blob: ffa78ad6bbd09e65343f5d70f2428c77f3ea9fc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.Surface;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import org.webrtc.ThreadUtils.ThreadChecker;
/** Android hardware video decoder. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Cannot support API 16 without using deprecated methods.
class HardwareVideoDecoder
implements VideoDecoder, SurfaceTextureHelper.OnTextureFrameAvailableListener {
private static final String TAG = "HardwareVideoDecoder";
// TODO(magjed): Use MediaFormat.KEY_* constants when part of the public API.
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_STRIDE = "stride";
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_SLICE_HEIGHT = "slice-height";
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_LEFT = "crop-left";
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_RIGHT = "crop-right";
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_TOP = "crop-top";
private static final String MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_BOTTOM = "crop-bottom";
// MediaCodec.release() occasionally hangs. Release stops waiting and reports failure after
// this timeout.
private static final int MEDIA_CODEC_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
// WebRTC queues input frames quickly in the beginning on the call. Wait for input buffers with a
// long timeout (500 ms) to prevent this from causing the codec to return an error.
private static final int DEQUEUE_INPUT_TIMEOUT_US = 500000;
// Dequeuing an output buffer will block until a buffer is available (up to 100 milliseconds).
// If this timeout is exceeded, the output thread will unblock and check if the decoder is still
// running. If it is, it will block on dequeue again. Otherwise, it will stop and release the
// MediaCodec.
private static final int DEQUEUE_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US = 100000;
private final String codecName;
private final VideoCodecType codecType;
private static class FrameInfo {
final long decodeStartTimeMs;
final int rotation;
FrameInfo(long decodeStartTimeMs, int rotation) {
this.decodeStartTimeMs = decodeStartTimeMs;
this.rotation = rotation;
private final Deque<FrameInfo> frameInfos;
private int colorFormat;
// Output thread runs a loop which polls MediaCodec for decoded output buffers. It reformats
// those buffers into VideoFrames and delivers them to the callback.
private Thread outputThread;
// Checker that ensures work is run on the output thread.
private ThreadChecker outputThreadChecker;
// Checker that ensures work is run on the decoder thread. The decoder thread is owned by the
// caller and must be used to call initDecode, decode, and release.
private ThreadChecker decoderThreadChecker;
private volatile boolean running = false;
private volatile Exception shutdownException = null;
// Prevents the decoder from being released before all output buffers have been released.
private final Object activeOutputBuffersLock = new Object();
private int activeOutputBuffers = 0; // Guarded by activeOutputBuffersLock
// Dimensions (width, height, stride, and sliceHeight) may be accessed by either the decode thread
// or the output thread. Accesses should be protected with this lock.
private final Object dimensionLock = new Object();
private int width;
private int height;
private int stride;
private int sliceHeight;
// Whether the decoder has finished the first frame. The codec may not change output dimensions
// after delivering the first frame.
private boolean hasDecodedFirstFrame;
// Whether the decoder has seen a key frame. The first frame must be a key frame.
private boolean keyFrameRequired;
private final EglBase.Context sharedContext;
private SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper;
private Surface surface = null;
private static class DecodedTextureMetadata {
final int width;
final int height;
final int rotation;
final long presentationTimestampUs;
final Integer decodeTimeMs;
int width, int height, int rotation, long presentationTimestampUs, Integer decodeTimeMs) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.presentationTimestampUs = presentationTimestampUs;
this.decodeTimeMs = decodeTimeMs;
// Metadata for the last frame rendered to the texture. Only accessed on the texture helper's
// thread.
private DecodedTextureMetadata renderedTextureMetadata;
// Decoding proceeds asynchronously. This callback returns decoded frames to the caller.
private Callback callback;
private MediaCodec codec = null;
String codecName, VideoCodecType codecType, int colorFormat, EglBase.Context sharedContext) {
if (!isSupportedColorFormat(colorFormat)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported color format: " + colorFormat);
this.codecName = codecName;
this.codecType = codecType;
this.colorFormat = colorFormat;
this.sharedContext = sharedContext;
this.frameInfos = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();
public VideoCodecStatus initDecode(Settings settings, Callback callback) {
this.decoderThreadChecker = new ThreadChecker();
return initDecodeInternal(settings.width, settings.height, callback);
private VideoCodecStatus initDecodeInternal(int width, int height, Callback callback) {
if (outputThread != null) {
Logging.e(TAG, "initDecodeInternal called while the codec is already running");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
// Note: it is not necessary to initialize dimensions under the lock, since the output thread
// is not running.
