blob: 2b7649c14b53d7739c412a32b928156a33679aac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_channel.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/pacing/include/paced_sender.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/utility/interface/process_thread.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/interface/video_coding.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_processing/main/interface/video_processing.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_render/include/video_render_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/thread_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/call_stats.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_codec.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_errors.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_image_process.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_rtp_rtcp.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_defines.h"
namespace webrtc {
const int kMaxDecodeWaitTimeMs = 50;
const int kInvalidRtpExtensionId = 0;
static const int kMaxTargetDelayMs = 10000;
static const float kMaxIncompleteTimeMultiplier = 3.5f;
// Helper class receiving statistics callbacks.
class ChannelStatsObserver : public CallStatsObserver {
explicit ChannelStatsObserver(ViEChannel* owner) : owner_(owner) {}
virtual ~ChannelStatsObserver() {}
// Implements StatsObserver.
virtual void OnRttUpdate(uint32_t rtt) {
ViEChannel* owner_;
ViEChannel::ViEChannel(int32_t channel_id,
int32_t engine_id,
uint32_t number_of_cores,
const Config& config,
ProcessThread& module_process_thread,
RtcpIntraFrameObserver* intra_frame_observer,
RtcpBandwidthObserver* bandwidth_observer,
RemoteBitrateEstimator* remote_bitrate_estimator,
RtcpRttObserver* rtt_observer,
PacedSender* paced_sender,
RtpRtcp* default_rtp_rtcp,
bool sender)
: ViEFrameProviderBase(channel_id, engine_id),
vcm_(*VideoCodingModule::Create(ViEModuleId(engine_id, channel_id))),
vie_receiver_(channel_id, &vcm_, remote_bitrate_estimator),
vie_sync_(&vcm_, this),
stats_observer_(new ChannelStatsObserver(this)),
max_nack_reordering_threshold_(kMaxPacketAgeToNack) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceMemory, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id, channel_id),
"ViEChannel::ViEChannel(channel_id: %d, engine_id: %d)",
channel_id, engine_id);
RtpRtcp::Configuration configuration; = ViEModuleId(engine_id, channel_id); = false;
configuration.default_module = default_rtp_rtcp;
configuration.incoming_data = &vie_receiver_;
configuration.incoming_messages = this;
configuration.outgoing_transport = &vie_sender_;
configuration.rtcp_feedback = this;
configuration.intra_frame_callback = intra_frame_observer;
configuration.bandwidth_callback = bandwidth_observer;
configuration.rtt_observer = rtt_observer;
configuration.remote_bitrate_estimator = remote_bitrate_estimator;
configuration.paced_sender = paced_sender;
vcm_.SetNackSettings(kMaxNackListSize, max_nack_reordering_threshold_, 0);
int32_t ViEChannel::Init() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: channel_id: %d, engine_id: %d)", __FUNCTION__, channel_id_,
// RTP/RTCP initialization.
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetSendingMediaStatus(false) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTP::SetSendingMediaStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (module_process_thread_.RegisterModule(rtp_rtcp_.get()) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTP::RegisterModule failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(kKeyFrameReqFirRtp) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTP::SetKeyFrameRequestMethod failure", __FUNCTION__);
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCPStatus(kRtcpCompound) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTP::SetRTCPStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
if (paced_sender_) {
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_) !=
0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s:SetStorePacketsStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
// VCM initialization
if (vcm_.InitializeReceiver() != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo,
ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::InitializeReceiver failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnLoss, true)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::SetVideoProtection failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (vcm_.RegisterReceiveCallback(this) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::RegisterReceiveCallback failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (vcm_.RegisterFrameTypeCallback(this) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::RegisterFrameTypeCallback failure", __FUNCTION__);
if (vcm_.RegisterReceiveStatisticsCallback(this) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::RegisterReceiveStatisticsCallback failure",
if (vcm_.SetRenderDelay(kViEDefaultRenderDelayMs) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::SetRenderDelay failure", __FUNCTION__);
if (module_process_thread_.RegisterModule(&vcm_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: VCM::RegisterModule(vcm) failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
VideoCodec video_codec;
if (vcm_.Codec(kVideoCodecVP8, &video_codec) == VCM_OK) {
vcm_.RegisterReceiveCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_);
vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_,
} else {
return 0;
ViEChannel::~ViEChannel() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceMemory, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"ViEChannel Destructor, channel_id: %d, engine_id: %d",
channel_id_, engine_id_);
// Make sure we don't get more callbacks from the RTP module.
while (simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.size() > 0) {
std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
delete rtp_rtcp;
while (removed_rtp_rtcp_.size() > 0) {
std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = removed_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
delete *it;
if (decode_thread_) {
// Release modules.
int32_t ViEChannel::SetSendCodec(const VideoCodec& video_codec,
bool new_stream) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: codec_type: %d", __FUNCTION__, video_codec.codecType);
if (!sender_) {
return 0;
if (video_codec.codecType == kVideoCodecRED ||
video_codec.codecType == kVideoCodecULPFEC) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: codec_type: %d is not a valid send codec.", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
if (kMaxSimulcastStreams < video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Too many simulcast streams", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
// Update the RTP module with the settings.
