blob: b633a38270b1e9a1e9bc03eb77b5429f4d6fde77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#if !defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/platform_file.h"
namespace rtc {
class FileStream;
class Pathname;
// Directory Iterator //
// A DirectoryIterator is created with a given directory. It originally points
// to the first file in the directory, and can be advanecd with Next(). This
// allows you to get information about each file.
class DirectoryIterator {
friend class Filesystem;
// Constructor
// Destructor
virtual ~DirectoryIterator();
// Starts traversing a directory
// dir is the directory to traverse
// returns true if the directory exists and is valid
// The iterator will point to the first entry in the directory
virtual bool Iterate(const Pathname &path);
// Advances to the next file
// returns true if there were more files in the directory.
virtual bool Next();
// returns true if the file currently pointed to is a directory
virtual bool IsDirectory() const;
// returns the name of the file currently pointed to
virtual std::string Name() const;
std::string directory_;
#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
WIN32_FIND_DATA data_;
HANDLE handle_;
DIR *dir_;
struct dirent *dirent_;
struct stat stat_;
class FilesystemInterface {
virtual ~FilesystemInterface() {}
// This will attempt to delete the path located at filename.
// It DCHECKs and returns false if the path points to a folder or a
// non-existent file.
virtual bool DeleteFile(const Pathname &filename) = 0;
// Creates a directory. This will call itself recursively to create /foo/bar
// even if /foo does not exist. Returns true if the function succeeds.
virtual bool CreateFolder(const Pathname &pathname) = 0;
// This moves a file from old_path to new_path, where "old_path" is a
// plain file. This DCHECKs and returns false if old_path points to a
// directory, and returns true if the function succeeds.
virtual bool MoveFile(const Pathname &old_path, const Pathname &new_path) = 0;
// Returns true if pathname refers to a directory
virtual bool IsFolder(const Pathname& pathname) = 0;
// Returns true if pathname refers to a file
virtual bool IsFile(const Pathname& pathname) = 0;
// Returns true if pathname refers to no filesystem object, every parent
// directory either exists, or is also absent.
virtual bool IsAbsent(const Pathname& pathname) = 0;
// A folder appropriate for storing temporary files (Contents are
// automatically deleted when the program exits)
virtual bool GetTemporaryFolder(Pathname &path, bool create,
const std::string *append) = 0;
virtual std::string TempFilename(const Pathname &dir,
const std::string &prefix) = 0;
// Determines the size of the file indicated by path.
virtual bool GetFileSize(const Pathname& path, size_t* size) = 0;
class Filesystem {
static FilesystemInterface *default_filesystem() {
return default_filesystem_;
static void set_default_filesystem(FilesystemInterface *filesystem) {
default_filesystem_ = filesystem;
static FilesystemInterface *swap_default_filesystem(
FilesystemInterface *filesystem) {
FilesystemInterface *cur = default_filesystem_;
default_filesystem_ = filesystem;
return cur;
static bool CreateFolder(const Pathname &pathname) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->CreateFolder(pathname);
static bool DeleteFile(const Pathname &filename) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->DeleteFile(filename);
static bool MoveFile(const Pathname &old_path, const Pathname &new_path) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->MoveFile(old_path, new_path);
static bool IsFolder(const Pathname& pathname) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->IsFolder(pathname);
static bool IsFile(const Pathname &pathname) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->IsFile(pathname);
static bool IsAbsent(const Pathname &pathname) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->IsAbsent(pathname);
static bool GetTemporaryFolder(Pathname &path, bool create,
const std::string *append) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->GetTemporaryFolder(path, create, append);
static std::string TempFilename(const Pathname &dir,
const std::string &prefix) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->TempFilename(dir, prefix);
static bool GetFileSize(const Pathname& path, size_t* size) {
return EnsureDefaultFilesystem()->GetFileSize(path, size);
static FilesystemInterface* default_filesystem_;
static FilesystemInterface *EnsureDefaultFilesystem();
} // namespace rtc