blob: 528cf343efbc4e8b591a822d679f27671127e8d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <vector>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/common_audio/vad/mock/mock_vad.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/cng/include/audio_encoder_cng.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/mock/mock_audio_encoder.h"
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Invoke;
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
static const size_t kMockMaxEncodedBytes = 1000;
static const size_t kMaxNumSamples = 48 * 10 * 2; // 10 ms @ 48 kHz stereo.
static const size_t kMockReturnEncodedBytes = 17;
static const int kCngPayloadType = 18;
class AudioEncoderCngTest : public ::testing::Test {
: mock_vad_(new MockVad(Vad::kVadNormal)),
sample_rate_hz_(8000) {
memset(audio_, 0, kMaxNumSamples * 2);
config_.speech_encoder = &mock_encoder_;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, NumChannels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
// Let the AudioEncoderCng object use a MockVad instead of its internally
// created Vad object.
config_.vad = mock_vad_;
config_.payload_type = kCngPayloadType;
void TearDown() override {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, Die()).Times(1);
// Don't expect the cng_ object to delete the AudioEncoder object. But it
// will be deleted with the test fixture. This is why we explicitly delete
// the cng_ object above, and set expectations on mock_encoder_ afterwards.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Die()).Times(1);
void CreateCng() {
// The config_ parameters may be changed by the TEST_Fs up until CreateCng()
// is called, thus we cannot use the values until now.
num_audio_samples_10ms_ = 10 * sample_rate_hz_ / 1000;
ASSERT_LE(num_audio_samples_10ms_, kMaxNumSamples);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, SampleRateHz())
// Max10MsFramesInAPacket() is just used to verify that the SID frame period
// is not too small. The return value does not matter that much, as long as
// it is smaller than 10.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Max10MsFramesInAPacket()).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, MaxEncodedBytes())
cng_.reset(new AudioEncoderCng(config_));
encoded_.resize(cng_->MaxEncodedBytes(), 0);
void Encode() {
ASSERT_TRUE(cng_) << "Must call CreateCng() first.";
encoded_info_ = cng_->Encode(timestamp_, audio_, num_audio_samples_10ms_,
encoded_.size(), &encoded_[0]);
timestamp_ += num_audio_samples_10ms_;
// Verifies that the cng_ object waits until it has collected
// |blocks_per_frame| blocks of audio, and then dispatches all of them to
// the underlying codec (speech or cng).
void CheckBlockGrouping(int blocks_per_frame, bool active_speech) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Return(active_speech ? Vad::kActive : Vad::kPassive));
// Don't expect any calls to the encoder yet.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_frame - 1; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, encoded_info_.encoded_bytes);
if (active_speech) {
// Now expect |blocks_per_frame| calls to the encoder in sequence.
// Let the speech codec mock return true and set the number of encoded
// bytes to |kMockReturnEncodedBytes|.
InSequence s;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_frame - 1; ++j) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _))
AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo info;
info.encoded_bytes = kMockReturnEncodedBytes;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _))
if (active_speech) {
EXPECT_EQ(kMockReturnEncodedBytes, encoded_info_.encoded_bytes);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(config_.num_cng_coefficients + 1),
// Verifies that the audio is partitioned into larger blocks before calling
// the VAD.
void CheckVadInputSize(int input_frame_size_ms,
int expected_first_block_size_ms,
int expected_second_block_size_ms) {
const int blocks_per_frame = input_frame_size_ms / 10;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
// Expect nothing to happen before the last block is sent to cng_.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _)).Times(0);
for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_frame - 1; ++i) {
// Let the VAD decision be passive, since an active decision may lead to
// early termination of the decision loop.
InSequence s;
VoiceActivity(_, expected_first_block_size_ms * sample_rate_hz_ / 1000,
if (expected_second_block_size_ms > 0) {
_, expected_second_block_size_ms * sample_rate_hz_ / 1000,
// With this call to Encode(), |mock_vad_| should be called according to the
// above expectations.
// Tests a frame with both active and passive speech. Returns true if the
// decision was active speech, false if it was passive.
bool CheckMixedActivePassive(Vad::Activity first_type,
Vad::Activity second_type) {
// Set the speech encoder frame size to 60 ms, to ensure that the VAD will
// be called twice.
const int blocks_per_frame = 6;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
InSequence s;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
if (first_type == Vad::kPassive) {
// Expect a second call to the VAD only if the first frame was passive.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
encoded_info_.payload_type = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_frame; ++i) {
return encoded_info_.payload_type != kCngPayloadType;
AudioEncoderCng::Config config_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioEncoderCng> cng_;
MockAudioEncoder mock_encoder_;
MockVad* mock_vad_; // Ownership is transferred to |cng_|.
uint32_t timestamp_;
int16_t audio_[kMaxNumSamples];
size_t num_audio_samples_10ms_;
std::vector<uint8_t> encoded_;
AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo encoded_info_;
int sample_rate_hz_;
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, CreateAndDestroy) {
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, CheckFrameSizePropagation) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket()).WillOnce(Return(17));
EXPECT_EQ(17, cng_->Num10MsFramesInNextPacket());
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, CheckChangeBitratePropagation) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, SetTargetBitrate(4711));
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, CheckProjectedPacketLossRatePropagation) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, SetProjectedPacketLossRate(0.5));
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCallsVad) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects1BlockPassiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(1, false);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects2BlocksPassiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(2, false);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects3BlocksPassiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(3, false);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects1BlockActiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(1, true);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects2BlocksActiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(2, true);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodeCollects3BlocksActiveSpeech) {
CheckBlockGrouping(3, true);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, EncodePassive) {
const int kBlocksPerFrame = 3;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
// Expect no calls at all to the speech encoder mock.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
uint32_t expected_timestamp = timestamp_;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
// Check if it was time to call the cng encoder. This is done once every
// |kBlocksPerFrame| calls.