// Stop and Start the RTP module -> trigger new SSRC, if an SSRC hasn't been
// set explicitly.
bool restart_rtp = false;
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending() && new_stream) {
restart_rtp = true;
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); ++it) {
NACKMethod nack_method = rtp_rtcp_->NACK();
bool fec_enabled = false;
uint8_t payload_type_red;
uint8_t payload_type_fec;
rtp_rtcp_->GenericFECStatus(fec_enabled, payload_type_red, payload_type_fec);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
if (video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 0) {
// Set correct bitrate to base layer.
// Create our simulcast RTP modules.
int num_modules_to_add = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams -
simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.size() - 1;
if (num_modules_to_add < 0) {
num_modules_to_add = 0;
while (removed_rtp_rtcp_.size() > 0 && num_modules_to_add > 0) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = removed_rtp_rtcp_.front();
for (int i = 0; i < num_modules_to_add; ++i) {
RtpRtcp::Configuration configuration; = ViEModuleId(engine_id_, channel_id_); = false; // Video.
configuration.default_module = default_rtp_rtcp_;
configuration.outgoing_transport = &vie_sender_;
configuration.intra_frame_callback = intra_frame_observer_;
configuration.bandwidth_callback = bandwidth_observer_.get();
configuration.rtt_observer = rtt_observer_;
configuration.paced_sender = paced_sender_;
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = RtpRtcp::CreateRtpRtcp(configuration);
// Silently ignore error.
if (rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(rtp_rtcp_->RTCP()) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTP::SetRTCPStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
if (nack_method != kNackOff) {
rtp_rtcp->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_);
rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(nack_method, max_nack_reordering_threshold_);
} else if (paced_sender_) {
rtp_rtcp->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_);
if (fec_enabled) {
rtp_rtcp->SetGenericFECStatus(fec_enabled, payload_type_red,
// Remove last in list if we have too many.
for (int j = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.size();
j > (video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams - 1);
j--) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.back();
uint8_t idx = 0;
// Configure all simulcast modules.
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
if (rtp_rtcp->RegisterSendPayload(video_codec) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not register payload type", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (mtu_ != 0) {
if (restart_rtp) {
if (send_timestamp_extension_id_ != kInvalidRtpExtensionId) {
// Deregister in case the extension was previously enabled.
if (rtp_rtcp->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
send_timestamp_extension_id_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not register transmission time extension",
} else {
if (absolute_send_time_extension_id_ != kInvalidRtpExtensionId) {
// Deregister in case the extension was previously enabled.
if (rtp_rtcp->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
absolute_send_time_extension_id_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not register absolute send time extension",
} else {
// |RegisterSimulcastRtpRtcpModules| resets all old weak pointers and old
// modules can be deleted after this step.
} else {
while (!simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.empty()) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.back();
// Clear any previous modules.
// Enable this if H264 is available.
// This sets the wanted packetization mode.
// if (video_codec.plType == kVideoCodecH264) {
// if (video_codec.codecSpecific.H264.packetization == kH264SingleMode) {
// rtp_rtcp_->SetH264PacketizationMode(H264_SINGLE_NAL_MODE);
// } else {
// rtp_rtcp_->SetH264PacketizationMode(H264_NON_INTERLEAVED_MODE);
// }
// if (video_codec.codecSpecific.H264.configParametersSize > 0) {
// rtp_rtcp_->SetH264SendModeNALU_PPS_SPS(true);
// }
// }
// Don't log this error, no way to check in advance if this pl_type is
// registered or not...
if (rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendPayload(video_codec) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not register payload type", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (restart_rtp) {
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); ++it) {
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetReceiveCodec(const VideoCodec& video_codec) {
// We will not receive simulcast streams, so no need to handle that use case.
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
int8_t old_pltype = -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->ReceivePayloadType(video_codec, &old_pltype) != -1) {
if (rtp_rtcp_->RegisterReceivePayload(video_codec) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not register receive payload type", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (video_codec.codecType != kVideoCodecRED &&
video_codec.codecType != kVideoCodecULPFEC) {
// Register codec type with VCM, but do not register RED or ULPFEC.
