| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "webrtc/video/video_receive_stream.h" |
| |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| |
| #include <set> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "webrtc/base/checks.h" |
| #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" |
| #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/include/congestion_controller.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/utility/include/process_thread.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_coding.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/utility/ivf_file_writer.h" |
| #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/clock.h" |
| #include "webrtc/video/call_stats.h" |
| #include "webrtc/video/receive_statistics_proxy.h" |
| #include "webrtc/video/vie_remb.h" |
| #include "webrtc/video_receive_stream.h" |
| |
| namespace webrtc { |
| |
| static const bool kEnableFrameRecording = false; |
| |
| static bool UseSendSideBwe(const VideoReceiveStream::Config& config) { |
| if (!config.rtp.transport_cc) |
| return false; |
| for (const auto& extension : config.rtp.extensions) { |
| if (extension.name == RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumber) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| std::string VideoReceiveStream::Decoder::ToString() const { |
| std::stringstream ss; |
| ss << "{decoder: " << (decoder ? "(VideoDecoder)" : "nullptr"); |
| ss << ", payload_type: " << payload_type; |
| ss << ", payload_name: " << payload_name; |
| ss << '}'; |
| |
| return ss.str(); |
| } |
| |
| std::string VideoReceiveStream::Config::ToString() const { |
| std::stringstream ss; |
| ss << "{decoders: ["; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < decoders.size(); ++i) { |
| ss << decoders[i].ToString(); |
| if (i != decoders.size() - 1) |
| ss << ", "; |
| } |
| ss << ']'; |
| ss << ", rtp: " << rtp.ToString(); |
| ss << ", renderer: " << (renderer ? "(renderer)" : "nullptr"); |
| ss << ", render_delay_ms: " << render_delay_ms; |
| if (!sync_group.empty()) |
| ss << ", sync_group: " << sync_group; |
| ss << ", pre_decode_callback: " |
| << (pre_decode_callback ? "(EncodedFrameObserver)" : "nullptr"); |
| ss << ", pre_render_callback: " |
| << (pre_render_callback ? "(I420FrameCallback)" : "nullptr"); |
| ss << ", target_delay_ms: " << target_delay_ms; |
| ss << '}'; |
| |
| return ss.str(); |
| } |
| |
| std::string VideoReceiveStream::Config::Rtp::ToString() const { |
| std::stringstream ss; |
| ss << "{remote_ssrc: " << remote_ssrc; |
| ss << ", local_ssrc: " << local_ssrc; |
| ss << ", rtcp_mode: " |
| << (rtcp_mode == RtcpMode::kCompound ? "RtcpMode::kCompound" |
| : "RtcpMode::kReducedSize"); |
| ss << ", rtcp_xr: "; |
| ss << "{receiver_reference_time_report: " |
| << (rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report ? "on" : "off"); |
| ss << '}'; |
| ss << ", remb: " << (remb ? "on" : "off"); |
| ss << ", transport_cc: " << (transport_cc ? "on" : "off"); |
| ss << ", nack: {rtp_history_ms: " << nack.rtp_history_ms << '}'; |
| ss << ", fec: " << fec.ToString(); |
| ss << ", rtx: {"; |
| for (auto& kv : rtx) { |
| ss << kv.first << " -> "; |
| ss << "{ssrc: " << kv.second.ssrc; |
| ss << ", payload_type: " << kv.second.payload_type; |
| ss << '}'; |
| } |
| ss << '}'; |
| ss << ", extensions: ["; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions.size(); ++i) { |
| ss << extensions[i].ToString(); |
| if (i != extensions.size() - 1) |
| ss << ", "; |
| } |
| ss << ']'; |
| ss << '}'; |
| return ss.str(); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| VideoCodec CreateDecoderVideoCodec(const VideoReceiveStream::Decoder& decoder) { |
| VideoCodec codec; |
| memset(&codec, 0, sizeof(codec)); |
| |
| codec.plType = decoder.payload_type; |
| strncpy(codec.plName, decoder.payload_name.c_str(), sizeof(codec.plName)); |
| if (decoder.payload_name == "VP8") { |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecVP8; |
| } else if (decoder.payload_name == "VP9") { |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecVP9; |
| } else if (decoder.payload_name == "H264") { |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecH264; |
