| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| */ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #ifndef _WIN32 |
| #include <unistd.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "gflags/gflags.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "webrtc/common.h" |
| #include "webrtc/common_types.h" |
| #include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h" |
| #include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h" |
| #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h" |
| #include "webrtc/test/channel_transport/include/channel_transport.h" |
| #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h" |
| #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/trace_to_stderr.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_audio_processing.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_base.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_codec.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_dtmf.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_errors.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_external_media.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_file.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_hardware.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_neteq_stats.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_network.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_rtp_rtcp.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_video_sync.h" |
| #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_volume_control.h" |
| |
| DEFINE_bool(use_acm_version_2, false, |
| "If true, we'll run the tests with Audio Coding Module version 2."); |
| DEFINE_bool(use_log_file, false, |
| "Output logs to a file; by default they will be printed to stderr."); |
| |
| using namespace webrtc; |
| using namespace test; |
| |
| #define VALIDATE \ |
| if (res != 0) { \ |
| printf("*** Error at line %i \n", __LINE__); \ |
| printf("*** Error code = %i \n", base1->LastError()); \ |
| } |
| |
| VoiceEngine* m_voe = NULL; |
| VoEBase* base1 = NULL; |
| VoECodec* codec = NULL; |
| VoEVolumeControl* volume = NULL; |
| VoEDtmf* dtmf = NULL; |
| VoERTP_RTCP* rtp_rtcp = NULL; |
| VoEAudioProcessing* apm = NULL; |
| VoENetwork* netw = NULL; |
| VoEFile* file = NULL; |
| VoEVideoSync* vsync = NULL; |
| VoEHardware* hardware = NULL; |
| VoEExternalMedia* xmedia = NULL; |
| VoENetEqStats* neteqst = NULL; |
| |
| void RunTest(std::string out_path); |
| |
| class MyObserver : public VoiceEngineObserver { |
| public: |
| virtual void CallbackOnError(int channel, int err_code); |
| }; |
| |
| void MyObserver::CallbackOnError(int channel, int err_code) { |
| // Add printf for other error codes here |
| if (err_code == VE_TYPING_NOISE_WARNING) { |
| printf(" TYPING NOISE DETECTED \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_TYPING_NOISE_OFF_WARNING) { |
| printf(" TYPING NOISE OFF DETECTED \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_RECEIVE_PACKET_TIMEOUT) { |
| printf(" RECEIVE PACKET TIMEOUT \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_PACKET_RECEIPT_RESTARTED) { |
| } else if (err_code == VE_RUNTIME_PLAY_WARNING) { |
| printf(" RUNTIME PLAY WARNING \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_RUNTIME_REC_WARNING) { |
| printf(" RUNTIME RECORD WARNING \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_SATURATION_WARNING) { |
| printf(" SATURATION WARNING \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_RUNTIME_PLAY_ERROR) { |
| printf(" RUNTIME PLAY ERROR \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_RUNTIME_REC_ERROR) { |
| printf(" RUNTIME RECORD ERROR \n"); |
| } else if (err_code == VE_REC_DEVICE_REMOVED) { |
| printf(" RECORD DEVICE REMOVED \n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SetStereoIfOpus(bool use_stereo, CodecInst* codec_params) { |
| if (strncmp(codec_params->plname, "opus", 4) == 0) { |
| if (use_stereo) |
| codec_params->channels = 2; |
| else |
| codec_params->channels = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void PrintCodecs(bool opus_stereo) { |
| CodecInst codec_params; |
| for (int i = 0; i < codec->NumOfCodecs(); ++i) { |
| int res = codec->GetCodec(i, codec_params); |
| SetStereoIfOpus(opus_stereo, &codec_params); |
| printf("%2d. %3d %s/%d/%d \n", i, codec_params.pltype, codec_params.plname, |
| codec_params.plfreq, codec_params.channels); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); |
| |
