blob: c8984b841e04c2933db8bc86aa74f7269ad63cbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "net/dcsctp/tx/stream_scheduler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/packet/data.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/dcsctp_message.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/dcsctp_socket.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/types.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/tx/send_queue.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/strings/str_join.h"
namespace dcsctp {
void StreamScheduler::Stream::SetPriority(StreamPriority priority) {
priority_ = priority;
inverse_weight_ = InverseWeight(priority);
std::optional<SendQueue::DataToSend> StreamScheduler::Produce(
webrtc::Timestamp now,
size_t max_size) {
// For non-interleaved streams, avoid rescheduling while still sending a
// message as it needs to be sent in full. For interleaved messaging,
// reschedule for every I-DATA chunk sent.
bool rescheduling =
enable_message_interleaving_ || !currently_sending_a_message_;
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << log_prefix_
<< "Producing data, rescheduling=" << rescheduling
<< ", active="
<< StrJoin(active_streams_, ", ",
[&](rtc::StringBuilder& sb, const auto& p) {
sb << *p->stream_id() << "@"
<< *p->next_finish_time();
RTC_DCHECK(rescheduling || current_stream_ != nullptr);
std::optional<SendQueue::DataToSend> data;
while (!data.has_value() && !active_streams_.empty()) {
if (rescheduling) {
auto it = active_streams_.begin();
current_stream_ = *it;
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << log_prefix_ << "Rescheduling to stream "
<< *current_stream_->stream_id();
} else {
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << log_prefix_ << "Producing from previous stream: "
<< *current_stream_->stream_id();
RTC_DCHECK(absl::c_any_of(active_streams_, [this](const auto* p) {
return p == current_stream_;
data = current_stream_->Produce(now, max_size);
if (!data.has_value()) {
<< log_prefix_
<< "There is no stream with data; Can't produce any data.";
return std::nullopt;
RTC_DCHECK(data->data.stream_id == current_stream_->stream_id());
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << log_prefix_ << "Producing DATA, type="
<< (data->data.is_unordered ? "unordered" : "ordered")
<< "::"
<< (*data->data.is_beginning && *data->data.is_end
? "complete"
: *data->data.is_beginning ? "first"
: *data->data.is_end ? "last"
: "middle")
<< ", stream_id=" << *current_stream_->stream_id()
<< ", ppid=" << *data->data.ppid
<< ", length=" << data->data.payload.size();
currently_sending_a_message_ = !*data->data.is_end;
virtual_time_ = current_stream_->current_time();
// One side-effect of rescheduling is that the new stream will not be present
// in `active_streams`.
size_t bytes_to_send_next = current_stream_->bytes_to_send_in_next_message();
if (rescheduling && bytes_to_send_next > 0) {
} else if (!rescheduling && bytes_to_send_next == 0) {
return data;
StreamScheduler::VirtualTime StreamScheduler::Stream::CalculateFinishTime(
size_t bytes_to_send_next) const {
if (parent_.enable_message_interleaving_) {
// Perform weighted fair queuing scheduling.
return VirtualTime(*current_virtual_time_ +
bytes_to_send_next * *inverse_weight_);
// Perform round-robin scheduling by letting the stream have its next virtual
// finish time in the future. It doesn't matter how far into the future, just
// any positive number so that any other stream that has the same virtual
// finish time as this stream gets to produce their data before revisiting
// this stream.
return VirtualTime(*current_virtual_time_ + 1);
std::optional<SendQueue::DataToSend> StreamScheduler::Stream::Produce(
webrtc::Timestamp now,
size_t max_size) {
std::optional<SendQueue::DataToSend> data = producer_.Produce(now, max_size);
if (data.has_value()) {
VirtualTime new_current = CalculateFinishTime(data->data.payload.size());
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << parent_.log_prefix_
<< "Virtual time changed: " << *current_virtual_time_
<< " -> " << *new_current;
current_virtual_time_ = new_current;
return data;
bool StreamScheduler::IsConsistent() const {
for (Stream* stream : active_streams_) {
if (stream->next_finish_time_ == VirtualTime::Zero()) {
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << log_prefix_ << "Stream " << *stream->stream_id()
<< " is active, but has no next-finish-time";
return false;
return true;
void StreamScheduler::Stream::MaybeMakeActive() {
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << parent_.log_prefix_ << "MaybeMakeActive("
<< *stream_id() << ")";
RTC_DCHECK(next_finish_time_ == VirtualTime::Zero());
size_t bytes_to_send_next = bytes_to_send_in_next_message();
if (bytes_to_send_next == 0) {
void StreamScheduler::Stream::MakeActive(size_t bytes_to_send_next) {
current_virtual_time_ = parent_.virtual_time_;
RTC_DCHECK_GT(bytes_to_send_next, 0);
VirtualTime next_finish_time = CalculateFinishTime(
std::min(bytes_to_send_next, parent_.max_payload_bytes_));
RTC_DCHECK_GT(*next_finish_time, 0);
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << parent_.log_prefix_ << "Making stream "
<< *stream_id() << " active, expiring at "
<< *next_finish_time;
RTC_DCHECK(next_finish_time_ == VirtualTime::Zero());
next_finish_time_ = next_finish_time;
[this](const auto* p) { return p == this; }));
void StreamScheduler::Stream::ForceMarkInactive() {
RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << parent_.log_prefix_ << "Making stream "
<< *stream_id() << " inactive";
RTC_DCHECK(next_finish_time_ != VirtualTime::Zero());
next_finish_time_ = VirtualTime::Zero();
void StreamScheduler::Stream::MakeInactive() {
[&](const auto* s) { return s == this; });
std::set<StreamID> StreamScheduler::ActiveStreamsForTesting() const {
std::set<StreamID> stream_ids;
for (const auto& stream : active_streams_) {
return stream_ids;
} // namespace dcsctp