| } else { |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecGeneric; |
| } |
| |
| if (codec.codecType == kVideoCodecVP8) { |
| codec.codecSpecific.VP8 = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp8Settings(); |
| } else if (codec.codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) { |
| codec.codecSpecific.VP9 = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings(); |
| } else if (codec.codecType == kVideoCodecH264) { |
| codec.codecSpecific.H264 = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultH264Settings(); |
| } |
| |
| codec.width = 320; |
| codec.height = 180; |
| codec.startBitrate = codec.minBitrate = codec.maxBitrate = |
| Call::Config::kDefaultStartBitrateBps / 1000; |
| |
| return codec; |
| } |
| } // namespace |
| |
| namespace internal { |
| VideoReceiveStream::VideoReceiveStream( |
| int num_cpu_cores, |
| CongestionController* congestion_controller, |
| const VideoReceiveStream::Config& config, |
| webrtc::VoiceEngine* voice_engine, |
| ProcessThread* process_thread, |
| CallStats* call_stats, |
| VieRemb* remb) |
| : transport_adapter_(config.rtcp_send_transport), |
| encoded_frame_proxy_(config.pre_decode_callback), |
| config_(config), |
| process_thread_(process_thread), |
| clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()), |
| decode_thread_(DecodeThreadFunction, this, "DecodingThread"), |
| congestion_controller_(congestion_controller), |
| call_stats_(call_stats), |
| remb_(remb), |
| vcm_(VideoCodingModule::Create(clock_, |
| nullptr, |
| nullptr, |
| this, |
| this, |
| this)), |
| incoming_video_stream_(0, config.disable_prerenderer_smoothing), |
| stats_proxy_(config_, clock_), |
| vie_channel_(&transport_adapter_, |
| process_thread, |
| vcm_.get(), |
| congestion_controller_->GetRemoteBitrateEstimator( |
| UseSendSideBwe(config_)), |
| call_stats_->rtcp_rtt_stats(), |
| congestion_controller_->pacer(), |
| congestion_controller_->packet_router()), |
| vie_receiver_(vie_channel_.vie_receiver()), |
| vie_sync_(vcm_.get()), |
| rtp_rtcp_(vie_channel_.rtp_rtcp()) { |
| LOG(LS_INFO) << "VideoReceiveStream: " << config_.ToString(); |
| |
| RTC_DCHECK(process_thread_); |
| RTC_DCHECK(congestion_controller_); |
| RTC_DCHECK(call_stats_); |
| RTC_DCHECK(remb_); |
| RTC_CHECK(vie_channel_.Init() == 0); |
| |
| // Register the channel to receive stats updates. |
| call_stats_->RegisterStatsObserver(vie_channel_.GetStatsObserver()); |
| |
| // TODO(pbos): This is not fine grained enough... |
| vie_channel_.SetProtectionMode(config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms > 0, false, -1, |
| -1); |
| RTC_DCHECK(config_.rtp.rtcp_mode != RtcpMode::kOff) |
| << "A stream should not be configured with RTCP disabled. This value is " |
| "reserved for internal usage."; |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCPStatus(config_.rtp.rtcp_mode); |
| |
| RTC_DCHECK(config_.rtp.remote_ssrc != 0); |
| // TODO(pbos): What's an appropriate local_ssrc for receive-only streams? |
| RTC_DCHECK(config_.rtp.local_ssrc != 0); |
| RTC_DCHECK(config_.rtp.remote_ssrc != config_.rtp.local_ssrc); |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetSSRC(config_.rtp.local_ssrc); |
| |
| // TODO(pbos): Support multiple RTX, per video payload. |
| for (const auto& kv : config_.rtp.rtx) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(kv.second.ssrc != 0); |
| RTC_DCHECK(kv.second.payload_type != 0); |
| |
| vie_receiver_->SetRtxSsrc(kv.second.ssrc); |
| vie_receiver_->SetRtxPayloadType(kv.second.payload_type, kv.first); |
| } |
| // TODO(holmer): When Chrome no longer depends on this being false by default, |
| // always use the mapping and remove this whole codepath. |
| vie_receiver_->SetUseRtxPayloadMappingOnRestore( |
| config_.rtp.use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore); |
| |
| if (config_.rtp.remb) { |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetREMBStatus(true); |
| remb_->AddReceiveChannel(rtp_rtcp_); |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < config_.rtp.extensions.size(); ++i) { |