if (vcm_.RegisterReceiveCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_,
wait_for_key_frame_) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not register decoder", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetReceiveCodec(VideoCodec* video_codec) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
if (vcm_.ReceiveCodec(video_codec) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get receive codec", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterCodecObserver(ViEDecoderObserver* observer) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (observer) {
if (codec_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: already added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer added", __FUNCTION__);
codec_observer_ = observer;
} else {
if (!codec_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no observer added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer removed", __FUNCTION__);
codec_observer_ = NULL;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterExternalDecoder(const uint8_t pl_type,
VideoDecoder* decoder,
bool buffered_rendering,
int32_t render_delay) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
int32_t result;
result = vcm_.RegisterExternalDecoder(decoder, pl_type, buffered_rendering);
if (result != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not register external decoder with VCM.",
return result;
return vcm_.SetRenderDelay(render_delay);
int32_t ViEChannel::DeRegisterExternalDecoder(
const uint8_t pl_type) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s pl_type", __FUNCTION__, pl_type);
VideoCodec current_receive_codec;
int32_t result = 0;
result = vcm_.ReceiveCodec(&current_receive_codec);
if (vcm_.RegisterExternalDecoder(NULL, pl_type, false) != VCM_OK) {
return -1;
if (result == 0 && current_receive_codec.plType == pl_type) {
result = vcm_.RegisterReceiveCodec(&current_receive_codec, number_of_cores_,
return result;
int32_t ViEChannel::ReceiveCodecStatistics(
uint32_t* num_key_frames, uint32_t* num_delta_frames) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
VCMFrameCount received_frames;
if (vcm_.ReceivedFrameCount(received_frames) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get received frame information", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
*num_key_frames = received_frames.numKeyFrames;
*num_delta_frames = received_frames.numDeltaFrames;
return 0;
uint32_t ViEChannel::DiscardedPackets() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
return vcm_.DiscardedPackets();
int ViEChannel::ReceiveDelay() const {
return vcm_.Delay();
int32_t ViEChannel::WaitForKeyFrame(bool wait) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(wait: %d)", __FUNCTION__, wait);
wait_for_key_frame_ = wait;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetSignalPacketLossStatus(bool enable,
bool only_key_frames) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(enable: %d)", __FUNCTION__, enable);
if (enable) {
if (only_key_frames) {
vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnLoss, false);
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnKeyLoss, true) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s failed %d", __FUNCTION__, enable);
return -1;
} else {
vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnKeyLoss, false);
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnLoss, true) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s failed %d", __FUNCTION__, enable);
return -1;
} else {
vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnLoss, false);
vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionKeyOnKeyLoss, false);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetRTCPMode(const RTCPMethod rtcp_mode) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %d", __FUNCTION__, rtcp_mode);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
return rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCPStatus(rtcp_mode);
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRTCPMode(RTCPMethod* rtcp_mode) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
*rtcp_mode = rtp_rtcp_->RTCP();
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetNACKStatus(const bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(enable: %d)", __FUNCTION__, enable);
// Update the decoding VCM.
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionNack, enable) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not set VCM NACK protection: %d", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
if (enable) {
// Disable possible FEC.
SetFECStatus(false, 0, 0);
// Update the decoding VCM.
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionNack, enable) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not set VCM NACK protection: %d", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
return ProcessNACKRequest(enable);
int32_t ViEChannel::ProcessNACKRequest(const bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(enable: %d)", __FUNCTION__, enable);
if (enable) {
// Turn on NACK.
NACKMethod nackMethod = kNackRtcp;
if (rtp_rtcp_->RTCP() == kRtcpOff) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not enable NACK, RTPC not on ", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetNACKStatus(nackMethod,
max_nack_reordering_threshold_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not set NACK method %d", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Using NACK method %d", __FUNCTION__, nackMethod);
rtp_rtcp_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(nackMethod, max_nack_reordering_threshold_);
rtp_rtcp->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_);
// Don't introduce errors when NACK is enabled.
} else {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
if (paced_sender_ == NULL) {
rtp_rtcp->SetStorePacketsStatus(false, 0);
rtp_rtcp->SetNACKStatus(kNackOff, max_nack_reordering_threshold_);
if (paced_sender_ == NULL) {
rtp_rtcp_->SetStorePacketsStatus(false, 0);
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetNACKStatus(kNackOff,
max_nack_reordering_threshold_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not turn off NACK", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
// When NACK is off, allow decoding with errors. Otherwise, the video
// will freeze, and will only recover with a complete key frame.
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetFECStatus(const bool enable,
const unsigned char payload_typeRED,
const unsigned char payload_typeFEC) {
// Disable possible NACK.
if (enable) {
return ProcessFECRequest(enable, payload_typeRED, payload_typeFEC);
int32_t ViEChannel::ProcessFECRequest(
const bool enable,
const unsigned char payload_typeRED,
const unsigned char payload_typeFEC) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(enable: %d, payload_typeRED: %u, payload_typeFEC: %u)",
__FUNCTION__, enable, payload_typeRED, payload_typeFEC);
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetGenericFECStatus(enable, payload_typeRED,
payload_typeFEC) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not change FEC status to %d", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
rtp_rtcp->SetGenericFECStatus(enable, payload_typeRED, payload_typeFEC);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetHybridNACKFECStatus(
const bool enable,
const unsigned char payload_typeRED,
const unsigned char payload_typeFEC) {
// Update the decoding VCM with hybrid mode.
if (vcm_.SetVideoProtection(kProtectionNackFEC, enable) != VCM_OK) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not set VCM NACK protection: %d", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
int32_t ret_val = 0;
ret_val = ProcessNACKRequest(enable);
if (ret_val < 0) {
return ret_val;
return ProcessFECRequest(enable, payload_typeRED, payload_typeFEC);
int ViEChannel::SetSenderBufferingMode(int target_delay_ms) {
if ((target_delay_ms < 0) || (target_delay_ms > kMaxTargetDelayMs)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Target sender buffering delay out of bounds: %d",
__FUNCTION__, target_delay_ms);
return -1;
if (target_delay_ms == 0) {
// Real-time mode.
nack_history_size_sender_ = kSendSidePacketHistorySize;
} else {
nack_history_size_sender_ = GetRequiredNackListSize(target_delay_ms);
// Don't allow a number lower than the default value.
if (nack_history_size_sender_ < kSendSidePacketHistorySize) {
nack_history_size_sender_ = kSendSidePacketHistorySize;
// Setting nack_history_size_.
