blob: 0b09b1541d5b07e7d5448b6b9623f254f4ce75e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include "api/async_dns_resolver.h"
#include "api/ref_count.h"
#include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log.h"
#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
namespace cricket {
class IceTransportInternal;
class PortAllocator;
class IceControllerFactoryInterface;
class ActiveIceControllerFactoryInterface;
} // namespace cricket
namespace webrtc {
class FieldTrialsView;
// An ICE transport, as represented to the outside world.
// This object is refcounted, and is therefore alive until the
// last holder has released it.
class IceTransportInterface : public webrtc::RefCountInterface {
// Accessor for the internal representation of an ICE transport.
// The returned object can only be safely used on the signalling thread.
// TODO( Add API calls for the functions that have to
// be exposed to clients, and stop allowing access to the
// cricket::IceTransportInternal API.
virtual cricket::IceTransportInternal* internal() = 0;
struct IceTransportInit final {
IceTransportInit() = default;
IceTransportInit(const IceTransportInit&) = delete;
IceTransportInit(IceTransportInit&&) = default;
IceTransportInit& operator=(const IceTransportInit&) = delete;
IceTransportInit& operator=(IceTransportInit&&) = default;
cricket::PortAllocator* port_allocator() { return port_allocator_; }
void set_port_allocator(cricket::PortAllocator* port_allocator) {
port_allocator_ = port_allocator;
AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface* async_dns_resolver_factory() {
return async_dns_resolver_factory_;
void set_async_dns_resolver_factory(
AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface* async_dns_resolver_factory) {
async_dns_resolver_factory_ = async_dns_resolver_factory;
RtcEventLog* event_log() { return event_log_; }
void set_event_log(RtcEventLog* event_log) { event_log_ = event_log; }
void set_ice_controller_factory(
cricket::IceControllerFactoryInterface* ice_controller_factory) {
ice_controller_factory_ = ice_controller_factory;
cricket::IceControllerFactoryInterface* ice_controller_factory() {
return ice_controller_factory_;
// An active ICE controller actively manages the connection used by an ICE
// transport, in contrast with a legacy ICE controller that only picks the
// best connection to use or ping, and lets the transport decide when and
// whether to switch.
// Which ICE controller is used is determined as follows:
// 1. If an active ICE controller factory is supplied, it is used and
// the legacy ICE controller factory is not used.
// 2. If not, a default active ICE controller is used, wrapping over the
// supplied or the default legacy ICE controller.
void set_active_ice_controller_factory(
active_ice_controller_factory) {
active_ice_controller_factory_ = active_ice_controller_factory;
active_ice_controller_factory() {
return active_ice_controller_factory_;
const FieldTrialsView* field_trials() { return field_trials_; }
void set_field_trials(const FieldTrialsView* field_trials) {
field_trials_ = field_trials;
cricket::PortAllocator* port_allocator_ = nullptr;
AsyncDnsResolverFactoryInterface* async_dns_resolver_factory_ = nullptr;
RtcEventLog* event_log_ = nullptr;
cricket::IceControllerFactoryInterface* ice_controller_factory_ = nullptr;
cricket::ActiveIceControllerFactoryInterface* active_ice_controller_factory_ =
const FieldTrialsView* field_trials_ = nullptr;
// TODO( Redesign to have const members.
// TODO(qingsi): The factory interface is defined in this file instead of its
// namesake file ice_transport_factory.h to avoid the extra dependency on p2p/
// introduced there by the p2p/-dependent factory methods. Move the factory
// methods to a different file or rename it.
class IceTransportFactory {
virtual ~IceTransportFactory() = default;
// As a refcounted object, the returned ICE transport may outlive the host
// construct into which its reference is given, e.g. a peer connection. As a
// result, the returned ICE transport should not hold references to any object
// that the transport does not own and that has a lifetime bound to the host
// construct. Also, assumptions on the thread safety of the returned transport
// should be clarified by implementations. For example, a peer connection
// requires the returned transport to be constructed and destroyed on the
// network thread and an ICE transport factory that intends to work with a
// peer connection should offer transports compatible with these assumptions.
virtual rtc::scoped_refptr<IceTransportInterface> CreateIceTransport(
const std::string& transport_name,
int component,
IceTransportInit init) = 0;
} // namespace webrtc