| int res = 0; |
| |
| printf("Test started \n"); |
| |
| // TODO(minyue): Remove when the old ACM is removed (latest 2014-04-01). |
| Config config; |
| config.Set<AudioCodingModuleFactory>(FLAGS_use_acm_version_2 ? |
| new NewAudioCodingModuleFactory() : |
| new AudioCodingModuleFactory()); |
| m_voe = VoiceEngine::Create(config); |
| |
| base1 = VoEBase::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| codec = VoECodec::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| apm = VoEAudioProcessing::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| volume = VoEVolumeControl::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| dtmf = VoEDtmf::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| rtp_rtcp = VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| netw = VoENetwork::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| file = VoEFile::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| vsync = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| hardware = VoEHardware::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| xmedia = VoEExternalMedia::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| neteqst = VoENetEqStats::GetInterface(m_voe); |
| |
| MyObserver my_observer; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<test::TraceToStderr> trace_to_stderr; |
| if (!FLAGS_use_log_file) { |
| trace_to_stderr.reset(new test::TraceToStderr); |
| } else { |
| const std::string trace_filename = test::OutputPath() + "webrtc_trace.txt"; |
| VoiceEngine::SetTraceFilter(kTraceAll); |
| res = VoiceEngine::SetTraceFile(trace_filename.c_str()); |
| res = VoiceEngine::SetTraceCallback(NULL); |
| printf("Outputting logs to file: %s\n", trace_filename.c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| printf("Init\n"); |
| res = base1->Init(); |
| if (res != 0) { |
| printf("\nError calling Init: %d\n", base1->LastError()); |
| fflush(NULL); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| |
| res = base1->RegisterVoiceEngineObserver(my_observer); |
| |
| printf("Version\n"); |
| char tmp[1024]; |
| res = base1->GetVersion(tmp); |
| printf("%s\n", tmp); |
| |
| RunTest(test::OutputPath()); |
| |
| printf("Terminate \n"); |
| |
| base1->DeRegisterVoiceEngineObserver(); |
| |
| res = base1->Terminate(); |
| |
| if (base1) |
| base1->Release(); |
| |
| if (codec) |
| codec->Release(); |
| |
| if (volume) |
| volume->Release(); |
| |
| if (dtmf) |
| dtmf->Release(); |
| |
| if (rtp_rtcp) |
| rtp_rtcp->Release(); |
| |
| if (apm) |
| apm->Release(); |
| |
| if (netw) |
| netw->Release(); |
| |
| if (file) |
| file->Release(); |
| |
| if (vsync) |
| vsync->Release(); |
| |
| if (hardware) |
| hardware->Release(); |
| |
| if (xmedia) |
| xmedia->Release(); |
| |
| if (neteqst) |
| neteqst->Release(); |
| |
| VoiceEngine::Delete(m_voe); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void RunTest(std::string out_path) { |
| int chan, res; |
| CodecInst cinst; |
| bool enable_aec = false; |
| bool enable_agc = false; |
| bool enable_rx_agc = false; |
| bool enable_cng = false; |
| bool enable_ns = false; |
| bool enable_rx_ns = false; |
| bool typing_detection = false; |
| bool muted = false; |
| bool on_hold = false; |
| bool opus_stereo = false; |
| bool experimental_ns_enabled = false; |
| |
| #if defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID) |
| std::string resource_path = "/sdcard/"; |
| #else |
| std::string resource_path = webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath(); |
| if (resource_path == webrtc::test::kCannotFindProjectRootDir) { |
| printf("*** Unable to get project root directory. " |
| "File playing may fail. ***\n"); |
| // Fall back to the current directory. |
| resource_path = "./"; |
| } else { |
| resource_path += "data/voice_engine/"; |
| } |
| #endif |
| const std::string audio_filename = resource_path + "audio_long16.pcm"; |
| |
| const std::string play_filename = out_path + "recorded_playout.pcm"; |
| const std::string mic_filename = out_path + "recorded_mic.pcm"; |
| |
| chan = base1->CreateChannel(); |
| if (chan < 0) { |
| printf("************ Error code = %i\n", base1->LastError()); |
| fflush(NULL); |
| } |
| |
| scoped_ptr<VoiceChannelTransport> voice_channel_transport( |
| new VoiceChannelTransport(netw, chan)); |
| |
| char ip[64]; |
| printf("1. \n"); |
| printf("2. Specify IP \n"); |
| int ip_selection; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &ip_selection)); |
| |
| if (ip_selection == 1) { |
