| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "api/async_resolver_factory.h" |
| #include "api/audio/audio_mixer.h" |
| #include "api/call/call_factory_interface.h" |
| #include "api/fec_controller.h" |
| #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log_factory_interface.h" |
| #include "api/task_queue/task_queue_factory.h" |
| #include "api/test/create_peer_connection_quality_test_frame_generator.h" |
| #include "api/test/pclf/media_configuration.h" |
| #include "api/test/pclf/media_quality_test_params.h" |
| #include "api/test/peer_network_dependencies.h" |
| #include "api/transport/network_control.h" |
| #include "api/video_codecs/video_decoder_factory.h" |
| #include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder_factory.h" |
| #include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/network.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/rtc_certificate_generator.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/ssl_certificate.h" |
| #include "rtc_base/thread.h" |
| |
| namespace webrtc { |
| namespace webrtc_pc_e2e { |
| |
| // This class is used to fully configure one peer inside a call. |
| class PeerConfigurer { |
| public: |
| using VideoSource = |
| absl::variant<std::unique_ptr<test::FrameGeneratorInterface>, |
| CapturingDeviceIndex>; |
| |
| explicit PeerConfigurer(const PeerNetworkDependencies& network_dependencies); |
| |
| // Sets peer name that will be used to report metrics related to this peer. |
| // If not set, some default name will be assigned. All names have to be |
| // unique. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetName(absl::string_view name); |
| |
| // The parameters of the following 9 methods will be passed to the |
| // PeerConnectionFactoryInterface implementation that will be created for |
| // this peer. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetTaskQueueFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<TaskQueueFactory> task_queue_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetCallFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<CallFactoryInterface> call_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetEventLogFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogFactoryInterface> event_log_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetFecControllerFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<FecControllerFactoryInterface> fec_controller_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetNetworkControllerFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<NetworkControllerFactoryInterface> |
| network_controller_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetVideoEncoderFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoderFactory> video_encoder_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetVideoDecoderFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoderFactory> video_decoder_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAudioEncoderFactory( |
| rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory> audio_encoder_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAudioDecoderFactory( |
| rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory> audio_decoder_factory); |
| // Set a custom NetEqFactory to be used in the call. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetNetEqFactory(std::unique_ptr<NetEqFactory> neteq_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAudioProcessing( |
| rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioProcessing> audio_processing); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAudioMixer( |
| rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioMixer> audio_mixer); |
| |
| // Forces the Peerconnection to use the network thread as the worker thread. |
| // Ie, worker thread and the network thread is the same thread. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetUseNetworkThreadAsWorkerThread(); |
| |
| // The parameters of the following 4 methods will be passed to the |
| // PeerConnectionInterface implementation that will be created for this |
| // peer. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAsyncResolverFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<webrtc::AsyncResolverFactory> async_resolver_factory); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetRTCCertificateGenerator( |
| std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetSSLCertificateVerifier( |
| std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificateVerifier> tls_cert_verifier); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetIceTransportFactory( |
| std::unique_ptr<IceTransportFactory> factory); |
| // Flags to set on `cricket::PortAllocator`. These flags will be added |
| // to the default ones that are presented on the port allocator. |
| // For possible values check p2p/base/port_allocator.h. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetPortAllocatorExtraFlags(uint32_t extra_flags); |
| |
| // Add new video stream to the call that will be sent from this peer. |
| // Default implementation of video frames generator will be used. |
| PeerConfigurer* AddVideoConfig(VideoConfig config); |
| // Add new video stream to the call that will be sent from this peer with |
