blob: cbded6872d389330f958c82716ba8ddc679df721 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_payload_registry.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/mock/mock_rtp_payload_strategy.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
namespace webrtc {
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::_;
static const char* kTypicalPayloadName = "name";
static const size_t kTypicalChannels = 1;
static const int kTypicalFrequency = 44000;
static const int kTypicalRate = 32 * 1024;
class RtpPayloadRegistryTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() {
// Note: the payload registry takes ownership of the strategy.
mock_payload_strategy_ = new testing::NiceMock<MockRTPPayloadStrategy>();
rtp_payload_registry_.reset(new RTPPayloadRegistry(mock_payload_strategy_));
RtpUtility::Payload* ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(uint8_t payload_type,
uint32_t rate) {
bool audio = true;
RtpUtility::Payload returned_payload = {
{// Initialize the audio struct in this case.
{kTypicalFrequency, kTypicalChannels, rate}}};
// Note: we return a new payload since the payload registry takes ownership
// of the created object.
RtpUtility::Payload* returned_payload_on_heap =
new RtpUtility::Payload(returned_payload);
CreatePayloadType(kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type,
kTypicalFrequency, kTypicalChannels, rate))
return returned_payload_on_heap;
rtc::scoped_ptr<RTPPayloadRegistry> rtp_payload_registry_;
testing::NiceMock<MockRTPPayloadStrategy>* mock_payload_strategy_;
TEST_F(RtpPayloadRegistryTest, RegistersAndRemembersPayloadsUntilDeregistered) {
uint8_t payload_type = 97;
RtpUtility::Payload* returned_payload_on_heap =
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type, kTypicalRate);
bool new_payload_created = false;
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &new_payload_created));
EXPECT_TRUE(new_payload_created) << "A new payload WAS created.";
const RtpUtility::Payload* retrieved_payload =
// We should get back the exact pointer to the payload returned by the
// payload strategy.
EXPECT_EQ(returned_payload_on_heap, retrieved_payload);
// Now forget about it and verify it's gone.
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->DeRegisterReceivePayload(payload_type));
TEST_F(RtpPayloadRegistryTest, AudioRedWorkProperly) {
const uint8_t kRedPayloadType = 127;
const int kRedSampleRate = 8000;
const size_t kRedChannels = 1;
const int kRedBitRate = 0;
// This creates an audio RTP payload strategy.
new RTPPayloadRegistry(RTPPayloadStrategy::CreateStrategy(true)));
bool new_payload_created = false;
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
"red", kRedPayloadType, kRedSampleRate, kRedChannels,
kRedBitRate, &new_payload_created));
EXPECT_EQ(kRedPayloadType, rtp_payload_registry_->red_payload_type());
const RtpUtility::Payload* retrieved_payload =
EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("red", retrieved_payload->name);
// Sample rate is correctly registered.
DoesNotAcceptSamePayloadTypeTwiceExceptIfPayloadIsCompatible) {
uint8_t payload_type = 97;
bool ignored = false;
RtpUtility::Payload* first_payload_on_heap =
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored))
<< "Adding same codec twice = bad.";
RtpUtility::Payload* second_payload_on_heap =
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type - 1, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type - 1, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored))
<< "With a different payload type is fine though.";
// Ensure both payloads are preserved.
const RtpUtility::Payload* retrieved_payload =
EXPECT_EQ(first_payload_on_heap, retrieved_payload);
retrieved_payload =
rtp_payload_registry_->PayloadTypeToPayload(payload_type - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(second_payload_on_heap, retrieved_payload);
// Ok, update the rate for one of the codecs. If either the incoming rate or
// the stored rate is zero it's not really an error to register the same
// codec twice, and in that case roughly the following happens.
ON_CALL(*mock_payload_strategy_, PayloadIsCompatible(_, _, _, _))
UpdatePayloadRate(first_payload_on_heap, kTypicalRate));
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored));
RemovesCompatibleCodecsOnRegistryIfCodecsMustBeUnique) {
ON_CALL(*mock_payload_strategy_, PayloadIsCompatible(_, _, _, _))
ON_CALL(*mock_payload_strategy_, CodecsMustBeUnique())
uint8_t payload_type = 97;
bool ignored = false;
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored));
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type - 1, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type - 1, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored));
<< "The first payload should be "
"deregistered because the only thing that differs is payload type.";
EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_payload_registry_->PayloadTypeToPayload(payload_type - 1))
<< "The second payload should still be registered though.";
// Now ensure non-compatible codecs aren't removed.
