blob: 2d592a5973ce129bd9a655b1f693b1e51ff6c099 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent;
import org.webrtc.DataChannel;
import org.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack;
import org.webrtc.RtpTransceiver;
* Java-land version of the PeerConnection APIs; wraps the C++ API
*, which in turn is inspired by the
* JS APIs: and
public class PeerConnection {
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState */
public enum IceGatheringState {
static IceGatheringState fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) {
return values()[nativeIndex];
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState */
public enum IceConnectionState {
static IceConnectionState fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) {
return values()[nativeIndex];
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState */
public enum PeerConnectionState {
static PeerConnectionState fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) {
return values()[nativeIndex];
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy */
public enum TlsCertPolicy {
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState */
public enum SignalingState {
static SignalingState fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) {
return values()[nativeIndex];
/** Java version of PeerConnectionObserver. */
public static interface Observer {
/** Triggered when the SignalingState changes. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onSignalingChange(SignalingState newState);
/** Triggered when the IceConnectionState changes. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceConnectionChange(IceConnectionState newState);
/* Triggered when the standard-compliant state transition of IceConnectionState happens. */
default void onStandardizedIceConnectionChange(IceConnectionState newState) {}
/** Triggered when the PeerConnectionState changes. */
default void onConnectionChange(PeerConnectionState newState) {}
/** Triggered when the ICE connection receiving status changes. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceConnectionReceivingChange(boolean receiving);
/** Triggered when the IceGatheringState changes. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceGatheringChange(IceGatheringState newState);
/** Triggered when a new ICE candidate has been found. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate);
/** Triggered when gathering of an ICE candidate failed. */
default @CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceCandidateError(IceCandidateErrorEvent event) {}
/** Triggered when some ICE candidates have been removed. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onIceCandidatesRemoved(IceCandidate[] candidates);
/** Triggered when the ICE candidate pair is changed. */
default void onSelectedCandidatePairChanged(CandidatePairChangeEvent event) {}
/** Triggered when media is received on a new stream from remote peer. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onAddStream(MediaStream stream);
/** Triggered when a remote peer close a stream. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onRemoveStream(MediaStream stream);
/** Triggered when a remote peer opens a DataChannel. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onDataChannel(DataChannel dataChannel);
/** Triggered when renegotiation is necessary. */
@CalledByNative("Observer") void onRenegotiationNeeded();
* Triggered when a new track is signaled by the remote peer, as a result of
* setRemoteDescription.
default void onAddTrack(RtpReceiver receiver, MediaStream[] mediaStreams){};
* Triggered when a previously added remote track is removed by the remote
* peer, as a result of setRemoteDescription.
@CalledByNative("Observer") default void onRemoveTrack(RtpReceiver receiver){};
* Triggered when the signaling from SetRemoteDescription indicates that a transceiver
* will be receiving media from a remote endpoint. This is only called if UNIFIED_PLAN
* semantics are specified. The transceiver will be disposed automatically.
@CalledByNative("Observer") default void onTrack(RtpTransceiver transceiver){};
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceServer. */
public static class IceServer {
// List of URIs associated with this server. Valid formats are described
// in RFC7064 and RFC7065, and more may be added in the future. The "host"
// part of the URI may contain either an IP address or a hostname.
@Deprecated public final String uri;
public final List<String> urls;
public final String username;
public final String password;
public final TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy;
// If the URIs in `urls` only contain IP addresses, this field can be used
// to indicate the hostname, which may be necessary for TLS (using the SNI
// extension). If `urls` itself contains the hostname, this isn't
// necessary.
public final String hostname;
// List of protocols to be used in the TLS ALPN extension.
public final List<String> tlsAlpnProtocols;
// List of elliptic curves to be used in the TLS elliptic curves extension.