this.callback = callback;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
stride = width;
sliceHeight = height;
hasDecodedFirstFrame = false;
keyFrameRequired = true;
try {
codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(codecName);
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Cannot create media decoder " + codecName);
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
try {
MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(codecType.mimeType(), width, height);
if (sharedContext == null) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, colorFormat);
} else {
surfaceTextureHelper = SurfaceTextureHelper.create("decoder-texture-thread", sharedContext);
surface = new Surface(surfaceTextureHelper.getSurfaceTexture());
codec.configure(format, surface, null, 0);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "initDecode failed", e);
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
running = true;
outputThread = createOutputThread();
return VideoCodecStatus.OK;
public VideoCodecStatus decode(EncodedImage frame, DecodeInfo info) {
if (codec == null || callback == null) {
return VideoCodecStatus.UNINITIALIZED;
if (frame.buffer == null) {
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - no input data");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERR_PARAMETER;
int size = frame.buffer.remaining();
if (size == 0) {
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - input buffer empty");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERR_PARAMETER;
// Load dimensions from shared memory under the dimension lock.
int width, height;
synchronized (dimensionLock) {
width = this.width;
height = this.height;
// Check if the resolution changed and reset the codec if necessary.
if (frame.encodedWidth * frame.encodedHeight > 0
&& (frame.encodedWidth != width || frame.encodedHeight != height)) {
VideoCodecStatus status = reinitDecode(frame.encodedWidth, frame.encodedHeight);
if (status != VideoCodecStatus.OK) {
return status;
if (keyFrameRequired) {
// Need to process a key frame first.
if (frame.frameType != EncodedImage.FrameType.VideoFrameKey) {
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - key frame required first");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
if (!frame.completeFrame) {
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - complete frame required first");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
int index;
try {
index = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(DEQUEUE_INPUT_TIMEOUT_US);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "dequeueInputBuffer failed", e);
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
if (index < 0) {
// Decoder is falling behind. No input buffers available.
// The decoder can't simply drop frames; it might lose a key frame.
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - no HW buffers available; decoder falling behind");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
ByteBuffer buffer;
try {
buffer = codec.getInputBuffers()[index];
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "getInputBuffers failed", e);
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
if (buffer.capacity() < size) {
Logging.e(TAG, "decode() - HW buffer too small");
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
frameInfos.offer(new FrameInfo(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(), frame.rotation));
try {
index, 0 /* offset */, size, frame.captureTimeMs * 1000, 0 /* flags */);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "queueInputBuffer failed", e);
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
if (keyFrameRequired) {
keyFrameRequired = false;
return VideoCodecStatus.OK;
public boolean getPrefersLateDecoding() {
return true;
public String getImplementationName() {
return "HardwareVideoDecoder: " + codecName;
public VideoCodecStatus release() {
// TODO(sakal): This is not called on the correct thread but is still called synchronously.
// Re-enable the check once this is called on the correct thread.
// decoderThreadChecker.checkIsOnValidThread();
if (!running) {
Logging.d(TAG, "release: Decoder is not running.");
return VideoCodecStatus.OK;
try {
// The outputThread actually stops and releases the codec once running is false.
running = false;
if (!ThreadUtils.joinUninterruptibly(outputThread, MEDIA_CODEC_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MS)) {
// Log an exception to capture the stack trace and turn it into a TIMEOUT error.
Logging.e(TAG, "Media decoder release timeout", new RuntimeException());
return VideoCodecStatus.TIMEOUT;
if (shutdownException != null) {
// Log the exception and turn it into an error. Wrap the exception in a new exception to
// capture both the output thread's stack trace and this thread's stack trace.
Logging.e(TAG, "Media decoder release error", new RuntimeException(shutdownException));
shutdownException = null;
return VideoCodecStatus.ERROR;
} finally {
codec = null;
callback = null;
outputThread = null;
if (surface != null) {
surface = null;
surfaceTextureHelper = null;
return VideoCodecStatus.OK;
private VideoCodecStatus reinitDecode(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
VideoCodecStatus status = release();
if (status != VideoCodecStatus.OK) {
return status;
return initDecodeInternal(newWidth, newHeight, callback);
private Thread createOutputThread() {
return new Thread("HardwareVideoDecoder.outputThread") {
public void run() {
outputThreadChecker = new ThreadChecker();
while (running) {
private void deliverDecodedFrame() {
try {
MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
// Block until an output buffer is available (up to 100 milliseconds). If the timeout is
// exceeded, deliverDecodedFrame() will be called again on the next iteration of the output
// thread's loop. Blocking here prevents the output thread from busy-waiting while the codec
// is idle.