ON_CALL(*mock_payload_strategy_, PayloadIsCompatible(_, _, _, _))
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(payload_type + 1, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, payload_type + 1, kTypicalFrequency,
kTypicalChannels, kTypicalRate, &ignored));
EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_payload_registry_->PayloadTypeToPayload(payload_type - 1))
<< "Not compatible; both payloads should be kept.";
EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_payload_registry_->PayloadTypeToPayload(payload_type + 1))
<< "Not compatible; both payloads should be kept.";
LastReceivedCodecTypesAreResetWhenRegisteringNewPayloadTypes) {
EXPECT_EQ(17, rtp_payload_registry_->last_received_payload_type());
bool media_type_unchanged = rtp_payload_registry_->ReportMediaPayloadType(18);
media_type_unchanged = rtp_payload_registry_->ReportMediaPayloadType(18);
bool ignored;
ExpectReturnOfTypicalAudioPayload(34, kTypicalRate);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
kTypicalPayloadName, 34, kTypicalFrequency, kTypicalChannels,
kTypicalRate, &ignored));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, rtp_payload_registry_->last_received_payload_type());
media_type_unchanged = rtp_payload_registry_->ReportMediaPayloadType(18);
class ParameterizedRtpPayloadRegistryTest
: public RtpPayloadRegistryTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {};
FailsToRegisterKnownPayloadsWeAreNotInterestedIn) {
int payload_type = GetParam();
bool ignored;
EXPECT_EQ(-1, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
"whatever", static_cast<uint8_t>(payload_type), 19, 1, 17,
testing::Values(64, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79));
class RtpPayloadRegistryGenericTest
: public RtpPayloadRegistryTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {};
TEST_P(RtpPayloadRegistryGenericTest, RegisterGenericReceivePayloadType) {
int payload_type = GetParam();
bool ignored;
EXPECT_EQ(0, rtp_payload_registry_->RegisterReceivePayload(
"generic-codec", static_cast<int8_t>(payload_type), 19, 1,
17, &ignored)); // dummy values, except for payload_type
// Generates an RTX packet for the given length and original sequence number.
// The RTX sequence number and ssrc will use the default value of 9999. The
// caller takes ownership of the returned buffer.
const uint8_t* GenerateRtxPacket(size_t header_length,
size_t payload_length,
uint16_t original_sequence_number) {
uint8_t* packet =
new uint8_t[kRtxHeaderSize + header_length + payload_length]();
// Write the RTP version to the first byte, so the resulting header can be
// parsed.
static const int kRtpExpectedVersion = 2;
packet[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(kRtpExpectedVersion << 6);
// Write a junk sequence number. It should be thrown away when the packet is
// restored.
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(packet + 2, 9999);
// Write a junk ssrc. It should also be thrown away when the packet is
// restored.
ByteWriter<uint32_t>::WriteBigEndian(packet + 8, 9999);
// Now write the RTX header. It occurs at the start of the payload block, and
// contains just the sequence number.
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(packet + header_length,
return packet;
void TestRtxPacket(RTPPayloadRegistry* rtp_payload_registry,
int rtx_payload_type,
int expected_payload_type,
bool should_succeed) {
size_t header_length = 100;
size_t payload_length = 200;
size_t original_length = header_length + payload_length + kRtxHeaderSize;
RTPHeader header;
header.ssrc = 1000;
header.sequenceNumber = 100;
header.payloadType = rtx_payload_type;
header.headerLength = header_length;
uint16_t original_sequence_number = 1234;
uint32_t original_ssrc = 500;
rtc::scoped_ptr<const uint8_t[]> packet(GenerateRtxPacket(
header_length, payload_length, original_sequence_number));
rtc::scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> restored_packet(
new uint8_t[header_length + payload_length]);
size_t length = original_length;
bool success = rtp_payload_registry->RestoreOriginalPacket(
restored_packet.get(), packet.get(), &length, original_ssrc, header);
EXPECT_EQ(should_succeed, success)
<< "Test success should match should_succeed.";
if (!success) {
EXPECT_EQ(original_length - kRtxHeaderSize, length)
<< "The restored packet should be exactly kRtxHeaderSize smaller.";
rtc::scoped_ptr<RtpHeaderParser> header_parser(RtpHeaderParser::Create());
RTPHeader restored_header;
header_parser->Parse(restored_packet.get(), length, &restored_header));
EXPECT_EQ(original_sequence_number, restored_header.sequenceNumber)
<< "The restored packet should have the original sequence number "
<< "in the correct location in the RTP header.";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_payload_type, restored_header.payloadType)
<< "The restored packet should have the correct payload type.";
EXPECT_EQ(original_ssrc, restored_header.ssrc)
<< "The restored packet should have the correct ssrc.";
TEST_F(RtpPayloadRegistryTest, MultipleRtxPayloadTypes) {
// Set the incoming payload type to 90.
RTPHeader header;
header.payloadType = 90;
header.ssrc = 1;
// Map two RTX payload types.
rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxPayloadType(105, 95);
rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxPayloadType(106, 96);
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 105, 95, true);
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 106, 96, true);
TEST_F(RtpPayloadRegistryTest, InvalidRtxConfiguration) {
// Fails because no mappings exist and the incoming payload type isn't known.
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 105, 0, false);
// Succeeds when the mapping is used, but fails for the implicit fallback.
rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxPayloadType(105, 95);
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 105, 95, true);
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 106, 0, false);
TEST_F(RtpPayloadRegistryTest, AssumeRtxWrappingRed) {
// Succeeds when the mapping is used, but fails for the implicit fallback.
rtp_payload_registry_->SetRtxPayloadType(105, 95);
// Set the incoming payload type to 96, which we assume is red.
RTPHeader header;
header.payloadType = 96;
header.ssrc = 1;
// Recovers with correct, but unexpected, payload type since we haven't
// configured red.
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 105, 95, true);
bool created_new_payload;
"RED", header.payloadType, 90000, 1, 0, &created_new_payload);
// Now that red is configured we expect to get the red payload type back on
// recovery because of the workaround to always recover red when configured.
TestRtxPacket(rtp_payload_registry_.get(), 105, header.payloadType, true);
testing::Range(96, 127 + 1));
} // namespace webrtc