// Only curve names supported by OpenSSL should be used (eg. "P-256","X25519").
public final List<String> tlsEllipticCurves;
/** Convenience constructor for STUN servers. */
public IceServer(String uri) {
this(uri, "", "");
public IceServer(String uri, String username, String password) {
this(uri, username, password, TlsCertPolicy.TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE);
public IceServer(String uri, String username, String password, TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy) {
this(uri, username, password, tlsCertPolicy, "");
public IceServer(String uri, String username, String password, TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy,
String hostname) {
this(uri, Collections.singletonList(uri), username, password, tlsCertPolicy, hostname, null,
private IceServer(String uri, List<String> urls, String username, String password,
TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy, String hostname, List<String> tlsAlpnProtocols,
List<String> tlsEllipticCurves) {
if (uri == null || urls == null || urls.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("uri == null || urls == null || urls.isEmpty()");
for (String it : urls) {
if (it == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("urls element is null: " + urls);
if (username == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("username == null");
if (password == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("password == null");
if (hostname == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostname == null");
this.uri = uri;
this.urls = urls;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.tlsCertPolicy = tlsCertPolicy;
this.hostname = hostname;
this.tlsAlpnProtocols = tlsAlpnProtocols;
this.tlsEllipticCurves = tlsEllipticCurves;
public String toString() {
return urls + " [" + username + ":" + password + "] [" + tlsCertPolicy + "] [" + hostname
+ "] [" + tlsAlpnProtocols + "] [" + tlsEllipticCurves + "]";
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof IceServer)) {
return false;
IceServer other = (IceServer) obj;
return (uri.equals(other.uri) && urls.equals(other.urls) && username.equals(other.username)
&& password.equals(other.password) && tlsCertPolicy.equals(other.tlsCertPolicy)
&& hostname.equals(other.hostname) && tlsAlpnProtocols.equals(other.tlsAlpnProtocols)
&& tlsEllipticCurves.equals(other.tlsEllipticCurves));
public int hashCode() {
Object[] values = {uri, urls, username, password, tlsCertPolicy, hostname, tlsAlpnProtocols,
return Arrays.hashCode(values);
public static Builder builder(String uri) {
return new Builder(Collections.singletonList(uri));
public static Builder builder(List<String> urls) {
return new Builder(urls);
public static class Builder {
@Nullable private final List<String> urls;
private String username = "";
private String password = "";
private TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy = TlsCertPolicy.TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE;
private String hostname = "";
private List<String> tlsAlpnProtocols;
private List<String> tlsEllipticCurves;
private Builder(List<String> urls) {
if (urls == null || urls.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("urls == null || urls.isEmpty(): " + urls);
this.urls = urls;
public Builder setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
return this;
public Builder setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
return this;
public Builder setTlsCertPolicy(TlsCertPolicy tlsCertPolicy) {
this.tlsCertPolicy = tlsCertPolicy;
return this;
public Builder setHostname(String hostname) {
this.hostname = hostname;
return this;
public Builder setTlsAlpnProtocols(List<String> tlsAlpnProtocols) {
this.tlsAlpnProtocols = tlsAlpnProtocols;
return this;
public Builder setTlsEllipticCurves(List<String> tlsEllipticCurves) {
this.tlsEllipticCurves = tlsEllipticCurves;
return this;
public IceServer createIceServer() {
return new IceServer(urls.get(0), urls, username, password, tlsCertPolicy, hostname,
tlsAlpnProtocols, tlsEllipticCurves);
List<String> getUrls() {
return urls;
String getUsername() {
return username;
String getPassword() {
return password;
TlsCertPolicy getTlsCertPolicy() {
return tlsCertPolicy;
String getHostname() {
return hostname;
List<String> getTlsAlpnProtocols() {
return tlsAlpnProtocols;
List<String> getTlsEllipticCurves() {
return tlsEllipticCurves;
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceTransportsType */
public enum IceTransportsType { NONE, RELAY, NOHOST, ALL }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.BundlePolicy */
public enum BundlePolicy { BALANCED, MAXBUNDLE, MAXCOMPAT }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RtcpMuxPolicy */
public enum RtcpMuxPolicy { NEGOTIATE, REQUIRE }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.TcpCandidatePolicy */
public enum TcpCandidatePolicy { ENABLED, DISABLED }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.CandidateNetworkPolicy */
public enum CandidateNetworkPolicy { ALL, LOW_COST }
// Keep in sync with webrtc/rtc_base/network_constants.h.