| strcpy(ip, ""); |
| } else { |
| printf("Specify remote IP: "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%s", ip)); |
| } |
| |
| int rPort; |
| printf("Specify remote port (1=1234): "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &rPort)); |
| if (1 == rPort) |
| rPort = 1234; |
| printf("Set Send port \n"); |
| |
| printf("Set Send IP \n"); |
| res = voice_channel_transport->SetSendDestination(ip, rPort); |
| |
| int lPort; |
| printf("Specify local port (1=1234): "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &lPort)); |
| if (1 == lPort) |
| lPort = 1234; |
| printf("Set Rec Port \n"); |
| |
| res = voice_channel_transport->SetLocalReceiver(lPort); |
| |
| printf("\n"); |
| PrintCodecs(opus_stereo); |
| printf("Select send codec: "); |
| int codec_selection; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &codec_selection)); |
| codec->GetCodec(codec_selection, cinst); |
| |
| printf("Set primary codec\n"); |
| SetStereoIfOpus(opus_stereo, &cinst); |
| res = codec->SetSendCodec(chan, cinst); |
| |
| const int kMaxNumChannels = 8; |
| int channel_index = 0; |
| std::vector<int> channels(kMaxNumChannels); |
| std::vector<VoiceChannelTransport*> voice_channel_transports(kMaxNumChannels); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumChannels; ++i) { |
| channels[i] = base1->CreateChannel(); |
| int port = rPort + (i + 1) * 2; |
| |
| voice_channel_transports[i] = new VoiceChannelTransport(netw, channels[i]); |
| |
| res = voice_channel_transports[i]->SetSendDestination(ip, port); |
| res = voice_channel_transports[i]->SetLocalReceiver(port); |
| res = codec->SetSendCodec(channels[i], cinst); |
| } |
| |
| // Call loop |
| bool newcall = true; |
| while (newcall) { |
| |
| #ifndef WEBRTC_ANDROID |
| int rd(-1), pd(-1); |
| res = hardware->GetNumOfRecordingDevices(rd); |
| res = hardware->GetNumOfPlayoutDevices(pd); |
| |
| char dn[128] = { 0 }; |
| char guid[128] = { 0 }; |
| printf("\nPlayout devices (%d): \n", pd); |
| for (int j = 0; j < pd; ++j) { |
| res = hardware->GetPlayoutDeviceName(j, dn, guid); |
| printf(" %d: %s \n", j, dn); |
| } |
| |
| printf("Recording devices (%d): \n", rd); |
| for (int j = 0; j < rd; ++j) { |
| res = hardware->GetRecordingDeviceName(j, dn, guid); |
| printf(" %d: %s \n", j, dn); |
| } |
| |
| printf("Select playout device: "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%d", &pd)); |
| res = hardware->SetPlayoutDevice(pd); |
| printf("Select recording device: "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%d", &rd)); |
| printf("Setting sound devices \n"); |
| res = hardware->SetRecordingDevice(rd); |
| #endif // WEBRTC_ANDROID |
| |
| res = codec->SetVADStatus(0, enable_cng); |
| |
| res = apm->SetAgcStatus(enable_agc); |
| |
| res = apm->SetEcStatus(enable_aec); |
| |
| res = apm->SetNsStatus(enable_ns); |
| |
| printf("\n1. Send, listen and playout \n"); |
| printf("2. Send only \n"); |
| printf("3. Listen and playout only \n"); |
| printf("Select transfer mode: "); |
| int call_selection; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &call_selection)); |
| const bool send = !(call_selection == 3); |
| const bool receive = !(call_selection == 2); |
| |
| if (receive) { |
| printf("Start Listen \n"); |
| res = base1->StartReceive(chan); |
| #endif |
| |
| printf("Start Playout \n"); |
| res = base1->StartPlayout(chan); |
| } |
| |
| if (send) { |
| printf("Start Send \n"); |
| res = base1->StartSend(chan); |
| } |
| |
| #ifndef WEBRTC_ANDROID |
| printf("Getting mic volume \n"); |
| unsigned int vol = 999; |
| res = volume->GetMicVolume(vol); |
| if ((vol > 255) || (vol < 1)) { |
| printf("\n****ERROR in GetMicVolume"); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| int forever = 1; |
| while (forever) { |
| printf("\nSelect codec\n"); |
| PrintCodecs(opus_stereo); |
| printf("\nOther actions\n"); |
| const int num_codecs = codec->NumOfCodecs(); |
| int option_index = num_codecs; |
