| /* |
| * Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| // This file contains structures used for retrieving statistics from an ongoing |
| // libjingle session. |
| |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <list> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/common.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/linked_ptr.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/refcount.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/stringencode.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/thread_checker.h" |
| |
| namespace webrtc { |
| |
| class StatsReport { |
| public: |
| // Indicates whether a track is for sending or receiving. |
| // Used in reports for audio/video tracks. |
| enum Direction { |
| kSend = 0, |
| kReceive, |
| }; |
| |
| enum StatsType { |
| // StatsReport types. |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googSession" contains overall information |
| // about the thing libjingle calls a session (which may contain one |
| // or more RTP sessions. |
| kStatsReportTypeSession, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googTransport" contains information |
| // about a libjingle "transport". |
| kStatsReportTypeTransport, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googComponent" contains information |
| // about a libjingle "channel" (typically, RTP or RTCP for a transport). |
| // This is intended to be the same thing as an ICE "Component". |
| kStatsReportTypeComponent, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googCandidatePair" contains information |
| // about a libjingle "connection" - a single source/destination port pair. |
| // This is intended to be the same thing as an ICE "candidate pair". |
| kStatsReportTypeCandidatePair, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "VideoBWE" is statistics for video Bandwidth |
| // Estimation, which is global per-session. The |id| field is "bweforvideo" |
| // (will probably change in the future). |
| kStatsReportTypeBwe, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "ssrc" is statistics for a specific rtp stream. |
| // The |id| field is the SSRC in decimal form of the rtp stream. |
| kStatsReportTypeSsrc, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "remoteSsrc" is statistics for a specific |
| // rtp stream, generated by the remote end of the connection. |
| kStatsReportTypeRemoteSsrc, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googTrack" is statistics for a specific media |
| // track. The |id| field is the track id. |
| kStatsReportTypeTrack, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "localcandidate" or "remotecandidate" is |
| // attributes on a specific ICE Candidate. It links to its connection pair |
| // by candidate id. The string value is taken from |
| // http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#rtcstatstype-enum*. |
| kStatsReportTypeIceLocalCandidate, |
| kStatsReportTypeIceRemoteCandidate, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "googCertificate" contains an SSL certificate |
| // transmitted by one of the endpoints of this connection. The |id| is |
| // controlled by the fingerprint, and is used to identify the certificate in |
| // the Channel stats (as "googLocalCertificateId" or |
| // "googRemoteCertificateId") and in any child certificates (as |
| // "googIssuerId"). |
| kStatsReportTypeCertificate, |
| |
| // A StatsReport of |type| = "datachannel" with statistics for a |
| // particular DataChannel. |
| kStatsReportTypeDataChannel, |
| }; |
| |
| enum StatsValueName { |
| kStatsValueNameActiveConnection, |
| kStatsValueNameAecDivergentFilterFraction, |
| kStatsValueNameAudioInputLevel, |
| kStatsValueNameAudioOutputLevel, |
| kStatsValueNameBytesReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameBytesSent, |
| kStatsValueNameCodecImplementationName, |
| kStatsValueNameDataChannelId, |
| kStatsValueNameFramesEncoded, |
| kStatsValueNameMediaType, |
| kStatsValueNamePacketsLost, |
| kStatsValueNamePacketsReceived, |
| kStatsValueNamePacketsSent, |
| kStatsValueNameProtocol, |
| kStatsValueNameReceiving, |
| kStatsValueNameSelectedCandidatePairId, |
| kStatsValueNameSsrc, |
| kStatsValueNameState, |
| kStatsValueNameTransportId, |
| kStatsValueNameSentPingRequestsTotal, |
| kStatsValueNameSentPingRequestsBeforeFirstResponse, |
| kStatsValueNameSentPingResponses, |
| kStatsValueNameRecvPingRequests, |
| kStatsValueNameRecvPingResponses, |
| |
| // Internal StatsValue names. |
| kStatsValueNameAccelerateRate, |
| kStatsValueNameActualEncBitrate, |
| kStatsValueNameAdaptationChanges, |
| kStatsValueNameAvailableReceiveBandwidth, |
| kStatsValueNameAvailableSendBandwidth, |
| kStatsValueNameAvgEncodeMs, |
| kStatsValueNameBandwidthLimitedResolution, |
| kStatsValueNameBucketDelay, |
| kStatsValueNameCaptureStartNtpTimeMs, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidateIPAddress, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidateNetworkType, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidatePortNumber, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidatePriority, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidateTransportType, |
