blob: bc6574c54ce6ae5f18b40f25f187d48215da9483 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* This file defines classes for doing temporal layers with VP8.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <deque>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/vp8_frame_config.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/vp8_temporal_layers.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/temporal_layers_checker.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
class DefaultTemporalLayers final : public Vp8FrameBufferController {
explicit DefaultTemporalLayers(int number_of_temporal_layers);
~DefaultTemporalLayers() override;
void SetQpLimits(size_t stream_index, int min_qp, int max_qp) override;
size_t StreamCount() const override;
bool SupportsEncoderFrameDropping(size_t stream_index) const override;
// Returns the recommended VP8 encode flags needed. May refresh the decoder
// and/or update the reference buffers.
Vp8FrameConfig NextFrameConfig(size_t stream_index,
uint32_t timestamp) override;
// New target bitrate, per temporal layer.
void OnRatesUpdated(size_t stream_index,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& bitrates_bps,
int framerate_fps) override;
Vp8EncoderConfig UpdateConfiguration(size_t stream_index) override;
// Callbacks methods on frame completion. OnEncodeDone() or OnFrameDropped()
// should be called once for each NextFrameConfig() call (using the RTP
// timestamp as ID), and the calls MUST be in the same order.
void OnEncodeDone(size_t stream_index,
uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
size_t size_bytes,
bool is_keyframe,
int qp,
CodecSpecificInfo* info) override;
void OnFrameDropped(size_t stream_index, uint32_t rtp_timestamp) override;
void OnPacketLossRateUpdate(float packet_loss_rate) override;
void OnRttUpdate(int64_t rtt_ms) override;
void OnLossNotification(
const VideoEncoder::LossNotification& loss_notification) override;
static constexpr size_t kNumReferenceBuffers = 3; // Last, golden, altref.
struct DependencyInfo {
DependencyInfo() = default;
DependencyInfo(absl::string_view indication_symbols,
Vp8FrameConfig frame_config)
: decode_target_indications(
frame_config(frame_config) {}
absl::InlinedVector<DecodeTargetIndication, 10> decode_target_indications;
Vp8FrameConfig frame_config;
struct PendingFrame {
PendingFrame(uint32_t timestamp,
bool expired,
uint8_t updated_buffers_mask,
const DependencyInfo& dependency_info);
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
// Flag indicating if this frame has expired, ie it belongs to a previous
// iteration of the temporal pattern.
bool expired = false;
// Bitmask of Vp8BufferReference flags, indicating which buffers this frame
// updates.
uint8_t updated_buffer_mask = 0;
// The frame config returned by NextFrameConfig() for this frame.
DependencyInfo dependency_info;
static std::vector<DependencyInfo> GetDependencyInfo(size_t num_layers);
static std::bitset<kNumReferenceBuffers> DetermineStaticBuffers(
const std::vector<DependencyInfo>& temporal_pattern);
bool IsSyncFrame(const Vp8FrameConfig& config) const;
void ValidateReferences(Vp8FrameConfig::BufferFlags* flags,
Vp8FrameConfig::Vp8BufferReference ref) const;
void UpdateSearchOrder(Vp8FrameConfig* config);
size_t NumFramesSinceBufferRefresh(
Vp8FrameConfig::Vp8BufferReference ref) const;
void ResetNumFramesSinceBufferRefresh(Vp8FrameConfig::Vp8BufferReference ref);
void CullPendingFramesBefore(uint32_t timestamp);
const size_t num_layers_;
const std::vector<unsigned int> temporal_ids_;
const std::vector<DependencyInfo> temporal_pattern_;
// Per reference buffer flag indicating if it is static, meaning it is only
// updated by key-frames.
const std::bitset<kNumReferenceBuffers> is_static_buffer_;
FrameDependencyStructure GetTemplateStructure(int num_layers) const;
uint8_t pattern_idx_;
// Updated cumulative bitrates, per temporal layer.
absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>> new_bitrates_bps_;
// Status for each pending frame, in
std::deque<PendingFrame> pending_frames_;
// One counter per reference buffer, indicating number of frames since last
// refresh. For non-base-layer frames (ie golden, altref buffers), this is
// reset when the pattern loops.
std::array<size_t, kNumReferenceBuffers> frames_since_buffer_refresh_;
// Optional utility used to verify reference validity.
std::unique_ptr<TemporalLayersChecker> checker_;
class DefaultTemporalLayersChecker : public TemporalLayersChecker {
explicit DefaultTemporalLayersChecker(int number_of_temporal_layers);
~DefaultTemporalLayersChecker() override;
bool CheckTemporalConfig(bool frame_is_keyframe,
const Vp8FrameConfig& frame_config) override;
struct BufferState {
: is_updated_this_cycle(false), is_keyframe(true), pattern_idx(0) {}
bool is_updated_this_cycle;
bool is_keyframe;
uint8_t pattern_idx;
const size_t num_layers_;
std::vector<unsigned int> temporal_ids_;
const std::vector<std::set<uint8_t>> temporal_dependencies_;
BufferState last_;
BufferState arf_;
BufferState golden_;
uint8_t pattern_idx_;
} // namespace webrtc