blob: 309d51163f299576df63f22aa2db42e9b8f5e3be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/test/simulated_network.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "rtc_base/async_socket.h"
#include "rtc_base/copy_on_write_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/critical_section.h"
#include "rtc_base/network.h"
#include "rtc_base/socket_address.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread_checker.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
// Forward declare NetworkEmulationManagerImpl for friend access from
// EmulatedEndpoint.
class NetworkEmulationManagerImpl;
} // namespace test
struct EmulatedIpPacket {
EmulatedIpPacket(const rtc::SocketAddress& from,
const rtc::SocketAddress& to,
uint64_t dest_endpoint_id,
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer data,
Timestamp arrival_time);
// This object is not copyable or assignable.
EmulatedIpPacket(const EmulatedIpPacket&) = delete;
EmulatedIpPacket& operator=(const EmulatedIpPacket&) = delete;
// This object is only moveable.
EmulatedIpPacket& operator=(EmulatedIpPacket&&);
size_t size() const { return data.size(); }
const uint8_t* cdata() const { return data.cdata(); }
rtc::SocketAddress from;
rtc::SocketAddress to;
uint64_t dest_endpoint_id;
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer data;
Timestamp arrival_time;
class EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface {
virtual ~EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface() = default;
virtual void OnPacketReceived(EmulatedIpPacket packet) = 0;
// Represents node in the emulated network. Nodes can be connected with each
// other to form different networks with different behavior. The behavior of
// the node itself is determined by a concrete implementation of
// NetworkBehaviorInterface that is provided on construction.
class EmulatedNetworkNode : public EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface {
// Creates node based on |network_behavior|. The specified |packet_overhead|
// is added to the size of each packet in the information provided to
// |network_behavior|.
explicit EmulatedNetworkNode(
std::unique_ptr<NetworkBehaviorInterface> network_behavior);
~EmulatedNetworkNode() override;
void OnPacketReceived(EmulatedIpPacket packet) override;
void Process(Timestamp at_time);
void SetReceiver(uint64_t dest_endpoint_id,
EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface* receiver);
void RemoveReceiver(uint64_t dest_endpoint_id);
// Creates a route for the given receiver_id over all the given nodes to the
// given receiver.
static void CreateRoute(uint64_t receiver_id,
std::vector<EmulatedNetworkNode*> nodes,
EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface* receiver);
static void ClearRoute(uint64_t receiver_id,
std::vector<EmulatedNetworkNode*> nodes);
struct StoredPacket {
uint64_t id;
EmulatedIpPacket packet;
bool removed;
rtc::CriticalSection lock_;
std::map<uint64_t, EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface*> routing_
const std::unique_ptr<NetworkBehaviorInterface> network_behavior_
std::deque<StoredPacket> packets_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_);
uint64_t next_packet_id_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 1;
// Represents single network interface on the device.
// It will be used as sender from socket side to send data to the network and
// will act as packet receiver from emulated network side to receive packets
// from other EmulatedNetworkNodes.
class EmulatedEndpoint : public EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface {
EmulatedEndpoint(uint64_t id,
rtc::IPAddress ip,
bool is_enabled,
Clock* clock);
~EmulatedEndpoint() override;
uint64_t GetId() const;
// Set network node, that will be used to send packets to the network.
void SetSendNode(EmulatedNetworkNode* send_node);
// Send packet into network.
// |from| will be used to set source address for the packet in destination
// socket.
// |to| will be used for routing verification and picking right socket by port
// on destination endpoint.
void SendPacket(const rtc::SocketAddress& from,
const rtc::SocketAddress& to,
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer packet);
// Binds receiver to this endpoint to send and receive data.
// |desired_port| is a port that should be used. If it is equal to 0,
// endpoint will pick the first available port starting from
// |kFirstEphemeralPort|.
// Returns the port, that should be used (it will be equals to desired, if
// |desired_port| != 0 and is free or will be the one, selected by endpoint)
// or absl::nullopt if desired_port in used. Also fails if there are no more
// free ports to bind to.
absl::optional<uint16_t> BindReceiver(
uint16_t desired_port,
EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface* receiver);
void UnbindReceiver(uint16_t port);
rtc::IPAddress GetPeerLocalAddress() const;
// Will be called to deliver packet into endpoint from network node.
void OnPacketReceived(EmulatedIpPacket packet) override;
void Enable();
void Disable();
bool Enabled() const;
const rtc::Network& network() const { return *network_.get(); }
friend class test::NetworkEmulationManagerImpl;
EmulatedNetworkNode* GetSendNode() const;
void SetConnectedEndpointId(uint64_t endpoint_id);
static constexpr uint16_t kFirstEphemeralPort = 49152;
uint16_t NextPort() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(receiver_lock_);
rtc::CriticalSection receiver_lock_;
rtc::ThreadChecker enabled_state_checker_;
uint64_t id_;
// Peer's local IP address for this endpoint network interface.
const rtc::IPAddress peer_local_addr_;
bool is_enabled_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(enabled_state_checker_);
EmulatedNetworkNode* send_node_;
Clock* const clock_;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::Network> network_;
uint16_t next_port_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(receiver_lock_);
std::map<uint16_t, EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface*> port_to_receiver_
absl::optional<uint64_t> connected_endpoint_id_;
class EmulatedRoute {
EmulatedRoute(EmulatedEndpoint* from,
std::vector<EmulatedNetworkNode*> via_nodes,
EmulatedEndpoint* to)
: from(from), via_nodes(std::move(via_nodes)), to(to), active(true) {}
EmulatedEndpoint* from;
std::vector<EmulatedNetworkNode*> via_nodes;
EmulatedEndpoint* to;
bool active;
class EndpointsContainer {
EndpointsContainer(const std::vector<EmulatedEndpoint*>& endpoints);
EmulatedEndpoint* LookupByLocalAddress(const rtc::IPAddress& local_ip) const;
bool HasEndpoint(EmulatedEndpoint* endpoint) const;
// Returns list of networks for enabled endpoints. Caller takes ownership of
// returned rtc::Network objects.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<rtc::Network>> GetEnabledNetworks() const;
const std::vector<EmulatedEndpoint*> endpoints_;
} // namespace webrtc