| printf("%i. Toggle CNG\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle AGC\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle NS\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle experimental NS\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle EC\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Select AEC\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Select AECM\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Get speaker volume\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Set speaker volume\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Get microphone volume\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Set microphone volume\n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Play local file (audio_long16.pcm) \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Change playout device \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Change recording device \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle receive-side AGC \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle receive-side NS \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. AGC status \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle microphone mute \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle on hold status \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Get last error code \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle typing detection \n", |
| option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Record a PCM file \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Play a previously recorded PCM file locally \n", |
| option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Play a previously recorded PCM file as microphone \n", |
| option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Add an additional file-playing channel \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Remove a file-playing channel \n", option_index++); |
| printf("%i. Toggle Opus stereo (Opus must be selected again to apply " |
| "the setting) \n", option_index++); |
| |
| printf("Select action or %i to stop the call: ", option_index); |
| int option_selection; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &option_selection)); |
| |
| option_index = num_codecs; |
| if (option_selection < option_index) { |
| res = codec->GetCodec(option_selection, cinst); |
| SetStereoIfOpus(opus_stereo, &cinst); |
| printf("Set primary codec\n"); |
| res = codec->SetSendCodec(chan, cinst); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| enable_cng = !enable_cng; |
| res = codec->SetVADStatus(0, enable_cng); |
| if (enable_cng) |
| printf("\n CNG is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n CNG is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| enable_agc = !enable_agc; |
| res = apm->SetAgcStatus(enable_agc); |
| if (enable_agc) |
| printf("\n AGC is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n AGC is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| enable_ns = !enable_ns; |
| res = apm->SetNsStatus(enable_ns); |
| if (enable_ns) |
| printf("\n NS is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n NS is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| experimental_ns_enabled = !experimental_ns_enabled; |
| res = base1->audio_processing()->EnableExperimentalNs( |
| experimental_ns_enabled); |
| if (experimental_ns_enabled) { |
| printf("\n Experimental NS is now on!\n"); |
| } else { |
| printf("\n Experimental NS is now off!\n"); |
| } |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| enable_aec = !enable_aec; |
| res = apm->SetEcStatus(enable_aec, kEcUnchanged); |
| if (enable_aec) |
| printf("\n Echo control is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Echo control is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| res = apm->SetEcStatus(enable_aec, kEcAec); |
| printf("\n AEC selected! \n"); |
| if (enable_aec) |
| printf(" (Echo control is on)\n"); |
| else |
| printf(" (Echo control is off)\n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| res = apm->SetEcStatus(enable_aec, kEcAecm); |
| printf("\n AECM selected! \n"); |
| if (enable_aec) |
| printf(" (Echo control is on)\n"); |
| else |
| printf(" (Echo control is off)\n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| unsigned vol(0); |
| res = volume->GetSpeakerVolume(vol); |
| printf("\n Speaker Volume is %d \n", vol); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| printf("Level: "); |
| int level; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &level)); |
| res = volume->SetSpeakerVolume(level); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| unsigned vol(0); |
| res = volume->GetMicVolume(vol); |
| printf("\n Microphone Volume is %d \n", vol); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| printf("Level: "); |
| int level; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &level)); |
