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Artem Titova168bb92021-04-13 09:23:591<?% config.freshness.reviewed = '2021-04-12' %?>
3# PeerConnection Level Framework
5## API
7* [Fixture][1]
8* [Fixture factory function][2]
10## Documentation
12The PeerConnection level framework is designed for end-to-end media quality
13testing through the PeerConnection level public API. The framework uses the
14*Unified plan* API to generate offers/answers during the signaling phase. The
15framework also wraps the video encoder/decoder and inject it into
16*`webrtc::PeerConnection`* to measure video quality, performing 1:1 frames
17matching between captured and rendered frames without any extra requirements to
18input video. For audio quality evaluation the standard `GetStats()` API from
19PeerConnection is used.
21The framework API is located in the namespace *`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e`*.
23### Supported features
25* Single or bidirectional media in the call
26* RTC Event log dump per peer
27* AEC dump per peer
28* Compatible with *`webrtc::TimeController`* for both real and simulated time
29* Media
30 * AV sync
31* Video
32 * Any amount of video tracks both from caller and callee sides
33 * Input video from
34 * Video generator
35 * Specified file
36 * Any instance of *`webrtc::test::FrameGeneratorInterface`*
37 * Dumping of captured/rendered video into file
38 * Screen sharing
39 * Vp8 simulcast from caller side
40 * Vp9 SVC from caller side
41 * Choosing of video codec (name and parameters), having multiple codecs
42 negotiated to support codec-switching testing.
43 * FEC (ULP or Flex)
44 * Forced codec overshooting (for encoder overshoot emulation on some
45 mobile devices, when hardware encoder can overshoot target bitrate)
46* Audio
47 * Up to 1 audio track both from caller and callee sides
48 * Generated audio
49 * Audio from specified file
50 * Dumping of captured/rendered audio into file
51 * Parameterizing of `cricket::AudioOptions`
52 * Echo emulation
53* Injection of various WebRTC components into underlying
54 *`webrtc::PeerConnection`* or *`webrtc::PeerConnectionFactory`*. You can see
55 the full list [here][11]
56* Scheduling of events, that can happen during the test, for example:
57 * Changes in network configuration
58 * User statistics measurements
59 * Custom defined actions
60* User defined statistics reporting via
61 *`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestFixture::QualityMetricsReporter`*
62 interface
64## Exported metrics
66### General
68* *`<peer_name>_connected`* - peer successfully established connection to
69 remote side
70* *`cpu_usage`* - CPU usage excluding video analyzer
71* *`audio_ahead_ms`* - Used to estimate how much audio and video is out of
72 sync when the two tracks were from the same source. Stats are polled
73 periodically during a call. The metric represents how much earlier was audio
74 played out on average over the call. If, during a stats poll, video is
75 ahead, then audio_ahead_ms will be equal to 0 for this poll.
76* *`video_ahead_ms`* - Used to estimate how much audio and video is out of
77 sync when the two tracks were from the same source. Stats are polled
78 periodically during a call. The metric represents how much earlier was video
79 played out on average over the call. If, during a stats poll, audio is
80 ahead, then video_ahead_ms will be equal to 0 for this poll.
82### Video
84See documentation for
87### Audio
89* *`accelerate_rate`* - when playout is sped up, this counter is increased by
90 the difference between the number of samples received and the number of
91 samples played out. If speedup is achieved by removing samples, this will be
92 the count of samples removed. Rate is calculated as difference between
93 nearby samples divided on sample interval.
94* *`expand_rate`* - the total number of samples that are concealed samples
95 over time. A concealed sample is a sample that was replaced with synthesized
96 samples generated locally before being played out. Examples of samples that
97 have to be concealed are samples from lost packets or samples from packets
98 that arrive too late to be played out
99* *`speech_expand_rate`* - the total number of samples that are concealed
100 samples minus the total number of concealed samples inserted that are
101 "silent" over time. Playing out silent samples results in silence or comfort
102 noise.
103* *`preemptive_rate`* - when playout is slowed down, this counter is increased
104 by the difference between the number of samples received and the number of
105 samples played out. If playout is slowed down by inserting samples, this
106 will be the number of inserted samples. Rate is calculated as difference
107 between nearby samples divided on sample interval.
