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* Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Java version of VideoSinkInterface. In addition to allowing clients to
* define their own rendering behavior (by passing in a Callbacks object), this
* class also provides a createGui() method for creating a GUI-rendering window
* on various platforms.
public class VideoRenderer {
* Java version of webrtc::VideoFrame. Frames are only constructed from native code and test
* code.
public static class I420Frame {
public final int width;
public final int height;
public final int[] yuvStrides;
public ByteBuffer[] yuvPlanes;
public final boolean yuvFrame;
// Matrix that transforms standard coordinates to their proper sampling locations in
// the texture. This transform compensates for any properties of the video source that
// cause it to appear different from a normalized texture. This matrix does not take
// |rotationDegree| into account.
public final float[] samplingMatrix;
public int textureId;
// Frame pointer in C++.
private long nativeFramePointer;
// rotationDegree is the degree that the frame must be rotated clockwisely
// to be rendered correctly.
public int rotationDegree;
* Construct a frame of the given dimensions with the specified planar data.
public I420Frame(int width, int height, int rotationDegree, int[] yuvStrides,
ByteBuffer[] yuvPlanes, long nativeFramePointer) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.yuvStrides = yuvStrides;
this.yuvPlanes = yuvPlanes;
this.yuvFrame = true;
this.rotationDegree = rotationDegree;
this.nativeFramePointer = nativeFramePointer;
if (rotationDegree % 90 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rotation degree not multiple of 90: " + rotationDegree);
// The convention in WebRTC is that the first element in a ByteBuffer corresponds to the
// top-left corner of the image, but in glTexImage2D() the first element corresponds to the
// bottom-left corner. This discrepancy is corrected by setting a vertical flip as sampling
// matrix.
samplingMatrix = RendererCommon.verticalFlipMatrix();
* Construct a texture frame of the given dimensions with data in SurfaceTexture
public I420Frame(int width, int height, int rotationDegree, int textureId,
float[] samplingMatrix, long nativeFramePointer) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.yuvStrides = null;
this.yuvPlanes = null;
this.samplingMatrix = samplingMatrix;
this.textureId = textureId;
this.yuvFrame = false;
this.rotationDegree = rotationDegree;
this.nativeFramePointer = nativeFramePointer;
if (rotationDegree % 90 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rotation degree not multiple of 90: " + rotationDegree);
* Construct a frame from VideoFrame.Buffer.
public I420Frame(int rotationDegree, VideoFrame.Buffer buffer, long nativeFramePointer) {
this.width = buffer.getWidth();
this.height = buffer.getHeight();
this.rotationDegree = rotationDegree;
if (rotationDegree % 90 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rotation degree not multiple of 90: " + rotationDegree);
if (buffer instanceof VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) {
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer textureBuffer = (VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) buffer;
this.yuvFrame = false;
this.textureId = textureBuffer.getTextureId();
this.samplingMatrix = RendererCommon.convertMatrixFromAndroidGraphicsMatrix(
this.yuvStrides = null;
this.yuvPlanes = null;
} else {
VideoFrame.I420Buffer i420Buffer = buffer.toI420();
this.yuvFrame = true;
this.yuvStrides =
new int[] {i420Buffer.getStrideY(), i420Buffer.getStrideU(), i420Buffer.getStrideV()};
this.yuvPlanes =
new ByteBuffer[] {i420Buffer.getDataY(), i420Buffer.getDataU(), i420Buffer.getDataV()};
// The convention in WebRTC is that the first element in a ByteBuffer corresponds to the
// top-left corner of the image, but in glTexImage2D() the first element corresponds to the
// bottom-left corner. This discrepancy is corrected by multiplying the sampling matrix with
// a vertical flip matrix.
this.samplingMatrix = RendererCommon.verticalFlipMatrix();
this.textureId = 0;
this.nativeFramePointer = nativeFramePointer;
public int rotatedWidth() {
return (rotationDegree % 180 == 0) ? width : height;
public int rotatedHeight() {
return (rotationDegree % 180 == 0) ? height : width;
public String toString() {
final String type = yuvFrame
? "Y: " + yuvStrides[0] + ", U: " + yuvStrides[1] + ", V: " + yuvStrides[2]
: "Texture: " + textureId;
return width + "x" + height + ", " + type;
VideoFrame toVideoFrame() {
final VideoFrame.Buffer buffer;
if (yuvFrame) {
buffer = new I420BufferImpl(width, height, yuvPlanes[0], yuvStrides[0], yuvPlanes[1],
yuvStrides[1], yuvPlanes[2], yuvStrides[2],
() -> { VideoRenderer.renderFrameDone(this); });
} else {
// Note: surfaceTextureHelper being null means calling toI420 will crash.
buffer = new TextureBufferImpl(width, height, VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type.OES, textureId,
null /* surfaceTextureHelper */, () -> { VideoRenderer.renderFrameDone(this); });
return new VideoFrame(buffer, rotationDegree, 0 /* timestampNs */);
// Helper native function to do a video frame plane copying.
public static native void nativeCopyPlane(
ByteBuffer src, int width, int height, int srcStride, ByteBuffer dst, int dstStride);
/** The real meat of VideoSinkInterface. */
public static interface Callbacks {
// |frame| might have pending rotation and implementation of Callbacks
// should handle that by applying rotation during rendering. The callee
// is responsible for signaling when it is done with |frame| by calling
// renderFrameDone(frame).
public void renderFrame(I420Frame frame);
* This must be called after every renderFrame() to release the frame.
public static void renderFrameDone(I420Frame frame) {
frame.yuvPlanes = null;
frame.textureId = 0;
if (frame.nativeFramePointer != 0) {
frame.nativeFramePointer = 0;
long nativeVideoRenderer;
public VideoRenderer(Callbacks callbacks) {
nativeVideoRenderer = nativeWrapVideoRenderer(callbacks);
public void dispose() {
if (nativeVideoRenderer == 0) {
// Already disposed.
nativeVideoRenderer = 0;
private static native long nativeWrapVideoRenderer(Callbacks callbacks);
private static native void freeWrappedVideoRenderer(long nativeVideoRenderer);
private static native void releaseNativeFrame(long nativeFramePointer);