// First disabling (forcing free) and then resetting to desired value.
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetStorePacketsStatus(false, 0) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s:SetStorePacketsStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, nack_history_size_sender_) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s:SetStorePacketsStatus failure", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int ViEChannel::SetReceiverBufferingMode(int target_delay_ms) {
if ((target_delay_ms < 0) || (target_delay_ms > kMaxTargetDelayMs)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Target receiver buffering delay out of bounds: %d",
__FUNCTION__, target_delay_ms);
return -1;
int max_nack_list_size;
int max_incomplete_time_ms;
if (target_delay_ms == 0) {
// Real-time mode - restore default settings.
max_nack_reordering_threshold_ = kMaxPacketAgeToNack;
max_nack_list_size = kMaxNackListSize;
max_incomplete_time_ms = 0;
} else {
max_nack_list_size = 3 * GetRequiredNackListSize(target_delay_ms) / 4;
max_nack_reordering_threshold_ = max_nack_list_size;
// Calculate the max incomplete time and round to int.
max_incomplete_time_ms = static_cast<int>(kMaxIncompleteTimeMultiplier *
target_delay_ms + 0.5f);
vcm_.SetNackSettings(max_nack_list_size, max_nack_reordering_threshold_,
if (vie_sync_.SetTargetBufferingDelay(target_delay_ms) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
int ViEChannel::GetRequiredNackListSize(int target_delay_ms) {
// The max size of the nack list should be large enough to accommodate the
// the number of packets (frames) resulting from the increased delay.
// Roughly estimating for ~40 packets per frame @ 30fps.
return target_delay_ms * 40 * 30 / 1000;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
const KeyFrameRequestMethod method) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %d", __FUNCTION__, method);
return rtp_rtcp_->SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(method);
bool ViEChannel::EnableRemb(bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"ViEChannel::EnableRemb: %d", enable);
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetREMBStatus(enable) != 0)
return false;
return true;
int ViEChannel::SetSendTimestampOffsetStatus(bool enable, int id) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
int error = 0;
if (enable) {
// Enable the extension, but disable possible old id to avoid errors.
send_timestamp_extension_id_ = id;
error = rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
kRtpExtensionTransmissionTimeOffset, id);
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
error |= (*it)->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
kRtpExtensionTransmissionTimeOffset, id);
} else {
// Disable the extension.
send_timestamp_extension_id_ = kInvalidRtpExtensionId;
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
return error;
int ViEChannel::SetReceiveTimestampOffsetStatus(bool enable, int id) {
return vie_receiver_.SetReceiveTimestampOffsetStatus(enable, id) ? 0 : -1;
int ViEChannel::SetSendAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(bool enable, int id) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
int error = 0;
if (enable) {
// Enable the extension, but disable possible old id to avoid errors.
absolute_send_time_extension_id_ = id;
error = rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
kRtpExtensionAbsoluteSendTime, id);
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
error |= (*it)->RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(
kRtpExtensionAbsoluteSendTime, id);
} else {
// Disable the extension.
absolute_send_time_extension_id_ = kInvalidRtpExtensionId;
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
return error;
int ViEChannel::SetReceiveAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(bool enable, int id) {
receive_absolute_send_time_enabled_ = enable;
return vie_receiver_.SetReceiveAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(enable, id) ? 0 : -1;
bool ViEChannel::GetReceiveAbsoluteSendTimeStatus() const {
return receive_absolute_send_time_enabled_;
void ViEChannel::SetTransmissionSmoothingStatus(bool enable) {
assert(paced_sender_ && "No paced sender registered.");
int32_t ViEChannel::EnableTMMBR(const bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %d", __FUNCTION__, enable);
return rtp_rtcp_->SetTMMBRStatus(enable);
int32_t ViEChannel::EnableKeyFrameRequestCallback(const bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %d", __FUNCTION__, enable);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (enable && !codec_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: No ViECodecObserver set", __FUNCTION__, enable);
return -1;
do_key_frame_callbackRequest_ = enable;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetSSRC(const uint32_t SSRC,
const StreamType usage,
const uint8_t simulcast_idx) {
ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(usage:%d, SSRC: 0x%x, idx:%u)",
__FUNCTION__, usage, SSRC, simulcast_idx);
if (simulcast_idx == 0) {
if (usage == kViEStreamTypeRtx) {
return rtp_rtcp_->SetRTXSendStatus(kRtxRetransmitted, true, SSRC);
return rtp_rtcp_->SetSSRC(SSRC);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
if (simulcast_idx > simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.size()) {
return -1;
std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
for (int i = 1; i < simulcast_idx; ++i, ++it) {
if (it == simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end()) {
return -1;
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp_module = *it;
if (usage == kViEStreamTypeRtx) {
return rtp_rtcp_module->SetRTXSendStatus(kRtxRetransmitted, true, SSRC);
return rtp_rtcp_module->SetSSRC(SSRC);
int32_t ViEChannel::SetRemoteSSRCType(const StreamType usage,
const uint32_t SSRC) const {
ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(usage:%d, SSRC: 0x%x)",
__FUNCTION__, usage, SSRC);
return rtp_rtcp_->SetRTXReceiveStatus(true, SSRC);
// TODO(mflodman) Add kViEStreamTypeRtx.
