blob: 5f5e5905ed6ce381abad5878cc6dcdc53740b72a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/base/socket.h"
#include "webrtc/stream.h"
namespace webrtc {
class BitrateController;
class BitrateObserver;
class CallStats;
class Config;
class PacedSender;
class PacketRouter;
class ProcessThread;
class RemoteBitrateEstimator;
class RemoteEstimatorProxy;
class RtpRtcp;
class SendStatisticsProxy;
class TransportFeedbackAdapter;
class TransportFeedbackObserver;
class ViEEncoder;
class VieRemb;
class CongestionController {
CongestionController(ProcessThread* process_thread, CallStats* call_stats,
BitrateObserver* bitrate_observer);
virtual ~CongestionController();
virtual void AddEncoder(ViEEncoder* encoder);
virtual void RemoveEncoder(ViEEncoder* encoder);
virtual void SetBweBitrates(int min_bitrate_bps,
int start_bitrate_bps,
int max_bitrate_bps);
virtual void SetChannelRembStatus(bool sender,
bool receiver,
RtpRtcp* rtp_module);
virtual void SignalNetworkState(NetworkState state);
virtual BitrateController* GetBitrateController() const;
virtual RemoteBitrateEstimator* GetRemoteBitrateEstimator(
bool send_side_bwe) const;
virtual int64_t GetPacerQueuingDelayMs() const;
virtual PacedSender* pacer() const { return pacer_.get(); }
virtual PacketRouter* packet_router() const { return packet_router_.get(); }
virtual TransportFeedbackObserver* GetTransportFeedbackObserver();
virtual void UpdatePacerBitrate(int bitrate_kbps,
int max_bitrate_kbps,
int min_bitrate_kbps);
virtual void OnSentPacket(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet);
rtc::scoped_ptr<VieRemb> remb_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<PacketRouter> packet_router_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<PacedSender> pacer_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<RemoteBitrateEstimator> remote_bitrate_estimator_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<RemoteEstimatorProxy> remote_estimator_proxy_;
rtc::CriticalSection encoder_crit_;
std::vector<ViEEncoder*> encoders_ GUARDED_BY(encoder_crit_);
// Registered at construct time and assumed to outlive this class.
ProcessThread* const process_thread_;
CallStats* const call_stats_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<ProcessThread> pacer_thread_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<BitrateController> bitrate_controller_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<TransportFeedbackAdapter> transport_feedback_adapter_;
int min_bitrate_bps_;
} // namespace webrtc