blob: 7fdd46280c4dfd965acf6e2a60fd7859cbe5344a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
declare_args() {
# Assume Chromium build for now, since that's the priority case for getting GN
# up and running with WebRTC.
build_with_chromium = true
build_with_libjingle = true
# Disable this to avoid building the Opus audio codec.
rtc_include_opus = true
# Used to specify an external Jsoncpp include path when not compiling the
# library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_json == 0).
rtc_jsoncpp_root = "//third_party/jsoncpp/source/include"
# Used to specify an external OpenSSL include path when not compiling the
# library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_ssl == 0).
rtc_ssl_root = ""
# Adds video support to dependencies shared by voice and video engine.
# This should normally be enabled; the intended use is to disable only
# when building voice engine exclusively.
rtc_enable_video = true
# Selects fixed-point code where possible.
rtc_prefer_fixed_point = false
# Enable data logging. Produces text files with data logged within engines
# which can be easily parsed for offline processing.
rtc_enable_data_logging = false
# Enables the use of protocol buffers for debug recordings.
rtc_enable_protobuf = true
# Disable these to not build components which can be externally provided.
rtc_build_json = true
rtc_build_libjpeg = true
rtc_build_libyuv = true
rtc_build_libvpx = true
rtc_build_vp9 = true
rtc_build_ssl = true
# Disable by default.
rtc_have_dbus_glib = false
# Enable to use the Mozilla internal settings.
build_with_mozilla = false
# Define MIPS DSP variant and MIPS FPU.
# This may be subject to change in accordance to Chromium's MIPS flags.
mips_dsp_rev = 0
mips_fpu = true
rtc_enable_android_opensl = false
# Link-Time Optimizations.
# Executes code generation at link-time instead of compile-time.
rtc_use_lto = false
# Directly call the trace callback instead of passing it to a logging
# thread. Used for components that provide their own threaded logging.
rtc_use_direct_trace = false
if (build_with_chromium) {
# Exclude pulse audio on Chromium since its prerequisites don't require
# pulse audio.
rtc_include_pulse_audio = false
# Exclude internal ADM since Chromium uses its own IO handling.
rtc_include_internal_audio_device = false
} else {
# Settings for the standalone (not-in-Chromium) build.
# TODO(andrew): For now, disable the Chrome plugins, which causes a
# flood of chromium-style warnings. Investigate enabling them:
clang_use_chrome_plugins = false
rtc_include_pulse_audio = true
rtc_include_internal_audio_device = true
if (build_with_libjingle) {
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_restrict_logging = true
} else {
rtc_include_tests = true
rtc_restrict_logging = false
if (is_ios) {
rtc_build_libjpeg = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
rtc_prefer_fixed_point = true
# TODO(ljubomir): Unset rtc_use_openmax_dl for mips64el once mips64el gets
# supported in GN (since openmax_dl is not supported for mips64el).
if (!is_ios && (cpu_arch != "arm" || arm_version >= 7)) {
rtc_use_openmax_dl = true
} else {
rtc_use_openmax_dl = false
# WebRTC builds ARM v7 Neon instruction set optimized code for both iOS and
# Android, which is why we currently cannot use the variables in
# //build/config/arm.gni (since it disables Neon for Android).
rtc_build_armv7_neon = (cpu_arch == "arm" && arm_version >= 7)
# Make it possible to provide custom locations for some libraries (move these
# up into declare_args should we need to actually use them for the GN build).
rtc_libvpx_dir = "//third_party/libvpx"
rtc_libyuv_dir = "//third_party/libyuv"
rtc_opus_dir = "//third_party/opus"