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* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
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// Unit tests for DelayPeakDetector class.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/delay_peak_detector.h"
#include "webrtc/test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
TEST(DelayPeakDetector, CreateAndDestroy) {
TickTimer tick_timer;
DelayPeakDetector* detector = new DelayPeakDetector(&tick_timer);
delete detector;
TEST(DelayPeakDetector, EmptyHistory) {
TickTimer tick_timer;
DelayPeakDetector detector(&tick_timer);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, detector.MaxPeakHeight());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, detector.MaxPeakPeriod());
// Inject a series of packet arrivals into the detector. Three of the packets
// have suffered delays. After the third delay peak, peak-mode is expected to
// start. This should then continue until it is disengaged due to lack of peaks.
TEST(DelayPeakDetector, TriggerPeakMode) {
TickTimer tick_timer;
DelayPeakDetector detector(&tick_timer);
const int kPacketSizeMs = 30;
// Load up normal arrival times; 0 ms, 30 ms, 60 ms, 90 ms, ...
const int kNumPackets = 1000;
int arrival_times_ms[kNumPackets];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPackets; ++i) {
arrival_times_ms[i] = i * kPacketSizeMs;
// Delay three packets.
const int kPeakDelayMs = 100;
// First delay peak.
arrival_times_ms[100] += kPeakDelayMs;
// Second delay peak.
arrival_times_ms[200] += kPeakDelayMs;
// Third delay peak. Trigger peak-mode after this packet.
arrival_times_ms[400] += kPeakDelayMs;
// The second peak period is the longest, 200 packets.
const uint64_t kWorstPeakPeriod = 200 * kPacketSizeMs;
int peak_mode_start_ms = arrival_times_ms[400];
// Expect to disengage after no peaks are observed for two period times.
int peak_mode_end_ms = peak_mode_start_ms + 2 * kWorstPeakPeriod;
// Load into detector.
int time = 0;
int next = 1; // Start with the second packet to get a proper IAT.
while (next < kNumPackets) {
while (next < kNumPackets && arrival_times_ms[next] <= time) {
int iat_packets = (arrival_times_ms[next] - arrival_times_ms[next - 1]) /
const int kTargetBufferLevel = 1; // Define peaks to be iat > 2.
if (time < peak_mode_start_ms || time > peak_mode_end_ms) {
EXPECT_FALSE(detector.Update(iat_packets, kTargetBufferLevel));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(detector.Update(iat_packets, kTargetBufferLevel));
EXPECT_EQ(kWorstPeakPeriod, detector.MaxPeakPeriod());
EXPECT_EQ(kPeakDelayMs / kPacketSizeMs + 1, detector.MaxPeakHeight());
time += 10; // Increase time 10 ms.
// Same test as TriggerPeakMode, but with base target buffer level increased to
// 2, in order to raise the bar for delay peaks to inter-arrival times > 4.
// The delay pattern has peaks with delay = 3, thus should not trigger.
TEST(DelayPeakDetector, DoNotTriggerPeakMode) {
TickTimer tick_timer;
DelayPeakDetector detector(&tick_timer);
const int kPacketSizeMs = 30;
// Load up normal arrival times; 0 ms, 30 ms, 60 ms, 90 ms, ...
const int kNumPackets = 1000;
int arrival_times_ms[kNumPackets];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPackets; ++i) {
arrival_times_ms[i] = i * kPacketSizeMs;
// Delay three packets.
const int kPeakDelayMs = 100;
// First delay peak.
arrival_times_ms[100] += kPeakDelayMs;
// Second delay peak.
arrival_times_ms[200] += kPeakDelayMs;
// Third delay peak.
arrival_times_ms[400] += kPeakDelayMs;
// Load into detector.
int time = 0;
int next = 1; // Start with the second packet to get a proper IAT.
while (next < kNumPackets) {
while (next < kNumPackets && arrival_times_ms[next] <= time) {
int iat_packets = (arrival_times_ms[next] - arrival_times_ms[next - 1]) /
const int kTargetBufferLevel = 2; // Define peaks to be iat > 4.
EXPECT_FALSE(detector.Update(iat_packets, kTargetBufferLevel));
time += 10; // Increase time 10 ms.
// In situations with reordered packets, the DelayPeakDetector may be updated
// back-to-back (i.e., without the tick_timer moving) but still with non-zero
// inter-arrival time. This test is to make sure that this does not cause
// problems.
TEST(DelayPeakDetector, ZeroDistancePeaks) {
TickTimer tick_timer;
DelayPeakDetector detector(&tick_timer);
const int kPacketSizeMs = 30;
const int kTargetBufferLevel = 2; // Define peaks to be iat > 4.
const int kInterArrivalTime = 3 * kTargetBufferLevel; // Will trigger a peak.
EXPECT_FALSE(detector.Update(kInterArrivalTime, kTargetBufferLevel));
EXPECT_FALSE(detector.Update(kInterArrivalTime, kTargetBufferLevel));
EXPECT_FALSE(detector.Update(kInterArrivalTime, kTargetBufferLevel));
} // namespace webrtc