| kStatsValueNameCandidateType, |
| kStatsValueNameChannelId, |
| kStatsValueNameCodecName, |
| kStatsValueNameComponent, |
| kStatsValueNameContentName, |
| kStatsValueNameCpuLimitedResolution, |
| kStatsValueNameCurrentDelayMs, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodeMs, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingCNG, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingCTN, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingCTSG, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingMutedOutput, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingNormal, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingPLC, |
| kStatsValueNameDecodingPLCCNG, |
| kStatsValueNameDer, |
| kStatsValueNameDtlsCipher, |
| kStatsValueNameEchoCancellationQualityMin, |
| kStatsValueNameEchoDelayMedian, |
| kStatsValueNameEchoDelayStdDev, |
| kStatsValueNameEchoReturnLoss, |
| kStatsValueNameEchoReturnLossEnhancement, |
| kStatsValueNameEncodeUsagePercent, |
| kStatsValueNameExpandRate, |
| kStatsValueNameFingerprint, |
| kStatsValueNameFingerprintAlgorithm, |
| kStatsValueNameFirsReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameFirsSent, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameHeightInput, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameHeightReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameHeightSent, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameRateDecoded, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameRateInput, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameRateOutput, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameRateReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameRateSent, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameWidthInput, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameWidthReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameFrameWidthSent, |
| kStatsValueNameInitiator, |
| kStatsValueNameIssuerId, |
| kStatsValueNameJitterBufferMs, |
| kStatsValueNameJitterReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameLabel, |
| kStatsValueNameLocalAddress, |
| kStatsValueNameLocalCandidateId, |
| kStatsValueNameLocalCandidateType, |
| kStatsValueNameLocalCertificateId, |
| kStatsValueNameMaxDecodeMs, |
| kStatsValueNameMinPlayoutDelayMs, |
| kStatsValueNameNacksReceived, |
| kStatsValueNameNacksSent, |
| kStatsValueNamePlisReceived, |
| kStatsValueNamePlisSent, |
| kStatsValueNamePreemptiveExpandRate, |
| kStatsValueNamePreferredJitterBufferMs, |
| kStatsValueNameRemoteAddress, |
| kStatsValueNameRemoteCandidateId, |
| kStatsValueNameRemoteCandidateType, |
| kStatsValueNameRemoteCertificateId, |
| kStatsValueNameRenderDelayMs, |
| kStatsValueNameResidualEchoLikelihood, |
| kStatsValueNameRetransmitBitrate, |
| kStatsValueNameRtt, |
| kStatsValueNameSecondaryDecodedRate, |
| kStatsValueNameSendPacketsDiscarded, |
| kStatsValueNameSpeechExpandRate, |
| kStatsValueNameSrtpCipher, |
| kStatsValueNameTargetDelayMs, |
| kStatsValueNameTargetEncBitrate, |
| kStatsValueNameTrackId, |
| kStatsValueNameTransmitBitrate, |
| kStatsValueNameTransportType, |
| kStatsValueNameTypingNoiseState, |
| kStatsValueNameViewLimitedResolution, |
| kStatsValueNameWritable, |
| }; |
| |
| class IdBase : public rtc::RefCountInterface { |
| public: |
| ~IdBase() override; |
| StatsType type() const; |
| |
| // Users of IdBase will be using the Id typedef, which is compatible with |
| // this Equals() function. It simply calls the protected (and overridden) |
| // Equals() method. |
| bool Equals(const rtc::scoped_refptr<IdBase>& other) const { |
| return Equals(*other.get()); |
| } |
| |
| virtual std::string ToString() const = 0; |
| |
| protected: |
| // Protected since users of the IdBase type will be using the Id typedef. |
| virtual bool Equals(const IdBase& other) const; |
| |
| IdBase(StatsType type); // Only meant for derived classes. |
| const StatsType type_; |
| |
| static const char kSeparator = '_'; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef rtc::scoped_refptr<IdBase> Id; |
| |
| struct Value { |
| enum Type { |
| kInt, // int. |
| kInt64, // int64_t. |
| kFloat, // float. |
| kString, // std::string |
| kStaticString, // const char*. |
| kBool, // bool. |
| kId, // Id. |
| }; |
| |
| Value(StatsValueName name, int64_t value, Type int_type); |
| Value(StatsValueName name, float f); |
| Value(StatsValueName name, const std::string& value); |
| Value(StatsValueName name, const char* value); |
| Value(StatsValueName name, bool b); |
| Value(StatsValueName name, const Id& value); |
| |
| ~Value(); |
| |
| // TODO(tommi): This compares name as well as value... |
| // I think we should only need to compare the value part and |
| // move the name part into a hash map. |
| bool Equals(const Value& other) const; |
| |
| // Comparison operators. Return true iff the current instance is of the |
| // correct type and holds the same value. No conversion is performed so |
