blob: c6475019630eb6270413e55dac9d1c84d0db4622 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_render/android/video_render_android_impl.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_render/video_render_internal.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/event_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
#ifdef ANDROID
#include <android/log.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define WEBRTC_TRACE(a,b,c,...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "*WEBRTCN*", __VA_ARGS__)
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
namespace webrtc {
JavaVM* VideoRenderAndroid::g_jvm = NULL;
int32_t SetRenderAndroidVM(JavaVM* javaVM) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideoRenderer, -1, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
VideoRenderAndroid::g_jvm = javaVM;
return 0;
const int32_t id,
const VideoRenderType videoRenderType,
void* window,
const bool /*fullscreen*/):
_javaRenderJniEnv(NULL) {
VideoRenderAndroid::~VideoRenderAndroid() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"VideoRenderAndroid dtor");
if (_javaRenderThread)
for (AndroidStreamMap::iterator it = _streamsMap.begin();
it != _streamsMap.end();
++it) {
delete it->second;
delete &_javaShutdownEvent;
delete &_javaRenderEvent;
delete &_critSect;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::ChangeWindow(void* /*window*/) {
return -1;
VideoRenderAndroid::AddIncomingRenderStream(const uint32_t streamId,
const uint32_t zOrder,
const float left, const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
AndroidStream* renderStream = NULL;
AndroidStreamMap::iterator item = _streamsMap.find(streamId);
if (item != _streamsMap.end() && item->second != NULL) {
"%s: Render stream already exists",
return renderStream;
renderStream = CreateAndroidRenderChannel(streamId, zOrder, left, top,
right, bottom, *this);
if (renderStream) {
_streamsMap[streamId] = renderStream;
else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"(%s:%d): renderStream is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return NULL;
return renderStream;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::DeleteIncomingRenderStream(
const uint32_t streamId) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
AndroidStreamMap::iterator item = _streamsMap.find(streamId);
if (item == _streamsMap.end()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"(%s:%d): renderStream is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return -1;
delete item->second;
return 0;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::GetIncomingRenderStreamProperties(
const uint32_t streamId,
uint32_t& zOrder,
float& left,
float& top,
float& right,
float& bottom) const {
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::StartRender() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
if (_javaRenderThread) {
// StartRender is called when this stream should start render.
// However StopRender is not called when the streams stop rendering.
// Thus the the thread is only deleted when the renderer is removed.
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s, Render thread already exist", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
_javaRenderThread = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(JavaRenderThreadFun, this,
if (_javaRenderThread->Start())
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s: thread started", __FUNCTION__);
else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s: Could not start send thread", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::StopRender() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id, "%s:", __FUNCTION__);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
if (!_javaRenderThread)
return -1;
_javaShutDownFlag = true;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
return 0;
void VideoRenderAndroid::ReDraw() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
// Allow redraw if it was more than 20ms since last.
if (_lastJavaRenderEvent < TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp() - 20) {
_lastJavaRenderEvent = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
bool VideoRenderAndroid::JavaRenderThreadFun(void* obj) {
return static_cast<VideoRenderAndroid*> (obj)->JavaRenderThreadProcess();
bool VideoRenderAndroid::JavaRenderThreadProcess()
CriticalSectionScoped cs(&_critSect);
if (!_javaRenderJniEnv) {
// try to attach the thread and get the env
// Attach this thread to JVM
jint res = g_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&_javaRenderJniEnv, NULL);
// Get the JNI env for this thread
if ((res < 0) || !_javaRenderJniEnv) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s: Could not attach thread to JVM (%d, %p)",
__FUNCTION__, res, _javaRenderJniEnv);
return false;
for (AndroidStreamMap::iterator it = _streamsMap.begin();
it != _streamsMap.end();
++it) {
if (_javaShutDownFlag) {
if (g_jvm->DetachCurrentThread() < 0)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s: Could not detach thread from JVM", __FUNCTION__);
else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s: Java thread detached", __FUNCTION__);
_javaRenderJniEnv = NULL;
_javaShutDownFlag = false;
return false; // Do not run this thread again.
return true;
VideoRenderType VideoRenderAndroid::RenderType() {
return _renderType;
RawVideoType VideoRenderAndroid::PerferedVideoType() {
return kVideoI420;
bool VideoRenderAndroid::FullScreen() {
return false;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::GetGraphicsMemory(
uint64_t& /*totalGraphicsMemory*/,
uint64_t& /*availableGraphicsMemory*/) const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::GetScreenResolution(
uint32_t& /*screenWidth*/,
uint32_t& /*screenHeight*/) const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
uint32_t VideoRenderAndroid::RenderFrameRate(
const uint32_t /*streamId*/) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::SetStreamCropping(
const uint32_t /*streamId*/,
const float /*left*/,
const float /*top*/,
const float /*right*/,
const float /*bottom*/) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::SetTransparentBackground(const bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::ConfigureRenderer(
const uint32_t streamId,
const unsigned int zOrder,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::SetText(
const uint8_t textId,
const uint8_t* text,
const int32_t textLength,
const uint32_t textColorRef,
const uint32_t backgroundColorRef,
const float left, const float top,
const float rigth, const float bottom) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int32_t VideoRenderAndroid::SetBitmap(const void* bitMap,
const uint8_t pictureId,
const void* colorKey,
const float left, const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideoRenderer, _id,
"%s - not supported on Android", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
} // namespace webrtc