int result = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, DEQUEUE_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US);
if (result == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
if (result < 0) {
Logging.v(TAG, "dequeueOutputBuffer returned " + result);
FrameInfo frameInfo = frameInfos.poll();
Integer decodeTimeMs = null;
int rotation = 0;
if (frameInfo != null) {
decodeTimeMs = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - frameInfo.decodeStartTimeMs);
rotation = frameInfo.rotation;
hasDecodedFirstFrame = true;
if (surfaceTextureHelper != null) {
deliverTextureFrame(result, info, rotation, decodeTimeMs);
} else {
deliverByteFrame(result, info, rotation, decodeTimeMs);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "deliverDecodedFrame failed", e);
private void deliverTextureFrame(final int index, final MediaCodec.BufferInfo info,
final int rotation, final Integer decodeTimeMs) {
// Load dimensions from shared memory under the dimension lock.
final int width, height;
synchronized (dimensionLock) {
width = this.width;
height = this.height;
surfaceTextureHelper.getHandler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
renderedTextureMetadata = new DecodedTextureMetadata(
width, height, rotation, info.presentationTimeUs, decodeTimeMs);
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, true);
public void onTextureFrameAvailable(int oesTextureId, float[] transformMatrix, long timestampNs) {
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer oesBuffer = surfaceTextureHelper.createTextureBuffer(
renderedTextureMetadata.width, renderedTextureMetadata.height,
VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(oesBuffer, renderedTextureMetadata.rotation,
renderedTextureMetadata.presentationTimestampUs * 1000);
callback.onDecodedFrame(frame, renderedTextureMetadata.decodeTimeMs, null /* qp */);
private void deliverByteFrame(
int result, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info, int rotation, Integer decodeTimeMs) {
// Load dimensions from shared memory under the dimension lock.
int width, height, stride, sliceHeight;
synchronized (dimensionLock) {
width = this.width;
height = this.height;
stride = this.stride;
sliceHeight = this.sliceHeight;
// Output must be at least width * height bytes for Y channel, plus (width / 2) * (height / 2)
// bytes for each of the U and V channels.
if (info.size < width * height * 3 / 2) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Insufficient output buffer size: " + info.size);
if (info.size < stride * height * 3 / 2 && sliceHeight == height && stride > width) {
// Some codecs (Exynos) report an incorrect stride. Correct it here.
// Expected size == stride * height * 3 / 2. A bit of algebra gives the correct stride as
// 2 * size / (3 * height).
stride = info.size * 2 / (height * 3);
ByteBuffer buffer = codec.getOutputBuffers()[result];
buffer.limit(info.offset + info.size);
buffer = buffer.slice();
final VideoFrame.Buffer frameBuffer;
if (colorFormat == CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
if (sliceHeight % 2 == 0) {
frameBuffer = wrapI420Buffer(buffer, result, stride, sliceHeight, width, height);
} else {
// WebRTC rounds chroma plane size conversions up so we have to repeat the last row.
frameBuffer = copyI420Buffer(buffer, result, stride, sliceHeight, width, height);
} else {
// All other supported color formats are NV12.
frameBuffer = wrapNV12Buffer(buffer, result, stride, sliceHeight, width, height);
long presentationTimeNs = info.presentationTimeUs * 1000;
VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(frameBuffer, rotation, presentationTimeNs);
// Note that qp is parsed on the C++ side.
callback.onDecodedFrame(frame, decodeTimeMs, null /* qp */);
private VideoFrame.Buffer wrapNV12Buffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int outputBufferIndex, int stride,
int sliceHeight, int width, int height) {
synchronized (activeOutputBuffersLock) {
return new NV12Buffer(width, height, stride, sliceHeight, buffer, () -> {
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, false);
synchronized (activeOutputBuffersLock) {
private VideoFrame.Buffer copyI420Buffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int outputBufferIndex, int stride,
int sliceHeight, int width, int height) {
final int uvStride = stride / 2;
final int yPos = 0;
final int uPos = yPos + stride * sliceHeight;
final int uEnd = uPos + uvStride * (sliceHeight / 2);
final int vPos = uPos + uvStride * sliceHeight / 2;
final int vEnd = vPos + uvStride * (sliceHeight / 2);
VideoFrame.I420Buffer frameBuffer = I420BufferImpl.allocate(width, height);
ByteBuffer dataY = frameBuffer.getDataY();
dataY.position(0); // Ensure we are in the beginning.
dataY.position(0); // Go back to beginning.