| res = volume->SetMicVolume(level); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileLocally(0, audio_filename.c_str()); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // change the playout device with current call |
| int num_pd(-1); |
| res = hardware->GetNumOfPlayoutDevices(num_pd); |
| |
| char dn[128] = { 0 }; |
| char guid[128] = { 0 }; |
| |
| printf("\nPlayout devices (%d): \n", num_pd); |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_pd; ++i) { |
| res = hardware->GetPlayoutDeviceName(i, dn, guid); |
| printf(" %d: %s \n", i, dn); |
| } |
| printf("Select playout device: "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%d", &num_pd)); |
| // Will use plughw for hardware devices |
| res = hardware->SetPlayoutDevice(num_pd); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // change the recording device with current call |
| int num_rd(-1); |
| |
| res = hardware->GetNumOfRecordingDevices(num_rd); |
| |
| char dn[128] = { 0 }; |
| char guid[128] = { 0 }; |
| |
| printf("Recording devices (%d): \n", num_rd); |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_rd; ++i) { |
| res = hardware->GetRecordingDeviceName(i, dn, guid); |
| printf(" %d: %s \n", i, dn); |
| } |
| |
| printf("Select recording device: "); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%d", &num_rd)); |
| printf("Setting sound devices \n"); |
| // Will use plughw for hardware devices |
| res = hardware->SetRecordingDevice(num_rd); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // Remote AGC |
| enable_rx_agc = !enable_rx_agc; |
| res = apm->SetRxAgcStatus(chan, enable_rx_agc); |
| if (enable_rx_agc) |
| printf("\n Receive-side AGC is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Receive-side AGC is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // Remote NS |
| enable_rx_ns = !enable_rx_ns; |
| res = apm->SetRxNsStatus(chan, enable_rx_ns); |
| if (enable_rx_ns) |
| printf("\n Receive-side NS is now on! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Receive-side NS is now off! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| AgcModes agcmode; |
| bool enable; |
| res = apm->GetAgcStatus(enable, agcmode); |
| printf("\n AGC enable is %d, mode is %d \n", enable, agcmode); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // Toggle Mute on Microphone |
| res = volume->GetInputMute(chan, muted); |
| muted = !muted; |
| res = volume->SetInputMute(chan, muted); |
| if (muted) |
| printf("\n Microphone is now on mute! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Microphone is no longer on mute! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // Toggle the call on hold |
| OnHoldModes mode; |
| res = base1->GetOnHoldStatus(chan, on_hold, mode); |
| on_hold = !on_hold; |
| mode = kHoldSendAndPlay; |
| res = base1->SetOnHoldStatus(chan, on_hold, mode); |
| if (on_hold) |
| printf("\n Call now on hold! \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Call now not on hold! \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| // Get the last error code and print to screen |
| int err_code = 0; |
| err_code = base1->LastError(); |
| if (err_code != -1) |
| printf("\n The last error code was %i.\n", err_code); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| typing_detection= !typing_detection; |
| res = apm->SetTypingDetectionStatus(typing_detection); |
| if (typing_detection) |
| printf("\n Typing detection is now on!\n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Typing detection is now off!\n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| int stop_record = 1; |
| int file_source = 1; |
| printf("\n Select source of recorded file. "); |
| printf("\n 1. Record from microphone to file "); |
| printf("\n 2. Record from playout to file "); |
| printf("\n Enter your selection: \n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &file_source)); |
| if (file_source == 1) { |
| printf("\n Start recording microphone as %s \n", |
| mic_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartRecordingMicrophone(mic_filename.c_str()); |
| } else { |
| printf("\n Start recording playout as %s \n", play_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartRecordingPlayout(chan, play_filename.c_str()); |
| } |
| while (stop_record != 0) { |
| printf("\n Type 0 to stop recording file \n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &stop_record)); |
| } |
| if (file_source == 1) { |
| res = file->StopRecordingMicrophone(); |
| } else { |
| res = file->StopRecordingPlayout(chan); |
| } |
