blob: a24fc34982e1ade982eec20ac6c85d691738fb1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_receiver_strategy.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
namespace webrtc {
// This strategy deals with the audio/video-specific aspects
// of payload handling.
class RTPPayloadStrategy {
virtual ~RTPPayloadStrategy() {}
virtual bool CodecsMustBeUnique() const = 0;
virtual bool PayloadIsCompatible(const RtpUtility::Payload& payload,
const uint32_t frequency,
const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate) const = 0;
virtual void UpdatePayloadRate(RtpUtility::Payload* payload,
const uint32_t rate) const = 0;
virtual RtpUtility::Payload* CreatePayloadType(
const char payloadName[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const int8_t payloadType,
const uint32_t frequency,
const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate) const = 0;
virtual int GetPayloadTypeFrequency(
const RtpUtility::Payload& payload) const = 0;
static RTPPayloadStrategy* CreateStrategy(const bool handling_audio);
RTPPayloadStrategy() {}
class RTPPayloadRegistry {
// The registry takes ownership of the strategy.
explicit RTPPayloadRegistry(RTPPayloadStrategy* rtp_payload_strategy);
int32_t RegisterReceivePayload(
const char payload_name[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const int8_t payload_type,
const uint32_t frequency,
const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate,
bool* created_new_payload_type);
int32_t DeRegisterReceivePayload(
const int8_t payload_type);
int32_t ReceivePayloadType(
const char payload_name[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const uint32_t frequency,
const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate,
int8_t* payload_type) const;
bool RtxEnabled() const;
void SetRtxSsrc(uint32_t ssrc);
bool GetRtxSsrc(uint32_t* ssrc) const;
void SetRtxPayloadType(int payload_type, int associated_payload_type);
bool IsRtx(const RTPHeader& header) const;
bool RestoreOriginalPacket(uint8_t* restored_packet,
const uint8_t* packet,
size_t* packet_length,
uint32_t original_ssrc,
const RTPHeader& header) const;
bool IsRed(const RTPHeader& header) const;
// Returns true if the media of this RTP packet is encapsulated within an
// extra header, such as RTX or RED.
bool IsEncapsulated(const RTPHeader& header) const;
bool GetPayloadSpecifics(uint8_t payload_type, PayloadUnion* payload) const;
int GetPayloadTypeFrequency(uint8_t payload_type) const;
const RtpUtility::Payload* PayloadTypeToPayload(uint8_t payload_type) const;
void ResetLastReceivedPayloadTypes() {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
last_received_payload_type_ = -1;
last_received_media_payload_type_ = -1;
// This sets the payload type of the packets being received from the network
// on the media SSRC. For instance if packets are encapsulated with RED, this
// payload type will be the RED payload type.
void SetIncomingPayloadType(const RTPHeader& header);
// Returns true if the new media payload type has not changed.
bool ReportMediaPayloadType(uint8_t media_payload_type);
int8_t red_payload_type() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
return red_payload_type_;
int8_t ulpfec_payload_type() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
return ulpfec_payload_type_;
int8_t last_received_payload_type() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
return last_received_payload_type_;
void set_last_received_payload_type(int8_t last_received_payload_type) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
last_received_payload_type_ = last_received_payload_type;
int8_t last_received_media_payload_type() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
return last_received_media_payload_type_;
bool use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
return use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore_;
void set_use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore(bool val) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore_ = val;
// Prunes the payload type map of the specific payload type, if it exists.
void DeregisterAudioCodecOrRedTypeRegardlessOfPayloadType(
const char payload_name[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const size_t payload_name_length,
const uint32_t frequency,
const size_t channels,
const uint32_t rate);
bool IsRtxInternal(const RTPHeader& header) const;
rtc::CriticalSection crit_sect_;
RtpUtility::PayloadTypeMap payload_type_map_;
std::unique_ptr<RTPPayloadStrategy> rtp_payload_strategy_;
int8_t red_payload_type_;
int8_t ulpfec_payload_type_;
int8_t incoming_payload_type_;
int8_t last_received_payload_type_;
int8_t last_received_media_payload_type_;
bool rtx_;
// TODO(changbin): Remove rtx_payload_type_ once interop with old clients that
// only understand one RTX PT is no longer needed.
int rtx_payload_type_;
// Mapping rtx_payload_type_map_[rtx] = associated.
std::map<int, int> rtx_payload_type_map_;
// When true, use rtx_payload_type_map_ when restoring RTX packets to get the
// correct payload type.
bool use_rtx_payload_mapping_on_restore_;
uint32_t ssrc_rtx_;
} // namespace webrtc