int32_t ViEChannel::GetLocalSSRC(uint8_t idx, unsigned int* ssrc) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
if (idx == 0) {
*ssrc = rtp_rtcp_->SSRC();
return 0;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
if (idx > simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.size()) {
return -1;
std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
for (int i = 1; i < idx; ++i, ++it) {
if (it == simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end()) {
return -1;
*ssrc = (*it)->SSRC();
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRemoteSSRC(uint32_t* ssrc) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
*ssrc = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteSSRC();
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRemoteCSRC(uint32_t CSRCs[kRtpCsrcSize]) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
uint32_t arrayCSRC[kRtpCsrcSize];
memset(arrayCSRC, 0, sizeof(arrayCSRC));
int num_csrcs = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteCSRCs(arrayCSRC);
if (num_csrcs > 0) {
memcpy(CSRCs, arrayCSRC, num_csrcs * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (int idx = 0; idx < num_csrcs; idx++) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"\tCSRC[%d] = %lu", idx, CSRCs[idx]);
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: CSRC list is empty", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
int ViEChannel::SetRtxSendPayloadType(int payload_type) {
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: already sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
return 0;
void ViEChannel::SetRtxReceivePayloadType(int payload_type) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
int32_t ViEChannel::SetStartSequenceNumber(uint16_t sequence_number) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: already sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return rtp_rtcp_->SetSequenceNumber(sequence_number);
int32_t ViEChannel::SetRTCPCName(const char rtcp_cname[]) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: already sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return rtp_rtcp_->SetCNAME(rtcp_cname);
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRTCPCName(char rtcp_cname[]) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
return rtp_rtcp_->CNAME(rtcp_cname);
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRemoteRTCPCName(char rtcp_cname[]) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
uint32_t remoteSSRC = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteSSRC();
return rtp_rtcp_->RemoteCNAME(remoteSSRC, rtcp_cname);
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterRtpObserver(ViERTPObserver* observer) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (observer) {
if (rtp_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer alread added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer added", __FUNCTION__);
rtp_observer_ = observer;
} else {
if (!rtp_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no observer added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer removed", __FUNCTION__);
rtp_observer_ = NULL;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterRtcpObserver(ViERTCPObserver* observer) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (observer) {
if (rtcp_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer alread added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer added", __FUNCTION__);
rtcp_observer_ = observer;
} else {
if (!rtcp_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no observer added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer removed", __FUNCTION__);
rtcp_observer_ = NULL;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
const uint8_t sub_type,
uint32_t name,
const uint8_t* data,
uint16_t data_length_in_bytes) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (!rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: not sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (!data) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no input argument", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (data_length_in_bytes % 4 != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: input length error", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
RTCPMethod rtcp_method = rtp_rtcp_->RTCP();
if (rtcp_method == kRtcpOff) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: RTCP not enabled", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
// Create and send packet.
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetRTCPApplicationSpecificData(sub_type, name, data,
data_length_in_bytes) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not send RTCP application data", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetSendRtcpStatistics(uint16_t* fraction_lost,
uint32_t* cumulative_lost,
uint32_t* extended_max,
uint32_t* jitter_samples,
int32_t* rtt_ms) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
// TODO(pwestin) how do we do this for simulcast ? average for all
// except cumulative_lost that is the sum ?
// CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
// for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
// it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
// it++) {
// RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
// }
uint32_t remote_ssrc = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteSSRC();
// Get all RTCP receiver report blocks that have been received on this
// channel. If we receive RTP packets from a remote source we know the
// remote SSRC and use the report block from him.
// Otherwise use the first report block.
std::vector<RTCPReportBlock> remote_stats;
if (rtp_rtcp_->RemoteRTCPStat(&remote_stats) != 0 || remote_stats.empty()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get remote stats", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
std::vector<RTCPReportBlock>::const_iterator statistics =
for (; statistics != remote_stats.end(); ++statistics) {
if (statistics->remoteSSRC == remote_ssrc)
if (statistics == remote_stats.end()) {
// If we have not received any RTCP packets from this SSRC it probably means
// we have not received any RTP packets.
