true /* captureToTexture */), true /* decodeToTexture */);
public void testLoopbackH264CaptureToTexture() throws InterruptedException {
createCameraCapturer(true /* captureToTexture */), true /* decodeToTexture */);
// Checks if default front camera can be switched to back camera and then
// again to front camera.
public void testCameraSwitch() throws InterruptedException {
Log.d(TAG, "testCameraSwitch");
loopback = true;
MockSink localRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, LOCAL_RENDERER_NAME);
MockSink remoteRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, REMOTE_RENDERER_NAME);
pcClient = createPeerConnectionClient(localRenderer, remoteRenderer,
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */));
// Wait for local description, set type to answer and set as remote description.
assertTrue("Local description was not set.", waitForLocalDescription(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
SessionDescription remoteDescription = new SessionDescription(
SessionDescription.Type.fromCanonicalForm("answer"), localDesc.description);
// Wait for ICE connection.
assertTrue("ICE connection failure.", waitForIceConnected(ICE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// Check that local and remote video frames were rendered.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered before camera switch.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered before camera switch.",
for (int i = 0; i < CAMERA_SWITCH_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
// Try to switch camera
// Reset video renders and check that local and remote video frames
// were rendered after camera switch.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered after camera switch.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered after camera switch.",
Log.d(TAG, "testCameraSwitch done.");
// Checks if video source can be restarted - simulate app goes to
// background and back to foreground.
public void testVideoSourceRestart() throws InterruptedException {
Log.d(TAG, "testVideoSourceRestart");
loopback = true;
MockSink localRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, LOCAL_RENDERER_NAME);
MockSink remoteRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, REMOTE_RENDERER_NAME);
pcClient = createPeerConnectionClient(localRenderer, remoteRenderer,
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */));
// Wait for local description, set type to answer and set as remote description.
assertTrue("Local description was not set.", waitForLocalDescription(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
SessionDescription remoteDescription = new SessionDescription(
SessionDescription.Type.fromCanonicalForm("answer"), localDesc.description);
// Wait for ICE connection.
assertTrue("ICE connection failure.", waitForIceConnected(ICE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// Check that local and remote video frames were rendered.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered before video restart.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered before video restart.",
// Stop and then start video source a few times.
for (int i = 0; i < VIDEO_RESTART_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
// Reset video renders and check that local and remote video frames
// were rendered after video restart.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered after video restart.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered after video restart.",
Log.d(TAG, "testVideoSourceRestart done.");
// Checks if capture format can be changed on fly and decoder can be reset properly.
public void testCaptureFormatChange() throws InterruptedException {
Log.d(TAG, "testCaptureFormatChange");
loopback = true;
MockSink localRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, LOCAL_RENDERER_NAME);
MockSink remoteRenderer = new MockSink(EXPECTED_VIDEO_FRAMES, REMOTE_RENDERER_NAME);
pcClient = createPeerConnectionClient(localRenderer, remoteRenderer,
createCameraCapturer(false /* captureToTexture */));
// Wait for local description, set type to answer and set as remote description.
assertTrue("Local description was not set.", waitForLocalDescription(WAIT_TIMEOUT));
SessionDescription remoteDescription = new SessionDescription(
SessionDescription.Type.fromCanonicalForm("answer"), localDesc.description);
// Wait for ICE connection.
assertTrue("ICE connection failure.", waitForIceConnected(ICE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
// Check that local and remote video frames were rendered.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered before camera resolution change.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered before camera resolution change.",
// Change capture output format a few times.
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * CAPTURE_FORMAT_CHANGE_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
pcClient.changeCaptureFormat(WIDTH_VGA, HEIGHT_VGA, MAX_VIDEO_FPS);
} else {
pcClient.changeCaptureFormat(WIDTH_QVGA, HEIGHT_QVGA, MAX_VIDEO_FPS);
// Reset video renders and check that local and remote video frames
// were rendered after capture format change.
assertTrue("Local video frames were not rendered after capture format change.",
assertTrue("Remote video frames were not rendered after capture format change.",
Log.d(TAG, "testCaptureFormatChange done.");