ByteBuffer dataU = frameBuffer.getDataU();
dataU.position(0); // Ensure we are in the beginning.
if (sliceHeight % 2 != 0) {
buffer.position(uEnd - uvStride); // Repeat the last row.
dataU.position(0); // Go back to beginning.
ByteBuffer dataV = frameBuffer.getDataU();
dataV.position(0); // Ensure we are in the beginning.
if (sliceHeight % 2 != 0) {
buffer.position(vEnd - uvStride); // Repeat the last row.
dataV.position(0); // Go back to beginning.
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, false);
return frameBuffer;
private VideoFrame.Buffer wrapI420Buffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int outputBufferIndex, int stride,
int sliceHeight, int width, int height) {
final int uvStride = stride / 2;
final int yPos = 0;
final int uPos = yPos + stride * sliceHeight;
final int uEnd = uPos + uvStride * (sliceHeight / 2);
final int vPos = uPos + uvStride * sliceHeight / 2;
final int vEnd = vPos + uvStride * (sliceHeight / 2);
synchronized (activeOutputBuffersLock) {
Runnable releaseCallback = () -> {
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, false);
synchronized (activeOutputBuffersLock) {
ByteBuffer dataY = buffer.slice();
ByteBuffer dataU = buffer.slice();
ByteBuffer dataV = buffer.slice();
return new I420BufferImpl(
width, height, dataY, stride, dataU, uvStride, dataV, uvStride, releaseCallback);
private void reformat(MediaFormat format) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Decoder format changed: " + format.toString());
final int newWidth;
final int newHeight;
if (format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_LEFT)
&& format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_RIGHT)
&& format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_BOTTOM)
&& format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_TOP)) {
newWidth = 1 + format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_RIGHT)
- format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_LEFT);
newHeight = 1 + format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_BOTTOM)
- format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_CROP_TOP);
} else {
newWidth = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
newHeight = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
// Compare to existing width, height, and save values under the dimension lock.
synchronized (dimensionLock) {
if (hasDecodedFirstFrame && (width != newWidth || height != newHeight)) {
stopOnOutputThread(new RuntimeException("Unexpected size change. Configured " + width + "*"
+ height + ". New " + newWidth + "*" + newHeight));
width = newWidth;
height = newHeight;
// Note: texture mode ignores colorFormat. Hence, if the texture helper is non-null, skip
// color format updates.
if (surfaceTextureHelper == null && format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT)) {
colorFormat = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT);
Logging.d(TAG, "Color: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(colorFormat));
if (!isSupportedColorFormat(colorFormat)) {
stopOnOutputThread(new IllegalStateException("Unsupported color format: " + colorFormat));
// Save stride and sliceHeight under the dimension lock.
synchronized (dimensionLock) {
if (format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_STRIDE)) {
stride = format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_STRIDE);
if (format.containsKey(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_SLICE_HEIGHT)) {
sliceHeight = format.getInteger(MEDIA_FORMAT_KEY_SLICE_HEIGHT);
Logging.d(TAG, "Frame stride and slice height: " + stride + " x " + sliceHeight);
stride = Math.max(width, stride);
sliceHeight = Math.max(height, sliceHeight);
private void releaseCodecOnOutputThread() {
Logging.d(TAG, "Releasing MediaCodec on output thread");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Media decoder stop failed", e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Media decoder release failed", e);
// Propagate exceptions caught during release back to the main thread.
shutdownException = e;
codec = null;
callback = null;
outputThread = null;
Logging.d(TAG, "Release on output thread done");
private void waitOutputBuffersReleasedOnOutputThread() {
synchronized (activeOutputBuffersLock) {
while (activeOutputBuffers > 0) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Waiting for all frames to be released.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Interrupted while waiting for output buffers to be released.", e);
private void stopOnOutputThread(Exception e) {
running = false;
shutdownException = e;
private boolean isSupportedColorFormat(int colorFormat) {
for (int supported : MediaCodecUtils.DECODER_COLOR_FORMATS) {
if (supported == colorFormat) {
return true;
return false;