blob: c03b053113c0d5cc13f8f0fe65be8dc40924cb72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "call/video_receive_stream.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "api/call/transport.h"
#include "api/rtp_headers.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/sdp_video_format.h"
#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
namespace webrtc {
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::Decoder(SdpVideoFormat video_format,
int payload_type)
: video_format(std::move(video_format)), payload_type(payload_type) {}
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::Decoder() : video_format("Unset") {}
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::Decoder(const Decoder&) = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::~Decoder() = default;
bool VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::operator==(
const Decoder& other) const {
return payload_type == other.payload_type &&
video_format == other.video_format;
std::string VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Decoder::ToString() const {
char buf[1024];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf);
ss << "{payload_type: " << payload_type;
ss << ", payload_name: " <<;
ss << ", codec_params: {";
for (auto it = video_format.parameters.begin();
it != video_format.parameters.end(); ++it) {
if (it != video_format.parameters.begin()) {
ss << ", ";
ss << it->first << ": " << it->second;
ss << '}';
ss << '}';
return ss.str();
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Stats::Stats() = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Stats::~Stats() = default;
std::string VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Stats::ToString(
int64_t time_ms) const {
char buf[2048];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf);
ss << "VideoReceiveStreamInterface stats: " << time_ms << ", {ssrc: " << ssrc
<< ", ";
ss << "total_bps: " << total_bitrate_bps << ", ";
// Spec-compliant stats are camelCased to distinguish them from
// the legacy and internal stats.
ss << "frameWidth: " << width << ", ";
ss << "frameHeight: " << height << ", ";
// TODO( `key` and `delta` will not
// perfectly match the other frame counters.
ss << "key: " << frame_counts.key_frames << ", ";
ss << "delta: " << frame_counts.delta_frames << ", ";
ss << "framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets: "
<< frames_assembled_from_multiple_packets << ", ";
ss << "framesDecoded: " << frames_decoded << ", ";
ss << "framesDropped: " << frames_dropped << ", ";
ss << "network_fps: " << network_frame_rate << ", ";
ss << "decode_fps: " << decode_frame_rate << ", ";
ss << "render_fps: " << render_frame_rate << ", ";
ss << "decode_ms: " << decode_ms << ", ";
ss << "max_decode_ms: " << max_decode_ms << ", ";
ss << "first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms: "
<< first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms << ", ";
ss << "current_delay_ms: " << current_delay_ms << ", ";
ss << "target_delay_ms: " << target_delay_ms << ", ";
ss << "jitter_delay_ms: " << jitter_buffer_ms << ", ";
ss << "totalAssemblyTime: " << total_assembly_time.seconds<double>() << ", ";
ss << "jitterBufferDelay: " << jitter_buffer_delay.seconds<double>() << ", ";
ss << "jitterBufferTargetDelay: "
<< jitter_buffer_target_delay.seconds<double>() << ", ";
ss << "jitterBufferEmittedCount: " << jitter_buffer_emitted_count << ", ";
ss << "jitterBufferMinimumDelay: "
<< jitter_buffer_minimum_delay.seconds<double>() << ", ";
ss << "totalDecodeTime: " << total_decode_time.seconds<double>() << ", ";
ss << "totalProcessingDelay: " << total_processing_delay.seconds<double>()
<< ", ";
ss << "min_playout_delay_ms: " << min_playout_delay_ms << ", ";
ss << "sync_offset_ms: " << sync_offset_ms << ", ";
ss << "cum_loss: " << rtp_stats.packets_lost << ", ";
ss << "nackCount: " << rtcp_packet_type_counts.nack_packets << ", ";
ss << "firCount: " << rtcp_packet_type_counts.fir_packets << ", ";
ss << "pliCount: " << rtcp_packet_type_counts.pli_packets;
ss << '}';
return ss.str();
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Config(const Config&) = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Config(Config&&) = default;
Transport* rtcp_send_transport,
VideoDecoderFactory* decoder_factory)
: decoder_factory(decoder_factory),
rtcp_send_transport(rtcp_send_transport) {}
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::operator=(Config&&) = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Config::~Config() = default;
std::string VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::ToString() const {
char buf[4 * 1024];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf);
ss << "{decoders: [";
for (size_t i = 0; i < decoders.size(); ++i) {
ss << decoders[i].ToString();
if (i != decoders.size() - 1)
ss << ", ";
ss << ']';
ss << ", rtp: " << rtp.ToString();
ss << ", renderer: " << (renderer ? "(renderer)" : "nullptr");
ss << ", render_delay_ms: " << render_delay_ms;
if (!sync_group.empty())
ss << ", sync_group: " << sync_group;
ss << '}';
return ss.str();
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Rtp::Rtp() = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Rtp::Rtp(const Rtp&) = default;
VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Rtp::~Rtp() = default;
std::string VideoReceiveStreamInterface::Config::Rtp::ToString() const {
char buf[2 * 1024];
rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(buf);
ss << "{remote_ssrc: " << remote_ssrc;
ss << ", local_ssrc: " << local_ssrc;
ss << ", rtcp_mode: "
<< (rtcp_mode == RtcpMode::kCompound ? "RtcpMode::kCompound"
: "RtcpMode::kReducedSize");
ss << ", rtcp_xr: ";
ss << "{receiver_reference_time_report: "
<< (rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report ? "on" : "off");
ss << '}';
ss << ", lntf: {enabled: " << (lntf.enabled ? "true" : "false") << '}';
ss << ", nack: {rtp_history_ms: " << nack.rtp_history_ms << '}';
ss << ", ulpfec_payload_type: " << ulpfec_payload_type;
ss << ", red_type: " << red_payload_type;
ss << ", rtx_ssrc: " << rtx_ssrc;
ss << ", rtx_payload_types: {";
for (auto& kv : rtx_associated_payload_types) {
ss << kv.first << " (pt) -> " << kv.second << " (apt), ";
ss << '}';
ss << ", raw_payload_types: {";
for (const auto& pt : raw_payload_types) {
ss << pt << ", ";
ss << '}';
ss << '}';
return ss.str();
} // namespace webrtc