public enum AdapterType {
ETHERNET(1 << 0),
WIFI(1 << 1),
CELLULAR(1 << 2),
VPN(1 << 3),
LOOPBACK(1 << 4),
CELLULAR_2G(1 << 6),
CELLULAR_3G(1 << 7),
CELLULAR_4G(1 << 8),
CELLULAR_5G(1 << 9);
public final Integer bitMask;
private AdapterType(Integer bitMask) {
this.bitMask = bitMask;
private static final Map<Integer, AdapterType> BY_BITMASK = new HashMap<>();
static {
for (AdapterType t : values()) {
BY_BITMASK.put(t.bitMask, t);
static AdapterType fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) {
return BY_BITMASK.get(nativeIndex);
/** Java version of rtc::KeyType */
public enum KeyType { RSA, ECDSA }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.ContinualGatheringPolicy */
public enum ContinualGatheringPolicy { GATHER_ONCE, GATHER_CONTINUALLY }
/** Java version of webrtc::PortPrunePolicy */
public enum PortPrunePolicy {
NO_PRUNE, // Do not prune turn port.
PRUNE_BASED_ON_PRIORITY, // Prune turn port based the priority on the same network
KEEP_FIRST_READY // Keep the first ready port and prune the rest on the same network.
* Java version of webrtc::SdpSemantics.
* Configure the SDP semantics used by this PeerConnection. By default, this
* is UNIFIED_PLAN which is compliant to the WebRTC 1.0 specification. It is
* possible to overrwite this to the deprecated PLAN_B SDP format, but note
* that PLAN_B will be deleted at some future date, see
* UNIFIED_PLAN will cause PeerConnection to create offers and answers with
* multiple m= sections where each m= section maps to one RtpSender and one
* RtpReceiver (an RtpTransceiver), either both audio or both video. This
* will also cause PeerConnection to ignore all but the first a=ssrc lines
* that form a Plan B stream.
* PLAN_B will cause PeerConnection to create offers and answers with at most
* one audio and one video m= section with multiple RtpSenders and
* RtpReceivers specified as multiple a=ssrc lines within the section. This
* will also cause PeerConnection to ignore all but the first m= section of
* the same media type.
public enum SdpSemantics {
// TODO( Remove support for PLAN_B.
@Deprecated PLAN_B,
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RTCConfiguration */
// TODO(qingsi): Resolve the naming inconsistency of fields with/without units.
public static class RTCConfiguration {
public IceTransportsType iceTransportsType;
public List<IceServer> iceServers;
public BundlePolicy bundlePolicy;
@Nullable public RtcCertificatePem certificate;
public RtcpMuxPolicy rtcpMuxPolicy;
public TcpCandidatePolicy tcpCandidatePolicy;
public CandidateNetworkPolicy candidateNetworkPolicy;
public int audioJitterBufferMaxPackets;
public boolean audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate;
public int iceConnectionReceivingTimeout;
public int iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval;
public KeyType keyType;
public ContinualGatheringPolicy continualGatheringPolicy;
public int iceCandidatePoolSize;
@Deprecated // by the turnPortPrunePolicy. See
public boolean pruneTurnPorts;
public PortPrunePolicy turnPortPrunePolicy;
public boolean presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed;
public boolean surfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged;
// The following fields define intervals in milliseconds at which ICE
// connectivity checks are sent.
// We consider ICE is "strongly connected" for an agent when there is at
// least one candidate pair that currently succeeds in connectivity check
// from its direction i.e. sending a ping and receives a ping response, AND
// all candidate pairs have sent a minimum number of pings for connectivity
// (this number is implementation-specific). Otherwise, ICE is considered in
// "weak connectivity".
// Note that the above notion of strong and weak connectivity is not defined
// in RFC 5245, and they apply to our current ICE implementation only.
// 1) iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs defines the interval applied to
// ALL candidate pairs when ICE is strongly connected,
// 2) iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs defines the counterpart for ALL
// pairs when ICE is weakly connected, and
// 3) iceCheckMinInterval defines the minimal interval (equivalently the
// maximum rate) that overrides the above two intervals when either of them
// is less.
@Nullable public Integer iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs;
@Nullable public Integer iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs;
@Nullable public Integer iceCheckMinInterval;
// The time period in milliseconds for which a candidate pair must wait for response to
// connectivitiy checks before it becomes unwritable.
@Nullable public Integer iceUnwritableTimeMs;
// The minimum number of connectivity checks that a candidate pair must sent without receiving
// response before it becomes unwritable.
@Nullable public Integer iceUnwritableMinChecks;
// The interval in milliseconds at which STUN candidates will resend STUN binding requests
// to keep NAT bindings open.