| const std::string& extension = config_.rtp.extensions[i].name; |
| int id = config_.rtp.extensions[i].id; |
| // One-byte-extension local identifiers are in the range 1-14 inclusive. |
| RTC_DCHECK_GE(id, 1); |
| RTC_DCHECK_LE(id, 14); |
| vie_receiver_->EnableReceiveRtpHeaderExtension(extension, id); |
| } |
| |
| if (config_.rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type != -1) { |
| // ULPFEC without RED doesn't make sense. |
| RTC_DCHECK(config_.rtp.fec.red_payload_type != -1); |
| VideoCodec codec; |
| memset(&codec, 0, sizeof(codec)); |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecULPFEC; |
| strncpy(codec.plName, "ulpfec", sizeof(codec.plName)); |
| codec.plType = config_.rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type; |
| RTC_CHECK(vie_receiver_->SetReceiveCodec(codec)); |
| } |
| if (config_.rtp.fec.red_payload_type != -1) { |
| VideoCodec codec; |
| memset(&codec, 0, sizeof(codec)); |
| codec.codecType = kVideoCodecRED; |
| strncpy(codec.plName, "red", sizeof(codec.plName)); |
| codec.plType = config_.rtp.fec.red_payload_type; |
| RTC_CHECK(vie_receiver_->SetReceiveCodec(codec)); |
| if (config_.rtp.fec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) { |
| vie_receiver_->SetRtxPayloadType(config_.rtp.fec.red_rtx_payload_type, |
| config_.rtp.fec.red_payload_type); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (config.rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report) |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetRtcpXrRrtrStatus(true); |
| |
| vie_channel_.RegisterReceiveStatisticsProxy(&stats_proxy_); |
| vie_receiver_->GetReceiveStatistics()->RegisterRtpStatisticsCallback( |
| &stats_proxy_); |
| vie_receiver_->GetReceiveStatistics()->RegisterRtcpStatisticsCallback( |
| &stats_proxy_); |
| // Stats callback for CNAME changes. |
| rtp_rtcp_->RegisterRtcpStatisticsCallback(&stats_proxy_); |
| vie_channel_.RegisterRtcpPacketTypeCounterObserver(&stats_proxy_); |
| |
| RTC_DCHECK(!config_.decoders.empty()); |
| std::set<int> decoder_payload_types; |
| for (const Decoder& decoder : config_.decoders) { |
| RTC_CHECK(decoder.decoder); |
| RTC_CHECK(decoder_payload_types.find(decoder.payload_type) == |
| decoder_payload_types.end()) |
| << "Duplicate payload type (" << decoder.payload_type |
| << ") for different decoders."; |
| decoder_payload_types.insert(decoder.payload_type); |
| vcm_->RegisterExternalDecoder(decoder.decoder, decoder.payload_type); |
| |
| VideoCodec codec = CreateDecoderVideoCodec(decoder); |
| |
| RTC_CHECK(vie_receiver_->SetReceiveCodec(codec)); |
| vcm_->RegisterReceiveCodec(&codec, num_cpu_cores, false)); |
| } |
| |
| vcm_->SetRenderDelay(config.render_delay_ms); |
| incoming_video_stream_.SetExpectedRenderDelay(config.render_delay_ms); |
| incoming_video_stream_.SetExternalCallback(this); |
| vie_channel_.SetIncomingVideoStream(&incoming_video_stream_); |
| vie_channel_.RegisterPreRenderCallback(this); |
| |
| process_thread_->RegisterModule(vcm_.get()); |
| process_thread_->RegisterModule(&vie_sync_); |
| } |
| |
| VideoReceiveStream::~VideoReceiveStream() { |
| LOG(LS_INFO) << "~VideoReceiveStream: " << config_.ToString(); |
| Stop(); |
| |
| process_thread_->DeRegisterModule(&vie_sync_); |
| process_thread_->DeRegisterModule(vcm_.get()); |
| |
| // Deregister external decoders so that they are no longer running during |
| // destruction. This effectively stops the VCM since the decoder thread is |
| // stopped, the VCM is deregistered and no asynchronous decoder threads are |
| // running. |
| for (const Decoder& decoder : config_.decoders) |
| vcm_->RegisterExternalDecoder(nullptr, decoder.payload_type); |
| |
| vie_channel_.RegisterPreRenderCallback(nullptr); |
| |
| call_stats_->DeregisterStatsObserver(vie_channel_.GetStatsObserver()); |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetREMBStatus(false); |
| remb_->RemoveReceiveChannel(rtp_rtcp_); |
| |
| congestion_controller_->GetRemoteBitrateEstimator(UseSendSideBwe(config_)) |
| ->RemoveStream(vie_receiver_->GetRemoteSsrc()); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::Start() { |
| if (decode_thread_.IsRunning()) |
| return; |