| // provided own implementation of video frames generator. |
| PeerConfigurer* AddVideoConfig( |
| VideoConfig config, |
| std::unique_ptr<test::FrameGeneratorInterface> generator); |
| // Add new video stream to the call that will be sent from this peer. |
| // Capturing device with specified index will be used to get input video. |
| PeerConfigurer* AddVideoConfig(VideoConfig config, |
| CapturingDeviceIndex capturing_device_index); |
| // Sets video subscription for the peer. By default subscription will |
| // include all streams with `VideoSubscription::kSameAsSendStream` |
| // resolution. To this behavior use this method. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetVideoSubscription(VideoSubscription subscription); |
| // Sets the list of video codecs used by the peer during the test. These |
| // codecs will be negotiated in SDP during offer/answer exchange. The order |
| // of these codecs during negotiation will be the same as in `video_codecs`. |
| // Codecs have to be available in codecs list provided by peer connection to |
| // be negotiated. If some of specified codecs won't be found, the test will |
| // crash. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetVideoCodecs(std::vector<VideoCodecConfig> video_codecs); |
| // Sets a list of RTP header extensions which will be enforced on all video |
| // streams added to this peer. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetExtraVideoRtpHeaderExtensions( |
| std::vector<std::string> extensions); |
| // Sets the audio stream for the call from this peer. If this method won't |
| // be invoked, this peer will send no audio. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAudioConfig(AudioConfig config); |
| // Sets a list of RTP header extensions which will be enforced on all audio |
| // streams added to this peer. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetExtraAudioRtpHeaderExtensions( |
| std::vector<std::string> extensions); |
| |
| // Set if ULP FEC should be used or not. False by default. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetUseUlpFEC(bool value); |
| // Set if Flex FEC should be used or not. False by default. |
| // Client also must enable `enable_flex_fec_support` in the `RunParams` to |
| // be able to use this feature. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetUseFlexFEC(bool value); |
| // Specifies how much video encoder target bitrate should be different than |
| // target bitrate, provided by WebRTC stack. Must be greater than 0. Can be |
| // used to emulate overshooting of video encoders. This multiplier will |
| // be applied for all video encoder on both sides for all layers. Bitrate |
| // estimated by WebRTC stack will be multiplied by this multiplier and then |
| // provided into VideoEncoder::SetRates(...). 1.0 by default. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetVideoEncoderBitrateMultiplier(double multiplier); |
| |
| // If is set, an RTCEventLog will be saved in that location and it will be |
| // available for further analysis. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetRtcEventLogPath(absl::string_view path); |
| // If is set, an AEC dump will be saved in that location and it will be |
| // available for further analysis. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetAecDumpPath(absl::string_view path); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetRTCConfiguration( |
| PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration configuration); |
| PeerConfigurer* SetRTCOfferAnswerOptions( |
| PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options); |
| // Set bitrate parameters on PeerConnection. This constraints will be |
| // applied to all summed RTP streams for this peer. |
| PeerConfigurer* SetBitrateSettings(BitrateSettings bitrate_settings); |
| |
| // Returns InjectableComponents and transfer ownership to the caller. |
| // Can be called once. |
| std::unique_ptr<InjectableComponents> ReleaseComponents(); |
| |
| // Returns Params and transfer ownership to the caller. |
| // Can be called once. |
| std::unique_ptr<Params> ReleaseParams(); |
| |
| // Returns ConfigurableParams and transfer ownership to the caller. |
| // Can be called once. |
| std::unique_ptr<ConfigurableParams> ReleaseConfigurableParams(); |
| |
| // Returns video sources and transfer frame generators ownership to the |
| // caller. Can be called once. |
| std::vector<VideoSource> ReleaseVideoSources(); |
| |
| InjectableComponents* components() { return components_.get(); } |
| Params* params() { return params_.get(); } |
| ConfigurableParams* configurable_params() { |
| return configurable_params_.get(); |
| } |
| const Params& params() const { return *params_; } |
| const ConfigurableParams& configurable_params() const { |
| return *configurable_params_; |
| } |
| std::vector<VideoSource>* video_sources() { return &video_sources_; } |
| |
| private: |
| std::unique_ptr<InjectableComponents> components_; |
| std::unique_ptr<Params> params_; |
| std::unique_ptr<ConfigurableParams> configurable_params_; |
| std::vector<VideoSource> video_sources_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace webrtc_pc_e2e |
| } // namespace webrtc |
| |