// The default value in the implementation is used if this field is null.
@Nullable public Integer stunCandidateKeepaliveIntervalMs;
// The interval in milliseconds of pings sent when the connection is stable and writable.
// The default value in the implementation is used if this field is null.
@Nullable public Integer stableWritableConnectionPingIntervalMs;
public boolean disableIPv6OnWifi;
// By default, PeerConnection will use a limited number of IPv6 network
// interfaces, in order to avoid too many ICE candidate pairs being created
// and delaying ICE completion.
// Can be set to Integer.MAX_VALUE to effectively disable the limit.
public int maxIPv6Networks;
// These values will be overridden by MediaStream constraints if deprecated constraints-based
// create peerconnection interface is used.
public boolean disableIpv6;
public boolean enableDscp;
public boolean enableCpuOveruseDetection;
public boolean suspendBelowMinBitrate;
@Nullable public Integer screencastMinBitrate;
@Nullable public Boolean combinedAudioVideoBwe;
// Use "Unknown" to represent no preference of adapter types, not the
// preference of adapters of unknown types.
public AdapterType networkPreference;
public SdpSemantics sdpSemantics;
// This is an optional wrapper for the C++ webrtc::TurnCustomizer.
@Nullable public TurnCustomizer turnCustomizer;
// Actively reset the SRTP parameters whenever the DTLS transports underneath are reset for
// every offer/answer negotiation.This is only intended to be a workaround for
public boolean activeResetSrtpParams;
// Whether this client is allowed to switch encoding codec mid-stream. This is a workaround for
// a WebRTC bug where the receiver could get confussed if a codec switch happened mid-call.
// Null indicates no change to currently configured value.
@Nullable public Boolean allowCodecSwitching;
* Defines advanced optional cryptographic settings related to SRTP and
* frame encryption for native WebRTC. Setting this will overwrite any
* options set through the PeerConnectionFactory (which is deprecated).
@Nullable public CryptoOptions cryptoOptions;
* An optional string that if set will be attached to the
* TURN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST which can be used to correlate client
* logs with backend logs
@Nullable public String turnLoggingId;
* Allow implicit rollback of local description when remote description
* conflicts with local description.
* See:
public boolean enableImplicitRollback;
* Control if "a=extmap-allow-mixed" is included in the offer.
* See:
public boolean offerExtmapAllowMixed;
// TODO(deadbeef): Instead of duplicating the defaults here, we should do
// something to pick up the defaults from C++. The Objective-C equivalent
// of RTCConfiguration does that.
public RTCConfiguration(List<IceServer> iceServers) {
iceTransportsType = IceTransportsType.ALL;
bundlePolicy = BundlePolicy.BALANCED;
rtcpMuxPolicy = RtcpMuxPolicy.REQUIRE;
tcpCandidatePolicy = TcpCandidatePolicy.ENABLED;
candidateNetworkPolicy = CandidateNetworkPolicy.ALL;
this.iceServers = iceServers;
audioJitterBufferMaxPackets = 50;
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate = false;
iceConnectionReceivingTimeout = -1;
iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval = -1;
keyType = KeyType.ECDSA;
continualGatheringPolicy = ContinualGatheringPolicy.GATHER_ONCE;
iceCandidatePoolSize = 0;
pruneTurnPorts = false;
turnPortPrunePolicy = PortPrunePolicy.NO_PRUNE;
presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed = false;
surfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged = false;
iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs = null;
iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs = null;
iceCheckMinInterval = null;
iceUnwritableTimeMs = null;
iceUnwritableMinChecks = null;
stunCandidateKeepaliveIntervalMs = null;
stableWritableConnectionPingIntervalMs = null;
disableIPv6OnWifi = false;
maxIPv6Networks = 5;
disableIpv6 = false;
enableDscp = false;
enableCpuOveruseDetection = true;
suspendBelowMinBitrate = false;
screencastMinBitrate = null;
combinedAudioVideoBwe = null;
networkPreference = AdapterType.UNKNOWN;
sdpSemantics = SdpSemantics.UNIFIED_PLAN;
activeResetSrtpParams = false;
cryptoOptions = null;
turnLoggingId = null;
allowCodecSwitching = null;
enableImplicitRollback = false;
offerExtmapAllowMixed = true;
IceTransportsType getIceTransportsType() {
return iceTransportsType;
List<IceServer> getIceServers() {
return iceServers;
BundlePolicy getBundlePolicy() {
return bundlePolicy;
PortPrunePolicy getTurnPortPrunePolicy() {
return turnPortPrunePolicy;