| transport_adapter_.Enable(); |
| incoming_video_stream_.Start(); |
| // Start the decode thread |
| decode_thread_.Start(); |
| decode_thread_.SetPriority(rtc::kHighestPriority); |
| vie_receiver_->StartReceive(); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::Stop() { |
| incoming_video_stream_.Stop(); |
| vie_receiver_->StopReceive(); |
| vcm_->TriggerDecoderShutdown(); |
| decode_thread_.Stop(); |
| transport_adapter_.Disable(); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::SetSyncChannel(VoiceEngine* voice_engine, |
| int audio_channel_id) { |
| if (voice_engine && audio_channel_id != -1) { |
| VoEVideoSync* voe_sync_interface = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(voice_engine); |
| vie_sync_.ConfigureSync(audio_channel_id, voe_sync_interface, rtp_rtcp_, |
| vie_receiver_->GetRtpReceiver()); |
| voe_sync_interface->Release(); |
| return; |
| } |
| vie_sync_.ConfigureSync(-1, nullptr, rtp_rtcp_, |
| vie_receiver_->GetRtpReceiver()); |
| } |
| |
| VideoReceiveStream::Stats VideoReceiveStream::GetStats() const { |
| return stats_proxy_.GetStats(); |
| } |
| |
| bool VideoReceiveStream::DeliverRtcp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) { |
| return vie_receiver_->DeliverRtcp(packet, length); |
| } |
| |
| bool VideoReceiveStream::DeliverRtp(const uint8_t* packet, |
| size_t length, |
| const PacketTime& packet_time) { |
| return vie_receiver_->DeliverRtp(packet, length, packet_time); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::FrameCallback(VideoFrame* video_frame) { |
| stats_proxy_.OnDecodedFrame(); |
| |
| // Post processing is not supported if the frame is backed by a texture. |
| if (!video_frame->video_frame_buffer()->native_handle()) { |
| if (config_.pre_render_callback) |
| config_.pre_render_callback->FrameCallback(video_frame); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int VideoReceiveStream::RenderFrame(const uint32_t /*stream_id*/, |
| const VideoFrame& video_frame) { |
| int64_t sync_offset_ms; |
| if (vie_sync_.GetStreamSyncOffsetInMs(video_frame, &sync_offset_ms)) |
| stats_proxy_.OnSyncOffsetUpdated(sync_offset_ms); |
| |
| if (config_.renderer) |
| config_.renderer->OnFrame(video_frame); |
| |
| stats_proxy_.OnRenderedFrame(video_frame.width(), video_frame.height()); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(asapersson): Consider moving callback from video_encoder.h or |
| // creating a different callback. |
| int32_t VideoReceiveStream::Encoded( |
| const EncodedImage& encoded_image, |
| const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info, |
| const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) { |
| stats_proxy_.OnPreDecode(encoded_image, codec_specific_info); |
| if (config_.pre_decode_callback) { |
| // TODO(asapersson): Remove EncodedFrameCallbackAdapter. |
| encoded_frame_proxy_.Encoded( |
| encoded_image, codec_specific_info, fragmentation); |
| } |
| if (kEnableFrameRecording) { |
| if (!ivf_writer_.get()) { |
| RTC_DCHECK(codec_specific_info); |
| std::ostringstream oss; |
| oss << "receive_bitstream_ssrc_" << config_.rtp.remote_ssrc << ".ivf"; |
| ivf_writer_ = |
| IvfFileWriter::Open(oss.str(), codec_specific_info->codecType); |
| } |
| if (ivf_writer_.get()) { |
| bool ok = ivf_writer_->WriteFrame(encoded_image); |
| RTC_DCHECK(ok); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::SignalNetworkState(NetworkState state) { |
| rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCPStatus(state == kNetworkUp ? config_.rtp.rtcp_mode |
| : RtcpMode::kOff); |
| } |
| |
| bool VideoReceiveStream::DecodeThreadFunction(void* ptr) { |
| static_cast<VideoReceiveStream*>(ptr)->Decode(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::Decode() { |
| static const int kMaxDecodeWaitTimeMs = 50; |
| vcm_->Decode(kMaxDecodeWaitTimeMs); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::SendNack( |
| const std::vector<uint16_t>& sequence_numbers) { |
| rtp_rtcp_->SendNack(sequence_numbers); |
| } |
| |
| void VideoReceiveStream::RequestKeyFrame() { |
| rtp_rtcp_->RequestKeyFrame(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace internal |
| } // namespace webrtc |