blob: 47ecf9f0343faa6666801354a3477a99966bc1ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "video/config/encoder_stream_factory.h"
#include "call/adaptation/video_source_restrictions.h"
#include "test/explicit_key_value_config.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
using ::cricket::EncoderStreamFactory;
using test::ExplicitKeyValueConfig;
std::vector<Resolution> GetStreamResolutions(
const std::vector<VideoStream>& streams) {
std::vector<Resolution> res;
for (const auto& s : streams) {
if ( {
{rtc::checked_cast<int>(s.width), rtc::checked_cast<int>(s.height)});
return res;
VideoStream LayerWithRequestedResolution(Resolution res) {
VideoStream s;
s.requested_resolution = res;
return s;
} // namespace
TEST(EncoderStreamFactory, SinglecastRequestedResolution) {
ExplicitKeyValueConfig field_trials("");
VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo encoder_info;
auto factory = rtc::make_ref_counted<EncoderStreamFactory>(encoder_info);
VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config;
encoder_config.number_of_streams = 1;
LayerWithRequestedResolution({.width = 640, .height = 360}));
auto streams =
factory->CreateEncoderStreams(field_trials, 1280, 720, encoder_config);
(Resolution{.width = 640, .height = 360}));
EXPECT_EQ(GetStreamResolutions(streams), (std::vector<Resolution>{
{.width = 640, .height = 360},
TEST(EncoderStreamFactory, SinglecastRequestedResolutionWithAdaptation) {
ExplicitKeyValueConfig field_trials("");
VideoSourceRestrictions restrictions(
/* max_pixels_per_frame= */ (320 * 320),
/* target_pixels_per_frame= */ absl::nullopt,
/* max_frame_rate= */ absl::nullopt);
VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo encoder_info;
auto factory =
rtc::make_ref_counted<EncoderStreamFactory>(encoder_info, restrictions);
VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config;
encoder_config.number_of_streams = 1;
LayerWithRequestedResolution({.width = 640, .height = 360}));
auto streams =
factory->CreateEncoderStreams(field_trials, 1280, 720, encoder_config);
(Resolution{.width = 640, .height = 360}));
EXPECT_EQ(GetStreamResolutions(streams), (std::vector<Resolution>{
{.width = 320, .height = 180},
} // namespace webrtc