RtcCertificatePem getCertificate() {
return certificate;
RtcpMuxPolicy getRtcpMuxPolicy() {
return rtcpMuxPolicy;
TcpCandidatePolicy getTcpCandidatePolicy() {
return tcpCandidatePolicy;
CandidateNetworkPolicy getCandidateNetworkPolicy() {
return candidateNetworkPolicy;
int getAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets() {
return audioJitterBufferMaxPackets;
boolean getAudioJitterBufferFastAccelerate() {
return audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate;
int getIceConnectionReceivingTimeout() {
return iceConnectionReceivingTimeout;
int getIceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval() {
return iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval;
KeyType getKeyType() {
return keyType;
ContinualGatheringPolicy getContinualGatheringPolicy() {
return continualGatheringPolicy;
int getIceCandidatePoolSize() {
return iceCandidatePoolSize;
boolean getPruneTurnPorts() {
return pruneTurnPorts;
boolean getPresumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed() {
return presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed;
boolean getSurfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged() {
return surfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged;
Integer getIceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivity() {
return iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs;
Integer getIceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivity() {
return iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs;
Integer getIceCheckMinInterval() {
return iceCheckMinInterval;
Integer getIceUnwritableTimeout() {
return iceUnwritableTimeMs;
Integer getIceUnwritableMinChecks() {
return iceUnwritableMinChecks;
Integer getStunCandidateKeepaliveInterval() {
return stunCandidateKeepaliveIntervalMs;
Integer getStableWritableConnectionPingIntervalMs() {
return stableWritableConnectionPingIntervalMs;
boolean getDisableIPv6OnWifi() {
return disableIPv6OnWifi;
int getMaxIPv6Networks() {
return maxIPv6Networks;
TurnCustomizer getTurnCustomizer() {
return turnCustomizer;
boolean getDisableIpv6() {
return disableIpv6;
boolean getEnableDscp() {
return enableDscp;
boolean getEnableCpuOveruseDetection() {
return enableCpuOveruseDetection;
boolean getSuspendBelowMinBitrate() {
return suspendBelowMinBitrate;
Integer getScreencastMinBitrate() {
return screencastMinBitrate;
Boolean getCombinedAudioVideoBwe() {
return combinedAudioVideoBwe;
AdapterType getNetworkPreference() {
return networkPreference;
SdpSemantics getSdpSemantics() {
return sdpSemantics;
boolean getActiveResetSrtpParams() {
return activeResetSrtpParams;
Boolean getAllowCodecSwitching() {
return allowCodecSwitching;
CryptoOptions getCryptoOptions() {
return cryptoOptions;
String getTurnLoggingId() {
return turnLoggingId;
boolean getEnableImplicitRollback() {
return enableImplicitRollback;
boolean getOfferExtmapAllowMixed() {
return offerExtmapAllowMixed;
private final List<MediaStream> localStreams = new ArrayList<>();
private final long nativePeerConnection;
private List<RtpSender> senders = new ArrayList<>();
private List<RtpReceiver> receivers = new ArrayList<>();
private List<RtpTransceiver> transceivers = new ArrayList<>();
* Wraps a PeerConnection created by the factory. Can be used by clients that want to implement
* their PeerConnection creation in JNI.
public PeerConnection(NativePeerConnectionFactory factory) {
PeerConnection(long nativePeerConnection) {
this.nativePeerConnection = nativePeerConnection;
// JsepInterface.
public SessionDescription getLocalDescription() {
return nativeGetLocalDescription();
public SessionDescription getRemoteDescription() {
return nativeGetRemoteDescription();
public RtcCertificatePem getCertificate() {
return nativeGetCertificate();
public DataChannel createDataChannel(String label, DataChannel.Init init) {
return nativeCreateDataChannel(label, init);
public void createOffer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints) {
nativeCreateOffer(observer, constraints);
public void createAnswer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints) {
nativeCreateAnswer(observer, constraints);
public void setLocalDescription(SdpObserver observer) {
public void setLocalDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp) {
nativeSetLocalDescription(observer, sdp);
public void setRemoteDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp) {
nativeSetRemoteDescription(observer, sdp);
* Tells the PeerConnection that ICE should be restarted.
public void restartIce() {
* Enables/disables playout of received audio streams. Enabled by default.