if ((i + 1) % kBlocksPerFrame == 0) {
// Now check if a SID interval has elapsed.
if ((i % (config_.sid_frame_interval_ms / 10)) < kBlocksPerFrame) {
// If so, verify that we got a CNG encoding.
EXPECT_EQ(kCngPayloadType, encoded_info_.payload_type);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(config_.num_cng_coefficients) + 1,
EXPECT_EQ(expected_timestamp, encoded_info_.encoded_timestamp);
expected_timestamp += kBlocksPerFrame * num_audio_samples_10ms_;
} else {
// Otherwise, expect no output.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, encoded_info_.encoded_bytes);
// Verifies that the correct action is taken for frames with both active and
// passive speech.
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, MixedActivePassive) {
// All of the frame is active speech.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _))
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckMixedActivePassive(Vad::kActive, Vad::kActive));
// First half of the frame is active speech.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _))
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckMixedActivePassive(Vad::kActive, Vad::kPassive));
// Second half of the frame is active speech.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _))
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckMixedActivePassive(Vad::kPassive, Vad::kActive));
// All of the frame is passive speech. Expect no calls to |mock_encoder_|.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckMixedActivePassive(Vad::kPassive, Vad::kPassive));
// These tests verify that the audio is partitioned into larger blocks before
// calling the VAD.
// The parameters for CheckVadInputSize are:
// CheckVadInputSize(frame_size, expected_first_block_size,
// expected_second_block_size);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize10Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(10, 10, 0);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize20Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(20, 20, 0);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize30Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(30, 30, 0);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize40Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(40, 20, 20);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize50Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(50, 30, 20);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VadInputSize60Ms) {
CheckVadInputSize(60, 30, 30);
// Verifies that the correct payload type is set when CNG is encoded.
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VerifyCngPayloadType) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket()).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
encoded_info_.payload_type = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(kCngPayloadType, encoded_info_.payload_type);
// Verifies that a SID frame is encoded immediately as the signal changes from
// active speech to passive.
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngTest, VerifySidFrameAfterSpeech) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
// Start with encoding noise.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
EXPECT_EQ(kCngPayloadType, encoded_info_.payload_type);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(config_.num_cng_coefficients) + 1,
// Encode again, and make sure we got no frame at all (since the SID frame
// period is 100 ms by default).
EXPECT_EQ(0u, encoded_info_.encoded_bytes);
// Now encode active speech.
encoded_info_.payload_type = 0;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo info;
info.encoded_bytes = kMockReturnEncodedBytes;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, EncodeInternal(_, _, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(info));
EXPECT_EQ(kMockReturnEncodedBytes, encoded_info_.encoded_bytes);
// Go back to noise again, and verify that a SID frame is emitted.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, VoiceActivity(_, _, _))
EXPECT_EQ(kCngPayloadType, encoded_info_.payload_type);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(config_.num_cng_coefficients) + 1,
// This test fixture tests various error conditions that makes the
// AudioEncoderCng die via CHECKs.
class AudioEncoderCngDeathTest : public AudioEncoderCngTest {
AudioEncoderCngDeathTest() : AudioEncoderCngTest() {
// Don't provide a Vad mock object, since it will leak when the test dies.
config_.vad = NULL;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_vad_, Die()).Times(1);
delete mock_vad_;
mock_vad_ = NULL;
// Override AudioEncoderCngTest::TearDown, since that one expects a call to
// the destructor of |mock_vad_|. In this case, that object is already
// deleted.
void TearDown() override {
// Don't expect the cng_ object to delete the AudioEncoder object. But it
// will be deleted with the test fixture. This is why we explicitly delete
// the cng_ object above, and set expectations on mock_encoder_ afterwards.
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Die()).Times(1);
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngDeathTest, WrongFrameSize) {
num_audio_samples_10ms_ *= 2; // 20 ms frame.
EXPECT_DEATH(Encode(), "");
num_audio_samples_10ms_ = 0; // Zero samples.
EXPECT_DEATH(Encode(), "");
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngDeathTest, WrongNumCoefficients) {
config_.num_cng_coefficients = -1;
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
config_.num_cng_coefficients = 0;
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
config_.num_cng_coefficients = 13;
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngDeathTest, NullSpeechEncoder) {
config_.speech_encoder = NULL;
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngDeathTest, Stereo) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, NumChannels()).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
config_.num_channels = 2;
EXPECT_DEATH(CreateCng(), "Invalid configuration");
TEST_F(AudioEncoderCngDeathTest, EncoderFrameSizeTooLarge) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_encoder_, Num10MsFramesInNextPacket())
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
"Frame size cannot be larger than 60 ms when using VAD/CNG.");
} // namespace webrtc