blob: 3ca2df456e0eb26850eb00fce16d0ceb59f6a91b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "webrtc/base/function_view.h"
#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
namespace rtc {
namespace {
int CallWith33(rtc::FunctionView<int(int)> fv) {
return fv(33);
} // namespace
// Test the main use case of FunctionView: implicitly converting a lambda
// function argument.
TEST(FunctionViewTest, ImplicitConversion) {
EXPECT_EQ(38, CallWith33([](int x) { return x + 5; }));
TEST(FunctionViewTest, IntIntLambdaWithoutState) {
auto f = [](int x) { return x + 1; };
EXPECT_EQ(18, f(17));
rtc::FunctionView<int(int)> fv(f);
EXPECT_EQ(18, fv(17));
TEST(FunctionViewTest, IntVoidLambdaWithState) {
int x = 13;
auto f = [x]() mutable { return ++x; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv(f);
EXPECT_EQ(14, f());
EXPECT_EQ(15, fv());
EXPECT_EQ(16, f());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv());
// Ensure that FunctionView handles move-only arguments and return values.
TEST(FunctionViewTest, UniquePtrPassthrough) {
auto f = [](std::unique_ptr<int> x) { return x; };
rtc::FunctionView<std::unique_ptr<int>(std::unique_ptr<int>)> fv(f);
std::unique_ptr<int> x(new int);
int* x_addr = x.get();
auto y = fv(std::move(x));
EXPECT_EQ(x_addr, y.get());
TEST(FunctionViewTest, CopyConstructor) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(fv1);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
TEST(FunctionViewTest, MoveConstructorIsCopy) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(std::move(fv1));
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
TEST(FunctionViewTest, CopyAssignment) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
auto f23 = [] { return 23; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(f23);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv2());
fv2 = fv1;
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
TEST(FunctionViewTest, MoveAssignmentIsCopy) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
auto f23 = [] { return 23; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(f23);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv2());
fv2 = std::move(fv1);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
TEST(FunctionViewTest, Swap) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
auto f23 = [] { return 23; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(f23);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv2());
using std::swap;
swap(fv1, fv2);
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
// Ensure that when you copy-construct a FunctionView, the new object points to
// the same function as the old one, as opposed to the new object pointing to
// the old one.
TEST(FunctionViewTest, CopyConstructorChaining) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(fv1);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
auto f23 = [] { return 23; };
fv1 = f23;
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
// Ensure that when you assign one FunctionView to another, we actually make a
// copy as opposed to making the second FunctionView point to the first one.
TEST(FunctionViewTest, CopyAssignmentChaining) {
auto f17 = [] { return 17; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv1(f17);
auto f3 = [] { return 3; };
rtc::FunctionView<int()> fv2(f3);
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(3, fv2());
fv2 = fv1;
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
auto f23 = [] { return 23; };
fv1 = f23;
EXPECT_EQ(23, fv1());
EXPECT_EQ(17, fv2());
} // namespace rtc