* Note that even if playout is enabled, streams will only be played out if
* the appropriate SDP is also applied. The main purpose of this API is to
* be able to control the exact time when audio playout starts.
public void setAudioPlayout(boolean playout) {
* Enables/disables recording of transmitted audio streams. Enabled by default.
* Note that even if recording is enabled, streams will only be recorded if
* the appropriate SDP is also applied. The main purpose of this API is to
* be able to control the exact time when audio recording starts.
public void setAudioRecording(boolean recording) {
public boolean setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration config) {
return nativeSetConfiguration(config);
public boolean addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) {
return nativeAddIceCandidate(candidate.sdpMid, candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate.sdp);
public void addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate, AddIceObserver observer) {
candidate.sdpMid, candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate.sdp, observer);
public boolean removeIceCandidates(final IceCandidate[] candidates) {
return nativeRemoveIceCandidates(candidates);
* Adds a new MediaStream to be sent on this peer connection.
* Note: This method is not supported with SdpSemantics.UNIFIED_PLAN. Please
* use addTrack instead.
public boolean addStream(MediaStream stream) {
boolean ret = nativeAddLocalStream(stream.getNativeMediaStream());
if (!ret) {
return false;
return true;
* Removes the given media stream from this peer connection.
* This method is not supported with SdpSemantics.UNIFIED_PLAN. Please use
* removeTrack instead.
public void removeStream(MediaStream stream) {
* Creates an RtpSender without a track.
* <p>This method allows an application to cause the PeerConnection to negotiate
* sending/receiving a specific media type, but without having a track to
* send yet.
* <p>When the application does want to begin sending a track, it can call
* RtpSender.setTrack, which doesn't require any additional SDP negotiation.
* <p>Example use:
* <pre>
* {@code
* audioSender = pc.createSender("audio", "stream1");
* videoSender = pc.createSender("video", "stream1");
* // Do normal SDP offer/answer, which will kick off ICE/DTLS and negotiate
* // media parameters....
* // Later, when the endpoint is ready to actually begin sending:
* audioSender.setTrack(audioTrack, false);
* videoSender.setTrack(videoTrack, false);
* }
* </pre>
* <p>Note: This corresponds most closely to "addTransceiver" in the official
* WebRTC API, in that it creates a sender without a track. It was
* implemented before addTransceiver because it provides useful
* functionality, and properly implementing transceivers would have required
* a great deal more work.
* <p>Note: This is only available with SdpSemantics.PLAN_B specified. Please use
* addTransceiver instead.
* @param kind Corresponds to MediaStreamTrack kinds (must be "audio" or
* "video").
* @param stream_id The ID of the MediaStream that this sender's track will
* be associated with when SDP is applied to the remote
* PeerConnection. If createSender is used to create an
* audio and video sender that should be synchronized, they
* should use the same stream ID.
* @return A new RtpSender object if successful, or null otherwise.
public RtpSender createSender(String kind, String stream_id) {
RtpSender newSender = nativeCreateSender(kind, stream_id);
if (newSender != null) {
return newSender;
* Gets all RtpSenders associated with this peer connection.
* Note that calling getSenders will dispose of the senders previously
* returned.
public List<RtpSender> getSenders() {
for (RtpSender sender : senders) {
senders = nativeGetSenders();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(senders);
* Gets all RtpReceivers associated with this peer connection.
* Note that calling getReceivers will dispose of the receivers previously
* returned.
public List<RtpReceiver> getReceivers() {
for (RtpReceiver receiver : receivers) {
receivers = nativeGetReceivers();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(receivers);
* Gets all RtpTransceivers associated with this peer connection.
* Note that calling getTransceivers will dispose of the transceivers previously
* returned.
* Note: This is only available with SdpSemantics.UNIFIED_PLAN specified.
public List<RtpTransceiver> getTransceivers() {
for (RtpTransceiver transceiver : transceivers) {
transceivers = nativeGetTransceivers();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(transceivers);
* Adds a new media stream track to be sent on this peer connection, and returns
* the newly created RtpSender. If streamIds are specified, the RtpSender will
* be associated with the streams specified in the streamIds list.
* @throws IllegalStateException if an error accors in C++ addTrack.
* An error can occur if:
* - A sender already exists for the track.
* - The peer connection is closed.
public RtpSender addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track) {
return addTrack(track, Collections.emptyList());
public RtpSender addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track, List<String> streamIds) {
if (track == null || streamIds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No MediaStreamTrack specified in addTrack.");
RtpSender newSender = nativeAddTrack(track.getNativeMediaStreamTrack(), streamIds);
if (newSender == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("C++ addTrack failed.");
return newSender;
* Stops sending media from sender. The sender will still appear in getSenders. Future
* calls to createOffer will mark the m section for the corresponding transceiver as
* receive only or inactive, as defined in JSEP. Returns true on success.
public boolean removeTrack(RtpSender sender) {
if (sender == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No RtpSender specified for removeTrack.");
return nativeRemoveTrack(sender.getNativeRtpSender());
* Creates a new RtpTransceiver and adds it to the set of transceivers. Adding a
* transceiver will cause future calls to CreateOffer to add a media description
* for the corresponding transceiver.
* <p>The initial value of `mid` in the returned transceiver is null. Setting a
* new session description may change it to a non-null value.
* <p>
* <p>If a MediaStreamTrack is specified then a transceiver will be added with a
* sender set to transmit the given track. The kind
* of the transceiver (and sender/receiver) will be derived from the kind of
* the track.
* <p>If MediaType is specified then a transceiver will be added based upon that type.
* This can be either MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO or MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO.
* <p>Optionally, an RtpTransceiverInit structure can be specified to configure
* the transceiver from construction. If not specified, the transceiver will
* default to having a direction of kSendRecv and not be part of any streams.
* <p>Note: These methods are only available with SdpSemantics.UNIFIED_PLAN specified.
* @throws IllegalStateException if an error accors in C++ addTransceiver
public RtpTransceiver addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack track) {
return addTransceiver(track, new RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit());
public RtpTransceiver addTransceiver(
MediaStreamTrack track, @Nullable RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit init) {
if (track == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No MediaStreamTrack specified for addTransceiver.");
if (init == null) {
init = new RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit();
RtpTransceiver newTransceiver =
nativeAddTransceiverWithTrack(track.getNativeMediaStreamTrack(), init);
if (newTransceiver == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("C++ addTransceiver failed.");
return newTransceiver;
public RtpTransceiver addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType mediaType) {
return addTransceiver(mediaType, new RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit());
public RtpTransceiver addTransceiver(
MediaStreamTrack.MediaType mediaType, @Nullable RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit init) {
if (mediaType == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No MediaType specified for addTransceiver.");
if (init == null) {
init = new RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit();
RtpTransceiver newTransceiver = nativeAddTransceiverOfType(mediaType, init);
if (newTransceiver == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("C++ addTransceiver failed.");
return newTransceiver;
// Older, non-standard implementation of getStats.
public boolean getStats(StatsObserver observer, @Nullable MediaStreamTrack track) {
return nativeOldGetStats(observer, (track == null) ? 0 : track.getNativeMediaStreamTrack());
* Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/. These
* will replace old stats collection API when the new API has matured enough.
public void getStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback) {
* Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/. These
* will replace old stats collection API when the new API has matured enough.
public void getStats(RtpSender sender, RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback) {
nativeNewGetStatsSender(sender.getNativeRtpSender(), callback);
* Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/. These
* will replace old stats collection API when the new API has matured enough.
public void getStats(RtpReceiver receiver, RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback) {
nativeNewGetStatsReceiver(receiver.getNativeRtpReceiver(), callback);
* Limits the bandwidth allocated for all RTP streams sent by this
* PeerConnection. Pass null to leave a value unchanged.
public boolean setBitrate(Integer min, Integer current, Integer max) {
return nativeSetBitrate(min, current, max);
* Starts recording an RTC event log.