// Use the first received report block instead.
statistics = remote_stats.begin();
remote_ssrc = statistics->remoteSSRC;
*fraction_lost = statistics->fractionLost;
*cumulative_lost = statistics->cumulativeLost;
*extended_max = statistics->extendedHighSeqNum;
*jitter_samples = statistics->jitter;
uint16_t dummy;
uint16_t rtt = 0;
if (rtp_rtcp_->RTT(remote_ssrc, &rtt, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get RTT", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
*rtt_ms = rtt;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetReceivedRtcpStatistics(uint16_t* fraction_lost,
uint32_t* cumulative_lost,
uint32_t* extended_max,
uint32_t* jitter_samples,
int32_t* rtt_ms) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
uint8_t frac_lost = 0;
if (rtp_rtcp_->StatisticsRTP(&frac_lost, cumulative_lost, extended_max,
jitter_samples) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get received RTP statistics", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
*fraction_lost = frac_lost;
uint32_t remote_ssrc = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteSSRC();
uint16_t dummy = 0;
uint16_t rtt = 0;
if (rtp_rtcp_->RTT(remote_ssrc, &rtt, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStateInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get RTT", __FUNCTION__);
*rtt_ms = rtt;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::GetRtpStatistics(uint32_t* bytes_sent,
uint32_t* packets_sent,
uint32_t* bytes_received,
uint32_t* packets_received) const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (rtp_rtcp_->DataCountersRTP(bytes_sent,
packets_received) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not get counters", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
uint32_t bytes_sent_temp = 0;
uint32_t packets_sent_temp = 0;
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
rtp_rtcp->DataCountersRTP(&bytes_sent_temp, &packets_sent_temp, NULL, NULL);
bytes_sent += bytes_sent_temp;
packets_sent += packets_sent_temp;
return 0;
void ViEChannel::GetBandwidthUsage(uint32_t* total_bitrate_sent,
uint32_t* video_bitrate_sent,
uint32_t* fec_bitrate_sent,
uint32_t* nackBitrateSent) const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
rtp_rtcp_->BitrateSent(total_bitrate_sent, video_bitrate_sent,
fec_bitrate_sent, nackBitrateSent);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end(); it++) {
uint32_t stream_rate = 0;
uint32_t video_rate = 0;
uint32_t fec_rate = 0;
uint32_t nackRate = 0;
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
rtp_rtcp->BitrateSent(&stream_rate, &video_rate, &fec_rate, &nackRate);
*total_bitrate_sent += stream_rate;
*fec_bitrate_sent += fec_rate;
*nackBitrateSent += nackRate;
void ViEChannel::GetEstimatedReceiveBandwidth(
uint32_t* estimated_bandwidth) const {
int32_t ViEChannel::StartRTPDump(const char file_nameUTF8[1024],
RTPDirections direction) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (direction != kRtpIncoming && direction != kRtpOutgoing) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: invalid input", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (direction == kRtpIncoming) {
return vie_receiver_.StartRTPDump(file_nameUTF8);
} else {
return vie_sender_.StartRTPDump(file_nameUTF8);
int32_t ViEChannel::StopRTPDump(RTPDirections direction) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
if (direction != kRtpIncoming && direction != kRtpOutgoing) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: invalid input", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (direction == kRtpIncoming) {
return vie_receiver_.StopRTPDump();
} else {
return vie_sender_.StopRTPDump();
int32_t ViEChannel::StartSend() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
if (!external_transport_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: send sockets not initialized", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
// Already sending.
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Already sending", __FUNCTION__);
return kViEBaseAlreadySending;
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetSendingStatus(true) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not start sending RTP", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs_rtp(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::const_iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::StopSend() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
if (!rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Not sending", __FUNCTION__);
return kViEBaseNotSending;
// Reset.
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetSendingStatus(false) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not stop RTP sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
return 0;
bool ViEChannel::Sending() {
return rtp_rtcp_->Sending();
int32_t ViEChannel::StartReceive() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (StartDecodeThread() != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not start decoder thread", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::StopReceive() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterSendTransport(Transport* transport) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (external_transport_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: transport already registered", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
external_transport_ = transport;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Transport registered: 0x%p", __FUNCTION__,
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::DeregisterSendTransport() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (!external_transport_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no transport registered", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (rtp_rtcp_->Sending()) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Sending", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
external_transport_ = NULL;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::ReceivedRTPPacket(
const void* rtp_packet, const int32_t rtp_packet_length) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!external_transport_) {
return -1;
return vie_receiver_.ReceivedRTPPacket(rtp_packet, rtp_packet_length);
int32_t ViEChannel::ReceivedRTCPPacket(
const void* rtcp_packet, const int32_t rtcp_packet_length) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!external_transport_) {
return -1;
return vie_receiver_.ReceivedRTCPPacket(rtcp_packet, rtcp_packet_length);
int32_t ViEChannel::SetMTU(uint16_t mtu) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetMaxTransferUnit(mtu) != 0) {
// Logging done.
return -1;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(rtp_rtcp_cs_.get());
for (std::list<RtpRtcp*>::iterator it = simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.begin();
it != simulcast_rtp_rtcp_.end();
it++) {
RtpRtcp* rtp_rtcp = *it;
mtu_ = mtu;
return 0;
uint16_t ViEChannel::MaxDataPayloadLength() const {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
return rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength();
int32_t ViEChannel::SetPacketTimeoutNotification(
bool enable, uint32_t timeout_seconds) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (enable) {
uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000 * timeout_seconds;
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetPacketTimeout(timeout_ms, 0) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
} else {
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetPacketTimeout(0, 0) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterNetworkObserver(
ViENetworkObserver* observer) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (observer) {
if (networkObserver_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer alread added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer added", __FUNCTION__);
networkObserver_ = observer;
} else {
if (!networkObserver_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no observer added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: observer removed", __FUNCTION__);
networkObserver_ = NULL;
return 0;
bool ViEChannel::NetworkObserverRegistered() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
return networkObserver_ != NULL;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
const bool enable, const uint32_t sample_time_seconds) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!networkObserver_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no observer added", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
bool enabled = false;
uint8_t current_sampletime_seconds = 0;
// Get old settings.
rtp_rtcp_->PeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(enabled, current_sampletime_seconds);
// Set new settings.
if (rtp_rtcp_->SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(
enable, static_cast<uint8_t>(sample_time_seconds)) != 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: Could not set periodic dead-or-alive status",
return -1;
if (!enable) {
// Restore last utilized sample time.
// Without this trick, the sample time would always be reset to default
// (2 sec), each time dead-or-alive was disabled without sample-time
// parameter.
rtp_rtcp_->SetPeriodicDeadOrAliveStatus(enable, current_sampletime_seconds);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::EnableColorEnhancement(bool enable) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(enable: %d)", __FUNCTION__, enable);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
color_enhancement_ = enable;
return 0;
RtpRtcp* ViEChannel::rtp_rtcp() {
return rtp_rtcp_.get();
CallStatsObserver* ViEChannel::GetStatsObserver() {
return stats_observer_.get();
// Do not acquire the lock of |vcm_| in this function. Decode callback won't
// necessarily be called from the decoding thread. The decoding thread may have
// held the lock when calling VideoDecoder::Decode, Reset, or Release. Acquiring
// the same lock in the path of decode callback can deadlock.
int32_t ViEChannel::FrameToRender(
I420VideoFrame& video_frame) { // NOLINT
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (decoder_reset_) {
// Trigger a callback to the user if the incoming codec has changed.
if (codec_observer_) {
// The codec set by RegisterReceiveCodec might not be the size we're
// actually decoding.
receive_codec_.width = static_cast<uint16_t>(video_frame.width());
receive_codec_.height = static_cast<uint16_t>(video_frame.height());
codec_observer_->IncomingCodecChanged(channel_id_, receive_codec_);
decoder_reset_ = false;
// Post processing is not supported if the frame is backed by a texture.
if (video_frame.native_handle() == NULL) {
if (effect_filter_) {
unsigned int length = CalcBufferSize(kI420,
scoped_array<uint8_t> video_buffer(new uint8_t[length]);
ExtractBuffer(video_frame, length, video_buffer.get());
effect_filter_->Transform(length, video_buffer.get(),
video_frame.timestamp(), video_frame.width(),
if (color_enhancement_) {
uint32_t arr_ofCSRC[kRtpCsrcSize];
int32_t no_of_csrcs = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteCSRCs(arr_ofCSRC);
if (no_of_csrcs <= 0) {
arr_ofCSRC[0] = rtp_rtcp_->RemoteSSRC();
no_of_csrcs = 1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStream, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(timestamp:%u)", __FUNCTION__, video_frame.timestamp());
DeliverFrame(&video_frame, no_of_csrcs, arr_ofCSRC);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::ReceivedDecodedReferenceFrame(
const uint64_t picture_id) {
return rtp_rtcp_->SendRTCPReferencePictureSelection(picture_id);
void ViEChannel::IncomingCodecChanged(const VideoCodec& codec) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
receive_codec_ = codec;
int32_t ViEChannel::StoreReceivedFrame(
const EncodedVideoData& frame_to_store) {
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::ReceiveStatistics(const uint32_t bit_rate,
const uint32_t frame_rate) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (codec_observer_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: bitrate %u, framerate %u", __FUNCTION__, bit_rate,
codec_observer_->IncomingRate(channel_id_, frame_rate, bit_rate);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RequestKeyFrame() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStream, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", __FUNCTION__);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (codec_observer_ && do_key_frame_callbackRequest_) {
return rtp_rtcp_->RequestKeyFrame();
int32_t ViEChannel::SliceLossIndicationRequest(
const uint64_t picture_id) {
return rtp_rtcp_->SendRTCPSliceLossIndication((uint8_t) picture_id);
int32_t ViEChannel::ResendPackets(const uint16_t* sequence_numbers,
uint16_t length) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStream, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(length: %d)", __FUNCTION__, length);
return rtp_rtcp_->SendNACK(sequence_numbers, length);
bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeThreadFunction(void* obj) {
return static_cast<ViEChannel*>(obj)->ChannelDecodeProcess();
bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeProcess() {
return true;
void ViEChannel::OnRttUpdate(uint32_t rtt) {
if (!sender_)
int32_t ViEChannel::StartDecodeThread() {
// Start the decode thread
if (decode_thread_) {
// Already started.
return 0;
decode_thread_ = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(ChannelDecodeThreadFunction,
this, kHighestPriority,
if (!decode_thread_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not create decode thread", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
unsigned int thread_id;
if (decode_thread_->Start(thread_id) == false) {
delete decode_thread_;
decode_thread_ = NULL;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not start decode thread", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: decode thread with id %u started", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::StopDecodeThread() {
if (!decode_thread_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: decode thread not running", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
if (decode_thread_->Stop()) {
delete decode_thread_;
} else {
// Couldn't stop the thread, leak instead of crash.
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: could not stop decode thread", __FUNCTION__);
assert(false && "could not stop decode thread");
decode_thread_ = NULL;
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterExternalEncryption(Encryption* encryption) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (external_encryption_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: external encryption already registered", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
external_encryption_ = encryption;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s", "external encryption object registerd with channel=%d",
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::DeRegisterExternalEncryption() {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!external_encryption_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: external encryption is not registered", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
external_transport_ = NULL;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s external encryption object de-registerd with channel=%d",
__FUNCTION__, channel_id_);
return 0;
int32_t ViEChannel::SetVoiceChannel(int32_t ve_channel_id,
VoEVideoSync* ve_sync_interface) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s, audio channel %d, video channel %d", __FUNCTION__,
ve_channel_id, channel_id_);
if (ve_sync_interface) {
// Register lip sync
} else {
return vie_sync_.ConfigureSync(ve_channel_id, ve_sync_interface,
int32_t ViEChannel::VoiceChannel() {
return vie_sync_.VoiceChannel();
int32_t ViEChannel::RegisterEffectFilter(ViEEffectFilter* effect_filter) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!effect_filter) {
if (!effect_filter_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: no effect filter added for channel %d",
__FUNCTION__, channel_id_);
return -1;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: deregister effect filter for device %d", __FUNCTION__,
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: register effect filter for device %d", __FUNCTION__,
if (effect_filter_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: effect filter already added for channel %d",
__FUNCTION__, channel_id_);
return -1;
effect_filter_ = effect_filter;
return 0;
void ViEChannel::OnApplicationDataReceived(const int32_t id,
const uint8_t sub_type,
const uint32_t name,
const uint16_t length,
const uint8_t* data) {
if (channel_id_ != ChannelId(id)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStream, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s, incorrect id", __FUNCTION__, id);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (rtcp_observer_) {
channel_id_, sub_type, name, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
int32_t ViEChannel::OnInitializeDecoder(
const int32_t id,
const int8_t payload_type,
const char payload_name[RTP_PAYLOAD_NAME_SIZE],
const int frequency,
const uint8_t channels,
const uint32_t rate) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: payload_type %d, payload_name %s", __FUNCTION__,
payload_type, payload_name);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
decoder_reset_ = true;
return 0;
void ViEChannel::OnPacketTimeout(const int32_t id) {
assert(ChannelId(id) == channel_id_);
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (networkObserver_) {
networkObserver_->PacketTimeout(channel_id_, NoPacket);
rtp_packet_timeout_ = true;
void ViEChannel::OnReceivedPacket(const int32_t id,
const RtpRtcpPacketType packet_type) {
assert(ChannelId(id) == channel_id_);
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_), "%s",
if (rtp_packet_timeout_ && packet_type == kPacketRtp) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (networkObserver_) {
networkObserver_->PacketTimeout(channel_id_, PacketReceived);
// Reset even if no observer set, might have been removed during timeout.
rtp_packet_timeout_ = false;
void ViEChannel::OnPeriodicDeadOrAlive(const int32_t id,
const RTPAliveType alive) {
assert(ChannelId(id) == channel_id_);
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s(id=%d, alive=%d)", __FUNCTION__, id, alive);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (!networkObserver_) {
bool is_alive = true;
if (alive == kRtpDead) {
is_alive = false;
networkObserver_->OnPeriodicDeadOrAlive(channel_id_, is_alive);
void ViEChannel::OnIncomingSSRCChanged(const int32_t id,
const uint32_t SSRC) {
if (channel_id_ != ChannelId(id)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s, incorrect id", __FUNCTION__, id);
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %u", __FUNCTION__, SSRC);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (rtp_observer_) {
rtp_observer_->IncomingSSRCChanged(channel_id_, SSRC);
void ViEChannel::OnIncomingCSRCChanged(const int32_t id,
const uint32_t CSRC,
const bool added) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %u added: %d", __FUNCTION__, CSRC, added);
if (channel_id_ != ChannelId(id)) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s, incorrect id", __FUNCTION__, id);
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceVideo, ViEId(engine_id_, channel_id_),
"%s: %u", __FUNCTION__, CSRC);
CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
if (rtp_observer_) {
rtp_observer_->IncomingCSRCChanged(channel_id_, CSRC, added);
} // namespace webrtc