108* *`average_jitter_buffer_delay_ms`* - average size of NetEQ jitter buffer.
109* *`preferred_buffer_size_ms`* - preferred size of NetEQ jitter buffer.
110* *`visqol_mos`* - proxy for audio quality itself.
111* *`asdm_samples`* - measure of how much acceleration/deceleration was in the
112 signal.
113* *`word_error_rate`* - measure of how intelligible the audio was (percent of
114 words that could not be recognized in output audio).
116### Network
118* *`bytes_sent`* - represents the total number of payload bytes sent on this
119 PeerConnection, i.e., not including headers or padding
120* *`packets_sent`* - represents the total number of packets sent over this
121 PeerConnection’s transports.
122* *`average_send_rate`* - average send rate calculated on bytes_sent divided
123 by test duration.
124* *`payload_bytes_sent`* - total number of bytes sent for all SSRC plus total
125 number of RTP header and padding bytes sent for all SSRC. This does not
126 include the size of transport layer headers such as IP or UDP.
127* *`sent_packets_loss`* - packets_sent minus corresponding packets_received.
128* *`bytes_received`* - represents the total number of bytes received on this
129 PeerConnection, i.e., not including headers or padding.
130* *`packets_received`* - represents the total number of packets received on
131 this PeerConnection’s transports.
132* *`average_receive_rate`* - average receive rate calculated on bytes_received
133 divided by test duration.
134* *`payload_bytes_received`* - total number of bytes received for all SSRC
135 plus total number of RTP header and padding bytes received for all SSRC.
136 This does not include the size of transport layer headers such as IP or UDP.
138### Framework stability
140* *`frames_in_flight`* - amount of frames that were captured but wasn't seen
141 on receiver in the way that also all frames after also weren't seen on
142 receiver.
143* *`bytes_discarded_no_receiver`* - total number of bytes that were received
144 on network interfaces related to the peer, but destination port was closed.
145* *`packets_discarded_no_receiver`* - total number of packets that were
146 received on network interfaces related to the peer, but destination port was
147 closed.
149## Examples
151Examples can be found in
153* [][3]
154* [][4]
156## Stats plotting
158### Description
160Stats plotting provides ability to plot statistic collected during the test.
161Right now it is used in PeerConnection level framework and give ability to see
162how video quality metrics changed during test execution.
164### Usage
166To make any metrics plottable you need:
1681. Collect metric data with [SamplesStatsCounter][5] which internally will
169 store all intermediate points and timestamps when these points were added.
1702. Then you need to report collected data with
171 [`webrtc::test::PrintResult(...)`][6]. By using these method you will also
172 specify name of the plottable metric.
174After these steps it will be possible to export your metric for plotting. There
175are several options how you can do this:
1771. Use [`webrtc::TestMain::Create()`][7] as `main` function implementation, for
178 example use [`test/`][8] as `main` function for your test.
180 In such case your binary will have flag `--plot`, where you can provide a
181 list of metrics, that you want to plot or specify `all` to plot all
182 available metrics.
184 If `--plot` is specified, the binary will output metrics data into `stdout`.
185 Then you need to pipe this `stdout` into python plotter script
186 [`rtc_tools/`][9], which will plot data.
188 Examples:
190 ```shell
191 $ ./out/Default/test_support_unittests \
192 --gtest_filter=PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestSmokeTest.Svc \
193 --nologs \
194 --plot=all \
195 | python rtc_tools/
196 ```
198 ```shell
199 $ ./out/Default/test_support_unittests \
200 --gtest_filter=PeerConnectionE2EQualityTestSmokeTest.Svc \
201 --nologs \
202 --plot=psnr,ssim \
203 | python rtc_tools/
204 ```
206 Example chart: ![PSNR changes during the test](in_test_psnr_plot.png)
2082. Use API from [`test/testsupport/perf_test.h`][10] directly by invoking
209 `webrtc::test::PrintPlottableResults(const std::vector<std::string>&
210 desired_graphs)` to print plottable metrics to stdout. Then as in previous
211 option you need to pipe result into plotter script.
Tony Herreb0ed1202021-07-22 15:40:44213[1]:;drc=cbe6e8a2589a925d4c91a2ac2c69201f03de9c39