blob: 4aeed569a40e6f7d6baa68d07e1c4cc49e77308c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/videoprocessor_integrationtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
namespace {
// Loop variables.
const int kBitrates[] = {30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000};
const VideoCodecType kVideoCodecType[] = {kVideoCodecVP8};
const bool kHwCodec[] = {false};
// Codec settings.
const bool kUseSingleCore = false;
const bool kResilienceOn = false;
const int kNumTemporalLayers = 1;
const bool kDenoisingOn = false;
const bool kErrorConcealmentOn = false;
const bool kSpatialResizeOn = false;
const bool kFrameDropperOn = false;
// Test settings.
const bool kBatchMode = true;
const bool kVerboseLogging = true;
const float kPacketLoss = 0.0f;
const VisualizationParams kVisualizationParams = {
false, // save_encoded_ivf
false, // save_decoded_y4m
const int kNumFrames = 299;
} // namespace
// Tests for plotting statistics from logs.
class PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest
: public VideoProcessorIntegrationTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
::testing::tuple<int, VideoCodecType, bool>> {
: bitrate_(::testing::get<0>(GetParam())),
hw_codec_(::testing::get<2>(GetParam())) {}
~PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest() override = default;
void RunTest(int width,
int height,
int framerate,
const std::string& filename) {
// Bitrate and frame rate profile.
RateProfile rate_profile;
0, // update_index
bitrate_, framerate,
0); // frame_index_rate_update
rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNumFrames + 1;
rate_profile.num_frames = kNumFrames;
// Codec/network settings.
SetTestConfig(&config_, hw_codec_, kUseSingleCore, kPacketLoss, filename,
kVerboseLogging, kBatchMode);
SetCodecSettings(&config_, codec_type_, kNumTemporalLayers,
kErrorConcealmentOn, kDenoisingOn, kFrameDropperOn,
kSpatialResizeOn, kResilienceOn, width, height);
// Use default thresholds for quality (PSNR and SSIM).
QualityThresholds quality_thresholds;
// Use very loose thresholds for rate control, so even poor HW codecs will
// pass the requirements.
RateControlThresholds rc_thresholds[1];
// clang-format off
0, // update_index
kNumFrames + 1, // max_num_dropped_frames
10000, // max_key_frame_size_mismatch
10000, // max_delta_frame_size_mismatch
10000, // max_encoding_rate_mismatch
kNumFrames + 1, // max_time_hit_target
0, // num_spatial_resizes
1); // num_key_frames
// clang-format on
ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_thresholds, rate_profile, rc_thresholds,
const int bitrate_;
const VideoCodecType codec_type_;
const bool hw_codec_;
TEST_P(PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process_128x96_30fps) {
RunTest(128, 96, 30, "foreman_128x96");
TEST_P(PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process_160x120_30fps) {
RunTest(160, 120, 30, "foreman_160x120");
TEST_P(PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process_176x144_30fps) {
RunTest(176, 144, 30, "foreman_176x144");
TEST_P(PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process_320x240_30fps) {
RunTest(320, 240, 30, "foreman_320x240");
TEST_P(PlotVideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process_352x288_30fps) {
RunTest(352, 288, 30, "foreman_cif");
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc