blob: 7d0b81c088a86a14b488575158b1e72d9d8e10c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "api/numerics/samples_stats_counter.h"
#include "api/test/network_emulation/ecn_marking_counter.h"
#include "api/transport/ecn_marking.h"
#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
#include "api/units/data_size.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "rtc_base/copy_on_write_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/ip_address.h"
#include "rtc_base/socket_address.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct EmulatedIpPacket {
EmulatedIpPacket(const rtc::SocketAddress& from,
const rtc::SocketAddress& to,
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer data,
Timestamp arrival_time,
uint16_t application_overhead = 0,
EcnMarking ecn = EcnMarking::kNotEct);
~EmulatedIpPacket() = default;
// This object is not copyable or assignable.
EmulatedIpPacket(const EmulatedIpPacket&) = delete;
EmulatedIpPacket& operator=(const EmulatedIpPacket&) = delete;
// This object is only moveable.
EmulatedIpPacket(EmulatedIpPacket&&) = default;
EmulatedIpPacket& operator=(EmulatedIpPacket&&) = default;
size_t size() const { return data.size(); }
const uint8_t* cdata() const { return data.cdata(); }
size_t ip_packet_size() const { return size() + headers_size; }
rtc::SocketAddress from;
rtc::SocketAddress to;
// Holds the UDP payload.
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer data;
uint16_t headers_size;
Timestamp arrival_time;
EcnMarking ecn;
// Interface for handling IP packets from an emulated network. This is used with
// EmulatedEndpoint to receive packets on a specific port.
class EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface {
virtual ~EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface() = default;
virtual void OnPacketReceived(EmulatedIpPacket packet) = 0;
struct EmulatedNetworkOutgoingStats {
int64_t packets_sent = 0;
DataSize bytes_sent = DataSize::Zero();
// Sizes of all sent packets.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter sent_packets_size;
DataSize first_sent_packet_size = DataSize::Zero();
// Time of the first packet sent or infinite value if no packets were sent.
Timestamp first_packet_sent_time = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();
// Time of the last packet sent or infinite value if no packets were sent.
Timestamp last_packet_sent_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
EcnMarkingCounter ecn_count;
// Returns average send rate. Requires that at least 2 packets were sent.
DataRate AverageSendRate() const;
struct EmulatedNetworkIncomingStats {
// Total amount of packets received with or without destination.
int64_t packets_received = 0;
// Total amount of bytes in received packets.
DataSize bytes_received = DataSize::Zero();
// Sizes of all received packets.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter received_packets_size;
// Total amount of packets that were received, but no destination was found.
int64_t packets_discarded_no_receiver = 0;
// Total amount of bytes in discarded packets.
DataSize bytes_discarded_no_receiver = DataSize::Zero();
// Sizes of all packets that were received, but no destination was found.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter packets_discarded_no_receiver_size;
DataSize first_received_packet_size = DataSize::Zero();
// Time of the first packet received or infinite value if no packets were
// received.
Timestamp first_packet_received_time = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();
// Time of the last packet received or infinite value if no packets were
// received.
Timestamp last_packet_received_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
EcnMarkingCounter ecn_count;
DataRate AverageReceiveRate() const;
struct EmulatedNetworkStats {
int64_t PacketsSent() const { return overall_outgoing_stats.packets_sent; }
DataSize BytesSent() const { return overall_outgoing_stats.bytes_sent; }
// Returns the timestamped sizes of all sent packets.
// Returned reference is valid until the next call to a non-const method.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
const SamplesStatsCounter& SentPacketsSizeCounter() const {
return overall_outgoing_stats.sent_packets_size;
DataSize FirstSentPacketSize() const {
return overall_outgoing_stats.first_sent_packet_size;
// Returns time of the first packet sent or infinite value if no packets were
// sent.
Timestamp FirstPacketSentTime() const {
return overall_outgoing_stats.first_packet_sent_time;
// Returns time of the last packet sent or infinite value if no packets were
// sent.
Timestamp LastPacketSentTime() const {
return overall_outgoing_stats.last_packet_sent_time;
DataRate AverageSendRate() const {
return overall_outgoing_stats.AverageSendRate();
// Total amount of packets received regardless of the destination address.
int64_t PacketsReceived() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.packets_received;
// Total amount of bytes in received packets.
DataSize BytesReceived() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.bytes_received;
// Returns the timestamped sizes of all received packets.
// Returned reference is valid until the next call to a non-const method.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
const SamplesStatsCounter& ReceivedPacketsSizeCounter() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.received_packets_size;
// Total amount of packets that were received, but no destination was found.
int64_t PacketsDiscardedNoReceiver() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.packets_discarded_no_receiver;
// Total amount of bytes in dropped packets.
DataSize BytesDiscardedNoReceiver() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.bytes_discarded_no_receiver;
// Returns counter with timestamped sizes of all packets that were received,
// but no destination was found.
// Returned reference is valid until the next call to a non-const method.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
const SamplesStatsCounter& PacketsDiscardedNoReceiverSizeCounter() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.packets_discarded_no_receiver_size;
DataSize FirstReceivedPacketSize() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.first_received_packet_size;
// Returns time of the first packet received or infinite value if no packets
// were received.
Timestamp FirstPacketReceivedTime() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.first_packet_received_time;
// Returns time of the last packet received or infinite value if no packets
// were received.
Timestamp LastPacketReceivedTime() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.last_packet_received_time;
DataRate AverageReceiveRate() const {
return overall_incoming_stats.AverageReceiveRate();
// List of IP addresses that were used to send data considered in this stats
// object.
std::vector<rtc::IPAddress> local_addresses;
// Overall outgoing stats for all IP addresses which were requested.
EmulatedNetworkOutgoingStats overall_outgoing_stats;
// Overall incoming stats for all IP addresses from which data was received
// on requested interfaces.
EmulatedNetworkIncomingStats overall_incoming_stats;
std::map<rtc::IPAddress, EmulatedNetworkOutgoingStats>
std::map<rtc::IPAddress, EmulatedNetworkIncomingStats>
// Duration between packet was received on network interface and was
// dispatched to the network in microseconds.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter sent_packets_queue_wait_time_us;
struct EmulatedNetworkNodeStats {
// Amount of time each packet spent in the emulated network node for which
// stats were collected.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter packet_transport_time;
// For each packet contains its size divided on the amount of time which it
// spent in the emulated network node for which stats were collected.
// Collected iff EmulatedNetworkStatsGatheringMode::kDebug is enabled.
SamplesStatsCounter size_to_packet_transport_time;
// EmulatedEndpoint is an abstraction for network interface on device. Instances
// of this are created by NetworkEmulationManager::CreateEndpoint and
// thread safe.
class EmulatedEndpoint : public EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface {
// Send packet into network.
// `from` will be used to set source address for the packet in destination
// socket.
// `to` will be used for routing verification and picking right socket by port
// on destination endpoint.
virtual void SendPacket(const rtc::SocketAddress& from,
const rtc::SocketAddress& to,
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer packet_data,
uint16_t application_overhead = 0,
EcnMarking ecn = EcnMarking::kNotEct) = 0;
// Binds receiver to this endpoint to send and receive data.
// `desired_port` is a port that should be used. If it is equal to 0,
// endpoint will pick the first available port starting from
// `kFirstEphemeralPort`.
// Returns the port, that should be used (it will be equals to desired, if
// `desired_port` != 0 and is free or will be the one, selected by endpoint)
// or std::nullopt if desired_port in used. Also fails if there are no more
// free ports to bind to.
// The Bind- and Unbind-methods must not be called from within a bound
// receiver's OnPacketReceived method.
virtual std::optional<uint16_t> BindReceiver(
uint16_t desired_port,
EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface* receiver) = 0;
// Unbinds receiver from the specified port. Do nothing if no receiver was
// bound before. After this method returns, no more packets can be delivered
// to the receiver, and it is safe to destroy it.
virtual void UnbindReceiver(uint16_t port) = 0;
// Binds receiver that will accept all packets which arrived on any port
// for which there are no bound receiver.
virtual void BindDefaultReceiver(
EmulatedNetworkReceiverInterface* receiver) = 0;
// Unbinds default receiver. Do nothing if no default receiver was bound
// before.
virtual void UnbindDefaultReceiver() = 0;
virtual rtc::IPAddress GetPeerLocalAddress() const = 0;
// Ensure that there can be no other subclass than EmulatedEndpointImpl. This
// means that it's always safe to downcast EmulatedEndpoint instances to
// EmulatedEndpointImpl.
friend class EmulatedEndpointImpl;
EmulatedEndpoint() = default;
// Simulates a TCP connection, this roughly implements the Reno algorithm. In
// difference from TCP this only support sending messages with a fixed length,
// no streaming. This is useful to simulate signaling and cross traffic using
// message based protocols such as HTTP. It differs from UDP messages in that
// they are guranteed to be delivered eventually, even on lossy networks.
class TcpMessageRoute {
// Sends a TCP message of the given `size` over the route, `on_received` is
// called when the message has been delivered. Note that the connection
// parameters are reset iff there's no currently pending message on the route.
virtual void SendMessage(size_t size, std::function<void()> on_received) = 0;
~TcpMessageRoute() = default;
} // namespace webrtc