| printf("\n File finished recording \n"); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| int file_type = 1; |
| int stop_play = 1; |
| printf("\n Select a file to play locally in a loop."); |
| printf("\n 1. Play %s", mic_filename.c_str()); |
| printf("\n 2. Play %s", play_filename.c_str()); |
| printf("\n Enter your selection\n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &file_type)); |
| if (file_type == 1) { |
| printf("\n Start playing %s locally in a loop\n", |
| mic_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileLocally(chan, mic_filename.c_str(), true); |
| } else { |
| printf("\n Start playing %s locally in a loop\n", |
| play_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileLocally(chan, play_filename.c_str(), |
| true); |
| } |
| while (stop_play != 0) { |
| printf("\n Type 0 to stop playing file\n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &stop_play)); |
| } |
| res = file->StopPlayingFileLocally(chan); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| int file_type = 1; |
| int stop_play = 1; |
| printf("\n Select a file to play as microphone in a loop."); |
| printf("\n 1. Play %s", mic_filename.c_str()); |
| printf("\n 2. Play %s", play_filename.c_str()); |
| printf("\n Enter your selection\n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &file_type)); |
| if (file_type == 1) { |
| printf("\n Start playing %s as mic in a loop\n", |
| mic_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(chan, mic_filename.c_str(), |
| true); |
| } else { |
| printf("\n Start playing %s as mic in a loop\n", |
| play_filename.c_str()); |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(chan, play_filename.c_str(), |
| true); |
| } |
| while (stop_play != 0) { |
| printf("\n Type 0 to stop playing file\n"); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &stop_play)); |
| } |
| res = file->StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone(chan); |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| if (channel_index < kMaxNumChannels) { |
| res = base1->StartReceive(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StartPlayout(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StartSend(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = file->StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(channels[channel_index], |
| audio_filename.c_str(), |
| true, |
| false); |
| channel_index++; |
| printf("Using %d additional channels\n", channel_index); |
| } else { |
| printf("Max number of channels reached\n"); |
| } |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| if (channel_index > 0) { |
| channel_index--; |
| res = file->StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopSend(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopPlayout(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopReceive(channels[channel_index]); |
| printf("Using %d additional channels\n", channel_index); |
| } else { |
| printf("All additional channels stopped\n"); |
| } |
| } else if (option_selection == option_index++) { |
| opus_stereo = !opus_stereo; |
| if (opus_stereo) |
| printf("\n Opus stereo enabled (select Opus again to apply the " |
| "setting). \n"); |
| else |
| printf("\n Opus mono enabled (select Opus again to apply the " |
| "setting). \n"); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (send) { |
| printf("Stop Send \n"); |
| res = base1->StopSend(chan); |
| } |
| |
| if (receive) { |
| printf("Stop Playout \n"); |
| res = base1->StopPlayout(chan); |
| |
| printf("Stop Listen \n"); |
| res = base1->StopReceive(chan); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| while (channel_index > 0) { |
| --channel_index; |
| res = file->StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopSend(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopPlayout(channels[channel_index]); |
| res = base1->StopReceive(channels[channel_index]); |
| } |
| |
| printf("\n1. New call \n"); |
| printf("2. Quit \n"); |
| printf("Select action: "); |
| int end_option; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, scanf("%i", &end_option)); |
| newcall = (end_option == 1); |
| // Call loop |
| } |
| for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumChannels; ++i) { |
| delete voice_channel_transports[i]; |
| voice_channel_transports[i] = NULL; |
| } |
| |
| printf("Delete channels \n"); |
| res = base1->DeleteChannel(chan); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumChannels; ++i) { |
| channels[i] = base1->DeleteChannel(channels[i]); |
| } |
| } |