blob: aebdd7f8c6b2e2d1111d5cc54960a0ba9921e7b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/video_render/include/video_render_defines.h"
#include "system_wrappers/interface/map_wrapper.h"
#include "system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "video_engine/include/vie_render.h"
#include "video_engine/vie_frame_provider_base.h"
namespace webrtc {
class VideoRender;
class VideoRenderCallback;
class ViERenderManager;
class ViEExternalRendererImpl : public VideoRenderCallback {
virtual ~ViEExternalRendererImpl() {}
int SetViEExternalRenderer(ExternalRenderer* external_renderer,
RawVideoType video_input_format);
// Implements VideoRenderCallback.
virtual int32_t RenderFrame(const uint32_t stream_id,
I420VideoFrame& video_frame);
ExternalRenderer* external_renderer_;
RawVideoType external_renderer_format_;
int external_renderer_width_;
int external_renderer_height_;
// Converted_frame_ in color format specified by render_format_.
scoped_ptr<VideoFrame> converted_frame_;
class ViERenderer: public ViEFrameCallback {
static ViERenderer* CreateViERenderer(const int32_t render_id,
const int32_t engine_id,
VideoRender& render_module,
ViERenderManager& render_manager,
const uint32_t z_order,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom);
int32_t StartRender();
int32_t StopRender();
int32_t GetLastRenderedFrame(const int32_t renderID,
I420VideoFrame& video_frame);
int SetExpectedRenderDelay(int render_delay);
int32_t ConfigureRenderer(const unsigned int z_order,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom);
VideoRender& RenderModule();
int32_t EnableMirroring(const int32_t render_id,
const bool enable,
const bool mirror_xaxis,
const bool mirror_yaxis);
int32_t SetTimeoutImage(const I420VideoFrame& timeout_image,
const int32_t timeout_value);
int32_t SetRenderStartImage(const I420VideoFrame& start_image);
int32_t SetExternalRenderer(const int32_t render_id,
RawVideoType video_input_format,
ExternalRenderer* external_renderer);
ViERenderer(const int32_t render_id, const int32_t engine_id,
VideoRender& render_module,
ViERenderManager& render_manager);
int32_t Init(const uint32_t z_order,
const float left,
const float top,
const float right,
const float bottom);
// Implement ViEFrameCallback
virtual void DeliverFrame(int id,
I420VideoFrame* video_frame,
int num_csrcs = 0,
const uint32_t CSRC[kRtpCsrcSize] = NULL);
virtual void DelayChanged(int id, int frame_delay);
virtual int GetPreferedFrameSettings(int* width,
int* height,
int* frame_rate);
virtual void ProviderDestroyed(int id);
uint32_t render_id_;
VideoRender& render_module_;
ViERenderManager& render_manager_;
VideoRenderCallback* render_callback_;
ViEExternalRendererImpl* incoming_external_callback_;
} // namespace webrtc