| // a string value of "123" is not equal to an int value of 123 and an int |
| // value of 123 is not equal to a float value of 123.0f. |
| // One exception to this is that types kInt and kInt64 can be compared and |
| // kString and kStaticString too. |
| bool operator==(const std::string& value) const; |
| bool operator==(const char* value) const; |
| bool operator==(int64_t value) const; |
| bool operator==(bool value) const; |
| bool operator==(float value) const; |
| bool operator==(const Id& value) const; |
| |
| // Getters that allow getting the native value directly. |
| // The caller must know the type beforehand or else hit a check. |
| int int_val() const; |
| int64_t int64_val() const; |
| float float_val() const; |
| const char* static_string_val() const; |
| const std::string& string_val() const; |
| bool bool_val() const; |
| const Id& id_val() const; |
| |
| // Returns the string representation of |name|. |
| const char* display_name() const; |
| |
| // Converts the native value to a string representation of the value. |
| std::string ToString() const; |
| |
| Type type() const { return type_; } |
| |
| // TODO(tommi): Move |name| and |display_name| out of the Value struct. |
| const StatsValueName name; |
| |
| private: |
| const Type type_; |
| // TODO(tommi): Use C++ 11 union and make value_ const. |
| union InternalType { |
| int int_; |
| int64_t int64_; |
| float float_; |
| bool bool_; |
| std::string* string_; |
| const char* static_string_; |
| Id* id_; |
| } value_; |
| |
| private: |
| }; |
| |
| // TODO(tommi): Consider using a similar approach to how we store Ids using |
| // scoped_refptr for values. |
| typedef rtc::linked_ptr<Value> ValuePtr; |
| typedef std::map<StatsValueName, ValuePtr> Values; |
| |
| // Ownership of |id| is passed to |this|. |
| explicit StatsReport(const Id& id); |
| |
| // Factory functions for various types of stats IDs. |
| static Id NewBandwidthEstimationId(); |
| static Id NewTypedId(StatsType type, const std::string& id); |
| static Id NewTypedIntId(StatsType type, int id); |
| static Id NewIdWithDirection( |
| StatsType type, const std::string& id, Direction direction); |
| static Id NewCandidateId(bool local, const std::string& id); |
| static Id NewComponentId( |
| const std::string& content_name, int component); |
| static Id NewCandidatePairId( |
| const std::string& content_name, int component, int index); |
| |
| const Id& id() const { return id_; } |
| StatsType type() const { return id_->type(); } |
| double timestamp() const { return timestamp_; } |
| void set_timestamp(double t) { timestamp_ = t; } |
| bool empty() const { return values_.empty(); } |
| const Values& values() const { return values_; } |
| |
| const char* TypeToString() const; |
| |
| void AddString(StatsValueName name, const std::string& value); |
| void AddString(StatsValueName name, const char* value); |
| void AddInt64(StatsValueName name, int64_t value); |
| void AddInt(StatsValueName name, int value); |
| void AddFloat(StatsValueName name, float value); |
| void AddBoolean(StatsValueName name, bool value); |
| void AddId(StatsValueName name, const Id& value); |
| |
| const Value* FindValue(StatsValueName name) const; |
| |
| private: |
| // The unique identifier for this object. |
| // This is used as a key for this report in ordered containers, |
| // so it must never be changed. |
| const Id id_; |
| double timestamp_; // Time since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z in milliseconds. |
| Values values_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| // Typedef for an array of const StatsReport pointers. |
| // Ownership of the pointers held by this implementation is assumed to lie |
| // elsewhere and lifetime guarantees are made by the implementation that uses |
| // this type. In the StatsCollector, object ownership lies with the |
| // StatsCollection class. |
| typedef std::vector<const StatsReport*> StatsReports; |
| |
| // A map from the report id to the report. |
| // This class wraps an STL container and provides a limited set of |
| // functionality in order to keep things simple. |
| class StatsCollection { |
| public: |
| StatsCollection(); |
| ~StatsCollection(); |
| |
| typedef std::list<StatsReport*> Container; |
| typedef Container::iterator iterator; |
| typedef Container::const_iterator const_iterator; |
| |
| const_iterator begin() const; |
| const_iterator end() const; |
| size_t size() const; |
| |
| // Creates a new report object with |id| that does not already |
| // exist in the list of reports. |
| StatsReport* InsertNew(const StatsReport::Id& id); |
| StatsReport* FindOrAddNew(const StatsReport::Id& id); |
| StatsReport* ReplaceOrAddNew(const StatsReport::Id& id); |
| |
| // Looks for a report with the given |id|. If one is not found, NULL |
| // will be returned. |
| StatsReport* Find(const StatsReport::Id& id); |
| |
| private: |
| Container list_; |
| rtc::ThreadChecker thread_checker_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace webrtc |
| |