* Ownership of the file is transfered to the native code. If an RTC event
* log is already being recorded, it will be stopped and a new one will start
* using the provided file. Logging will continue until the stopRtcEventLog
* function is called. The max_size_bytes argument is ignored, it is added
* for future use.
public boolean startRtcEventLog(int file_descriptor, int max_size_bytes) {
return nativeStartRtcEventLog(file_descriptor, max_size_bytes);
* Stops recording an RTC event log. If no RTC event log is currently being
* recorded, this call will have no effect.
public void stopRtcEventLog() {
// TODO(fischman): add support for DTMF-related methods once that API
// stabilizes.
public SignalingState signalingState() {
return nativeSignalingState();
public IceConnectionState iceConnectionState() {
return nativeIceConnectionState();
public PeerConnectionState connectionState() {
return nativeConnectionState();
public IceGatheringState iceGatheringState() {
return nativeIceGatheringState();
public void close() {
* Free native resources associated with this PeerConnection instance.
* This method removes a reference count from the C++ PeerConnection object,
* which should result in it being destroyed. It also calls equivalent
* "dispose" methods on the Java objects attached to this PeerConnection
* (streams, senders, receivers), such that their associated C++ objects
* will also be destroyed.
* <p>Note that this method cannot be safely called from an observer callback
* (PeerConnection.Observer, DataChannel.Observer, etc.). If you want to, for
* example, destroy the PeerConnection after an "ICE failed" callback, you
* must do this asynchronously (in other words, unwind the stack first). See
* <a href="">bug
* 3721</a> for more details.
public void dispose() {
for (MediaStream stream : localStreams) {
for (RtpSender sender : senders) {
for (RtpReceiver receiver : receivers) {
for (RtpTransceiver transceiver : transceivers) {
/** Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface. */
public long getNativePeerConnection() {
return nativeGetNativePeerConnection();
long getNativeOwnedPeerConnection() {
return nativePeerConnection;
public static long createNativePeerConnectionObserver(Observer observer) {
return nativeCreatePeerConnectionObserver(observer);
private native long nativeGetNativePeerConnection();
private native SessionDescription nativeGetLocalDescription();
private native SessionDescription nativeGetRemoteDescription();
private native RtcCertificatePem nativeGetCertificate();
private native DataChannel nativeCreateDataChannel(String label, DataChannel.Init init);
private native void nativeCreateOffer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints);
private native void nativeCreateAnswer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints);
private native void nativeSetLocalDescriptionAutomatically(SdpObserver observer);
private native void nativeSetLocalDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp);
private native void nativeSetRemoteDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp);
private native void nativeRestartIce();
private native void nativeSetAudioPlayout(boolean playout);
private native void nativeSetAudioRecording(boolean recording);
private native boolean nativeSetBitrate(Integer min, Integer current, Integer max);
private native SignalingState nativeSignalingState();
private native IceConnectionState nativeIceConnectionState();
private native PeerConnectionState nativeConnectionState();
private native IceGatheringState nativeIceGatheringState();
private native void nativeClose();
private static native long nativeCreatePeerConnectionObserver(Observer observer);
private static native void nativeFreeOwnedPeerConnection(long ownedPeerConnection);
private native boolean nativeSetConfiguration(RTCConfiguration config);
private native boolean nativeAddIceCandidate(
String sdpMid, int sdpMLineIndex, String iceCandidateSdp);
private native void nativeAddIceCandidateWithObserver(
String sdpMid, int sdpMLineIndex, String iceCandidateSdp, AddIceObserver observer);
private native boolean nativeRemoveIceCandidates(final IceCandidate[] candidates);
private native boolean nativeAddLocalStream(long stream);
private native void nativeRemoveLocalStream(long stream);
private native boolean nativeOldGetStats(StatsObserver observer, long nativeTrack);
private native void nativeNewGetStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback);
private native void nativeNewGetStatsSender(long sender, RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback);
private native void nativeNewGetStatsReceiver(long receiver, RTCStatsCollectorCallback callback);
private native RtpSender nativeCreateSender(String kind, String stream_id);
private native List<RtpSender> nativeGetSenders();
private native List<RtpReceiver> nativeGetReceivers();
private native List<RtpTransceiver> nativeGetTransceivers();
private native RtpSender nativeAddTrack(long track, List<String> streamIds);
private native boolean nativeRemoveTrack(long sender);
private native RtpTransceiver nativeAddTransceiverWithTrack(
long track, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit init);
private native RtpTransceiver nativeAddTransceiverOfType(
MediaStreamTrack.MediaType mediaType, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit init);
private native boolean nativeStartRtcEventLog(int file_descriptor, int max_size_bytes);
private native void nativeStopRtcEventLog();